Opened 17 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

#247 closed defect (fixed)

error creating image with failsafe kernel

Reported by: oscar.fernandez@… Owned by: Bruno Cornec
Priority: normal Milestone: 2.2.6
Component: mondo Version: 2.2.5
Severity: normal Keywords:



I'm trying to use mondoarchive with -k FAILSAFE I'm using RHEL4 update 5, and packages:

mindi-2.0.1-1.rhel4.i386.rpm mondo-2.2.5-1.rhel4.i386.rpm

When launching backup, I have same error on /var/log/mondoarchive.log and /var/log/mindi.log:

FATAL ERROR. Please install mindi-kernel package. You need it. Go to and download it, then install it. Please e-mail a copy of /var/log/mindi.log to the mailing list. See for more information. WE CANNOT HELP unless you enclose that file.

I've installed mindi-kernel rpm (mindi-kernel-1.0-1.i386.rpm), and still same behaviour. Then tried to run on mindi-kernel-2.6.tgz. Didn't work either.

I've installed the lib.tar.bz2 and vmlinuz (tried both, the one in the mindi-kernel packages, and mi own one) on several directories, /usr/local/lib/mindi , /usr/local/share/mindi , even /usr/share/mindi/ as shown in the official FAQ. All of them, no success. Still the same error message.

What I'm doing wrong? is there any newer mindi-kernel package I should install? For the mondoarchive version I'm running, should the failsafe kernel be placed anywhere else in the system?

Thank you in advance. (oscar.fernandez @ evistel dot com )

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Bruno Cornec, 17 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

The mindi kernel should be placed under /usr/lib/mindi if you're using packages for mindi. THe rpm provided is now really old, and should not be used. However I do *NOT* recommend that you use the FAILSAFE kernel anymore, except if you have a very good reason to. Most of the time your normal kernel will just work. And in RHEL case, that's particularly true. That's why that feature is not really tested anymore, even if it still should work when placing the kernel in the right place. The mindi log file should give you that info.

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