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Results (73 - 75 of 684)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#259 Bruno Cornec Paolo Bernardoni duplicate mondorestore: select cancel button but start restore procedure....

mondo version 2.2.6-1 for red-hat enterprise 4.

run mondorestore on DVD backup set. open some directory tree without select any files or directory.

Exit from mondorestore using CANCEL button. The program starts a restore procedure !!!!! restore what ??

Thank you Paolo

#260 Bruno Cornec JeffS fixed mondorestore restores instead of cancels when cancel is selected from filelist.

When you use mondorestore to look at the filelist and then you select cancel from the filelist view, mondo restores all the files instead of going to a command shell.

Source RPM: mondo-2.2.6-1.suse10.2.src.rpm Build Date: Mon 02 Jun 2008 03:12:27 AM EDT

#274 Bruno Cornec JeffS fixed command line interface fails with directory error

Fatal error... ERROR ! You specified a directory to include which doesn't exist

/tmp/hold does exist. Tried other directories /home and got same message.

ver mondo 2.2.7 and mindi 2.04

menu works OK.

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