Custom Query (684 matches)


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Results (58 - 60 of 684)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#108 fixed /dev fills up to 100% and stops Bruno Cornec d3acon

I started mondoarchive from the commandline on an openSuSE 10.1 x86 system (dual core). -> NFS mount -> 4400 MB as filesize <br> The progressbar showed up - but it filled up the /dev instead of my mounted nfs drive.

du -sm /dev/* | sort
341     /dev/mondo.scratch.27361
93      /dev/tmp.mondo.8514
1       /dev/shm

Following processes were running, when I tried to stop it:

[15:47] root@ucl01121:~# ps -ef|grep mondo
root     13524 11910 14 15:20 pts/2    00:04:05 mondoarchive
root     21087 13524  0 15:45 pts/2    00:00:00 sh -c gzip -c1 > /dev/tmp.mondo.8514/xattr_list.45.gz
root     24939 13524  0 15:45 pts/2    00:00:00 sh -c afio -o -b 131072 -M 16m -Z -P bzip2 -G 9 -T 3k -E /usr/share/mondo/do-not-compress-these /dev/tmp.mondo.8514/tmpfs/46.afio.bz2 < /dev/tmp.mondo.8514/filelist.46 2>> /var/log/mondo-archive.log
root     24941 24939  0 15:45 pts/2    00:00:00 afio -o -b 131072 -M 16m -Z -P bzip2 -G 9 -T 3k -E /usr/share/mondo/do-not-compress-these /dev/tmp.mondo.8514/tmpfs/46.afio.bz2



#112 fixed grub doesn't install when changing type of disk Bruno Cornec Bruno Cornec

I had to change during restore the mountlist as the original system is using SATA disk (/dev/sda3 for instance for the root filesystem) to an IDE configuration (/dev/hda1). But I can not boot on this new virtual system. I do not have the grub menu, it is stuck before this. grub-install issues an error as with udev based systems, there is not the right device file created during restore (it wasn't part of the original backup). So it should be created on the fly.

#113 fixed mondo should be able to use gzip Bruno Cornec Bruno Cornec

mondo should be able to use gzip to improve speed and still being non intrusive for most distributions.

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