18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Remove calls to grep -w when use in mondorestore as busybox doesn't …
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Fix a bug with DVD+RW format, when mondo asks for retry without …
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Updated mondoarchive man page thanks to feedback from Carol Anne Ogdin …
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Attempt to fix Bug #90
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Add support company in Canada (TC2L)
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
merge -r890:902 $SVN_M/branches/stable
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
merge -r862:888 $SVN_M/branches/stable
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
mindi-busybox now uses busybox 1.2.2 (Thanks Rob for that last update …
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Attempt to fix #87
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Huge patch to introduce low level functions that will bw used …
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- src directory used in Makefile
- new announce
- fix for italian …
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
init now gives which mindi version created it
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Automatic update of TAG to 3
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Try to fix a potential bug in busybox where modules were not handled …
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Italian mirror (thanks to Daniele Carbonetti)
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
mindi-busybox does not conflict with busybox at all
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- mondo depends on mindi >= 1.2.0
- mindi-kernel now has also a ChangeLog
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Automatic update of TAG to 2
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
mindi-kernel now has a ChangeLog as well
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- mondo depends on mindi > 1.2.0 now
- As I redeliver I also fix a …
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
mv under mondo mondo to src (in line with 3.0.0 and will ease patches)
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Build process improved following 2.2.0 delivery
- Announce of 2.2.0 …
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Some final improvements for build with Qemu (problem with tar and path …
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Again a small bug in build process
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
merge -r881:884 $SVN_M/branches/stable
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
That mindi modif should not have go in, my fault.
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Fix a new segmentation fault introduced recently (Andree Leidenfrost)
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Build process reviewed to fix again bug #79
- MONDOTMP now used …
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
This branch is version 2.2.0
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Creation of 2.2.0 from stable rev [879]
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Fix bonding handling this time really (M. Shapiro report)
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Introduction of build scripts for Fedora Core Extras packages
18 years |
andree |
Use strncpy() instead of strcpy() in popup_with_buttons() to avoid …
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Update ChangeLogs for 2.2.0 preparation
18 years |
andree |
Just check for libncurses in wait-for-petris to avoid problem with …
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Centralize the delivery machine detection
Announce of mp3
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Patch from Andree tso that we create proper tmp var. to be used with …
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Fix bug #79 by removing use of SVNBRANCH and BASE variable in build …
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
TMPDIR used in common-env
Avoid mixing affectation and comparison on …
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- Checks variables berfore getting them from env during restore
- …
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Add tools already available in trunk to search in the SVN tree and …
18 years |
andree |
Removed check for linker in wait-for-petris. It is too much of a …
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
revert library order. That was just stupid !
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- tabs inserted for scripts
- MyInsmod should be less verbose
- x86_64 …
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
libmr should be called first in link
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
mr_stresc added to mr_string.h
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
merge -r838:862 $SVN_M/branches/stable
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Try again to fix the ReadAllLink issue (libs do not go in the archive …
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Fix bugs on ReadAllLink and use it more
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Create function ReadAllLink in mindi used by LocateFile now to try to …
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
remove a partial patch for x86_64: ldconfig is not needed. What is …
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Typo in deplist.txt
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Use the native module management and not busybox's one
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
busybox doesn't provide bzip2 so bunzip2 is useless in fact
many …
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
The fix for SWAP LABEL wasn't complete. Now mindi --makemountlist is …
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Fix for #72 (usbhid module added to mindi)
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Patches from Brendan Bouffler <brendan.bouffler_at_hp.com> to allow …
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
License is GPLv2 for new files introduced
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Still a compile issue
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Fix Bug #4 (bbaumer_at_users.berlios.de)
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
kill_anything_like_this is now a function so that we can have …
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Fix compiles issues
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Fix a bug in find command for filelist computation
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
For the moment mindi needs mindi-busybox.
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Remove the Provides for mindi-busybox as it prevents installation
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Provides before Conflicts for mindi-busybox
18 years |
andree |
Ensure that we leave the inner while loop when counting in …
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
install should use variable libdir and not harcode /usr/lib
18 years |
andree |
Fixed display problem in newt mode where old strings weren't fully …
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Here mondo-doc version is trunk
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
merge -r814:838 $SVN_M/branches/stable
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Still trying to fix the compilation issue
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Compilation Fix
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Includes of common are not accessible to lib
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Fic compilation warnings and errors (trying o get a building trunk again)
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
All references to busybox in mindi have been cleaned up.
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
m4 macro DDD useless for mindi-busybox
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- mindi now needs a busybox (mindi-busybox or the distro busybox)
- …
18 years |
andree |
Add new header mr_string.h for mr_string.c. Use mr_strtok() from …
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Need to make oldconfig for busybox before building
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Fix for mindi-busybox build
18 years |
andree |
Add new file with new generation string handling functions.
(File is …
18 years |
andree |
Check for grub.conf being a symbolic link which is the case on e.g. …
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
libs and inculdes are now under src
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
- mindi-busybox added to build process scripts
- RPM spec file updated …
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
no m4 in subdir anymore
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Prepare packages for the new mindi-busybox
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Create a correct .config for busybox 1.2.1 (including readlink for …
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Addition of busybox 1.2.1 as a mindi-busybox new package
This should …
18 years |
andree |
AFS support tweaking:
- don't scan fstab for AFS - AFS volumes don't …
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Exclude ppc arch architecture as it is not supported by mindi (For …
18 years |
andree |
Enhance the way we deal with post-nuke:
- ask whether post-nuke should …
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
mondo => src again but correctly this time
18 years |
andree |
Evaluate errno after popen in space_occupied_by_cd() and in case of an …
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
merge -r807:814 $SVN_M/branches/stable
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
removed useless tcurr now
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Takes Andree's idea to create rather a mr_date() function, that could …
18 years |
Bruno Cornec |
Fix a bug whete /tmp was hardcoded for ntfsclone usage, creating a …
18 years |
andree |
Added an icon for use in menus etc.
18 years |
andree |
Fix new time stamp log feature:
- use ctime() which gives …