Custom Query (684 matches)


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Results (106 - 108 of 684)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#612 Bruno Cornec Bruno Cornec duplicate Multiple hpsa driver not supported

When using both the hpsa driver from RHEL 6.1 and the one provided in HP's PSP, the additional one (under extra) is not put correctly in the boot media so is not available at recovery time creating an issue.

#616 Bruno Cornec Bruno Cornec fixed mondoarchive core dumps when using GUI

In both 3.0.1 and 3.0.2 beta 20120503, the interactive mondoarchive is core dumping after you select the average compression ratio when in NFS backup mode.

#621 Bruno Cornec victor gattegno fixed mondoarchive crashes when fstab contains bind mounts

If there are some bind mounts in /etc/fstab, example :

/ora/2/saptrace/usertrace  /home/ora/user     none    bind

Then mondoarchive fails with :

FATAL ERROR. Cannot find /ora/2/saptrace/usertrace's size - is your /etc/fstab sane?

I found where is the problem : mondoarchive crashes because mindi doesn't manage bind mounts in fstab.

At line #2215 /usr/sbin/mindi 2.1.1 checks only "/dev/", as the /etc/fstab mount bind lines don't contain any "/dev", then mindi dies with that fatal error message (mindi 2.1.1 Line #2216).

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