Opened 18 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#144 closed enhancement (fixed)

SSH or Telnet connection to target system during restore

Reported by: eboniface Owned by: Bruno Cornec
Priority: normal Milestone: 2.2.9
Component: mondo Version: 2.2.1
Severity: normal Keywords: remote connection restore


It would be nice to be able to connect to the target system (through SSH or telnet) so that we can easily operate on the target system after the ISO boot.

For instance, I play with a DVD mondo image on a lame in a Blade and I only have access to a Java console with very bad keyboard inputs... a real horror.

Change History (2)

comment:1 by Bruno Cornec, 15 years ago

Milestone: 2.2.10
Status: newassigned

telnet doesn't seem like a good idea. I'll work for sshd support in 2.2.10

comment:2 by Bruno Cornec, 15 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

sshd is now integrated in mindi as of 2.0.7. So you should be able if booting with at least the net option (or pxe) to launch sshd on a terminal and be anle to connect to the system.

let me know your feedback on this.

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