Custom Query (10 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (10 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Severity
#614 SLES keyboard mapping is wrongly set at boot Bruno Cornec defect normal 3.0.1 normal
#621 mondoarchive crashes when fstab contains bind mounts Bruno Cornec defect high 3.0.1 major
#638 Mindi Fails to Create Boot Disk When -T Specified Bruno Cornec defect high 3.0.2 major
#639 mondorestore nfs "protocol not supported" Bruno Cornec defect high 3.0.3 major
#646 mindi BOOT_SIZE does not fit Ubuntu 12.04 Bruno Cornec defect normal 3.0.2 normal
#647 Issues with minimal.conf contents and bash in ramdisk image. Bruno Cornec defect normal 3.0.2 normal
#649 Serial Console for Mindi Boot Media Bruno Cornec defect normal 3.0.2 normal
#651 Mindi USB Creation (Filesystem) Failing Bruno Cornec defect normal 3.0.2 normal
#654 analyze-my-lvm fails if LANG is not english Bruno Cornec defect normal 3.0.2 normal
#631 /bin/lsmod is missing in minimal.conf victor gattegno defect normal 3.0.2 normal
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