Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#392 closed defect (fixed)

A memory leakage in mondo-

Reported by: robert lin Owned by: Bruno Cornec
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: mondo Version:
Severity: normal Keywords:


mondoarchive doesn't work on backing up Windows
A memory leakage occurrs at below line marked as ##. Just delete this could be ok.





"feed_into_ntfsprog() called in background --- pid=%ld",
(long int) (pid));

mr_free(sz_devfile); ## delete this line


Attachments (3)

partofmondoarchive.log (2.8 KB ) - added by robert lin 15 years ago.
please check line 18
screenmessage.log (954 bytes ) - added by robert lin 15 years ago.
mondoarchive.log (211.7 KB ) - added by robert lin 15 years ago.
this is correct log.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (13)

comment:1 by robert lin, 15 years ago

Owner: changed from Bruno Cornec to robert lin

comment:2 by Bruno Cornec, 15 years ago


I disagree with your analysis. Removing such a line will never allow you to solve a memory *leak* problem. Rather it will create one.

The sz_devfile var is allocated by the mr_asprintf just upper. So it needs to be freed after its usage in the parent.

So what is your problem and could you provide log files please ?

by robert lin, 15 years ago

Attachment: partofmondoarchive.log added

please check line 18

comment:3 by robert lin, 15 years ago

Please check the attachement. I just picked up the error part of the log.

by robert lin, 15 years ago

Attachment: screenmessage.log added

comment:4 by robert lin, 15 years ago

Of course, -x /dev/sda1 option was used for mondoarchive command.

comment:5 by Bruno Cornec, 15 years ago

So your real error is *not* a memory leak, but an impossibility to open a device:

Cannot archive bigfile '/dev/sda1': not found

Now, I still need the *full* log file in order to understand what may happen. But with the above message check that you can access /dev/sda1 already.

by robert lin, 15 years ago

Attachment: mondoarchive.log added

this is correct log.

comment:6 by robert lin, 15 years ago

Please check 5023 line in mondoarchive.log.

comment:7 by robert lin, 15 years ago

Breakpoint 1, make_slices_and_images (

biggielist_fname=0x8848c70 "/tmp/mondo.scratch.1200/mondo.scratch.2382/archives/biggielist.txt") at libmondo-archive.c:2112[[BR]]

2112 log_msg(2,
(gdb) display ntfsprog_fifo
1: ntfsprog_fifo = 0x88453d0 "/tmp/mondo.tmp.UjKSLQ/8364.441.000"
(gdb) display sz_devfile
2: sz_devfile = 0x88453d0 "/tmp/mondo.tmp.UjKSLQ/8364.441.000"
(gdb) n
2115 mr_free(sz_devfile);
2: sz_devfile = 0x88453d0 "/tmp/mondo.tmp.UjKSLQ/8364.441.000"
1: ntfsprog_fifo = 0x88453d0 "/tmp/mondo.tmp.UjKSLQ/8364.441.000"
2112 log_msg(2,
2: sz_devfile = 0x88453d0 "/tmp/mondo.tmp.UjKSLQ/8364.441.000"
1: ntfsprog_fifo = 0x88453d0 "/tmp/mondo.tmp.UjKSLQ/8364.441.000"
2115 mr_free(sz_devfile);
2: sz_devfile = 0x88453d0 "/tmp/mondo.tmp.UjKSLQ/8364.441.000"
1: ntfsprog_fifo = 0x88453d0 "/tmp/mondo.tmp.UjKSLQ/8364.441.000"
2124 if (IS_THIS_A_STREAMING_BACKUP(bkpinfo->backup_media_type)) {
2: sz_devfile = 0x0
1: ntfsprog_fifo = 0x88453d0 "\b\213\204\b/mondo.tmp.UjKSLQ/8364.441.000"
2130 res =
2: sz_devfile = 0x0
1: ntfsprog_fifo = 0x88453d0 "\b\213\204\b/mondo.tmp.UjKSLQ/8364.441.000"

comment:8 by Bruno Cornec, 15 years ago

Owner: changed from robert lin to Bruno Cornec
Status: newassigned

Ah, sorry, indeed there is an issue !

So sz_devfile is clearly freed too early. What about the proposed patch in rev [2578] ?

comment:9 by robert lin, 15 years ago

Thanks so much!
It works. So, please close the issue.

comment:10 by Bruno Cornec, 15 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed
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