Opened 12 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#698 closed defect (invalid)

kernel panic when booting mindi on RHEL 4

Reported by: getcha Owned by: Bruno Cornec
Priority: normal Milestone: 3.0.4
Component: mindi Version: 3.0.3
Severity: normal Keywords:



On a RHEL 4 64 bit server, mindi seems to work good, but when booting on another server with different hardware it make kernel panic on boot.

RHEL 4 Kernel : 2.6.9-89.0.9.ELsmp

Mindi output :

Mindi Linux mini-distro generator v2.1.5-r3111
Latest Mindi is available from
BusyBox sources are available from
Mindi-BusyBox v1.7.3-r2495 (2009-11-30 23:13:53 CET) multi-call binary
Do you want to use your own kernel to build the boot disk ([y]/n) ?
TryToFindKernelPath found /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.9-89.0.9.ELsmp
Analyzing dependency requirements                               Done.
Making complete dependency list                                 Done.
INFO: Analyzing your keyboard's configuration.
INFO: Adding the following keyboard mapping tables:
Assembling dependency files.....................................Done.         .....................................
Your mountlist will look like this:
Analyzing LVM...
        DEVICE          MOUNTPOINT      FORMAT          SIZE (MB)     LABEL/UUID
        /dev/sdb1       lvm             lvm               52462
        /dev/sdb5       lvm             lvm               19539
        /dev/sdb6       lvm             lvm               67381
        /dev/sda2       lvm             lvm               99998
        /dev/sda1       /               ext3               6000
        /dev/vg1/lv_home /home           ext3                lvm
        /dev/vg1/lv_opt /opt            ext3                lvm
        /dev/vg1/lv_tmp /tmp            ext3                lvm
        /dev/vg1/lv_usr /usr            ext3                lvm
        /dev/vg1/lv_usrloc /usr/local      ext3                lvm
        /dev/vg1/lv_var /var            ext3                lvm
        /dev/vg1/lv_varlog /var/log        ext3                lvm
        /dev/vg_db2/lv_db2 /db2            ext3                lvm
        /dev/vg_db2/lv_backupdb /backupdb       ext3                lvm
        /dev/vg1/lv_dellutils /opt/dell       ext3                lvm
        /dev/sda3       swap            swap               8189
Tarring and zipping the data content...                         Done.
Making 65600KB boot disk...............INFO: Using bash as default shell
INFO: udev device manager found
INFO: No Hardware optimized support for your product PowerEdge 2950
      You may ask your manufacturer to contribute to the mindi project
      for firmware Disaster Recovery support (harmless)
...............                                                 Done.
In the directory '/var/cache/mindi' you will find the images:-
INFO: Created bootable ISO image at /var/cache/mindi/mindi.iso
Shall I make a bootable USB device ? (y/[n])
INFO: Boot and data disk images were created.

Booting on mindi iso :

RAMDISK: compressed image found at block 0
VFS : Mounted root (ext2 filesystem).
Freeing unused kernel memory: 208k free
/bin/sh: expert: No such file or directory
Kernel Panic - not syncing : Attempt to kill init!

Attachments (1)

mindi.log (167.8 KB ) - added by getcha 12 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (2)

by getcha, 12 years ago

Attachment: mindi.log added

comment:1 by Bruno Cornec, 12 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

You mindi-busybox is tool old. Use 1.18.5 please. Cf the FAQ for versions compatibility.

Also verify when cloning on a different HW platform that all the required ddrivers will be in the initrd.

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