Custom Query (477 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 477)

1 2 3 4 5
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#424 "Can't access tty..." error on Mondo restore victor gattegno defect normal mondo
#520 Error in kill_anything_like_this () function victor gattegno defect normal 3.0.0 mondo
#631 /bin/lsmod is missing in minimal.conf victor gattegno defect normal 3.0.3 mindi
#674 Error in mondorescue howto victor gattegno enhancement low 3.0.4 mondo
#677 modinfo error in mindi - modprobe impacted victor gattegno defect normal 3.0.4 mindi
#686 mindi grub files content victor gattegno defect low 3.0.4 mindi
#713 iproute error in mindi start-nfs victor gattegno defect high 3.0.5 mindi
#734 Total size of all biggiefiles victor gattegno enhancement normal 3.2.0 mondo
#391 Mindi dose not include sata_svw driver. robert lin enhancement normal mindi
#755 mondo-3.2.020140909023327-r3313 Error in rue defect normal 3.2.0 mondo
#2 lilo choice should not be proposed for bootable CD creation Bruno Cornec defect low 2.2.7 mindi
#3 Exclude field in the GUI is too short Bruno Cornec defect low mondo
#4 Search for VG's in analyse-my-lvm Bruno Cornec defect normal 2.2.0 mindi
#6 mondorestor doesn't ask for prefix during selectve restore Bruno Cornec defect normal 2.2.0 mondo
#7 mondorestore core dumps after selective restore Bruno Cornec defect normal 2.2.7 mondo
#8 Mondorestore not reading US English keyboard Bruno Cornec defect low 2.0.9 mondo
#9 RHEL4 ZCR support using i2o_block and i2o_core Bruno Cornec defect normal 2.0.9 mondo
#11 Mindi does not find (some) needed kernel modules Bruno Cornec defect normal 2.2.7 mindi
#12 Unable to backup filenames with pattern *\'* Bruno Cornec defect normal 2.0.9 mondo
#13 log files between mondoarchive and mondorestore should be different Bruno Cornec enhancement low 2.2.2 mondo
#14 -E switch bug Bruno Cornec defect normal 2.2.0 mondo
#16 Does not backup a file greater than 2 GB Bruno Cornec defect high 2.0.9 mondo
#17 /proc/mdstat parser bug Bruno Cornec defect normal 2.2.0 mondo
#19 Failsafe kernel installs where Mondo can't find it Bruno Cornec defect normal 2.0.9 mondo
#20 During restore there is pollution on screen Bruno Cornec defect low 2.2.0 mondo
#21 prefix from PXE server should be used first Bruno Cornec defect normal 2.2.0 mondo
#22 LVM + RHEL4 + LABEL doesn't work Bruno Cornec defect high 2.0.9 mondo
#24 ps command takes no parameter in restore Bruno Cornec defect high 2.2.0 mondo
#25 Ehternet Bonding Bruno Cornec defect normal 2.2.0 mondo
#28 Do not restore partition option Bruno Cornec enhancement low 2.2.9 mondo
#29 Add OBDR support Bruno Cornec enhancement normal 2.2.6 mondo
#30 Support for mdadm over raidtools Bruno Cornec defect high 2.0.9 mindi
#31 Support for mdadm over raidtools Bruno Cornec defect high 2.0.9 mondo
#32 Recreate HW Log. Vol Bruno Cornec enhancement low 2.2.5 mindi
#33 Write start and finish time to log Bruno Cornec enhancement low 2.2.0 mondo
#34 improved ia64 support Bruno Cornec enhancement low 2.2.5 mondo
#37 busybox enhancement Bruno Cornec enhancement low 2.2.0 mindi
#41 Changelog in RPMs is broken Bruno Cornec defect normal 2.0.9 mondo
#43 Script mondobackup for Skolelinux Bruno Cornec defect highest mondo
#45 Output -i ISO should have ablity to set unique string or datestamp in iso name Bruno Cornec enhancement normal mondo
#46 Small typo in /usr/sbin/mindi Bruno Cornec defect normal 2.2.0 mondo
#63 mondoarchive slow for large number of files, particukarly with attr package installed Bruno Cornec defect normal 2.2.1 mondo
#64 Mondarchive crashes with "buffer overflow detected" while building catalog Bruno Cornec defect normal 2.2.3 mondo
#66 restore fails sme7 (=rhel4) 2.0.9-2 Bruno Cornec defect high 2.2.1 mondo
#68 LVM log. volumes are not resized using factor which creates problems when restoring Bruno Cornec enhancement normal 3.2.2 mondo
#70 Problem with mondoarchive Bruno Cornec defect high 2.2.3 mondo
#71 mondo doesn't work on x86_64 Bruno Cornec defect highest 2.2.0 mondo
#72 Mondo restore doesn't recognise USB keyboard on system without ps/2 ports Bruno Cornec defect normal 2.2.0 mindi
#73 mondorestore segfault Bruno Cornec defect normal 3.0.2 mondo
#74 Mondo hangs at at libmondo-devices.c:1631 in mount_CDROM_here Bruno Cornec defect normal 2.2.7 mondo
#77 Add support for mdv2007.0 Bruno Cornec enhancement normal 2.2.0 mondo
#79 tools/svn2build fails on CentOS 4.4 x86_64 Bruno Cornec defect normal 2.2.0 mondo
#81 Failed dependencies Bruno Cornec task normal 2.2.0 mondo
#84 build x86_64 packages for popular distros Bruno Cornec enhancement normal 2.2.4 mondo
#87 LABEL= swap does not come online after mondorestore Bruno Cornec defect normal 2.2.1 mondo
#88 Install problem with mindi-busybox-1.2.1-2.rhel4.i586 Bruno Cornec defect low 2.2.1 mindi
#89 no imgname variable in environment Bruno Cornec defect normal 2.2.1 mondo
#90 mondoarchive fails when using space in the prefix Bruno Cornec defect normal 2.2.1 mondo
#93 Install on a slackware Bruno Cornec task normal 2.2.1 mondo
#96 mondorestore seg fault + grep errors Bruno Cornec defect high 2.2.3 mondo
#97 mondoarchive seg fault on fedora core 5 Bruno Cornec defect normal 2.2.3 mondo
#100 mindi did "rm -Rf /home" ?! (Debian) Bruno Cornec defect highest 2.2.1 mindi
#101 problem with ps options Bruno Cornec defect normal 2.2.1 mondo
#102 /dev/shm Problem Bruno Cornec defect normal 2.2.7 mondo
#103 mindi doesn't support UUID needed for Ubuntu 6.10 and VMWare Bruno Cornec enhancement high 2.2.5 mondo
#105 mondo cd/dvd starts boot but requires floppy and stops Bruno Cornec defect high 2.2.1 mondo
#106 computer stops responding completely when eject command sent to dvd Bruno Cornec defect normal mondo
#108 /dev fills up to 100% and stops Bruno Cornec defect high 2.2.9 mondo
#112 grub doesn't install when changing type of disk Bruno Cornec defect normal 2.2.6 mondo
#113 mondo should be able to use gzip Bruno Cornec enhancement normal 2.2.1 mondo
#114 mondorestore should support -p Bruno Cornec defect normal 2.2.4 mondo
#115 Allow mondo to create bootable USB keys to restore from Bruno Cornec enhancement normal 2.2.5 mondo
#117 Mondo does not support boot loader not in MBR Bruno Cornec defect normal 2.2.4 mondo
#119 Devices like /dev/sdn* are not created Bruno Cornec defect high 2.2.2 mondo
#120 Mondorestore fails with kernel panic on opensuse 10.2 Bruno Cornec defect normal 2.2.2 mondo
#121 incorrect tmp dir used by mindi for copying gawk to Bruno Cornec defect normal 2.2.2 mindi
#123 Add support for Slackware 11.0 Bruno Cornec defect normal 2.2.2 mondo
#124 /tmp does not automatically get excluded Bruno Cornec defect normal 2.2.2 mondo
#127 Changing MondoArchive ISO Image default Size Bruno Cornec defect high 3.0.1 mondo
#128 elilo is the default boot loader for mindi on ia64 Bruno Cornec defect normal 2.2.2 mondo
#129 copy elilo info in 2 places om ia64 Bruno Cornec defect normal 2.2.2 mondo
#132 failed to unmount dvd (after first dvd) and restore is stack Bruno Cornec defect high 2.2.8 mondo
#134 mondoarchive crash on FC6 - malloc() : memory corruption Bruno Cornec defect normal 2.2.3 mondo
#135 Add support for Red Hat GFS (Global File System) Bruno Cornec enhancement normal 2.2.6 mondo
#136 mondorestore hang - no floppy present Bruno Cornec defect normal 2.2.5 mondo
#137 Need help in exclude more then 35 mount points Bruno Cornec task high 2.2.5 mondo
#140 Fatal error when creating boot disks Bruno Cornec enhancement normal 2.2.3 mindi
#141 Packages should be signed Bruno Cornec enhancement normal mondo
#142 mindi doesn't find mindi-busybox on Debian (bruno's packages) Bruno Cornec defect normal mondo
#144 SSH or Telnet connection to target system during restore Bruno Cornec enhancement normal 2.2.9 mondo
#145 Cannot install Mindi on RHEL4/U4/IA64 Bruno Cornec defect normal 2.2.5 mindi
#146 USB keyboard stops responding during mondorestore Bruno Cornec defect high 2.2.2 mindi
#148 parity issue with mdadm in mondorestore Bruno Cornec defect normal 2.2.4 mondo
#150 Restore crashes during ext3 format of LVM Bruno Cornec defect normal 2.2.4 mondo
#151 Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(1,0) FC6 Bruno Cornec defect high 2.2.3 mindi-kernel
#153 pre+post script & answer file Bruno Cornec enhancement normal 4.0.0 mondo
#154 Troubleshooting with sh -x and Ubuntu, Replace == for stricter POSIX conformance with = Bruno Cornec defect normal 2.2.3 mindi
#155 Even with exclude list,full scan of system is done Bruno Cornec defect normal 2.2.7 mondo
#156 Bad TMPDIR in mindi.conf causes 'mv /* mondo_tmp' Bruno Cornec defect normal 2.2.9 mindi
#158 restore-script edit-mountlist runs 'mondo-restore' (typo) Bruno Cornec defect normal mondo
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