Custom Query (27 matches)


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Status: closed (27 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Severity
#662 Can't restore my ubuntu server Bruno Cornec defect highest 3.0.2 blocker
#594 Bad network interface used at restore time via NFS Bruno Cornec defect high 3.0.1 critical
#626 nfs mount fails at mondorestore Bruno Cornec defect high 3.0.3 critical
#641 Specifying the Same Backup to NFS via CLI=Success via GUI=Fail Bruno Cornec defect high 3.0.2 major
#664 Restore from tape OBDR not working Bruno Cornec defect high 3.0.2 normal
#668 Mondoarchive taking very long time to complete Bruno Cornec defect high 3.0.2 normal
#670 mondoarchive hangs when using -z Bruno Cornec defect high 3.0.2 critical
#692 backup broken: no inittab file found tux-59 defect high 3.0.3 major
#697 mondorestore need to be able to use a static route to join NFS server Bruno Cornec enhancement high 3.0.3 normal
#588 Backup of kcore in chroot environments, e. g. ntpd Bruno Cornec defect normal 3.0.0 normal
#608 Mondorestore crashes while restoring Bruno Cornec defect normal 3.0.0 critical
#661 Mondorestore throws "bzip2: Data integrity error when decompressing." Bruno Cornec defect normal 3.0.2 normal
#669 mondorestore fails within archive over NFS. Same image works by CD Bruno Cornec defect normal 2.2.9 normal
#673 mondoarchive doesn't handle files with quote Bruno Cornec defect normal 3.0.3 normal
#683 SIGSEGV on mondoarchive Bruno Cornec defect normal 3.0.3 normal
#690 mondoarchive GUI doesn't allow the input of the tape block size Bruno Cornec enhancement normal 3.0.3 normal
#696 LVM check Bruno Cornec defect normal 3.0.3 normal
#700 sparse file not supported as big files Bruno Cornec defect normal 3.0.3 normal
#701 mondoarchive should not hard code the big file size Bruno Cornec enhancement normal 3.0.3 normal
#702 mondoarchive should avoid filling logd Bruno Cornec enhancement normal 3.0.3 normal
#703 mondorestore doesn't restore everything as expected Bruno Cornec defect normal 3.0.3 normal
#704 grub is not restored correctly Bruno Cornec defect normal 3.0.3 normal
#705 mindi should log the full fdisk -l result Bruno Cornec enhancement normal 3.0.3 normal
#706 maximum number of media - is it useful ? Bruno Cornec enhancement normal 3.0.3 normal
#752 opensuse 13.1 does not build Bruno Cornec defect normal 3.0.4 normal
#759 no package available for mondo 3.0.4 for sles9 Bruno Cornec defect normal 3.0.4 normal
#674 Error in mondorescue howto victor gattegno enhancement low 3.0.3 trivial
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