Opened 15 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

#366 closed defect (fixed)

Mondoarchive exclude option not accepting more than "36" folders

Reported by: deepugopi Owned by: Bruno Cornec
Priority: high Milestone:
Component: mondo Version: 2.2.9
Severity: critical Keywords: exclude option
Cc: sysadmin@…


Hello ,

Whenever I try to exclude more than 36 folders [I found out this number after some testing] the Mondoarchive gives FATAL ERROR [ please see the attached mondoarchive.log file].

Mondo Archive command I used: /usr/sbin/mondoarchive -OiV -p cvsfull -I "<absolute_Folder_path_for_backup>" -E " <gave_37_folder_path_with_space_between_each_folder>" -d /BACKUP/FULL_BACKUP/full_backup -s 4400m

Machine Details : OS Used : Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 4 (Nahant Update 2) Arch : 64 bit

MondoRescue version : Mondo : 2.2.6-1 Mindi : 2.0.2-1 Mindi-busybox : 1.7.3-1 Afio : 2.5-2 Buffer : 1.19-2 Syslinux : 3.62-1

Thanking in Advance Deepu Gopinathan

Attachments (4)

mondoarchive.log (7.5 KB ) - added by deepugopi 15 years ago.
Mondoarchive log file. Please see line 68 & 69
mondoarchive_2.2.6.log (8.9 KB ) - added by deepugopi 15 years ago.
MondoArchive[2.2.6] log file
mondoarchive_16Nov2009_1.log (9.4 KB ) - added by deepugopi 15 years ago.
mondoarchive_16Nov2009_2.log (7.5 KB ) - added by deepugopi 15 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (14)

by deepugopi, 15 years ago

Attachment: mondoarchive.log added

Mondoarchive log file. Please see line 68 & 69

comment:1 by deepugopi, 15 years ago

Cc: sysadmin@… added
Keywords: exclude option added

comment:2 by Bruno Cornec, 15 years ago

Could you update to mondo 2.2.9 and mindi 2.0.7 and report back again (

in reply to:  2 ; comment:3 by deepugopi, 15 years ago

Replying to bruno:

Could you update to mondo 2.2.9 and mindi 2.0.7 and report back again (

Hello ,

Thank you for your update. But problem is still there.

Actually there is a mistake in the Mondo/Mindi version I mentioned while submitting the ticket.

The Version I used initially is : Mondo:2.2.9-1 Mindi: 2.0.7-1 Mindi-busybox : 1.7.3-1

Also I tried with old version : Mondo: 2.2.6-1 Mindi: 2.0.2-1 Mindi-busybox: 1.7.3-1

by deepugopi, 15 years ago

Attachment: mondoarchive_2.2.6.log added

MondoArchive[2.2.6] log file

in reply to:  3 comment:4 by deepugopi, 15 years ago

Replying to deepugopi:

Replying to bruno:

Could you update to mondo 2.2.9 and mindi 2.0.7 and report back again (

Hello ,

Thank you for your update. But problem is still there.

Actually there is a mistake in the Mondo/Mindi version I mentioned while submitting the ticket.

The Version I used initially is : Mondo:2.2.9-1 Mindi: 2.0.7-1 Mindi-busybox : 1.7.3-1

Also I tried with old version : Mondo: 2.2.6-1 Mindi: 2.0.2-1 Mindi-busybox: 1.7.3-1

Hello Bruno ,

Sorry to keep pinging again. But wondering is there any way i can bypass this situation - as back is taking extra 3-4 hours [ around 4-6GB ] because of unwanted data backup.

  • Like using any old version on Mondo [ older than 2.2.6 ]
  • Or Trying out any new beta version

Thanking in Advance Deepu Gopinathan

comment:5 by Bruno Cornec, 15 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

The error is:

[Main] libmondo-cli.c->process_switches#774: ERROR ! doesn't exist [Main] newt-specific.c->fatal_error#297: Fatal error received - 'ERROR ! You specified a directory to include which doesn't exist'

Which was your -I option ? (it's the *include* dir which has an issue here). I advise to Remove the -I. In general you never want it.

by deepugopi, 15 years ago

comment:6 by deepugopi, 15 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: closedreopened

Hello Bruno ,

Thank You for your feedback. The error is still there But may I point that I've verified the path of the folders which i placed under "include" & "exclude" option & they are fine.

Also I notice that If I inter-change the position of "- I" & "- E" option then I'm getting 2 different errors.

Case 1 : [ -I option is first ] Command : /usr/sbin/mondoarchive -OiV -p cvsfull -I "include_folder_path" -E "exclude_folder_paths" -d /work/BACKUP/mondo -s 2000m Error Message : Fatal error... ERROR ! You specified a directory to include which doesn't exist ---FATALERROR--- ERROR ! You specified a directory to include which doesn't exist Log File : mondoarchive_16Nov2009_2.log

I've included only 1 folder for backup but still its giving error message related to directory included under include option.

Case 2 : [ -E option is first ] Command : /usr/sbin/mondoarchive -OiV -p cvsfull -E "exclude_folder_paths" -I "include_folder_path" -d /work/BACKUP/mondo -s 2000m Error Message : Fatal error... Your '-E' parameter is too long. Increase MAX_STR_LEN ---FATALERROR--- Your '-E' parameter is too long. Increase MAX_STR_LEN Log File : mondoarchive_16Nov2009_1.log

One of the folder path which i mentioned under exclude option is automatically changed [Main] libmondo-cli.c->process_switches#1081: WARNING ! /work/Softwares/WINDOWS/win-softwares/Win/work/Softwares/WINDOW S doesn't exist

by deepugopi, 15 years ago

in reply to:  6 comment:7 by Bruno Cornec, 15 years ago


Replying to deepugopi:

Hello Bruno ,

Thank You for your feedback. The error is still there But may I point that I've verified the path of the folders which i placed under "include" & "exclude" option & they are fine.

The second log doesn't say so: dows_Softwares/System/CleanMem is passed to -I but doesn't exist (and is not a full pathname)

Also I notice that If I inter-change the position of "- I" & "- E" option then I'm getting 2 different errors.

Normal, the analysis is done in order.

Case 1 : [ -I option is first ] Command : /usr/sbin/mondoarchive -OiV -p cvsfull -I "include_folder_path" -E "exclude_folder_paths" -d /work/BACKUP/mondo -s 2000m Error Message : Fatal error... ERROR ! You specified a directory to include which doesn't exist ---FATALERROR--- ERROR ! You specified a directory to include which doesn't exist Log File : mondoarchive_16Nov2009_2.log

Yes see upper.

I've included only 1 folder for backup but still its giving error message related to directory included under include option.

What is your CLI for that ?

Case 2 : [ -E option is first ] Command : /usr/sbin/mondoarchive -OiV -p cvsfull -E "exclude_folder_paths" -I "include_folder_path" -d /work/BACKUP/mondo -s 2000m Error Message : Fatal error... Your '-E' parameter is too long. Increase MAX_STR_LEN

Yes, you should either refactor your exclude line or recomile by increasing MAX_STR_LEN as there is a limit.

However, you shouldn't probably use both -I and -E. Read the mane page for that.

comment:8 by deepugopi, 15 years ago

Could you please tell me how to increase the MAX_STR_LEN limit . My machine is RHEL 4.2 [64 bit].

Also as per my current backup scenario I only need to backup 8-9 folders but at the same time I need to exclude some sub-folder under those included folders . This is the reason why is use both -I & -E option at the same time.

comment:9 by Bruno Cornec, 15 years ago

You need to edit include/my-stuff.h and modify its value to something higher than 384.

This problem is now solved in 2.2.10 with dynamic allocation. However, I still need to adapt some structure s to have it fully supported everywhere.

comment:10 by Bruno Cornec, 14 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: reopenedclosed

Fixed as of rev [2709] in, backporting dynamic allocation for exclude list from 2.2.10

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