Changeset 424 in MondoRescue
- Timestamp:
- Feb 21, 2006, 10:48:23 PM (19 years ago)
- Location:
- branches/stable
- Files:
- 4 added
- 13 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r423 r424 70 70 71 71 %changelog 72 * Fri Feb 16 2006 Bruno Cornec <> 1.0.773 - Updated to 1.0.774 - RPMS spec are now generated instead of using '%' variables75 76 * Fri Nov 05 2005 Bruno Cornec <> 1.0577 - ia64 is now working78 - use script79 - use libdir for binary data80 81 * Tue Sep 06 2005 Bruno Cornec <> 1.04_berlios82 - Merge of patches mentionned on mondo ML + ia64 updates83 - Fix bugs when called alone84 85 * Tue May 03 2005 Hugo Rabson <> 1.04_cvs_2005050386 - supports exec-shield87 88 * Wed Aug 04 2004 Hugo Rabson <> 1.0389 - better support of SLES 890 91 * Mon Jun 28 2004 Hugo Rabson <> 1.0292 - better kernel-level logging93 - added ACL, xattr binaries to deplist.txt94 - fixed obscure bug which occasionally stopped mindi from correctly finding95 and documenting all LVM2 LVM-on-RAID volumes96 97 * Fri Jun 25 2004 Hugo Rabson <> 1.0198 - added ide_tape and other modules to mindi's config detection99 - unmount errant ramdisk ($mtpt) if fail to create boot floppy100 - better support of ISO dirs at restore-time (Conor Daly)101 102 * Fri Jun 18 2004 Hugo Rabson <> 1.00103 - first 1.0x release104 - busybox now static105 - trap Ctrl-Alt-Del; trigger soft reset106 - better SuSE 9.1 support107 - added (IA64) (Bruno Cornec)108 - add LVM2 support for kernel 2.6 (Takeru Komoriya)109 - better detection of multiple Mindis (Martin Fürstenau)110 - don't complain if just a Mindi boot CD & not a platform for Mondo111 - updated busybox to 1.0.0pre10112 - removed uClibc113 - add memtest support114 - 2.6 kernel support115 - removed Embleer files (Andree Leidenfrost)116 - added kernel-only floppy support, to accommodate really big kernels117 - updated+rebuilt busybox118 - added star support119 - mount /sys at boot-time120 - better 64-bit and 2.6 kernel support121 - better LVM, failsafe kernel support (Jim Richard)122 - use LILO, not raw kernel, on 1.4MB boot floppy123 - record names of unsaved modules, for future reference124 - enlarged ramdisk by 8MB125 126 * Wed Oct 22 2003 Hugo Rabson <> 0.95127 - changed some '==' to '=' --- now more RH6-friendly128 - allow absolute pathnames again in deplist129 - disable multifunc cd thing130 - better Gentoo support (Bill)131 - better OnStream support132 - better Slackware support (Laurenz)133 - added partimagehack-static to deplist.txt134 - recompiled Busybox - now 10k smaller; better stack-handling135 - fixed boot screen typo136 - added support for 'auto' fs format137 - better devfs support for Mandrake users138 - better Debian+LVM support (Ralph Grewe)139 - updated analyze-my-lvm to handle floating-point gigabyte -L values140 141 * Thu Jul 24 2003 Anonymous <root@rohan> 0.94142 - altered rootfs's /dev entry to stop cvs from becoming confused143 - tweaked MAX_COMPRESSED_SIZE144 - added multi-function CD support to mindi and sbin/post-init145 - re-mount root as rw just in case146 - ask user to remove last data (floppy) disk if nec. (Tom Mortell)147 - added support for 5th column in mountlist.txt for labels148 - added symlinks.tgz149 - suppress erroneous error msgs re: failsafe kernel150 151 * Sun May 18 2003 Hugo Rabson <> 0.93152 - added cciss.o to SCSI_MODS153 - if format type is (e.g.) ext3,ext2 then use 1st entry154 - re-enabled fsck*155 - if cciss in use the enable it at boot-time156 - added /dev/ataraid/* to boot disk via ataraid.tgz (Luc S.)157 - better ISO support158 - tweaked Mindi to use 10-15% fewer floppies159 - added RUN_AFTER_INITIAL_BOOT_PHASE to let user specify a command160 to be run by Mindi before it bootstraps to aux data disks;161 e.g. 'echo engage > /proc/scsi/something'162 - added RUN_AFTER_BOOT_PHASE_COMPLETE to let user specify a command163 to be run by Mindi after it boots but before it runs mondorestore164 - allow for Debian & other Stiefkinder that use 'none', not 'swap'165 as the mountpoint of the swap partition166 - removed afio dependency167 - re-worked and tarball not to use tgz's168 - cleared up the boot msg169 - updated busybox to 0.60.5; updated uClibc to 0.9.19170 - add #!/bin/sh to start of insert-all-my-modules171 - fixed obscure bug in install-additional-tools172 - changed grep -m to grep | head -n1 for Debian users173 - moved vmlinuz, lib.tar.bz2 to mindi-kernel tarball/rpm174 175 * Wed Apr 09 2003 Hugo Rabson <> 0.92176 - fixed LVM/RAID bugs (Brian Borgeson)177 - if bad lilo, give more verbose error before quitting178 - added mt and perl to deplist.txt179 - insist on gawk being present180 - insmod ide-cd, cdrom, isofs, just in case181 - boot-time tmpfs ramdisk is now 40m (was 34m)182 - cleaned up logs183 - iso mode now calls Interactive184 - make SizeOfPartition() more Debian-friendly (Andree Leidenfrost)185 - clean up some calls to grep, esp. partition_mountpt=...186 - corrected some bashisms, to suit Debian ped- er, users187 - made first line refer to bash, not sh, to make sure188 the Debian people know Mindi requires bash, not hs189 - changed grep -v "#" and grep -vx "#.*" to grep -vx " *#.*"190 - disabled code which would have made Mindi use sfdisk instead of fdisk191 if it looked as if Debian's fdisk would misbehave192 193 * Wed Feb 12 2003 Hugo Rabson <> 0.91194 - new devel branch195 - EXTRA_SPACE=16384196 - updated ResolveSoftlinks() to work better with b0rkn Gentoo devfs /dev197 - patched analyze-my-lvm (Benjamin Mampaey)198 - detect built-in boot.b files in lilo199 - cleaned up spec file a bit, more use of macros (Jesse Keating)200 - return w/err, don't abort, if Matt Nelson's RH8 system is farked201 - better at finding isolinux.bin202 - better at analyzing dependencies when running on broken distributions203 - try harder to boot from CD, even if tape fails204 - added ADDITIONAL_BOOT_PARAMS to be sent to kernel205 - better resolution of relative softlinks, leading to fewer206 duplicates on data disks and therefore fewer data disks207 - detect Debian+devfs; use sfdisk instead of fdisk in that208 eventuality, to work around yet another of Debian's warts209 - removed /lib/libuuid.* from rootfs.tgz210 - fixed vi211 - mindi now uses gawk --traditional (making gawk behave in a functionally212 identical way to awk) - PASS; great, so now Debian needs to fix its awk :)213 - removed / from list of dirs accessed when trying to resolve deplist entry214 - spinner bugfix; handle odd LABELs properly (Tom Mortell)215 - fixed LVM/RAID bugs (Brian Borgeson)216 217 * Mon Dec 02 2002 Hugo Rabson <> 0.72_20021202218 - misc code clean-up219 - save boot device's boot sector220 - detect and beware Compaq diagnostic partitions221 - better handling of devfs V non-devfs kernels and boot devs222 - trimmed busybox 0.60.3 binary on boot disk223 - mindi now resides in /usr/local/bin224 - removed lilo from dependencies225 - more Gentoo-friendly226 227 * Sun Nov 18 2002 Hugo Rabson <> 0.71228 - if your kernel's builddate doesn't match any of the kernels in229 your /boot directory then fudge the issue & find the closest230 match (*grumble* Debian)231 - scan tape & CD at start, to force inclusion of modules on boot device232 - double EXTRA_SPACE if >7 disks233 - slimmer, more lithesome logfile234 - now accepts --findkernel235 - line 1982 - dd count=24000 should be count=$ramdisksize (Andras Korn)236 - better handling of non-Linux partitions on DevFS-enabled kernels237 - misc clean-ups238 - fixed Debian/ramdisksize/bloat problem (Johannes Franken)239 - fixed 2.4.20/fdisk eccentricity (Alistair Stevens)240 - updated kernel to 2.4.18-mdk6241 - generate mountlist in dev-abetical order ;)242 - fixed minor bug in .spec file243 - better at finding /boot/boot.b if your distro breaks the de facto standard244 - fixed minor bug in MakeMountlist245 - fixed install.sh246 - cleaned up deplist.txt247 - added rudimentary -v / --version flag248 - line 1180 or so --- duplicate mindi.iso entries --- fixed249 - added /bin/[ - a softlink to /bin/sh250 - ListAllPartitions() - sanity fix (KP)251 - fixed .spec bug252 - better feedback253 - added Markus's RAID patch254 - ListAllPartitions() - include /mnt/win* (Hugo)255 256 * Sun Sep 08 2002 Hugo Rabson <> 0.70257 - better logging by dependency-calculating code258 - better handling of dependencies, specifically softlinks259 - if called by mondo then use mondo's temp dir as our temp dir too260 - changed gawk to $AWK in a few places, to allow for Debian261 - added host* config files to deplist262 - added tftp, ifconfig to busybox263 - added RPC support to uClibc264 - cleaned up creation of Mondo-Mindi configuration file265 - fixed bug in TryToFindKernelPath which stopped it from handling266 multiple, same-version kernels gracefully267 - cleaned up deplist.txt268 - receive 'DIFFERENTIAL' variable from Mondo269 - better Debian compatibility, esp. w/detection of ver# (Hector Alvarez)270 - better devfs support; call fgrep in places instead of grep (Andrew Korn)271 - fixed analyze-my-lvm (Ralph Gruwe)272 - moved 50K of stuff from rootfs.tgz to aux-tools.tgz273 - added x11-tools.tgz option274 - updated /dev/console and /dev/tty0 (Paul Stevens)275 - cleaned up /mnt/groovy-stuff V /tmp/tmpfs code276 - catch sigint, sighup, etc.277 - fixed LILO-related message.txt mistake278 - .spec file clean-up; automation; config file (Carl Wilhem Soderstrom)279 - better devfs support (Andrew Korn)280 281 * Sun Jul 14 2002 Hugo Rabson <> 0.64-1282 - fixed RH7.3 readonly bug283 - improved nfs config file creation284 - search more locations for isolinux.bin285 - added isonuke option286 - faster data disk creation287 - better DevFS support (Hector Alvarez, DuckX)288 - nfs-related fix (Hans Lie)289 - abort if vfat filesystem present but mkfs.vfat missing290 - removed softlink to pico291 - allow Mondo to say no compression will be used292 - added [ to ramdisk293 - tar data disks with -b [block size] of 32k294 - don't autoboot to 'RESTORE' screen - it's scary!295 - let user choose lilo or syslinux as boot loader296 - added syslinux support297 - cleaned up message screens298 -
r423 r424 628 628 [ "$MINDI_CONF" = "YYY" ] && Die "Mindi has not been installed correctly." 629 629 echo "MINDI_CONF = $MINDI_CONF" >> $LOGFILE 630 echo "MONDO_ LIB = $MONDO_LIB" >> $LOGFILE630 echo "MONDO_SHARE = $MONDO_SHARE" >> $LOGFILE 631 631 mkdir -p $CACHE_LOC 632 632 } … … 1613 1613 cp -f $TMP_ROOT/iso/isolinux/{isolinux.cfg,initrd.img,vmlinuz,isolinux.bin,message.txt} $MONDO_ROOT || Die "Cannot copy core files to ramdisk for boot disk. Did you run out of disk space?" 1614 1614 fi 1615 [ "$MONDO_ LIB" ] && cp -f $MONDO_LIB/autorun .1615 [ "$MONDO_SHARE" ] && cp -f $MONDO_SHARE/autorun . 1616 1616 if [ -d "/home/MondoCD" ] ; then 1617 1617 cp -pRdu /home/MondoCD/* . … … 2196 2196 tar -zxf $MINDI_LIB/x11-tools.tgz 2>> $LOGFILE || LogIt "Warning - error occurred while unzipping x11-tools.tgz\n" 2197 2197 fi 2198 if [ -e "$MONDO_ LIB/restore-scripts" ] ; then2199 cp -Rdf $MONDO_ LIB/restore-scripts/* . 2>> $LOGFILE2200 [ "$?" -ne "0" ] && [ "`DidMondoCallMe`" ] && Die "Cannot find/install $MONDO_ LIB/restore-scripts"2198 if [ -e "$MONDO_SHARE/restore-scripts" ] ; then 2199 cp -Rdf $MONDO_SHARE/restore-scripts/* . 2>> $LOGFILE 2200 [ "$?" -ne "0" ] && [ "`DidMondoCallMe`" ] && Die "Cannot find/install $MONDO_SHARE/restore-scripts" 2201 2201 fi 2202 2202 [ -d "/lib/dev-state" ] && cp --parents -pRdf /lib/dev-state . -
r423 r424 83 83 84 84 %attr(755,root,root) %{_sbindir}/* 85 %attr(755,root,root) %{_ libdir}/%{name}/restore-scripts/%{name}/*86 %attr(755,root,root) %{_ libdir}/%{name}/autorun87 %attr(755,root,root) %{_ libdir}/%{name}/post-nuke.sample/usr/bin/post-nuke88 %{_ libdir}/*85 %attr(755,root,root) %{_datadir}/%{name}/restore-scripts/%{name}/* 86 %attr(755,root,root) %{_datadir}/%{name}/autorun 87 %attr(755,root,root) %{_datadir}/%{name}/post-nuke.sample/usr/bin/post-nuke 88 %{_datadir}/%{name}/* 89 89 %{_mandir}/man8/* 90 90 91 91 %changelog 92 * Fri Feb 17 2006 Bruno Cornec <> 2.0.793 - Updated to 2.0.794 - RPM sepc files are now generated95 96 * Fri Nov 05 2005 Bruno Cornec <> 1.0597 - ia64 is now working98 - -p option related bug fixed99 - use libdir instead of datadir100 101 * Tue Sep 06 2005 Bruno Cornec <> 2.04_berlios102 - Merge of patches mentionned on mondo ML + ia64 updates103 - Add -p option104 105 * Tue May 03 2005 Hugo Rabson <> 2.04_cvs_20050503106 - made mondo more clever about finding its home. Avoids mondo considering107 directories like '/usr/share/doc/momdo' as its home.108 109 * Wed Aug 04 2004 Hugo Rabson <> 2.03110 - test sanity of user-specified tempdir111 - better SLES8 support112 113 * Mon Jun 28 2004 Hugo Rabson <> 2.02114 - instead of using 'dd' to erase partition table, delete existing115 partitions w/ the same call to fdisk that is used to create the116 new partitions; this should avoids locking up the partition table117 - set bootable partition in the above same call to fdisk, for118 the same reason (avoids locking up the partition table)119 - better software RAID support120 - mount ext3 partitions as ext2 when restoring - better for Debian121 - better star, ACL support122 - added ACL, xattr support for afio users123 124 * Fri Jun 26 2004 Hugo Rabson <> 2.01125 - fixed cvs for SuSE systems126 - fixed NTFS backup/restore bug relating to partimagehack127 log file overflow and NTFS v non-NTFS differentiation128 - more reliable extraction of config info from CDs, floppies129 - better support of ISO dirs at restore-time (Conor Daly)130 - fixed spec file for SuSE users131 - added ldconfig to install section132 133 * Fri Jun 19 2004 Hugo Rabson <> 2.00134 - first 2.0 release135 - updated grub-install.patched to support SuSE and Red Hat136 - call 'mt' to set block size to 32K before opening in/out tape137 - updated mondo-prep.c to create each disk's partitions all at once138 (one call per drive) instead of one call to fdisk per partition139 - when extracting cfg file and mountlist from all.tar.gz (tape copy),140 use block size of INTERNAL_TAPE_BLK_SIZE, not TAPE_BLOCK_SIZE141 - added star and rudimentary SELinux support142 - fixed lots of bugs143 - all logging now goes to /var/log/mondo-archive.log, with symlink144 to /tmp/mondo-restore.log for restore-time log-tracking145 - added grub-install.patched146 - removed embleer & other binaries147 - added '-b' to specify block size148 - added '-R' for star support149 150 * Thu Mar 25 2004 Bruno Cornec <> 1.7_cvs-20040325151 - ia64 fixes152 153 * Fri Nov 07 2003 Joshua Oreman <> 1.7_cvs-20031107154 - fixed symbolic links for libraries155 - added support for boot/root multi floppies156 157 - added kdelibs as xmondo dependency158 - added xmondo pixmap installation159 - better find_cdrom_device(), to cope w/ multiple CD writers160 - fixed -m and -Vc flags161 - fixed NTFS support!162 - bootable CD uses native, not El Torito, support now163 - removed mondo-makefilelist164 - added 2.6 kernel support165 - if 2.6 kernel, insist that the user specify CD device166 - drop Embleer; insist on ms-sys and parted if Windows partition167 168 * Wed Nov 05 2003 Jesse Keating <> 1.7_cvs-20031105.1169 - added -devel package170 171 * Tue Nov 04 2003 Jesse Keating <> 1.7_cvs-20031104.1172 - made xmondo a second package173 - added ability to specify --without xmondo at build time174 175 * Sun Nov 02 2003 Jesse Keating <> 1.7_cvs-20031102.1176 - Clean up, added spanish translation177 - Set prefix to be /usr178 - added/fixed Requires179 - remove CVS directories prior to building180 181 * Thu Oct 23 2003 Hugo Rabson <> 1.75_cvs_20031023182 - nothing yet183 184 * Wed Oct 22 2003 Hugo Rabson <> 1.75185 - fixed chmod/chown bug (Jens Richter)186 - ask user to confirm NFS mountpoint in Interactive Mode187 - rewritten format_everything() to make sure LVMs, RAIDs and188 regular partitions are prepped in the correct order189 - better magicdev support190 - rewritten external binary caller subroutine191 - DVD support added192 - better backup-time control gui; offer to exclude nfs if appl.193 - fixed multi-tape support194 - re-implemented -D and -J195 - fixed bug in extract_config_file_from_ramdisk() which196 affected tape+floppy users197 - updated is_incoming_block_valid() to make it198 return end-of-tape if >300 flotsam blocks199 - unmount CD-ROM before burning (necessary for RH8/9)200 - fixed some stray assert()'s201 - fixed bug in grub-MR (Christian)202 - make user remove floppy/CD before restoring interactively from tape203 - fixed bug in am_I_in_disaster_recovery_mode()204 - added code to nuke_mode() to make sure NFS205 (backup) share is mounted in Nuke Mode206 - improved tape device detection code207 - better GRUB support208 - better logging of changed bigfiles at compare-time209 - better NTFS support, thanks to partimagehack-static210 - better logging211 - rewrote tape-handling code, breaking compatibility w/ previous versions212 - fixed ISO/CD biggiefile verification bug in mondoarchive213 - fixed bug which stopped boot/compare-time changelist from popping up214 - replaced mondo-makefilelist with C code - faster, cleaner215 - tweaked GUI - better feedback216 217 * Wed May 28 2003 Anonymous <root@rohan> 1.74218 - misc fixes (Michael Hanscho's friend)219 - added rudimentary support for SME220 - added better label support221 - fixed biggietime atime/ctime restoration bug 73222 - fixed 'default boot loader' detection bug (Joshua Oreman)223 - use single-threaded make_afioballs_and_images() if FreeBSD224 - fixed mondoarchive -Vi multi-CD verify bug (Tom Mortell)225 - superior get_phys_size_of_drive() (Joshua Oreman)226 - fixed RAID-related bug in where_is_root_mounted()227 - ISO tweaks228 - fixed silly bug in load_filelist() which stopped229 funny German filenames from being handled properly230 - fixed various calls to popup_and_get_string()231 - fixed spec file232 - reject -E /233 - added partimagehack to the mix234 235 * Tue May 20 2003 Anonymous <root@rohan> 1.73236 - mark devices as bootable _after_ unmounting them237 - resolve boot device (-f) if softlink238 - post_param_configuration() --- store iso-dev and isodir239 - added post-nuke-sample.tgz to package240 - Nuke Mode now checks mountlist against hardware; offer user241 opportunity to edit mountlist if insane; if user declines, abort242 - added lots of assert()'s and other checks243 - ran code thru Valgrind to catch & fix some memory leaks244 - made mondo-restore.c smaller by moving some subroutines to245 common/libmondo-raid.c and mondorestore/mondo-rstr-compare.c246 - added '-Q' to let user test mondoarchive's ability to find247 their boot loader and type248 - improved which_boot_loader()249 - when burning or comparing to a CD, defeat autorun if it is250 running, to avoid confusing mondoarchive and the user251 - if original backup media no longer available at boot-time252 then offer user chance to choose another media source253 - when booting, type 'nuke noresize' to nuke w/o resizing254 mountlist to fill your drives255 - add 'textonly' when booting, to avoid using Newt gui256 - run nice(20) to prioritize mondoarchive at start257 - don't pause and wait for next blank CD at backup-time258 unless necessary (e.g. previous CD has not been removed)259 - get_phys_size_of_drive() --- better support of older drives260 - don't eject if "donteject" is in kernel's command line261 - cleaned up segfault-handling262 - added Conor's strip_path() to improve file list display263 - added Herman Kuster's multi-level bkp patch264 - better boot-time screen/message265 - added Joshua Oreman's FreeBSD patches x3266 - fixed interactive/textonly support267 - fixed support for subdir-within-NFS-mount268 - fixed "Can't backup if ramdisk not mounted" bug269 - try to work around eccentricities of multi-CD drive PCs270 - misc clean-ups (Steve Hindle)271 272 * Tue Apr 08 2003 Hugo Rabson <> 1.72273 - LVM/RAID bugs fixed (Brian Borgeson)274 - major clean-up of code (Stan Benoit)275 - make-me-bootable fix (Juraj Ziegler)276 - fixed problem w/ multi-ISO verify cycle (Tom Mortell)277 - removed duplicate entry from makefile278 - if root is /dev/root then assume not a ramdisk279 - reject relative paths if -d flag (Alessandro Polverini)280 - fixed potentially infinite loop in log_to_screen (Tom Mortell)281 - add '/' to custom filelist as workaround for obscure bug282 - ask user speed of CDRW if writing to CD283 - find_cdrom_device() --- if nonexistent/not found then284 make sure to return '' as dev str and 1 as res285 - tweaked restore scripts tgz286 - cleaned up find_cdrom_device()287 - if user creates /usr/share/mondo/payload.tgz then untar288 payload to CD at backup-time289 - fixed insist_on_this_cd_number()290 - fixed am_i_in_disaster_recovery_mode()291 - misc clean-up (Tom Mortell)292 - made code more legible293 - fixed post-nuke support294 - added -e support295 - fixed nfs support296 - fixed iso support297 - at restore-time, only sort mountlist internally,298 in mount_all_devices() and unmount_all_devices()299 - fixed cosmetic bug in label-partitions-as-necessary300 - updated documentation301 - fixed fstab-hacking scripts302 303 * Wed Feb 12 2003 Hugo Rabson <> 1.71304 - log newt, slang, ncurses info305 - updated man page306 - handle %% chars in properly (Heiko Schlittermann)307 - fixed serious NFS restore bug308 - cleaned up spec file; it should cause fewer problems now (Jesse Keating)309 - changed various strcpy() calls to strncpy() calls310 - added mondo-makefilelist to makefile (Mikael Hultgren)311 - mount_cdrom() better at handling multiple CD drives312 - exclude /media/cdrom,cdrecorder,floppy313 - sensibly_set_tmpdir_and_scratchdir() --- exclude smb and smbfs314 - better logging by eval_call_to_make_ISO()315 - accept -J <fname> to let user provide their own fs catalog316 instead of -I <paths> to backup317 - if dir excluded with -E or included with -I and dir is actually318 a softlink then exclude/include the dir pointed to, as well319 - better location for manpage320 - adjusted block size of tarball at start of tape, to help321 users w/ broken tape driver firmware322 - sort -u fstab after modifying it323 - if backup type is nfs then don't estimate noof media324 - fixed Makefile (Mikael Hultgren)325 - updated manpage326 327 * Mon Dec 07 2002 Hugo Rabson <> 1.70328 - new devel branch opened329 330 * Mon Dec 02 2002 Hugo Rabson <> 1.52331 - fixed bug in multithreading332 - use new grub-MR instead of grub-install333 - wipe only the partition table (not the MBR) when partitioning drives334 - ignore lilo.conf.anaconda when looking for lilo.conf file335 - accepts '-l RAW' to backup/restore original boot sector instead336 of running grub or lilo to init it after restoring337 - fixed&updated stabgrub-me script; software RAID + GRUB work now338 - mount/unmount /boot partition for Gentoo 1.2 users339 - re-enabled extra tape checksums340 - disabled spurious warnings341 - unmount/remount supermounts at start/end of live restore, if nec.342 - cleaned up mondo's tape block handling (now, TAPE_BLOCK_SIZE=128K343 and I've added INTERNAL_TAPE_BLK_SIZE=32K variable for buffering)344 - added Makefile345 - added -l RAW, to backup and restore original MBR346 - cleaned up iso_mode() and nfs restoring347 - create /mnt/RESTORING/mnt/.boot.d for Gentoo users348 - made mondorestore CD bootable for ArkLinux users349 - if user runs as 'su' not 'su -' then work around350 351 * Sun Nov 17 2002 Hugo Rabson <> 1.51352 - pop-up list of changed files, at end of verification phase353 - better handling of changed.files list at restore-time354 - lots of CD-related fixes355 - added '-N' flag --- to let user exclude all NFS-related mounts&devices356 - better handling of 'kill'357 - restructuring of code to ease integration of mondo w/XMondo358 - fixed obscure bug in find_and_mount_actual_cd()359 - if / or /root has <50MB free then abort & complain360 - fixed install.sh361 - fixed .spec file362 - updated documentation363 - commented code364 - updated man page365 - added -v / --version flag366 - replace convoluted grep with wc (KP)367 - fixed bug affecting restoration of bigfiles from CD's created w/0 compression368 - fixed BurnProof-related bug369 - better at figuring out which is the best partition for temp/scratchdir370 - added do-not-compress-these (text file) to RPM371 - do not compress files of types listed in do-not-compress-these372 - dropped -U from call to afio - saves 20-30% runtime (Cosgrove)373 - added Cosgrove's do-not-compress-these list374 - included various patches from KP375 - chmod tmpdir, scratchdir to 700 before using376 - restore from specified backup device, even if its own cfg file disagrees377 - fixed multi-tape bug378 - fixed "Can't find first ISO when verifying nonbootable ISO" bug379 - multithreaded make_afioballs_and_images()380 - tmpdir and scratchdir are set sensibly whether mondoarchive is called with381 command-line parameters or not382 - fixed bug in strip_spaces() which stopped it from handling383 small strings correctly - affected mountlist editor384 - create a repaired copy of grub-install which is RAID-friendly;385 use it when initializing boot sector with run_grub()386 - fixed bug in mondo-makefilelist387 388 * Sun Sep 08 2002 Hugo Rabson <> 1.50389 - if restoring, don't try to find SCSI node of CD-ROM drive; find /dev entry390 - during selective restore, skip filesets which don't contain relevant archives391 - set /dev/null's perms to 777, just in case devfs-enabled kernel mangles it392 - remove /var/run/*.pid after restoring393 - move spurious lockfiles from /home/* to /home/*/.disabled394 - ask user to confirm the tape/CD device name395 - lots of multitape-related fixes396 - added code to autodetect the hardware of the user, if possible397 - if isodir does not exist then abort398 - more sanity-checking for -d flag399 - doubled 'biggiefile' threshold... to 32MB400 - exclude /root/images/mindi401 - fixed multi-imagedev bug (Emmanuel Druon)402 - unmount/remount /mnt/floppy before/after backing up, if Mandrake403 - restructured the source files404 - fixed serious bug in line 1546 - should have been !=, not ==; stopped405 mondorestore from correctly restoring big files406 - added '#include <signal.h>' to my-stuff.h407 - exclude "incheckentry xwait()" from changed.files408 - fixed minor bug in find_cdrom_device()409 - fixed bug in friendly_sizestr...410 - insist on tape #1 when start verifying411 - added internal buffering, replacing the external 'buffer' exe412 - if differential backup then don't permit formatting or fdisking,413 whether Interactive or Nuke mode414 - if mondorestore is run on live filesystem (or from ramdisk) without415 parameters then mondorestore will ask which backup media (tape, CD, etc.)416 was used; it will read the config file from the media and proceed from there417 - if tape streamer is softlink then resolve it first418 - incorporate post-nuke tarball419 - if user doesn't specify tape size, proceed anyway; behave intelligently420 in the event of end-of-tape421 - prefix bkpinfo->restore_path to biggiefile fname before generating422 checksum & comparing to archived biggiefile423 - if /etc/lilo.conf not found not /etc/lilo.conf.anaconda found424 then create a softlink from the former to the latter, to work425 around RH7.3's b0rken LILO support426 - LFS support (mharris, michele, hugo)427 - fixed verify bug --- CD#1 was being verified again & again & ...428 - differential mode fixed; supported again429 - ask user for boot loader + device if not detectible430 - list up to 512 files in file selection window at once (was 128)431 - better handling of bigfiles' checksums, perms and owns432 - delete final filelist if <=2 bytes long433 - if kernel not found and mondo in graphics mode then popup and ask434 for kernel path+filename435 436 * Sun Jul 14 2002 Hugo Rabson <> 1.45-1437 - 1.5x branch forked off from 1.4x branch438 439 440 441 -
r423 r424 2 2 DIST_SUBDIRS = ${SUBDIRS} 3 3 4 pkg lib_DATA = do-not-compress-these autorun4 pkgdata_DATA = do-not-compress-these autorun -
r423 r424 2 2 ## Process this file with Automake to generate `' 3 3 ## 4 AM_CPPFLAGS = -DMONDO_ LIB=\"$(pkglibdir)\"4 AM_CPPFLAGS = -DMONDO_SHARE=\"$(pkgdatadir)\" 5 5 6 6 ## libmondo -
r305 r424 4026 4026 /* @} - end of utilityGroup */ 4027 4027 4028 void setenv_mondo_ lib(void) {4029 4030 setenv("MONDO_ LIB", MONDO_LIB, 1);4028 void setenv_mondo_share(void) { 4029 4030 setenv("MONDO_SHARE", MONDO_SHARE, 1); 4031 4031 } -
r305 r424 352 352 { 353 353 assert(home_sz != NULL); 354 strcpy(home_sz, MONDO_ LIB);354 strcpy(home_sz, MONDO_SHARE); 355 355 return (0); 356 356 } -
r296 r424 296 296 setenv("ARCH", tmp, 1); 297 297 298 /* Add MONDO_ LIBenvironment variable for mindi */299 setenv_mondo_ lib();298 /* Add MONDO_SHARE environment variable for mindi */ 299 setenv_mondo_share(); 300 300 301 301 unlink(MONDO_LOGFILE); -
r249 r424 1 postnukeusrbindir = $(pkg libdir)/post-nuke.sample/usr/bin1 postnukeusrbindir = $(pkgdatadir)/post-nuke.sample/usr/bin 2 2 postnukeusrbin_SCRIPTS = post-nuke -
r179 r424 1 1 SUBDIRS = mondo usr 2 2 3 restoreetcdir = $(pkg libdir)/restore-scripts/etc3 restoreetcdir = $(pkgdatadir)/restore-scripts/etc 4 4 restoreetc_DATA = etc/multipath.conf.sample etc/raid0.conf.sample \ 5 5 etc/raid1.conf.sample etc/raid4.conf.sample \ -
r179 r424 1 restoremondodir = $(pkg libdir)/restore-scripts/mondo1 restoremondodir = $(pkgdatadir)/restore-scripts/mondo 2 2 restoremondo_SCRIPTS = ISO ask-me-a-question compare-me compare-subroutine-me \ 3 3 edit-mountlist grub-MR hack-fstab hack-grub hack-lilo hack-elilo \ -
r179 r424 1 restoreusrbindir = $(pkg libdir)/restore-scripts/usr/bin1 restoreusrbindir = $(pkgdatadir)/restore-scripts/usr/bin 2 2 #restoreusrbin_SCRIPTS = # petris pico nano -
r423 r424 29 29 mkdir -p ${TOPDIR}/SOURCES 30 30 $TOOLHOME/mkspec ${MINDI_VER} mindi-kernel-${MINDI_VER}/mindi-kernel.spec > ${TOPDIR}/SPECS/mindi-kernel.spec 31 chmod 644 ${TOPDIR}/SPECS/mindi-kernel.spec 31 32 pkg1="${TOPDIR}/RPMS/${ARCH}/mindi-kernel-${MINDI_VER}-${REVISION}${suf}.${ARCH}.rpm" 32 33 pkg="$pkg $pkg1" … … 36 37 cd ${BASE}/svn 37 38 $TOOLHOME/mkspec ${MINDI_VER} mindi-${MINDI_VER}/distributions/rpm/mindi.spec > ${TOPDIR}/SPECS/mindi.spec 39 cat mindi-${MINDI_VER}/distributions/$dfam/changelog >> ${TOPDIR}/SPECS/mindi.spec 40 chmod 644 ${TOPDIR}/SPECS/mindi.spec 38 41 rm -rf mindi-${MINDI_VER}/distributions 39 42 mkdir -p ${TOPDIR}/SOURCES … … 48 51 cd ${BASE}/svn 49 52 $TOOLHOME/mkspec ${MONDO_VER} mondo-${MONDO_VER}/distributions/rpm/mondo.spec > ${TOPDIR}/SPECS/mondo.spec 53 cat mondo-${MONDO_VER}/distributions/$dfam/changelog >> ${TOPDIR}/SPECS/mondo.spec 54 chmod 644 ${TOPDIR}/SPECS/mondo.spec 50 55 rm -rf mondo-${MONDO_VER}/distributions 51 56
See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.