Custom Query (10 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (10 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#173 mindi cannot copy files - reports that maybe it ran out if disk space but I still have disk space and inodes left Bruno Cornec defect high mindi 2.2.3
#84 build x86_64 packages for popular distros Bruno Cornec enhancement normal mondo 2.2.0
#114 mondorestore should support -p Bruno Cornec defect normal mondo 2.2.0
#117 Mondo does not support boot loader not in MBR Bruno Cornec defect normal mondo 2.2.1
#148 parity issue with mdadm in mondorestore Bruno Cornec defect normal mondo 2.2.1
#150 Restore crashes during ext3 format of LVM Bruno Cornec defect normal mondo 2.2.1
#159 stabgrub-me script needs mod for Ubuntu (/etc/grub.conf is a link to a full path name) Bruno Cornec defect normal mondo 2.2.2
#165 /dev/i2o directory missing for adaptec 2010s raid (i2o_core/i2o_block drivers) Bruno Cornec defect normal mindi 2.2.3
#177 mondo/mindi 2.2.4-1.fc5 fails yum install Bruno Cornec defect normal mondo 2.2.3
#178 Mindi can't find mindi-busybox, amd64 architecture, Ubuntu 7.04 fiesty fawn Bruno Cornec defect normal mindi-busybox 2.2.3
Batch Modify
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.