Opened 18 years ago

Closed 18 years ago

Last modified 18 years ago

#105 closed defect (fixed)

mondo cd/dvd starts boot but requires floppy and stops

Reported by: jsoff Owned by: Bruno Cornec
Priority: high Milestone: 2.2.1
Component: mondo Version: 2.2.0
Severity: major Keywords: mondo disk won't boot


mindi mondo 2.20-2 busybox 1.2.1-3

A mondo cd/dvd will not boot fully and stops while asking for a floppy on a no floppy backup and a no floppy computer. The boot process prompt appears I enter "expert" it continues to boot until it says to copy images to a floppy and stops there.

The backup correctly identifies lilo and /dev/sda

FOLVr switches

These disks will boot on another machine that has a floppy.

I can boot the suse install disk on the machine in question.

Logs attached

Attachments (2)

mylogs.tgz (13.4 KB ) - added by jsoff 18 years ago.
cimg0029-3.jpg (214.8 KB ) - added by jsoff 18 years ago.
picture of boot stoppage

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (14)

by jsoff, 18 years ago

Attachment: mylogs.tgz added

comment:1 by jsoff, 18 years ago

Forgot to report all drives are SATA

comment:2 by jsoff, 18 years ago

replaced drive did not help this issue and wrote knoppix 5 iso to disk and it boots OK

comment:3 by Bruno Cornec, 18 years ago

> mondo cd/dvd starts boot but requires floppy and stops

Are you sure you wait sufficiently to have mondorestore start ?
What are the latests messages before problem ?
Any log file you can get from another tty ?

comment:4 by jsoff, 18 years ago

I ran an experiment and installed a floppy. NO CHANGE.

Also usb kdeyboard is not operational at the stop point.

comment:5 by jsoff, 18 years ago

Are you sure you wait sufficiently to have mondorestore start ?

I would assume yes, I enter expert and wait till what I think is the end, but what would be a good test time?

What are the latests messages before problem ?

I'll try to take a picture of the tty.

Any log file you can get from another tty ?

Not sure what you want here? You mean a machine that works?

by jsoff, 18 years ago

Attachment: cimg0029-3.jpg added

picture of boot stoppage

comment:6 by Bruno Cornec, 18 years ago

that message can only happen when the remaining part of the mondo files are not found. So your CD is NOT correctly seen. I don't know why, but you should search in that erea. Maybe an issue with the device used when restoring

comment:7 by jsoff, 18 years ago

It's the same device that is use to make the disk. Mondo sees it OK to make the backup. Boy am I sad if I can't use mondo.

comment:8 by jsoff, 18 years ago

More info... I did some more playing around, otherwise known as testing and discovered this Dell E520 SATA drive setup has hardware Raid enabled and only one Hard drive. I turned off the raid in the bios and the mondorescue disk booted all the way to expert.

Should Mondo recognize this and act accordingly?

The machine is apparently using the raid because I bravely booted with the raid off and the boot stopped along the way. Turned back on OK

comment:9 by jsoff, 18 years ago

I have also determined the this machine has Intel Matrix Storage manager installed. The drivers might be called aacraid. lsmod does not show them loaded. So it's a mystery. But during the bios portion of the boot there is a matrix manager splash on the screen.

Does this help any?

comment:10 by Bruno Cornec, 18 years ago

>  The drivers might be called aacraid. lsmod does not show them
>  loaded. So it's a mystery. But during the bios portion of the boot there
>  is a matrix manager splash on the screen.

aacraid drivers are handled by mindi for a long time. 
The splash screen is just to mask the BIOS of that card I guess.

So it doesn't seem to help here.

comment:11 by jsoff, 18 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

adding ahci modulke to IDE_MODS list in mindi fixed the issue.

comment:12 by Bruno Cornec, 18 years ago

Milestone: 2.2.1

Fixed in rev [1010]

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