Changeset 572 in MondoRescue for branches/stable
- Timestamp:
- May 24, 2006, 12:20:19 AM (19 years ago)
- Location:
- branches/stable
- Files:
- 11 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r543 r572 1 # Copyright 1999-200 5Gentoo Foundation1 # Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation 2 2 # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 3 # $Header: $ 4 3 5 # $Id$ 4 6 -
r556 r572 1 # Copyright 1999-200 5Gentoo Foundation1 # Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation 2 2 # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 3 # $Header: $ 4 3 5 # $Id$ 4 # $Header$5 6 6 7 DESCRIPTION="A program that creates emergency boot disks/CDs using your kernel, tools and modules." -
r543 r572 702 702 pwd=`pwd` 703 703 if [ "$YOUR_KERNEL_SUCKS" ] ; then 704 cd $TMP_ROOT705 else 706 cd /704 cd $TMP_ROOT 705 else 706 cd / 707 707 fi 708 708 if [ ! -e "$1" ] ; then 709 LogIt "Warning - cannot search specific path '$1'\n"710 return 1709 LogIt "Warning - cannot search specific path '$1'\n" 710 return 1 711 711 fi 712 712 modpaths=`find $1 -name $2.*o -type f` … … 1222 1222 echo "echo -en \"Loading your modules...\"" >> $outfile 1223 1223 if [ "$YOUR_KERNEL_SUCKS" ] ; then 1224 kver=$FAILSAFE_KVER1225 cd $TMP_ROOT1226 searchpath=lib/modules/$kver1224 kver=$FAILSAFE_KVER 1225 cd $TMP_ROOT 1226 searchpath=lib/modules/$kver 1227 1227 else 1228 1228 ### … … 1239 1239 ### Sq-Modification end 1240 1240 ### 1241 searchpath=/lib/modules/$kver1241 searchpath=/lib/modules/$kver 1242 1242 fi 1243 1243 … … 2780 2780 old_pwd=`pwd` 2781 2781 if [ "$YOUR_KERNEL_SUCKS" ] ; then 2782 cd $TMP_ROOT2783 floppy_modules_path=lib/modules/$FAILSAFE_KVER2784 else 2785 cd /2782 cd $TMP_ROOT 2783 floppy_modules_path=lib/modules/$FAILSAFE_KVER 2784 else 2785 cd / 2786 2786 ### 2787 2787 ### Sq-Modification... Use kernel name in module path if specified. … … 2790 2790 if [ "${kernelname}" != "" ] 2791 2791 then 2792 2792 floppy_modules_path=lib/modules/${kernelname} 2793 2793 else 2794 2794 floppy_modules_path=lib/modules/`uname -r` 2795 2795 fi 2796 2796 ### … … 2800 2800 floppy_modules="" 2801 2801 if [ "$disksize" -lt "2880" ] ; then 2802 list_of_groovy_mods="$FLOPPY_MODS `WhichOfTheseModulesAreLoaded "$SCSI_MODS"`"2802 list_of_groovy_mods="$FLOPPY_MODS $IDE_MODS ide-scsi sr_mod `WhichOfTheseModulesAreLoaded "$SCSI_MODS"`" 2803 2803 else 2804 2804 list_of_groovy_mods="$CDROM_MODS `WhichOfTheseModulesAreLoaded "$SCSI_MODS"`" … … 2815 2815 [ -e "$floppy_modules_path" ] || LogIt "path $floppy_modules_path does not exist.\n If you're not using a modular kernel then you're NUTS.\n" 2816 2816 for i in $list_of_groovy_mods ; do 2817 floppy_modules="$floppy_modules `FindSpecificModuleInPath $floppy_modules_path $i`"2817 floppy_modules="$floppy_modules `FindSpecificModuleInPath $floppy_modules_path $i`" 2818 2818 done 2819 2819 for i in $floppy_modules ; do 2820 2820 [ -e "$i" ] && s=`du -sk $i | cut -f1` || s="" 2821 [ "$YOUR_KERNEL_SUCKS" ] && i=$TMP_ROOT/$i2822 echo "Adding $i ($s KB) to the rootfs" >> $LOGFILE2823 cp -df $i $mountpoint/ || LogIt "Unable to copy $i to $mountpoint\n"2824 [ "`echo "$i" | fgrep ".gz"`" ] && gunzip -f $mountpoint/`basename $i`2821 [ "$YOUR_KERNEL_SUCKS" ] && i=$TMP_ROOT/$i 2822 echo "Adding $i ($s KB) to the rootfs" >> $LOGFILE 2823 cp -df $i $mountpoint/ || LogIt "Unable to copy $i to $mountpoint\n" 2824 [ "`echo "$i" | fgrep ".gz"`" ] && gunzip -f $mountpoint/`basename $i` 2825 2825 done 2826 2826 # if [ -e "/dev/.devfsd" ] ; then -
r543 r572 1 # Copyright 1999-200 5Gentoo Foundation1 # Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation 2 2 # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 3 # $Header: $ 4 3 5 # $Id$ 4 6 -
r556 r572 1 # Copyright 1999-200 5Gentoo Foundation1 # Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation 2 2 # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 3 # $Header: $ 4 3 5 # $Id$ 4 6 -
r568 r572 48 48 49 49 export pkg="" 50 echo "Working under $TOPBUILDDIR" 50 51 cd $TOPBUILDDIR 51 52 … … 86 87 fi 87 88 cd .. 88 elif [ _"$dtype" = _"gentoo" ]; then 89 echo "Gentoo" 89 elif [ _"$dtype" = _"ebuild" ]; then 90 90 log=/tmp/$p-gentoo.log 91 91 ln -sf $src . 92 tar xfz $src $pv/distributions/$ddir/$pv-r$TAG.ebuild 92 tar xfz $src $pv/distributions/$ddir/$p-${VER}-r$TAG.ebuild 93 if [ _"`grep $TOPBUILDDIR/portage /etc/make.conf`" = _"" ]; then 94 echo "Adding $TOPBUILDDIR/portage to /etc/make.conf" 95 echo "PORTDIR_OVERLAY=\"$TOPBUILDDIR/portage\"" >> /etc/make.conf 96 fi 93 97 94 ebuild $pv/distributions/$ddir/$pv-r$TAG.ebuild 98 mkdir -p ${TOPBUILDDIR}/portage/sys-apps/$p 99 mv $pv/distributions/$ddir/$p-${VER}-r$TAG.ebuild ${TOPBUILDDIR}/portage/sys-apps/$p 100 rm -rf $pv 101 102 cd ${TOPBUILDDIR}/portage/sys-apps/$p 103 ebuild $p-${VER}-r$TAG.ebuild digest 2> $log 1> $log 95 104 if [ $? != 0 ]; then 96 105 cat $log 97 106 status=-1 98 107 fi 99 rm -rf $pv 108 ebuild $p-${VER}-r$TAG.ebuild unpack 2>> $log 1>> $log 109 if [ $? != 0 ]; then 110 cat $log 111 status=-1 112 fi 113 ebuild $p-${VER}-r$TAG.ebuild compile 2>> $log 1>> $log 114 if [ $? != 0 ]; then 115 cat $log 116 status=-1 117 fi 118 #ebuild $p-${VER}-r$TAG.ebuild install 2>> $log 1>> $log 119 if [ $? != 0 ]; then 120 cat $log 121 status=-1 122 fi 100 123 else 101 124 echo "Unknown" -
r556 r572 6 6 # 7 7 8 if [ _"$1" == _"" ]; then 9 echo "Syntax: build2qemu [version-tag [vm1]..|vmx]] )" 10 exit -1 8 #if [ _"$1" == _"" ]; then 9 #echo "Syntax: build2qemu [version-tag [vm1]..|vmx]] )" 10 #exit -1 11 #fi 12 13 # Syntax: build2qemu [version-tag [vm1]..|vmx]] 14 15 umask 022 16 dname=`dirname $0` 17 prem=`echo $dname |cut -c1` 18 if [ ${prem} == "/" ]; then 19 export TOOLHOME=$dname 20 else 21 export TOOLHOME=${PWD}/$dname 11 22 fi 23 12 24 13 25 . $TOOLHOME/common-env … … 31 43 fi 32 44 33 45 mkdir -p $TMP 34 46 cat > $TMP/mkmondo << EOF 35 47 #!/bin/bash … … 40 52 export TOOLHOME=$TOOLHOME 41 53 42 \$TOOLHOME/build2pkg 43 \$TOOLHOME/mkdeliv54 $TOOLHOME/build2pkg $LAST 55 #$TOOLHOME/mkdeliv 44 56 EOF 45 57 chmod 755 $TMP/mkmondo 46 58 47 59 cd $TOOLHOME/.. 48 tar c vfz $TMP/mkmondo.tar.gz $TOOLHOME/tools$TMP/mkmondo $TOPDIR/${VER}-$TAG60 tar cfz $TMP/mkmondo.tar.gz $TOOLHOME $TMP/mkmondo $TOPDIR/${VER}-$TAG 49 61 50 62 for m in $VMS; do … … 52 64 if [ ! -f /users/qemu/$m.qemu ]; then 53 65 echo "VM unaccessible. Verify NFS mount" 66 rm -rf $TMP 54 67 exit -1 55 68 fi 56 69 ps auxww | grep qemu | grep -v grep | grep -q /users/qemu/$m.qemu 70 export sp=2222 57 71 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then 58 72 # Virtual machine alreday started … … 62 76 fi 63 77 scp -P $sp $TMP/mkmondo.tar.gz bruno@localhost: 64 ssh -p $sp bruno@localhost "cd / ; tar xvfz $TMP/mkmondo.tar.gz ; $TMP/mkmondo" | tee $TMP/mkvm.log 78 ssh -p $sp bruno@localhost "cd / ; tar xfz ~bruno/mkmondo.tar.gz ; $TMP/mkmondo " | tee $TMP/mkvm.log 79 #ssh -p $sp bruno@localhost "cd / ; tar xfz ~bruno/mkmondo.tar.gz ; $TMP/mkmondo ; rm -f $TMP" | tee $TMP/mkvm.log 65 80 if [ $vmp -eq 1 ]; then 66 81 ssh -p $sp root@localhost "halt -p" … … 72 87 fi 73 88 done 89 90 # Should be removed at the end 91 rm -rf $TMP -
r550 r572 10 10 export TOPDIR=${BASE}/build 11 11 mkdir -p ${TOPDIR} 12 export TMP =${BASE}/tmp13 mkdir -p ${TMP} 12 export TMPDIR= 13 export TMP=`mktemp -d -p /tmp` -
r556 r572 112 112 fi 113 113 mkdir -p ${TOPBUILDDIR}/{RPMS,SRPMS,SPECS,SOURCES,BUILD} 114 elif [ _"$dtype" = _"ebuild" ]; then 115 export TOPBUILDDIR=${BASE}/build 116 mkdir -p ${TOPBUILDDIR}/portage 114 117 fi -
r556 r572 14 14 15 15 ipvm= 16 sp=222217 16 18 17 qemu -m 256 $QEMUOPT -redir tcp:${sp}:${ipvm}:22 /users/qemu/$m.qemu -
r543 r572 44 44 45 45 su - bruno 46 mkdir -p mondo/tmp RPMS/BUILD RPMS/RPMS/i386 RPMS/RPMS/noarch RPMS/SOURCES RPMS/SPECS RPMS/SRPMS RPMS/tmp SRPMS tmp46 mkdir -p mondo/tmp build 47 47 cat > ~bruno/.rpmmacros << EOF 48 %_topdir /home/bruno/ RPMS48 %_topdir /home/bruno/build 49 49 %_tmppath %{_topdir}/tmp 50 %packager Bruno Cornec <bruno@>50 %packager Bruno Cornec <> 51 51 EOF 52 52 cat > ~bruno/.rpmrc << EOF … … 66 66, ssh-dss 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 67 67 EOF 68 cat >> ~/.bash_profile << EOF69 export SVN_SSH="ssh -l bcornec"70 export SVN_M=svn+ssh:// export SVN_EDITOR=vim72 EOF73 source ~/.bash_profile74 68 75 69 rebuild paquets necessaires mondo: … … 85 79 root: 86 80 rpm -ivh ~bruno/RPMS/RPMS/i386/afio-[0-9]* ~bruno/RPMS/RPMS/i386/buffer-[0-9]* 81 82 pour gentoo 83 chown bruno /etc/make.conf 84 bruno in portage group
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