15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
cosmetic display fix
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
r3649@localhost: bruno | 2009-11-26 00:18:27 +0100
- Addition of the …
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
r3647@localhost: bruno | 2009-11-25 23:49:11 +0100
- Add warning for …
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Put news below in the main page to make it more readable
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
r3620@localhost: bruno | 2009-11-18 10:31:36 +0100
- Only link …
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
r3614@localhost: bruno | 2009-11-15 01:34:12 +0100
Adds a space in …
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Adds support for variable serial port console, with defalut to …
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Fix bunzip2 on debian as well
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- If using nolvm, mondorestore should also not nalyze and handle …
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Add support for diskdumplib driver useful for RHEL 3 and IBM xseries 336
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Fix #367 - the for loop doesn't make any test now, as it was …
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Adds a nolvm boot option at restore time
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- small improvement for loging in USB case
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Update deplist for Debian support
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Fix #363 where exclude_paths was extended up to memory limit dumping core
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Default to DVD size when in iso or netfs mode
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Improve analysis of kernel modules by printing whether it's a live or …
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Remove useless pb_log and MONDO_TRACEFILE
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
/dev/shm is now part of the default exclude list
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
some distro hold lvm commands under /usr/sbin
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
bzip2 is under /bin on Debian
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Reset an error counter before blanking a DVD to avoid always …
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- umount freshly created VFAT partition on USB key as Ubunu has an …
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
MOde of conf file
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Adds a conf file example for mindi and fix #360
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Apply path from Matthew Cline (matt_at_nightrealms.com) in order to …
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Adds support for libcrc32c (needed by bnx2x)
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
afio is under /bin on Debian
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Fix an error in the test for grub conf files (or used instead of and)
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Fix a bug in handling of -E option with real devices (bad report in …
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
CIFS mounts shouldn't be part of the mountlist analysis (should help …
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Fix a mr_asprintf usage without & causing a seg fault.
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Adds support for grub2 conf file grub.cfg in addition to menu.lst
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Fix for #288: only take the first result in SizeOfPartition in case …
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Iprove USB log in case of error by adding the conf file
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- priority given to env var for tmpdir
- fuse FS excluded from tmpdir …
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Improves udev timeout handling
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- fuse device is needed at restore time for sshfs
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Avoids comment analysis in the new code handling deplist.d
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Avoids error message if some ssh conf files do not exist
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Improvements on sshfs/ssh management in restore mode
- Include now …
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Fix udev support in init for Mandriva 2009.1 (udevadm settle is blocking)
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Improve deplist.d/* files
- adds libnss for ssh support in boot disk …
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Improve user management for NetFS cases
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Compiler warning fixed
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
ssh in the restore env needs some dlopened libs (libnss_compat|files)
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Warning emited in case of duplicate mountpoints or devices in fstab found
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Use only the AWK veriable everywhere and not the awk command
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Simplify GetInitrdFilesystemToUse which doesn't need to detect …
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Avoids null param for excludes_devs for mindi call
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Attempt to stay backward compatible without protocol for -n option
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Improving ssh support at restore time by providing a shadow file
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- analyze-my-lvm now removes excluded devices from list coming from …
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Fix an issue in is_this_device_mounted (string freed before last usage)
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Adds support for bnx2x (BL 460 G6) and auth_rpcgss (Debian 2.6.31)
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
star only supports ACL when used with exustar mode. Fix #356.
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Modify getfattr call to have all extended attributes, including non …
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
sshfs also needs ssh at restore time in initrd
15 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Better list of mandatory tools
- Adds fuse and sshfs support in initrd
16 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Split deplist.txt into multiple conf files under deplist.d in the …
16 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Remove useless script
16 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- At restore time read the netfs protocol in the conf file
16 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Use dir for shell related commands and dir1 for C related actions in …
16 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Wrong structure member name was used
16 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Use protocol name when displaying restore progress instead of netfs …
16 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Fix a bug where flaws_str could be NULL and wasn't tested correctly.
16 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Fix a format issue in text mode on percentage
16 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Fix interface of evaluate_mountlist (remove 2nd param useless) and fix …
16 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Tries to add support for bzip2 and lzma initramfs (preliminary, not …
16 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Adds ext3 initrd support for 2.6.30
16 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Fix mondoarchive CLI analysis for NETFS type of requests
16 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Fix a problem in netfs analysis in mondoarchive
16 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Be compatible on backup type by making old nfs recognized as netfs and …
16 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Remove separate function look_for_duplicate_mountpoints used only …
16 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Fix a missing param for sshfs call
16 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Change NFS support into a NetFS support to allow for multiple …
16 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Try to fix garbled screen progression in text mode based on 2.2.10 …
16 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Avoid asking the Prefix name in NFS mode twice
16 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Fix a problem a error detection in evaluate_mountlist which casued …
16 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Another compilation issue fixed.
16 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Fix compilation issue
16 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Advertising for project-builder on the website added
16 years |
Bruno Cornec |
place the code of mondo_makefilelist before its call
16 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- New update from Lester Wade (lester.wade_at_hp.com) for P2V doc
16 years |
Bruno Cornec |
More verbose at installation of additional tools
16 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Fix a case where the NFS dir in restore mode was mounted rw (linked …
16 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Website update to refer to new P2V document
16 years |
Bruno Cornec |
P2V doc updated (Lester Wade lester.wade_at_hp.com)
16 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Remove function spread_flaws_across_three_lines and expand it at the …
16 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Addition of a nomd option to avoid starting mdadm
- mpath is now …
16 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Change inerface of evaluate_mountlist and …
16 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Improve logging (minor)
16 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Solve tmp dir creation which sometimes was trying to create /%xx …
16 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Adds fdisk -l result in Log File at restore time
16 years |
Bruno Cornec |
r3382@localhost: bruno | 2009-08-24 13:30:25 +0200
In NFS mode also …
16 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Fix a doc typo
- Fix an SElinux issue (Cf: FAQ Q32) …
16 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Precise the combined usage of -E and -I in mondoarchive (Case 4601017223)
16 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Adds a precision for -U option in man page on raw device usage and not …
16 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Fix for initramfs detection with 2.6.30 (Hugo Vanwoerkom …
16 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Cosmetic changes to allow for quality to not giv false positive