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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#587 Bruno Cornec bgunda fixed Mondo 3.0 issues

Very many thanks for create Mondorescue. It is truly a rescuer for me all these years.

But recently, I started facing some issues-

  1. I have upgraded our servers from RHEL 5.6 to 5.7.
  2. I have also upgraded Mondo from 2.2.x to 3.x & Mindi along with it.
  3. I used Mondo 3.0 to take a RHEL 5.7 image and trying to restore on a brand new server.
  4. I get the error while partitioning using LVM. It is a local disk and it looks ‘mondo’ is not calculating the sizes properly.
  5. I checked up the mailing lists and found the problem reported as Defect #577 and saw the solution also.
  6. I downloaded mondo-3.0.1-0.20120203024439.rhel5.x86_64.rpm & mindi-2.1.1-0.20120203024439.rhel5.x86_64.rpm

As per your fix in #577.

  1. But now I have another problem. It does not go further while restoring. It says "Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(1,0)" and stops

  1. I did the following combinations –
  2. RHEL 5.6 & Older version of Mondo (prior to 3.0) – Works great
  3. RHEL 5.7 & Mondo 3.0 – Gives Partition issues (# 577)
  4. RHEL 5.6 or 5.7 & Mondo – 3.0.1 (test download) – Crashes with Kernel issues (as described in # 575, but I have mindi-busybox at 1.18 (latest)).
  5. So, I am stuck right now. Can you check and let me know what is happening?

Again thank you very much for providing the support.

#591 Xavier Caro Xavier Caro fixed Version 6.0 Restore aborted
#595 Bruno Cornec Bruno Cornec fixed mondorestore crashes at restore time

When trying to restore a VMWare VM, made of a RAID1 of 2 HDDs + a LVM structure, mondorestore crashes during the RAID setup probably.

create_raid_device_via_mdadm line 578
1 RAID arrays found
sh: grub not found (???)
SIGABRT glibc detected free() invalid pointer 
final_size = 40960 MB
Initializing RAID device /dev/md0
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