Changeset 423 in MondoRescue
- Timestamp:
- Feb 21, 2006, 6:27:48 PM (19 years ago)
- Location:
- branches/stable
- Files:
- 1 deleted
- 17 edited
- 1 copied
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r401 r423 9 9 %define addreqb bzip2 >= 0.9, mkisofs, ncurses, binutils, gawk, dosfstools 10 10 %define addreq DDD 11 12 # if mandriva official build (rpm --with is_official) 13 %{?is_official:%define rel %{mkrel} %{mrel}}%{!?is_official:%define rel %{mrel}} 14 15 # define the mkrel macro if it is not already defined if mandriva offical build 16 %if is_official 17 %{?!mkrel:%define mkrel(c:) %{-c:0.%{-c*}.}%{!?_with_unstable:%(perl -e '$_="%{1}";m/(.\*)(\\d+)$/;$rel=${2}-1;re;print "$1$rel";').%{?subrel:%subrel}%{!?subrel:1}.%{?distversion:%distversion}%{?!distversion:%(echo $[%{mdkversion}/10])}}%{?_with_unstable:%{1}}%{?distsuffix:%distsuffix}%{?!distsuffix:mdk}} 18 %endif 11 %define rel %{mrel} 19 12 20 13 Summary: Mindi creates emergency boot disks/CDs using your kernel, tools and modules … … 37 30 verify packages, etc. 38 31 39 %debug_package40 32 %prep 41 33 %{__rm} -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT … … 62 54 63 55 %post 64 for i in %{_libdir}/mindi/aux-tools/sbin/* %{_libdir}/mindi/rootfs/bin/* %{_libdir}/mindi/rootfs/sbin/* ; do65 if [ ! -h $i ]; then66 %{__chmod} 755 $i67 fi68 done69 56 if [ -f /usr/local/sbin/mindi ]; then 70 57 echo "WARNING: /usr/local/sbin/mindi exists. You should probably remove your manual mindi installation !" … … 75 62 %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/mindi/deplist.txt 76 63 %doc ChangeLog INSTALL COPYING README TODO README.ia64 README.pxe README.busybox svn.log 77 %{_mandir} 64 %{_mandir}/man8/* 78 65 %{_libdir}/mindi 79 66 %attr(755,root,root) %{_sbindir}/* 67 %attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/mindi/aux-tools/sbin/* 68 %attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/mindi/rootfs/bin/* 69 %attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/mindi/rootfs/sbin/* 80 70 81 71 %changelog -
r401 r423 2811 2811 [ "$USE_LZO" = "yes" ] && echo -en "Pras 4 Pres 2004" >> $mountpoint/tmp/USING-LZO 2812 2812 [ "$USE_COMP" = "yes" ] && echo -en "Compression, yep" >> $mountpoint/tmp/USING-COMP 2813 [ "$USE_STAR" = "yes" ] && echo =en "Using star. Hooray." >> $mountpoint/tmp/USING-STAR2813 [ "$USE_STAR" = "yes" ] && echo -en "Using star. Hooray." >> $mountpoint/tmp/USING-STAR 2814 2814 fi 2815 2815 mkdir -p $mountpoint/tmp -
r1 r423 1 -
r30 r423 1 -
r1 r423 1 -
r1 r423 1 -
r402 r423 1 1 AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = 1.7 2 SUBDIRS = mondo3 man8_MANS = docs/man/mondoarchive.8 docs/man/mondorestore.82 SUBDIRS = mondo 3 man8_MANS = docs/man/mondoarchive.8 docs/man/mondorestore.8 -
r415 r423 21 21 AM_MAINTAINER_MODE 22 22 23 AM_PROG_LIBTOOL24 23 AC_PROG_CXX 25 24 AC_PROG_AWK 26 25 AC_PROG_CC 26 AC_PROG_RANLIB 27 27 AC_PROG_CPP 28 28 AC_PROG_INSTALL … … 33 33 dnl --with/--enable stuff 34 34 do_static_mr= 35 AC_ARG_ENABLE(x11, AS_HELP_STRING(--enable-x11,Create libXmondo and XMondo for X11/KDE support), do_x=$withval, do_x= )36 35 AC_ARG_ENABLE(static-mr, AS_HELP_STRING(--enable-static-mr,Link mondorestore statically), do_static_mr=$withval, do_static_mr= ) 37 36 AC_ARG_ENABLE(debug, AS_HELP_STRING(--enable-debug,Add debugging flags), CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -g", ) … … 46 45 AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(MAX_NOOF_MEDIA, $max_noof_media, [Maximum number of media]) 47 46 AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(EXTTAPE, $exttape, [Tape blocksize]) 48 if test x$do_x = xyes; then49 AC_DEFINE(WITH_X, 1, [Define if compiled with X support])50 else51 AC_DEFINE(WITH_X, 0, [Define if compiled with X support])52 fi53 AM_CONDITIONAL(XWIN, test x$do_x = xyes)54 47 55 48 # ( which automake 2>/dev/null >/dev/null && ( automake --version 2>&1 | grep -q 1.5 || automake --version 2>&1 | grep -q 1.7 || AC_MSG_ERROR([Automake must be version 1.5 or 1.7, if you have it at all]) ) ) 56 49 57 50 # Checks for libraries. 58 AC_CHECK_LIB([dl], [main])51 dnl AC_CHECK_LIB([dl], [main]) 59 52 AC_CHECK_LIB([newt], [newtInit]) 60 53 standardthread=0; … … 108 101 AC_SUBST(LIBS) 109 102 110 if test x$do_x = xyes ; then111 XMONDO=xmondo112 QT_LIBRARY=-lqt113 AC_PATH_XTRA114 dnl AC_PATH_KDE115 dnl KDE_USE_QT(3)116 else117 dnl Automake requires all conditionals to be done sometime; if they're not being118 dnl done by the KDE checks, they're done here.119 AM_CONDITIONAL(include_ARTS, false)120 dnl AC_FIND_BZIP2121 dnl KDE_CHECK_BINUTILS122 XMONDO=123 QT_LIBRARY=124 fi125 AC_SUBST(XMONDO)126 AC_SUBST(QT_LIBRARY)127 128 103 # Checks for header files. 129 104 AC_HEADER_STDC … … 146 121 AC_CHECK_FUNCS([bzero getcwd memmove memset mkdir mkfifo setenv strcasecmp strchr strerror strrchr strstr]) 147 122 148 if test -n "$qt_includes"; then 149 my_qt_includes="-I$qt_includes" 150 else 151 my_qt_includes="" 152 fi 153 AC_SUBST(my_qt_includes) 154 155 if test -n "$qt_libraries"; then 156 my_qt_libraries="-L$qt_libraries" 157 else 158 my_qt_libraries="" 159 fi 160 AC_SUBST(my_qt_libraries) 161 162 if test -n "$kde_includes"; then 163 my_kde_includes="-I$kde_includes" 164 else 165 my_kde_includes="" 166 fi 167 AC_SUBST(my_kde_includes) 168 169 if test -n "$kde_libraries"; then 170 my_kde_libraries="-L$kde_libraries" 171 else 172 my_kde_libraries="" 173 fi 174 AC_SUBST(my_kde_libraries) 175 176 AC_OUTPUT([Makefile mondo/Makefile mondo/common/Makefile mondo/mondoarchive/Makefile mondo/mondorestore/Makefile mondo/restore-scripts/Makefile mondo/restore-scripts/mondo/Makefile mondo/restore-scripts/usr/Makefile mondo/restore-scripts/usr/bin/Makefile mondo/xmondo/Makefile mondo/post-nuke.sample/Makefile mondo/post-nuke.sample/usr/Makefile mondo/post-nuke.sample/usr/bin/Makefile]) 123 AC_OUTPUT([Makefile mondo/Makefile mondo/common/Makefile mondo/mondoarchive/Makefile mondo/mondorestore/Makefile mondo/restore-scripts/Makefile mondo/restore-scripts/mondo/Makefile mondo/restore-scripts/usr/Makefile mondo/restore-scripts/usr/bin/Makefile mondo/post-nuke.sample/Makefile mondo/post-nuke.sample/usr/Makefile mondo/post-nuke.sample/usr/bin/Makefile]) -
r415 r423 12 12 %define addreqb mindi >= 1.05, bzip2 >= 0.9, afio, mkisofs, binutils, newt >= 0.50, slang >= 1.4.1 13 13 %define addreq DDD 14 %define rel %{mrel} 14 15 15 16 Summary: A program which a Linux user can utilize to create a rescue/restore CD/tape … … 20 21 Name: %{name} 21 22 Version: %{version} 22 Release: %{ mrel}23 Release: %{rel} 23 24 License: GPL 24 25 Group: %{grp} … … 34 35 35 36 %description 36 Mondo is a GPL disaster recovery solution to create backup media (CD, DVD, tape, network images) that can be used to redeploy the damaged system, as well as deploy similar or less similar systems. 37 Mondo is a GPL disaster recovery solution to create backup media 38 (CD, DVD, tape, network images) that can be used to redeploy the 39 damaged system, as well as deploy similar or less similar systems. 37 40 38 41 %description -l fr 39 42 Objectif 40 43 """""""" 41 Mondo est une solution GPL de sauvegarde en cas de désastre pour créer des médias (CD, DVD, bande, images réseau) qui peuvent être utilisés pour redéployer le système endomangé, aussi bien que des systèmes similaires, ou moins similaires. 44 Mondo est une solution GPL de sauvegarde en cas de désastre pour 45 créer des médias (CD, DVD, bande, images réseau) qui peuvent être 46 utilisés pour redéployer le système endomangé, aussi bien que des 47 systèmes similaires, ou moins similaires. 42 48 43 49 %description -l it … … 56 62 con cintas y NFS, tambien. 57 63 58 %debug_package59 64 %prep 60 65 %setup -q -n %name-%{version} … … 67 72 %{__rm} -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT 68 73 %makeinstall 69 70 %post71 /sbin/ldconfig72 %{__chmod} 755 %{_libdir}/%{name}/restore-scripts/%{name}/*73 74 %postun75 /sbin/ldconfig76 74 77 75 %clean … … 85 83 86 84 %attr(755,root,root) %{_sbindir}/* 87 #%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/%{name}/restore-scripts/%{name}/* 88 %{_libdir} 89 %{_mandir} 85 %attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/%{name}/restore-scripts/%{name}/* 86 %attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/%{name}/autorun 87 %attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/%{name}/post-nuke.sample/usr/bin/post-nuke 88 %{_libdir}/* 89 %{_mandir}/man8/* 90 90 91 91 %changelog -
r341 r423 1 # Note that configure will define @XMONDO@ to be "xmondo" if X support 2 # is enabled, "" if not 3 SUBDIRS = common mondoarchive mondorestore @XMONDO@ restore-scripts post-nuke.sample 4 DIST_SUBDIRS = common mondoarchive mondorestore xmondo restore-scripts post-nuke.sample 1 SUBDIRS = common mondoarchive mondorestore restore-scripts post-nuke.sample 2 DIST_SUBDIRS = ${SUBDIRS} 5 3 6 4 pkglib_DATA = do-not-compress-these autorun -
r182 r423 2 2 ## Process this file with Automake to generate `' 3 3 ## 4 AM_CPPFLAGS = -DMONDO_LIB=\"$(pkglibdir)\" 4 5 5 AM_CPPFLAGS = -DMONDO_LIB=\"$(pkglibdir)\" 6 ## Headers 6 ## libmondo 7 noinst_LIBRARIES = libmondo.a 7 8 8 noinst_HEADERS = libmondo-archive.h libmondo-devices.h \ 9 libmondo_a_SOURCES = libmondo-archive.c libmondo-devices.c libmondo-fifo.c \ 10 libmondo-filelist.c libmondo-files.c libmondo-fork.c \ 11 libmondo-mountlist.c libmondo-raid.c \ 12 libmondo-stream.c libmondo-string.c libmondo-tools.c \ 13 libmondo-verify.c newt-specific.c \ 14 libmondo-archive.h libmondo-devices.h \ 9 15 libmondo-filelist.h libmondo-files.h libmondo-fork.h \ 10 16 libmondo-gui.h libmondo-mountlist.h libmondo-raid.h \ … … 12 18 libmondo-verify.h libmondo-fifo.h \ 13 19 libmondo-archive-EXT.h my-stuff.h mondostructures.h \ 14 libmondo-devices-EXT.h libmondo-fifo-EXT.h libmondo-filelist-EXT.h \ 15 libmondo-files-EXT.h libmondo-fork-EXT.h libmondo-gui-EXT.h \ 16 libmondo-mountlist-EXT.h libmondo-raid-EXT.h libmondo-stream-EXT.h \ 17 libmondo-string-EXT.h libmondo-tools-EXT.h libmondo-verify-EXT.h \ 18 X-specific.h newt-specific.h 19 20 ## Libraries 21 if XWIN 22 XMONDOLIB = 23 endif XWIN 24 lib_LTLIBRARIES = $(XMONDOLIB) 25 26 ## libmondo 27 libmondo_la_SOURCES = libmondo-archive.c libmondo-devices.c libmondo-fifo.c \ 28 libmondo-filelist.c libmondo-files.c libmondo-fork.c \ 29 libmondo-mountlist.c libmondo-raid.c \ 30 libmondo-stream.c libmondo-string.c libmondo-tools.c \ 31 libmondo-verify.c 32 libmondo_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info 2:3:0 -shrext .so 33 libmondo_la_LIBADD = @LIBS@ 34 35 ## libmondo-newt 36 libmondo_newt_la_SOURCES = newt-specific.c 37 libmondo_newt_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info 1:0:0 -shrext .so 38 libmondo_newt_la_LIBADD = -lnewt 39 40 ## libXmondo 41 libXmondo_la_SOURCES = libmondo-archive.c libmondo-devices.c libmondo-fifo.c \ 42 libmondo-filelist.c libmondo-files.c libmondo-fork.c \ 43 X-specific.cpp libmondo-mountlist.c libmondo-raid.c \ 44 libmondo-stream.c libmondo-string.c libmondo-tools.c \ 45 libmondo-verify.c 46 libXmondo_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info 1:0:0 -shrext .so 47 libXmondo_la_LIBADD = -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/local/lib @QT_LIBRARY@ @LIBS@ @my_qt_libraries@ @my_kde_libraries@ 48 libXmondo_la_CFLAGS = -D_XWIN 49 libXmondo_la_CXXFLAGS= -D_XWIN @my_qt_includes@ @my_kde_includes@ 20 libmondo-devices-EXT.h libmondo-fifo-EXT.h \ 21 libmondo-files-EXT.h libmondo-fork-EXT.h \ 22 libmondo-gui-EXT.h libmondo-filelist-EXT.h \ 23 libmondo-mountlist-EXT.h libmondo-raid-EXT.h \ 24 libmondo-string-EXT.h libmondo-tools-EXT.h \ 25 libmondo-verify-EXT.h libmondo-stream-EXT.h \ 26 newt-specific.h -
r30 r423 9 9 sbin_PROGRAMS = mondoarchive 10 10 mondoarchive_SOURCES = main.c mondo-cli.c 11 mondoarchive_LDADD = ../common/ ../common/ 12 13 ### Man page 14 #man1_MANS = mondoarchive.1 11 mondoarchive_LDADD = ${top_builddir}/mondo/common/libmondo.a -
r30 r423 12 12 mondorestore_SOURCES = mondo-prep.c mondo-restore.c mondo-rstr-newt.c \ 13 13 mondo-rstr-compare.c mondo-rstr-tools.c 14 mondorestore_LDADD = ../common/ ../common/ @MONDORESTORE_STATIC@14 mondorestore_LDADD = ${top_builddir}/mondo/common/libmondo.a @MONDORESTORE_STATIC@ -
r402 r423 55 55 svn export ${VER}/mondo mondo-${MONDO_VER} 56 56 cp -a /tmp/mondorescue-svn.log mondo-${MONDO_VER}/svn.log 57 mkdir -p mondo-${MONDO_VER}/docs/man58 cp -a ${VER}/documentation/mondo*.8 mondo-${MONDO_VER}/docs/man59 57 echo "$REVISION" > mondo-${MONDO_VER}/REVISION 60 58 rm -rf documentation-${MONDO_VER} -
r388 r423 29 29 mkdir -p ${TOPDIR}/SOURCES 30 30 $TOOLHOME/mkspec ${MINDI_VER} mindi-kernel-${MINDI_VER}/mindi-kernel.spec > ${TOPDIR}/SPECS/mindi-kernel.spec 31 pkg="$pkg ${TOPDIR}/RPMS/${ARCH}/mindi-kernel-${MINDI_VER}-${REVISION}${suf}.${ARCH}.rpm" 31 pkg1="${TOPDIR}/RPMS/${ARCH}/mindi-kernel-${MINDI_VER}-${REVISION}${suf}.${ARCH}.rpm" 32 pkg="$pkg $pkg1" 33 rm -f $pkg1 32 34 fi 33 35 if [ "`echo $c | grep -v kernel | grep mindi`" != "" ]; then … … 37 39 mkdir -p ${TOPDIR}/SOURCES 38 40 39 pkg="$pkg ${TOPDIR}/RPMS/${ARCH}/mindi-${MINDI_VER}-${REVISION}${suf}.${ARCH}.rpm" 41 pkg1="${TOPDIR}/RPMS/${ARCH}/mindi-${MINDI_VER}-${REVISION}${suf}.${ARCH}.rpm" 42 pkg="$pkg $pkg1" 43 rm -f $pkg1 40 44 # ATTENTION: This could be dangerous for your setup 41 45 opt="rm -rf /usr/lib/mindi ;" … … 46 50 rm -rf mondo-${MONDO_VER}/distributions 47 51 48 pkg="$pkg ${TOPDIR}/RPMS/${ARCH}/mondo-${MONDO_VER}-${REVISION}${suf}.${ARCH}.rpm" 52 pkg1="${TOPDIR}/RPMS/${ARCH}/mondo-${MONDO_VER}-${REVISION}${suf}.${ARCH}.rpm" 53 pkg="$pkg $pkg1" 54 rm -f $pkg1 49 55 fi 50 56 -
r369 r423 1 <B><A HREF="isos/mondo-install-cd.iso">NEW! Installer CD</A></B> - if2 you have the time or bandwidth, please try this CD (image). It is3 updated on Sundays and Mondays.</P>4 <P ALIGN=JUSTIFY>5 1 <B><A HREF="isos/mindi.iso">Test CD</A></B> - if you think your 6 2 hardware is faulty, please download <A HREF="mindi.iso">this ISO</A>, -
r396 r423 50 50 <h2>Downloads</h2> 51 51 </div> 52 <p>Mondo's FTP site is available at <a href=""></a></p> 52 53 <h3>Source code</h3> 53 54 <ul> 54 <li>tarball available under <a href=""></a></li>55 <li>tarballs are available under <a href=""></a></li> 55 56 <li>Subversion browing available at <a href=""></a></li> 56 57 <li>Anonymous HTTP Subversion check out of the project available with the following instruction set: <pre><tt>svn checkout</tt></pre></li>
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