Custom Query (684 matches)


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Results (100 - 102 of 684)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#114 Bruno Cornec Bruno Cornec fixed mondorestore should support -p

The only way to restore an NFS image right now when using a prefix during backup is to rename the image mondorescue-1.iso. mondorestore should support the -p option to allow for image name selection.

#115 Bruno Cornec Bruno Cornec fixed Allow mondo to create bootable USB keys to restore from

mondoarchive should handle a new option to allow it to create a bootable USB key instead of an ISO image. Restore would then be possible directly from that USB key. Should also work for a disk.

#117 Bruno Cornec bcomber fixed Mondo does not support boot loader not in MBR

When running the command "mondoarchive -Oc 16 -d /dev/hdd -F " Mondo doesn't automatically find the boot loader. The default is grub on opensuse, and when viewing the log it shows that it searches for both lilo and grub and can't find it.

Strangely enough if I simply add -l GRUB without a drive behind it, it works fine. Or at least appears to in that the backup continues. the log shows that it still doesn't find it, but that the bootloader is grub and it is located on /dev/hda which is correct.

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