Opened 13 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

#625 assigned enhancement

lvm size appear to zero

Reported by: rue Owned by: Bruno Cornec
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: mondo Version: 3.0.1
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: didier.diaz@…


During restore, the partitions are correctly sized but the lvm size appear to zero. Mondorestore will size the lvm correctly when it will continue to process. The sizes are correctly computed by the script /tmp/i-want-my-lvm. But It should be good to have the lvm size not displayed to zero.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by rue, 13 years ago

Pb with sles 11 sp1. Not reproduced with sles 11 sp2. lvm size appears to zero in edit mountlist screen during montorestore. Pb may come from fonction MakeMountlist() in mindi.

1323                 if [ $LVM != "false" ] && [ "`$LVMCMD lvdisplay $current_lvolume 2> /dev/null`" ]; then 
1324                         # Size computed via LVM not directly 
1325                         partition_size="lvm" 
Last edited 12 years ago by Bruno Cornec (previous) (diff)

comment:2 by Bruno Cornec, 12 years ago

Status: newassigned
Type: defectenhancement

I'm changing the ticket to enhancement, as MondoRescue has always worked like that, not keeping in the mountlist the size of LVM PVs, and reporting everythiong linked to LVM in a separate file (/tmp/i-want-my-lvm) which contains all the info, but is not modifyable by the GUI.

If I allow the size to be printed, people will try to miodify expecting it to work, which won't be the case. So we need a real enhancement which would allow people to have a GUI for LVM modifications. I agree with that, but it's not a bug.

comment:3 by Bruno Cornec, 11 years ago

Milestone: 3.1.0

Milestone 3.1.0 deleted

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