Custom Query (65 matches)


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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#627 Mondorestore CTL+ALT+DEL Fails to Cancel Repartitioning Bruno Cornec defect highest 3.0.5 mondo
#869 No Release File Bruno Cornec defect highest 3.3.0 mondo
#870 Mondo Backup failed with error --> *** buffer overflow detected ***: mondoarchive terminated Bruno Cornec defect highest 3.3.0 mondo
#1 sprintf used without checks Bruno Cornec defect high 3.3.1 mondo
#36 mondoarchive should use an FHS-compliant location Bruno Cornec enhancement high 4.0.1 mondo
#168 Make ALL kernel modules be visible during restore Bruno Cornec enhancement high 4.0.2 mondo
#280 Unable to backup to multiple tapes Bruno Cornec defect high mondo
#338 restore problem Bruno Cornec defect high mondo
#628 3.0.2-1 Fail to Restore from External Hard Disk Bruno Cornec defect high 3.0.5 mondo
#714 Cannot restore iso created with v3.0.4 mondorescue on RHEL5u6 Bruno Cornec defect high 3.0.5 mondo
#802 mindi aborts on Debian 8 on UEFI system Bruno Cornec defect high 3.3.1 mindi
#849 Restored VM Fails to Boot Bruno Cornec defect high 3.3.0 mondo
#69 mondoarchive NFS does not work with zeroconf installed Bruno Cornec defect normal 4.0.2 mondo
#83 Create a package hierarchy to ease installation Bruno Cornec defect normal 4.0.2 mondo
#91 Error message goes to console, but not to log Bruno Cornec defect normal 4.0.2 mondo
#104 Mondoarchive segfaults when encoutering deep filesystem arborescence Bruno Cornec defect normal mondo
#118 In compare mode allow mountlist changes before operation Bruno Cornec enhancement normal 4.0.2 mondo
#149 mondorestore should use efibootmgr to recreate menu entries on ia64 Bruno Cornec enhancement normal 3.3.1 mondo
#152 Bootable USB that backs up to DVDs Bruno Cornec enhancement normal 4.0.0 mindi
#167 VxFS support Bruno Cornec defect normal mondo
#183 LVM restore incorrect when cloning Bruno Cornec enhancement normal 4.0.0 mondo
#198 Wrong ext3 block size after restore Bruno Cornec defect normal 4.0.0 mondo
#202 Backup of partition larger than local tmp and scratch space Bruno Cornec enhancement normal 4.0.0 mondo
#213 XFS volumes with external log could not be mounted during restore Bruno Cornec defect normal 4.0.0 mondo
#230 allow exclusion of files Bruno Cornec defect normal 4.0.0 mondo
#231 mondorescue: Storage Dir form input limited to 51 characters Bruno Cornec defect normal 4.0.0 mondo
#267 UIDs / GIDs not enough bits Bruno Cornec defect normal 4.0.0 mondo
#272 mondo should support other type of NICs Bruno Cornec defect normal 4.0.0 mondo
#276 Adds full OCFS2 support Bruno Cornec defect normal mondo
#279 Mondorestore interactive mode restores uselss empty dirs Bruno Cornec defect normal mondo
#301 Add EMC Powerpathed boot from SAN support Bruno Cornec defect normal mondo
#303 create a mondoarchive on an automounted nfs share without mounting first Bruno Cornec enhancement normal mondo
#349 error message on screen Bruno Cornec defect normal mondo
#350 Screenshots in documetation are illegible Bruno Cornec defect normal mondo-doc
#351 mondoarchive and exclude list problem Bruno Cornec defect normal mondo
#378 making mondo archives from a live USB Bruno Cornec defect normal 4.0.2 mondo
#386 Automagically toggle the -z flag when SELinux is on Bruno Cornec enhancement normal mondo
#394 post= option not working Bruno Cornec defect normal 3.0.5 mondo
#403 mondo ignore non system partitions Bruno Cornec defect normal 4.0.0 mondo
#406 persistent devices and naming by id Bruno Cornec enhancement normal mondo
#423 Compare mode in mondoarchive doesn't work with -d option correctly. Bruno Cornec defect normal mondo
#456 OBDR mode is not compatible with -H option of mondoarchive Bruno Cornec defect normal 3.0.5 mondo
#506 NFS mount could be done automatically Bruno Cornec enhancement normal 3.0.5 mondo
#507 Place scratch dir automatically on NFS Bruno Cornec enhancement normal 3.0.5 mondo
#509 pre script limitation Bruno Cornec enhancement normal 3.0.5 mondo
#510 grub install issue with dm multipath Bruno Cornec defect normal 3.0.5 mondo
#625 lvm size appear to zero Bruno Cornec enhancement normal mondo
#642 mondoarchive -OVN does not exclude automounts Bruno Cornec defect normal mondo
#695 Mondo does not seem to support drbd Bruno Cornec enhancement normal 4.0.0 mondo
#710 Ability to use the HP ProLiant SD card slot for DR Bruno Cornec enhancement normal 3.0.5 mondo
#790 mondorestore says a partition is occupied Bruno Cornec defect normal 3.3.1 mondo
#797 ldlinux.c32 not found while booting Bruno Cornec defect normal 3.3.0 mondo
#852 mondorestore doesn't restore UUIDs for btrfs FS Bruno Cornec defect normal 3.3.0 mondo
#857 why do we have a mr-stabgrub-me Bruno Cornec enhancement normal 3.3.1 mondo
#873 mindi aborts on opensuse 15.2 due to /run included Bruno Cornec defect normal 3.3.0 mindi
#40 have a live CD including mondo rescue Bruno Cornec enhancement low 4.0.2 mondo
#85 abandoned files Bruno Cornec defect low 4.0.2 mondo
#86 graphic tape issue and text progress indicator Bruno Cornec defect low 4.0.2 mondo
#95 Physical extent size for volume group isn't preserved Bruno Cornec defect low 4.0.0 mondo
#109 add a timestamp to the logfiles name Bruno Cornec enhancement low 4.0.2 mondo
#125 Add option for suppress of evalcall and progress-form Bruno Cornec enhancement low mondo
#232 Owner of symbolic links is not restored correctly. Bruno Cornec defect low mondo
#387 Backup with SELINUX=permissive may result to restore errors due to /proc & /sys extended attributes Bruno Cornec defect low 3.0.5 mondo
#482 -V switching to verify timing issue Bruno Cornec defect low 3.0.5 mondo
#648 Additional Control Over Boot in Mindi Configuration Bruno Cornec enhancement low 3.0.5 mindi
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