Opened 13 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#631 closed defect (fixed)

/bin/lsmod is missing in minimal.conf

Reported by: victor gattegno Owned by: victor gattegno
Priority: normal Milestone: 3.0.3
Component: mindi Version: 3.0.2
Severity: normal Keywords: lsmod SLES


Booting on a backup made from SLES 11 SP2, I see that /sbin/lsmod is a link to /bin/lsmod, but it's not working because /bin/lsmod is not present.

I checked ; /bin/lsmod is missing in minimal.conf

I'll add /bin/lsmod in minimal.conf

Attachments (1)

busybox mod lsmod etc.jpg (119.6 KB ) - added by victor gattegno 13 years ago.
busybox rmmod etc -- and lsmod bug

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (6)

comment:1 by victor gattegno, 13 years ago

In fact, lsmod is embedded in mindi-busybox...

So, instead adding /bin/lsmod to minimal.conf, /sbin/lsmod should be linked to /bin/busybox (as it's already done for depmod, lsmod, modinfo and rmmod).

comment:2 by victor gattegno, 13 years ago

It's already done for depmod, modinfo and rmmod, which are linked to ../bin/busybox.

So /sbin/lsmod should be linked to ../bin/busybox too.

by victor gattegno, 13 years ago

Attachment: busybox mod lsmod etc.jpg added

busybox rmmod etc -- and lsmod bug

comment:3 by victor gattegno, 13 years ago

Bruno, I don't find in the mondo/mindi/mindi-busybox sources where you link depmod, modinfo and rmmod to ../bin/busybox. Could you please enlight me on this ?

comment:4 by victor gattegno, 13 years ago

Meanwhile I can do in the shell: "busybox lsmod" or "ln -sf /bin/busybox /sbin/lsmod"...

But, anyway, /sbin/lsmod should be linked to /bin/busybox at mindi boot.

I could add a "ln -sf /bin/busybox /sbin/lsmod" in /usr/sbin/mindi but I would prefer to add lsmod to the list of files (depmod, modinfo, rmmod) linked to busybox...

How did you do it, Bruno ?

comment:5 by Bruno Cornec, 12 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

links are managed automagically by the build procedure of busybox.

lsmod has never been under /bin in fact in the past as far as I remember on any Linux distro. However I can't blam SLES 11 SP2 as it's not in the FHS :-(

Si I'm adding it to minimal.conf as it's the best way for now to support distro differences. Fixed in rev [3038]

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