Opened 9 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#798 closed defect (fixed)

Verify doesn't work with tape

Reported by: Bruno Cornec Owned by: Bruno Cornec
Priority: high Milestone: 3.3.0
Component: mondo Version: 3.2.2
Severity: major Keywords:


As reported on the ML:

when I want to verify the backup with:
sudo mondoarchive -Vt -d /dev/st0 -g -f /dev/sdd -l GRUB -I /home/leo/WP60
I stops after a while, nothing happens any more. I enclose the log file
Before the program stops I get:

ASSERTION FAILED: `orig_fname[0]!='\0''
    at libmondo-verify.c:581 in verify_an_afioball_from_stream

(I)gnore, ignore (A)ll, (D)ebug, a(B)ort, or (E)xit? D    ( I thought that
debug was the wisest choice.)

Wrong marker! (Should be BLK_START_FILE, is actually BLK_START_FILE)Fatal
error... MondoRescue is terminating in response to a signal from the
---FATALERROR--- MondoRescue is terminating in response to a signal from the OS

Relevant log file info:

INFO: Mondo Archive v3.2.220160414030156-r3566 ---
DBG1: [Main] libmondo-tools.c->get_kernel_version#246: g_kernel_version = 3.200000
INFO: Mindi v3.0.220160414030156-r3566
DBG3: [Main] libmondo-cli.c->handle_incoming_parameters#96: Switches:-
DBG3: [Main] libmondo-cli.c->handle_incoming_parameters#99: -I /home/leo/WP60
DBG3: [Main] libmondo-cli.c->handle_incoming_parameters#99: -V
DBG3: [Main] libmondo-cli.c->handle_incoming_parameters#99: -d /dev/st0
DBG3: [Main] libmondo-cli.c->handle_incoming_parameters#99: -f /dev/sdd
DBG3: [Main] libmondo-cli.c->handle_incoming_parameters#99: -g
DBG3: [Main] libmondo-cli.c->handle_incoming_parameters#99: -l GRUB
DBG3: [Main] libmondo-cli.c->handle_incoming_parameters#99: -t
DBG1: [Main] libmondo-tools.c->post_param_configuration#369: Post-param
DBG1: [Main] libmondo-tools.c->post_param_configuration#374: Tape
DBG1: [Main] libmondo-tools.c->post_param_configuration#379: tmp = 'mt -f /dev/st0 status'
INFO: Buffer successfully started.
INFO: Reading stream
DBG2: [Main] libmondo-stream.c->openin_tape#819: stream device = '/dev/st0'
INFO: Skipping data disks on stream
INFO: Wrong marker! (Should be BLK_START_OF_TAPE, is actually BLK_START_OF_TAPE)
INFO: Wrong marker! (Should be BLK_START_OF_BACKUP, is actually BLK_START_OF_BACKUP)
DBG2: [Main] libmondo-stream.c->openin_tape#866: Saved all.tar.gz to '/tmp/mondo.tmp.b5fbjW/tmp/all.tar.gz'
INFO: Verifying regular archives on tape
DBG4: [Main] libmondo-tools.c->read_cfg_var#1069: Configuration item last-filelist-number is 9
DBG2: [Main] libmondo-stream.c->read_header_block_from_stream#1195: Bad header block at 33152 K
DBG2: [Main] libmondo-verify.c->verify_afioballs_from_stream#732: YOU SHOULD NOT GET HERE
DBG2: [Main] libmondo-verify.c->verify_afioballs_from_stream#733: Grabbing the EXAT files
INFO: Wrong marker! (Should be BLK_START_AFIOBALLS, is actually BLK_START_AFIOBALLS)
DBG2: [Main] libmondo-stream.c->read_header_block_from_stream#1195: Bad header block at 33280 K
INFO: Wrong marker! (Should be BLK_START_AN_AFIO_OR_SLICE, is actually BLK_START_AN_AFIO_OR_SLICE)
DBG2: [Main] libmondo-stream.c->read_header_block_from_stream#1195: Bad header block at 33408 K
INFO: output file's size should be -3304083787819638 K but is apparently -281470681677823 K
INFO: Wrong marker! (Should be BLK_START_FILE, is actually BLK_START_FILE)
DBG2: [Main] libmondo-verify.c->verify_a_tarball#425: Verifying fileset '/tmp/mondo.tmp.b5fbjW/tmpfs/temporary-??k=^L8??m??<??$?P?????,?'
DBG4: [Main] libmondo-verify.c->verify_a_tarball#481: afio -r -P bzip2 -Z /tmp/mondo.tmp.b5fbjW/tmpfs/temporary-??k=^L8??m??<??$?P?????,? >> /tmp/mondo.tmp.b5fbjW/afio.log 2>>
DBG2: [Main] libmondo-files.c->length_of_file#520: filename=/tmp/mondo.tmp.b5fbjW/afio.log
INFO: Unable to openin filename (Bestand of map bestaat niet)
DBG2: [Main] libmondo-stream.c->read_header_block_from_stream#1195: Bad header block at 33536 K
INFO: Wrong marker! (Should be BLK_STOP_AN_AFIO_OR_SLICE, is actually BLK_STOP_AN_AFIO_OR_SLICE)
DBG2: [Main] libmondo-stream.c->read_header_block_from_stream#1195: Bad header block at 33792 K
INFO: Wrong marker! (Should be BLK_START_AN_AFIO_OR_SLICE, is actually BLK_START_AN_AFIO_OR_SLICE)
DBG2: [Main] libmondo-tools.c->_mondo_assert_fail#110: ASSERTION FAILED: `orig_fname[0]!='\0'' at libmondo-verify.c:581 in verify_an_afioball_from_stream
INFO: (Unknown) signal received from OS
INFO: (Unknown)

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Bruno Cornec, 8 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Fixed with [3646]

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