Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#503 closed defect (fixed)

mindi tar of udev is not working for lib64, on Ubuntu 64 bits

Reported by: victor gattegno Owned by: Bruno Cornec
Priority: normal Milestone: 3.0.0
Component: mindi Version:
Severity: normal Keywords: mindi tar lib64



Mondo Archive v2.2.9.7-r2846

Mindi v2.0.7.8-r2846

Mindi-BusyBox v1.18.3-r2846

The problem is with tar, line 2456 of /usr/sbin/mindi :

tar cf - -C / /lib*/udev 2>> $MINDI_TMP/$$.log | tar xf -

It works well on 32 bits GNU/Linux distribs, and on RHEL 64 bits (x86_64), but not on Ubuntu 11.04 64 bits (x86_64).

On the same Ubuntu x86_64, if I execute manually "tar cf - /lib*/udev | tar xf -" it works.

But, on the same Ubuntu x86_64, through mindi it doesn't work for lib64 :

In mondoarchive.log from line 878 to line 920

Making 32768KB boot disk...............udev device manager found
tar: lib/udev/pcmcia-check-broken-cis: Cannot hard link to `lib64/udev/pci-db': Invalid cross-device link
tar: lib/udev/usb_modeswitch: Cannot hard link to `lib64/udev/path_id': Invalid cross-device link
tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
Problem in /lib/udev analysis

In another mondoarchive.log, on a french server : from line 848 to line 1021

Making 32768KB boot disk...............udev device manager found
tar: lib/udev/iphone-set-info : impossible de créer un lien physique vers «lib64/udev/iphone-set-info»: Lien croisé de périphéque invalide
tar: lib/udev/usb-db : impossible de créer un lien physique vers «lib64/udev/collect»: Lien croisé de périphéque invalide
tar: Arrêt avec code d'échec à cause des erreurs précédentes
Problem in /lib/udev analysis

Some other people have the same problem, on Debian, example:

Maybe the problem doesn't occur with RHEL6 64 bits because /lib64 is not soft linked to /usr, as it is on Ubuntu 64 bits...

Attachments (1) (99.9 KB ) - added by victor gattegno 13 years ago.
Ubuntu 11.04 mondoarchive logs, etc.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (5)

by victor gattegno, 13 years ago

Attachment: added

Ubuntu 11.04 mondoarchive logs, etc.

comment:1 by victor gattegno, 13 years ago

There is a "bug" in my last phrase...the right one is :

Maybe the problem doesn't occur with RHEL6 64 bits because /lib64 is not soft linked to /lib, as it is on Ubuntu 64 bits...

comment:2 by Bruno Cornec, 13 years ago

Status: newassigned

Thanks Victor for the report and analysis.

This should be handled better as rev [2895]. I remade ubuntu 11.04 x86_64 version for you to test. If you could report if indeed I fixed it correctly, that would help !

comment:3 by victor gattegno, 13 years ago

I checked mondoarchive (same context, but with mindi rev 2895) and I don't get anymore the tar udev errors in mondoarchive.log.

Thanks Bruno, well done !

comment:4 by victor gattegno, 13 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed
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