Custom Query (684 matches)


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#266 Bruno Cornec Matt Anderson fixed Fedora should be in one repo

Starting with Fedora 7 upstream no longer has the concept of Base and Extras. Mondo should update their Fedora mirrors to reflect this change as well. If everything was consolidated into a Fedora distro directory, which would include a .repo file, that would be the only thing a user would need to pull down manually before using Yum to handle the rest of the Mondo installation. This should make for a better user experience for those getting started with Mondo on Fedora.

#302 Bruno Cornec Peter Clark fixed Adding EXT4 support

To add EXT4 support to mondoarchive/mondorestore, one needs to add the modules 'ext4 jbd2 crc16' and the programs 'fsck.ext4 mkfs.ext4' to the mindi deplist.txt file.

It would be nice to have mkfs.ext4 called with the same parameters as mkfs.ext3. Currently doing a mondorestore and changing filesystem types to ext4 formats the filesystem and calls badblocks, which takes about 45 minutes to complete on my 150gb partition. Calling 'mkfs.ext4' by hand for that partition takes no longer than 5, and doesn't invoke badblocks.

#771 Bruno Cornec anonymous invalid invalid
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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