Opened 18 years ago

Closed 18 years ago

#97 closed defect (fixed)

mondoarchive seg fault on fedora core 5

Reported by: Bruno Cornec Owned by: Bruno Cornec
Priority: normal Milestone: 2.2.3
Component: mondo Version: 2.2.0
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: info@…


Mondoarchive create regolary boot disk bat after few second of preparing data an error occur:

SIGABRT signal received from OS
Abort - probably failed assertion. I'm sleeping for a few seconds so you can read the message.

System Fedora core 5.

Log file:

       [Main] libmondo-devices.c->which_boot_loader#2789: looking at drive /dev/hda's MBR
        [Main] libmondo-devices.c->which_boot_loader#2804: 1 grubs and 0 lilos

        [Main] libmondo-devices.c->interactively_obtain_media_parameters_from_user#2381: isodir = /root/images/mondo
        [Main] libmondo-devices.c->interactively_obtain_media_parameters_from_user#2382: nfs_mount = ''
        [Main] libmondo-devices.c->interactively_obtain_media_parameters_from_user#2385: media device =
        [Main] libmondo-devices.c->interactively_obtain_media_parameters_from_user#2386: media size = 4096
        [Main] libmondo-devices.c->interactively_obtain_media_parameters_from_user#2388: media type = iso
        [Main] libmondo-devices.c->interactively_obtain_media_parameters_from_user#2389: prefix = mondorescue
        [Main] libmondo-devices.c->interactively_obtain_media_parameters_from_user#2390: compression = 9
        [Main] libmondo-devices.c->interactively_obtain_media_parameters_from_user#2391: include_paths = '/'
        [Main] libmondo-devices.c->interactively_obtain_media_parameters_from_user#2392: exclude_paths = '/u /public'
        [Main] libmondo-devices.c->interactively_obtain_media_parameters_from_user#2393: scratchdir = '//mondo.scratch.2489
        [Main] libmondo-devices.c->interactively_obtain_media_parameters_from_user#2394: tmpdir = '//tmp.mondo.23389'
        [Main] libmondo-devices.c->interactively_obtain_media_parameters_from_user#2396: boot_device = '/dev/hda' (loader=G
[Main] libmondo-tools.c->post_param_configuration#591: Foo
        [Main] libmondo-tools.c->post_param_configuration#645: It doesn't seem you have enough swap to use tmpfs. Fine.
        [Main] libmondo-tools.c->post_param_configuration#800: isodir = /root/images/mondo
        [Main] libmondo-tools.c->post_param_configuration#803: command = df -P /root/images/mondo | tail -n1 | cut -d' ' -f
        [Main] libmondo-tools.c->post_param_configuration#805: res of it = /dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00
        [Main] libmondo-tools.c->post_param_configuration#815: command = mount | grep -w /dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00 |
tail -n1 | cut -d' ' -f3
        [Main] libmondo-tools.c->post_param_configuration#817: res of it = /
        [Main] libmondo-tools.c->post_param_configuration#824: isomnt: /, 1
        [Main] libmondo-tools.c->post_param_configuration#833: isodir: root/images/mondo
        [Main] libmondo-tools.c->post_param_configuration#836: iso-prefix: mondorescue
        [Main] libmondo-tools.c->post_param_configuration#867: Finished processing incoming params
Archiving regular files to media
Archiving regular files
                        [Main] libmondo-archive.c->create_afio_files_in_background#1186:
       [25467:0] - EXATing 0...
                        [Main] libmondo-archive.c->create_afio_files_in_background#1186:
       [25467:1] - EXATing 1...
                        [Main] libmondo-files.c->find_home_of_exe#431: find_home_of_exe () --- Found getfattr at /usr/bin/g
                        [Main] libmondo-files.c->find_home_of_exe#431: find_home_of_exe () --- Found getfattr at /usr/bin/g
                        [Main] libmondo-files.c->find_home_of_exe#431: find_home_of_exe () --- Found getfacl at /usr/bin/ge
        [Main] libmondo-filelist.c->get_acl_list#620: libmondo-filelist.c, get_acl_list, 620: getfacl --all-effective -P //
tmp.mondo.23389/filelist.1 2>> /var/log/mondo-archive.log | gzip -c1 > //tmp.mondo.23389/acl_list.1.gz 2>> /var/log/mondo-a
getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names
                        [Main] libmondo-archive.c->create_afio_files_in_background#1195:
       [25467:1] - archiving 1...
                        [Main] libmondo-archive.c->create_afio_files_in_background#1222:
       [25467:1] - archived 1 OK
                        [Main] libmondo-archive.c->create_afio_files_in_background#1186:
       [25467:1] - EXATing 2...
                        [Main] libmondo-files.c->find_home_of_exe#431: find_home_of_exe () --- Found getfattr at /usr/bin/g
SIGABRT signal received from OS
Abort - probably failed assertion. I'm sleeping for a few seconds so you can read the message.
        [Main] libmondo-fifo.c->kill_buffer#247: kill_buffer() --- command = ps auxww | grep -F "" | grep -Fv grep | awk '{
print $1;}' | grep -v PID | tr -s '
' ' ' | awk '{ print $1; }'
SIGHUP signal received from OS
Hangup on line
        [Main] libmondo-fifo.c->kill_buffer#247: kill_buffer() --- command = ps auxww | grep -F "" | grep -Fv grep | awk '{
print $1;}' | grep -v PID | tr -s '
' ' ' | awk '{ print $1; }'

Change History (6)

comment:1 by Bruno Cornec, 18 years ago

Status: newassigned

Maybe related to debianBTS(379938)

comment:2 by Bruno Cornec, 18 years ago

Could you check which version of newt you have please, and also if you have any fribidi package installed ?

comment:3 by Bruno Cornec, 18 years ago

Could you use the latest 2.2.1 version of mondo (+ 1.2.1 for mindi and 1.2.2 for mindi-busybox) and report back ? Also could you check which version of newt you have please, and also if you have any fribidi package installed ?

comment:4 by Bruno Cornec, 18 years ago


Now that 2.2.2 is officially published on could you check again if this has been solved for good or not ? I'd like to close the bug asap.

comment:5 by Bruno Cornec, 18 years ago


Now that 2.2.3 is officially published on could you check again if this has been solved for good or not ? I'd like to close the bug asap. (Do not use 2.2.2 it has a nasty bug on bzip2 compression)

comment:6 by Bruno Cornec, 18 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed
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