Custom Query (141 matches)


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Results (101 - 141 of 141)

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Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Milestone Component
#628 3.0.2-1 Fail to Restore from External Hard Disk assigned defect high 3.0.5 mondo
#636 mondo doesn't handle SMBIOS NIC names from PCI card new defect normal 3.0.5 mondo
#640 mondo.tmp.xxxxx & mondo.scratch.xxxxx Issues reopened defect high 3.0.5 mondo
#642 mondoarchive -OVN does not exclude automounts assigned defect normal mondo
#667 issue at restore time with cLVM new defect highest 3.0.5 mondo
#714 Cannot restore iso created with v3.0.4 mondorescue on RHEL5u6 assigned defect high 3.0.5 mondo
#719 Ability to restore having DHCP on one NIC and NFS on another new defect normal 3.0.5 mondo
#750 two initrd.img in mondorescue.iso new defect normal 3.0.5 mondo
#783 wrong dependencies in mondo SLES 12 rpm package reopened defect high mondo
#788 No progress indicated when copying in USB mode new defect low 4.0.0 mondo
#790 mondorestore says a partition is occupied assigned defect normal 3.3.1 mondo
#793 Incorrect localization after restore new defect low 4.0.0 mondo
#794 Provide SLES 11 SP4 support with UEFI new defect high 3.3.1 mindi
#797 ldlinux.c32 not found while booting assigned defect normal 3.3.0 mondo
#802 mindi aborts on Debian 8 on UEFI system assigned defect high 3.3.1 mindi
#807 Improve hardlink support for mondoarchive new defect normal 3.3.1 mondo
#817 Mondo/mindi creating unbootable ISOs new defect normal 3.3.0 mondo
#830 Not able to boot using mondo/mindi new defect normal 3.3.1 mondo
#835 EFI support issue on Ubuntu 16.04 new defect normal 3.3.0 mindi
#849 Restored VM Fails to Boot assigned defect high 3.3.0 mondo
#852 mondorestore doesn't restore UUIDs for btrfs FS assigned defect normal 3.3.0 mondo
#853 Compiler warning new defect normal 3.3.0 mondo
#854 Compiler warning new defect normal 3.3.0 mondo
#855 Compiler warning new defect normal 3.3.0 mondo
#856 error with /mnt/cdrom new defect normal 3.3.0 mondo
#858 format_device is in the wrong source code new defect normal 3.3.1 mondo
#859 fdisk on mageia 7 may asks for confirmation new defect normal 3.3.1 mondo
#861 mondorestore aborts with a hign numner of directories new defect high 3.3.1 mondo
#862 compilation issue on Arch new defect high 3.3.0 mondo
#863 Error compiling on Fedora 32 new defect high 3.3.0 mondo
#864 Fix compiler warnings new defect high 3.3.1 mondo
#865 xorriso mandatory with UEFI on Debian > 8 new defect normal 3.3.0 mondo
#866 cretae mr_mkiso new defect normal 3.3.0 mondo
#867 Failed mondo recover new defect normal 3.3.0 mondo
#868 provide supoprt for another tool to create backup sets new defect normal 3.3.1 mondo
#869 No Release File assigned defect highest 3.3.0 mondo
#870 Mondo Backup failed with error --> *** buffer overflow detected ***: mondoarchive terminated assigned defect highest 3.3.0 mondo
#873 mindi aborts on opensuse 15.2 due to /run included assigned defect normal 3.3.0 mindi
#875 DBG2: [Main] libmondo-archive.c->make_afioballs_and_images#1345: Warning - either /tmp/mondo.tmp.gRfPLr/filelist.0 or /tmp/mondo.tmp.gRfPLr/tmpfs/ doesn't exist yet. I'll pause 5 secs. new defect high 3.3.0 mondo
#876 afio: "quit" to abort, anything else to proceed. > new defect high 3.3.0 mondo
#877 fail to buackup rhel7 and can't creat .ISO image new defect normal 3.3.0 mondo
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