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Results (220 - 222 of 684)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#89 Bruno Cornec frederic.bourlet@… fixed no imgname variable in environment

I dont know what to do, i've create isos of a RHEL4u2 computer and burn a CD. When i want to restore the image on an another computer (the same model) i've the mondo rescue ihm and an error message: FATAL ERROR

no imgname variable in environment

#90 Bruno Cornec caogdin@… fixed mondoarchive fails when using space in the prefix

I intentionally introduced a space into the filename of the destination of the image being written to disk. The command accepted by mondoarchive is

    mondoarchive -OViFNK0 -s 4200m -S /backup/scratch -T /backup/temp -d
/backup -l LILO -f /dev/hdc \
          -p Mondo- (test) -Birch-061025@2031 -E /backup

As the following information shows, "Mondo- (test) -Birch-061025@2031" is accepted as a whole and proper file name, because it's quoted in the invocation of mondoarchive.

When it comes time for mondoarchive to write the first ISO out, it invokes mkisofs, but the file name is not properly single-quoted, resulting the following error reported on the console:

sh: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `('
sh: -c: line 0: `mkisofs -no-emul-boot -b isolinux.bin -boot-load-size 4
-boot-info-table -c -o /backup//Mondo- (test)
-Birch-061025@2031-1.iso -J -r -p MondoRescue -publisher
-A Mondo_Rescue_GPL -V 1 . >> /var/log/mondo-archive.log 2>>
Call to mkisofs to make ISO (ISO #1) ...failed
---promptdialogYN---1--- Failed to burn ISO #1. Retry?

Because the parameter to the -o option is not single-quoted to treat it as a unit, the spaces in the filename break the paramter after ...Mondo-, and the rest of the filename, (test... is attempted to be interpreted as another option.

That command could more robustly be coded as

        mkisofs -no-emul-boot -b isolinux.bin -boot-load-size 4
-boot-info-table -c -o '/backup//Mondo- (test)
-Birch-061025@2031-1.iso' \
            -J -r -p MondoRescue -publisher -A
Mondo_Rescue_GPL -V 1 . >> /var/log/mondo-archive.log 2>>

(I quoted the argument to -o)

#92 Bruno Cornec Tadej Janež duplicate add option to mindi to copy all the available kernel modules to the newly created bootable cd

I would like to restore my mondorescue backup to another machine, but the bootable cd, i.e. mindi, doesn't recognise my SATA controller and hard drives attached to it. However, the distro and its kernel (with appropriate modules) do have support for this SATA controller, but mindi doesn't copy the necessary kernel modules at the bootable cd creation time. I think it would be really useful to add an option to mindi to copy the current kernel and all the available kernel modules that go along with this kernel to the bootable backup cd, so restore is possible on all the hardware that is supported by the distro kernel.

Thanks in advance!

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