Opened 16 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

#301 assigned defect

Add EMC Powerpathed boot from SAN support

Reported by: Bruno Cornec Owned by: Bruno Cornec
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: mondo Version: 2.2.7
Severity: normal Keywords:


Has anyone tried using Mondo with EMC Powerpathed boot from SAN drives? It works fine with boot from SAN drives, that are not running powerpath or mpxio.

Attachments (5)

mondorestore.log.emc (48.4 KB ) - added by Anthony Cicone 16 years ago.
mondorestore logfile with powerpath devices
mondoarchive.log (267.1 KB ) - added by Anthony Cicone 16 years ago.
mondorestore.log (48.2 KB ) - added by Anthony Cicone 16 years ago.
mondoarchive.2.log (251.5 KB ) - added by Anthony Cicone 16 years ago.
powerpath.tar (50.0 KB ) - added by Anthony Cicone 16 years ago.
Power path startup scripts

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (15)

comment:1 by Bruno Cornec, 16 years ago

Status: newassigned

Could ou provide a full mondoarchive.log/mondorestore.log corresponding to such an operation please ?

comment:2 by Bruno Cornec, 16 years ago


FYI, multipath, such as provided by RHEL 5.2 will be supported in 2.2.8. The beta available at is already containing that feature.

For EMC I'm ready to add what is needed providing I receive information on how to do it.

by Anthony Cicone, 16 years ago

Attachment: mondorestore.log.emc added

mondorestore logfile with powerpath devices

comment:3 by Anthony Cicone, 16 years ago

Added the mondorestore logfile with powerpathed devices.


comment:4 by Bruno Cornec, 16 years ago

I'd also need your /var/log/mondoarchive.log from the original system please.

by Anthony Cicone, 16 years ago

Attachment: mondoarchive.log added


comment:5 by Bruno Cornec, 16 years ago

I made a beta version of mondo for you to try at (mindi 2.0.6 + mondo 2.2.9) that should improve EMC support. Please report what you find with this version (and I'll still need the 2 logs).

in reply to:  5 comment:6 by Anthony Cicone, 16 years ago

Replying to bruno:

I made a beta version of mondo for you to try at (mindi 2.0.6 + mondo 2.2.9) that should improve EMC support. Please report what you find with this version (and I'll still need the 2 logs).

Thanks Bruno, but it didn't work. I'm attaching the logfiles for you.

It still can't find the /etc/emcpowera devices.

[Main] libmondo-devices.c->get_phys_size_of_drive#991: Error getting size of /dev/emcpowera: No such file or directory [Main] libmondo-devices.c->get_phys_size_of_drive#1009: Error in ioctl() getting new hard disk geometry (Bad file descriptor), resizing in unsafe mode [Main] libmondo-devices.c->get_phys_size_of_drive#1017: Failed to get harddisk geometry, using old mode [Main] libmondo-devices.c->get_phys_size_of_drive#1029: /dev/emcpowera --> -1 or -1 --> -1

[Main] mondo-prep.c->resize_drive_proportionately_to_suit_new_drives#2492: Not resizing to match /dev/emcpowera - can't find drive

by Anthony Cicone, 16 years ago

Attachment: mondorestore.log added

by Anthony Cicone, 16 years ago

Attachment: mondoarchive.2.log added

comment:7 by Bruno Cornec, 16 years ago

Hummm. It seems that the modules goes on to the backup media but are unable to be loaded with modprobe.

Do you have a special procedure on the original system ? a startup script ?

What gives rpm -ql rpm -qf /lib/modules/2.6.18-53.1.6.el5/powerpath/emcp.ko

comment:8 by Anthony Cicone, 16 years ago


Sorry my email bounced back, here is the update I sent:

Yes PowerPath is started by a startup script.


I'm including these scripts and the /etc/rc.local and /etc/rc.sysinit which calls the startup script.

Thanks for your help.

(lablinux1)# rpm -ql rpm -qf /lib/modules/2.6.18-53.1.6.el5/powerpath/emcp.ko /usr/bin/file /usr/include/magic.h /usr/lib64/libmagic.a /usr/lib64/ /usr/lib64/ /usr/lib64/ /usr/share/doc/file-4.17 /usr/share/doc/file-4.17/LEGAL.NOTICE /usr/share/doc/file-4.17/README /usr/share/file /usr/share/file/magic /usr/share/file/magic.mgc /usr/share/file/magic.mime /usr/share/file/magic.mime.mgc /usr/share/magic /usr/share/magic.mime /usr/share/man/man1/file.1.gz /usr/share/man/man3/libmagic.3.gz /usr/share/man/man5/magic.5.gz /usr/share/misc/magic package /lib/modules/2.6.18-53.1.6.el5/powerpath/emcp.ko is not installed package is is not installed package not is not installed package owned is not installed package by is not installed package any is not installed package package is not installed

by Anthony Cicone, 16 years ago

Attachment: powerpath.tar added

Power path startup scripts

comment:9 by Bruno Cornec, 16 years ago


Work won't be finished for 2.2.9. Delaying to 2.2.10

comment:10 by Bruno Cornec, 11 years ago

Milestone: 3.1.0

Milestone 3.1.0 deleted

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