- Timestamp:
- Feb 23, 2006, 4:09:24 PM (19 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk
- Files:
- 29 edited
- 5 copied
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r403 r426 9 9 %define addreqb bzip2 >= 0.9, mkisofs, ncurses, binutils, gawk, dosfstools 10 10 %define addreq DDD 11 12 # if mandriva official build (rpm --with is_official) 13 %{?is_official:%define rel %{mkrel} %{mrel}}%{!?is_official:%define rel %{mrel}} 14 15 # define the mkrel macro if it is not already defined if mandriva offical build 16 %if is_official 17 %{?!mkrel:%define mkrel(c:) %{-c:0.%{-c*}.}%{!?_with_unstable:%(perl -e '$_="%{1}";m/(.\*)(\\d+)$/;$rel=${2}-1;re;print "$1$rel";').%{?subrel:%subrel}%{!?subrel:1}.%{?distversion:%distversion}%{?!distversion:%(echo $[%{mdkversion}/10])}}%{?_with_unstable:%{1}}%{?distsuffix:%distsuffix}%{?!distsuffix:mdk}} 18 %endif 11 %define rel %{mrel} 19 12 20 13 Summary: Mindi creates emergency boot disks/CDs using your kernel, tools and modules … … 37 30 verify packages, etc. 38 31 39 %debug_package40 32 %prep 41 33 %{__rm} -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT … … 62 54 63 55 %post 64 for i in %{_libdir}/mindi/aux-tools/sbin/* %{_libdir}/mindi/rootfs/bin/* %{_libdir}/mindi/rootfs/sbin/* ; do65 if [ ! -h $i ]; then66 %{__chmod} 755 $i67 fi68 done69 56 if [ -f /usr/local/sbin/mindi ]; then 70 57 echo "WARNING: /usr/local/sbin/mindi exists. You should probably remove your manual mindi installation !" … … 75 62 %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/mindi/deplist.txt 76 63 %doc ChangeLog INSTALL COPYING README TODO README.ia64 README.pxe README.busybox svn.log 77 %{_mandir} 64 %{_mandir}/man8/* 78 65 %{_libdir}/mindi 79 66 %attr(755,root,root) %{_sbindir}/* 67 %attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/mindi/aux-tools/sbin/* 68 %attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/mindi/rootfs/bin/* 69 %attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/mindi/rootfs/sbin/* 80 70 81 71 %changelog 82 * Fri Feb 16 2006 Bruno Cornec <bcornec@users.berlios.de> 1.0.783 - Updated to 1.0.784 - RPMS spec are now generated instead of using '%' variables85 86 * Fri Nov 05 2005 Bruno Cornec <bcornec@users.berlios.de> 1.0587 - ia64 is now working88 - use install.sh script89 - use libdir for binary data90 91 * Tue Sep 06 2005 Bruno Cornec <bcornec@users.berlios.de> 1.04_berlios92 - Merge of patches mentionned on mondo ML + ia64 updates93 - Fix bugs when called alone94 95 * Tue May 03 2005 Hugo Rabson <hugorabson@msn.com> 1.04_cvs_2005050396 - supports exec-shield97 98 * Wed Aug 04 2004 Hugo Rabson <hugorabson@msn.com> 1.0399 - better support of SLES 8100 101 * Mon Jun 28 2004 Hugo Rabson <hugorabson@msn.com> 1.02102 - better kernel-level logging103 - added ACL, xattr binaries to deplist.txt104 - fixed obscure bug which occasionally stopped mindi from correctly finding105 and documenting all LVM2 LVM-on-RAID volumes106 107 * Fri Jun 25 2004 Hugo Rabson <hugorabson@msn.com> 1.01108 - added ide_tape and other modules to mindi's config detection109 - unmount errant ramdisk ($mtpt) if fail to create boot floppy110 - better support of ISO dirs at restore-time (Conor Daly)111 112 * Fri Jun 18 2004 Hugo Rabson <hugorabson@msn.com> 1.00113 - first 1.0x release114 - busybox now static115 - trap Ctrl-Alt-Del; trigger soft reset116 - better SuSE 9.1 support117 - added parted2fdisk.pl (IA64) (Bruno Cornec)118 - add LVM2 support for kernel 2.6 (Takeru Komoriya)119 - better detection of multiple Mindis (Martin Fürstenau)120 - don't complain if just a Mindi boot CD & not a platform for Mondo121 - updated busybox to 1.0.0pre10122 - removed uClibc123 - add memtest support124 - 2.6 kernel support125 - removed Embleer files (Andree Leidenfrost)126 - added kernel-only floppy support, to accommodate really big kernels127 - updated+rebuilt busybox128 - added star support129 - mount /sys at boot-time130 - better 64-bit and 2.6 kernel support131 - better LVM, failsafe kernel support (Jim Richard)132 - use LILO, not raw kernel, on 1.4MB boot floppy133 - record names of unsaved modules, for future reference134 - enlarged ramdisk by 8MB135 136 * Wed Oct 22 2003 Hugo Rabson <hugorabson@msn.com> 0.95137 - changed some '==' to '=' --- now more RH6-friendly138 - allow absolute pathnames again in deplist139 - disable multifunc cd thing140 - better Gentoo support (Bill)141 - better OnStream support142 - better Slackware support (Laurenz)143 - added partimagehack-static to deplist.txt144 - recompiled Busybox - now 10k smaller; better stack-handling145 - fixed boot screen typo146 - added support for 'auto' fs format147 - better devfs support for Mandrake users148 - better Debian+LVM support (Ralph Grewe)149 - updated analyze-my-lvm to handle floating-point gigabyte -L values150 151 * Thu Jul 24 2003 Anonymous <root@rohan> 0.94152 - altered rootfs's /dev entry to stop cvs from becoming confused153 - tweaked MAX_COMPRESSED_SIZE154 - added multi-function CD support to mindi and sbin/post-init155 - re-mount root as rw just in case156 - ask user to remove last data (floppy) disk if nec. (Tom Mortell)157 - added support for 5th column in mountlist.txt for labels158 - added symlinks.tgz159 - suppress erroneous error msgs re: failsafe kernel160 161 * Sun May 18 2003 Hugo Rabson <hugorabson@msn.com> 0.93162 - added cciss.o to SCSI_MODS163 - if format type is (e.g.) ext3,ext2 then use 1st entry164 - re-enabled fsck*165 - if cciss in use the enable it at boot-time166 - added /dev/ataraid/* to boot disk via ataraid.tgz (Luc S.)167 - better ISO support168 - tweaked Mindi to use 10-15% fewer floppies169 - added RUN_AFTER_INITIAL_BOOT_PHASE to let user specify a command170 to be run by Mindi before it bootstraps to aux data disks;171 e.g. 'echo engage > /proc/scsi/something'172 - added RUN_AFTER_BOOT_PHASE_COMPLETE to let user specify a command173 to be run by Mindi after it boots but before it runs mondorestore174 - allow for Debian & other Stiefkinder that use 'none', not 'swap'175 as the mountpoint of the swap partition176 - removed afio dependency177 - re-worked install.sh and tarball not to use tgz's178 - cleared up the boot msg179 - updated busybox to 0.60.5; updated uClibc to 0.9.19180 - add #!/bin/sh to start of insert-all-my-modules181 - fixed obscure bug in install-additional-tools182 - changed grep -m to grep | head -n1 for Debian users183 - moved vmlinuz, lib.tar.bz2 to mindi-kernel tarball/rpm184 185 * Wed Apr 09 2003 Hugo Rabson <hugorabson@msn.com> 0.92186 - fixed LVM/RAID bugs (Brian Borgeson)187 - if bad lilo, give more verbose error before quitting188 - added mt and perl to deplist.txt189 - insist on gawk being present190 - insmod ide-cd, cdrom, isofs, just in case191 - boot-time tmpfs ramdisk is now 40m (was 34m)192 - cleaned up logs193 - iso mode now calls Interactive194 - make SizeOfPartition() more Debian-friendly (Andree Leidenfrost)195 - clean up some calls to grep, esp. partition_mountpt=...196 - corrected some bashisms, to suit Debian ped- er, users197 - made first line refer to bash, not sh, to make sure198 the Debian people know Mindi requires bash, not hs199 - changed grep -v "#" and grep -vx "#.*" to grep -vx " *#.*"200 - disabled code which would have made Mindi use sfdisk instead of fdisk201 if it looked as if Debian's fdisk would misbehave202 203 * Wed Feb 12 2003 Hugo Rabson <hugorabson@msn.com> 0.91204 - new devel branch205 - EXTRA_SPACE=16384206 - updated ResolveSoftlinks() to work better with b0rkn Gentoo devfs /dev207 - patched analyze-my-lvm (Benjamin Mampaey)208 - detect built-in boot.b files in lilo209 - cleaned up spec file a bit, more use of macros (Jesse Keating)210 - return w/err, don't abort, if Matt Nelson's RH8 system is farked211 - better at finding isolinux.bin212 - better at analyzing dependencies when running on broken distributions213 - try harder to boot from CD, even if tape fails214 - added ADDITIONAL_BOOT_PARAMS to be sent to kernel215 - better resolution of relative softlinks, leading to fewer216 duplicates on data disks and therefore fewer data disks217 - detect Debian+devfs; use sfdisk instead of fdisk in that218 eventuality, to work around yet another of Debian's warts219 - removed /lib/libuuid.* from rootfs.tgz220 - fixed vi221 - mindi now uses gawk --traditional (making gawk behave in a functionally222 identical way to awk) - PASS; great, so now Debian needs to fix its awk :)223 - removed / from list of dirs accessed when trying to resolve deplist entry224 - spinner bugfix; handle odd LABELs properly (Tom Mortell)225 - fixed LVM/RAID bugs (Brian Borgeson)226 227 * Mon Dec 02 2002 Hugo Rabson <hugo@firstlinux.net> 0.72_20021202228 - misc code clean-up229 - save boot device's boot sector230 - detect and beware Compaq diagnostic partitions231 - better handling of devfs V non-devfs kernels and boot devs232 - trimmed busybox 0.60.3 binary on boot disk233 - mindi now resides in /usr/local/bin234 - removed lilo from dependencies235 - more Gentoo-friendly236 237 * Sun Nov 18 2002 Hugo Rabson <hugo@firstlinux.net> 0.71238 - if your kernel's builddate doesn't match any of the kernels in239 your /boot directory then fudge the issue & find the closest240 match (*grumble* Debian)241 - scan tape & CD at start, to force inclusion of modules on boot device242 - double EXTRA_SPACE if >7 disks243 - slimmer, more lithesome logfile244 - now accepts --findkernel245 - line 1982 - dd count=24000 should be count=$ramdisksize (Andras Korn)246 - better handling of non-Linux partitions on DevFS-enabled kernels247 - misc clean-ups248 - fixed Debian/ramdisksize/bloat problem (Johannes Franken)249 - fixed 2.4.20/fdisk eccentricity (Alistair Stevens)250 - updated kernel to 2.4.18-mdk6251 - generate mountlist in dev-abetical order ;)252 - fixed minor bug in .spec file253 - better at finding /boot/boot.b if your distro breaks the de facto standard254 - fixed minor bug in MakeMountlist255 - fixed install.sh256 - cleaned up deplist.txt257 - added rudimentary -v / --version flag258 - line 1180 or so --- duplicate mindi.iso entries --- fixed259 - added /bin/[ - a softlink to /bin/sh260 - ListAllPartitions() - sanity fix (KP)261 - fixed .spec bug262 - better feedback263 - added Markus's RAID patch264 - ListAllPartitions() - include /mnt/win* (Hugo)265 266 * Sun Sep 08 2002 Hugo Rabson <hugo@firstlinux.net> 0.70267 - better logging by dependency-calculating code268 - better handling of dependencies, specifically softlinks269 - if called by mondo then use mondo's temp dir as our temp dir too270 - changed gawk to $AWK in a few places, to allow for Debian271 - added host* config files to deplist272 - added tftp, ifconfig to busybox273 - added RPC support to uClibc274 - cleaned up creation of Mondo-Mindi configuration file275 - fixed bug in TryToFindKernelPath which stopped it from handling276 multiple, same-version kernels gracefully277 - cleaned up deplist.txt278 - receive 'DIFFERENTIAL' variable from Mondo279 - better Debian compatibility, esp. w/detection of ver# (Hector Alvarez)280 - better devfs support; call fgrep in places instead of grep (Andrew Korn)281 - fixed analyze-my-lvm (Ralph Gruwe)282 - moved 50K of stuff from rootfs.tgz to aux-tools.tgz283 - added x11-tools.tgz option284 - updated /dev/console and /dev/tty0 (Paul Stevens)285 - cleaned up /mnt/groovy-stuff V /tmp/tmpfs code286 - catch sigint, sighup, etc.287 - fixed LILO-related message.txt mistake288 - .spec file clean-up; automation; config file (Carl Wilhem Soderstrom)289 - better devfs support (Andrew Korn)290 291 * Sun Jul 14 2002 Hugo Rabson <hugo@firstlinux.net> 0.64-1292 - fixed RH7.3 readonly bug293 - improved nfs config file creation294 - search more locations for isolinux.bin295 - added isonuke option296 - faster data disk creation297 - better DevFS support (Hector Alvarez, DuckX)298 - nfs-related fix (Hans Lie)299 - abort if vfat filesystem present but mkfs.vfat missing300 - removed softlink to pico301 - allow Mondo to say no compression will be used302 - added [ to ramdisk303 - tar data disks with -b [block size] of 32k304 - don't autoboot to 'RESTORE' screen - it's scary!305 - let user choose lilo or syslinux as boot loader306 - added syslinux support307 - cleaned up message screens308 -
r403 r426 628 628 [ "$MINDI_CONF" = "YYY" ] && Die "Mindi has not been installed correctly." 629 629 echo "MINDI_CONF = $MINDI_CONF" >> $LOGFILE 630 echo "MONDO_ LIB = $MONDO_LIB" >> $LOGFILE630 echo "MONDO_SHARE = $MONDO_SHARE" >> $LOGFILE 631 631 mkdir -p $CACHE_LOC 632 632 } … … 1613 1613 cp -f $TMP_ROOT/iso/isolinux/{isolinux.cfg,initrd.img,vmlinuz,isolinux.bin,message.txt} $MONDO_ROOT || Die "Cannot copy core files to ramdisk for boot disk. Did you run out of disk space?" 1614 1614 fi 1615 [ "$MONDO_ LIB" ] && cp -f $MONDO_LIB/autorun .1615 [ "$MONDO_SHARE" ] && cp -f $MONDO_SHARE/autorun . 1616 1616 if [ -d "/home/MondoCD" ] ; then 1617 1617 cp -pRdu /home/MondoCD/* . … … 2196 2196 tar -zxf $MINDI_LIB/x11-tools.tgz 2>> $LOGFILE || LogIt "Warning - error occurred while unzipping x11-tools.tgz\n" 2197 2197 fi 2198 if [ -e "$MONDO_ LIB/restore-scripts" ] ; then2199 cp -Rdf $MONDO_ LIB/restore-scripts/* . 2>> $LOGFILE2200 [ "$?" -ne "0" ] && [ "`DidMondoCallMe`" ] && Die "Cannot find/install $MONDO_ LIB/restore-scripts"2198 if [ -e "$MONDO_SHARE/restore-scripts" ] ; then 2199 cp -Rdf $MONDO_SHARE/restore-scripts/* . 2>> $LOGFILE 2200 [ "$?" -ne "0" ] && [ "`DidMondoCallMe`" ] && Die "Cannot find/install $MONDO_SHARE/restore-scripts" 2201 2201 fi 2202 2202 [ -d "/lib/dev-state" ] && cp --parents -pRdf /lib/dev-state . … … 2811 2811 [ "$USE_LZO" = "yes" ] && echo -en "Pras 4 Pres 2004" >> $mountpoint/tmp/USING-LZO 2812 2812 [ "$USE_COMP" = "yes" ] && echo -en "Compression, yep" >> $mountpoint/tmp/USING-COMP 2813 [ "$USE_STAR" = "yes" ] && echo =en "Using star. Hooray." >> $mountpoint/tmp/USING-STAR2813 [ "$USE_STAR" = "yes" ] && echo -en "Using star. Hooray." >> $mountpoint/tmp/USING-STAR 2814 2814 fi 2815 2815 mkdir -p $mountpoint/tmp -
r1 r426 1 -
r30 r426 1 -
r1 r426 1 -
r1 r426 1 -
r403 r426 1 1 AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = 1.7 2 SUBDIRS = mondo3 man8_MANS = docs/man/mondoarchive.8 docs/man/mondorestore.82 SUBDIRS = mondo 3 man8_MANS = docs/man/mondoarchive.8 docs/man/mondorestore.8 -
r416 r426 21 21 AM_MAINTAINER_MODE 22 22 23 AM_PROG_LIBTOOL24 23 AC_PROG_CXX 25 24 AC_PROG_AWK 26 25 AC_PROG_CC 26 AC_PROG_RANLIB 27 27 AC_PROG_CPP 28 28 AC_PROG_INSTALL … … 49 49 50 50 # Checks for libraries. 51 AC_CHECK_LIB([dl], [main])51 dnl AC_CHECK_LIB([dl], [main]) 52 52 AC_CHECK_LIB([newt], [newtInit]) 53 53 standardthread=0; … … 105 105 AC_SUBST(LIBS) 106 106 107 dnl AC_FIND_BZIP2108 109 107 # Checks for header files. 110 108 AC_HEADER_STDC -
r416 r426 11 11 %define grp GRP 12 12 %define addreqb mindi >= 1.05, bzip2 >= 0.9, afio, mkisofs, binutils, newt >= 0.50, slang >= 1.4.1 13 %define rel %{mrel} 13 14 14 15 Summary: A program which a Linux user can utilize to create a rescue/restore CD/tape … … 19 20 Name: %{name} 20 21 Version: %{version} 21 Release: %{ mrel}22 Release: %{rel} 22 23 License: GPL 23 24 Group: %{grp} … … 33 34 34 35 %description 35 Mondo is a GPL disaster recovery solution to create backup media (CD, DVD, tape, network images) that can be used to redeploy the damaged system, as well as deploy similar or less similar systems. 36 Mondo is a GPL disaster recovery solution to create backup media 37 (CD, DVD, tape, network images) that can be used to redeploy the 38 damaged system, as well as deploy similar or less similar systems. 36 39 37 40 %description -l fr 38 41 Objectif 39 42 """""""" 40 Mondo est une solution GPL de sauvegarde en cas de désastre pour créer des médias (CD, DVD, bande, images réseau) qui peuvent être utilisés pour redéployer le système endomangé, aussi bien que des systèmes similaires, ou moins similaires. 43 Mondo est une solution GPL de sauvegarde en cas de désastre pour 44 créer des médias (CD, DVD, bande, images réseau) qui peuvent être 45 utilisés pour redéployer le système endomangé, aussi bien que des 46 systèmes similaires, ou moins similaires. 41 47 42 48 %description -l it … … 55 61 con cintas y NFS, tambien. 56 62 57 %debug_package58 63 %prep 59 64 %setup -q -n %name-%{version} … … 70 75 %endif 71 76 72 %post73 /sbin/ldconfig74 %{__chmod} 755 %{_libdir}/%{name}/restore-scripts/%{name}/*75 76 %postun77 /sbin/ldconfig78 79 77 %clean 80 78 %{__rm} -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT … … 87 85 88 86 %attr(755,root,root) %{_sbindir}/* 89 #%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/%{name}/restore-scripts/%{name}/* 90 %{_libdir} 91 %{_mandir} 87 %attr(755,root,root) %{_datadir}/%{name}/restore-scripts/%{name}/* 88 %attr(755,root,root) %{_datadir}/%{name}/autorun 89 %attr(755,root,root) %{_datadir}/%{name}/post-nuke.sample/usr/bin/post-nuke 90 %{_datadir}/%{name}/* 91 %{_mandir}/man8/* 92 92 93 93 %changelog 94 * Fri Feb 17 2006 Bruno Cornec <bcornec@users.berlios.de> 2.0.795 - Updated to 2.0.796 - RPM sepc files are now generated97 98 * Fri Nov 05 2005 Bruno Cornec <bcornec@users.berlios.de> 1.0599 - ia64 is now working100 - -p option related bug fixed101 - use libdir instead of datadir102 103 * Tue Sep 06 2005 Bruno Cornec <bcornec@users.berlios.de> 2.04_berlios104 - Merge of patches mentionned on mondo ML + ia64 updates105 - Add -p option106 107 * Tue May 03 2005 Hugo Rabson <hugorabson@msn.com> 2.04_cvs_20050503108 - made mondo more clever about finding its home. Avoids mondo considering109 directories like '/usr/share/doc/momdo' as its home.110 111 * Wed Aug 04 2004 Hugo Rabson <hugorabson@msn.com> 2.03112 - test sanity of user-specified tempdir113 - better SLES8 support114 115 * Mon Jun 28 2004 Hugo Rabson <hugorabson@msn.com> 2.02116 - instead of using 'dd' to erase partition table, delete existing117 partitions w/ the same call to fdisk that is used to create the118 new partitions; this should avoids locking up the partition table119 - set bootable partition in the above same call to fdisk, for120 the same reason (avoids locking up the partition table)121 - better software RAID support122 - mount ext3 partitions as ext2 when restoring - better for Debian123 - better star, ACL support124 - added ACL, xattr support for afio users125 126 * Fri Jun 26 2004 Hugo Rabson <hugorabson@msn.com> 2.01127 - fixed cvs for SuSE systems128 - fixed NTFS backup/restore bug relating to partimagehack129 log file overflow and NTFS v non-NTFS differentiation130 - more reliable extraction of config info from CDs, floppies131 - better support of ISO dirs at restore-time (Conor Daly)132 - fixed spec file for SuSE users133 - added ldconfig to install section134 135 * Fri Jun 19 2004 Hugo Rabson <hugorabson@msn.com> 2.00136 - first 2.0 release137 - updated grub-install.patched to support SuSE and Red Hat138 - call 'mt' to set block size to 32K before opening in/out tape139 - updated mondo-prep.c to create each disk's partitions all at once140 (one call per drive) instead of one call to fdisk per partition141 - when extracting cfg file and mountlist from all.tar.gz (tape copy),142 use block size of INTERNAL_TAPE_BLK_SIZE, not TAPE_BLOCK_SIZE143 - added star and rudimentary SELinux support144 - fixed lots of bugs145 - all logging now goes to /var/log/mondo-archive.log, with symlink146 to /tmp/mondo-restore.log for restore-time log-tracking147 - added grub-install.patched148 - removed embleer & other binaries149 - added '-b' to specify block size150 - added '-R' for star support151 152 * Thu Mar 25 2004 Bruno Cornec <Bruno.Cornec@hp.com> 1.7_cvs-20040325153 - ia64 fixes154 155 * Fri Nov 07 2003 Joshua Oreman <oremanj@get-linux.org> 1.7_cvs-20031107156 - fixed symbolic links for libraries157 - added support for boot/root multi floppies158 159 - added kdelibs as xmondo dependency160 - added xmondo pixmap installation161 - better find_cdrom_device(), to cope w/ multiple CD writers162 - fixed -m and -Vc flags163 - fixed NTFS support!164 - bootable CD uses native, not El Torito, support now165 - removed mondo-makefilelist166 - added 2.6 kernel support167 - if 2.6 kernel, insist that the user specify CD device168 - drop Embleer; insist on ms-sys and parted if Windows partition169 170 * Wed Nov 05 2003 Jesse Keating <jkeating@j2solutions.net> 1.7_cvs-20031105.1171 - added -devel package172 173 * Tue Nov 04 2003 Jesse Keating <jkeating@j2solutions.net> 1.7_cvs-20031104.1174 - made xmondo a second package175 - added ability to specify --without xmondo at build time176 177 * Sun Nov 02 2003 Jesse Keating <jkeating@j2solutions.net> 1.7_cvs-20031102.1178 - Clean up, added spanish translation179 - Set prefix to be /usr180 - added/fixed Requires181 - remove CVS directories prior to building182 183 * Thu Oct 23 2003 Hugo Rabson <hugorabson@msn.com> 1.75_cvs_20031023184 - nothing yet185 186 * Wed Oct 22 2003 Hugo Rabson <hugorabson@msn.com> 1.75187 - fixed chmod/chown bug (Jens Richter)188 - ask user to confirm NFS mountpoint in Interactive Mode189 - rewritten format_everything() to make sure LVMs, RAIDs and190 regular partitions are prepped in the correct order191 - better magicdev support192 - rewritten external binary caller subroutine193 - DVD support added194 - better backup-time control gui; offer to exclude nfs if appl.195 - fixed multi-tape support196 - re-implemented -D and -J197 - fixed bug in extract_config_file_from_ramdisk() which198 affected tape+floppy users199 - updated is_incoming_block_valid() to make it200 return end-of-tape if >300 flotsam blocks201 - unmount CD-ROM before burning (necessary for RH8/9)202 - fixed some stray assert()'s203 - fixed bug in grub-MR (Christian)204 - make user remove floppy/CD before restoring interactively from tape205 - fixed bug in am_I_in_disaster_recovery_mode()206 - added code to nuke_mode() to make sure NFS207 (backup) share is mounted in Nuke Mode208 - improved tape device detection code209 - better GRUB support210 - better logging of changed bigfiles at compare-time211 - better NTFS support, thanks to partimagehack-static212 - better logging213 - rewrote tape-handling code, breaking compatibility w/ previous versions214 - fixed ISO/CD biggiefile verification bug in mondoarchive215 - fixed bug which stopped boot/compare-time changelist from popping up216 - replaced mondo-makefilelist with C code - faster, cleaner217 - tweaked GUI - better feedback218 219 * Wed May 28 2003 Anonymous <root@rohan> 1.74220 - misc fixes (Michael Hanscho's friend)221 - added rudimentary support for SME222 - added better label support223 - fixed biggietime atime/ctime restoration bug 73224 - fixed 'default boot loader' detection bug (Joshua Oreman)225 - use single-threaded make_afioballs_and_images() if FreeBSD226 - fixed mondoarchive -Vi multi-CD verify bug (Tom Mortell)227 - superior get_phys_size_of_drive() (Joshua Oreman)228 - fixed RAID-related bug in where_is_root_mounted()229 - ISO tweaks230 - fixed silly bug in load_filelist() which stopped231 funny German filenames from being handled properly232 - fixed various calls to popup_and_get_string()233 - fixed spec file234 - reject -E /235 - added partimagehack to the mix236 237 * Tue May 20 2003 Anonymous <root@rohan> 1.73238 - mark devices as bootable _after_ unmounting them239 - resolve boot device (-f) if softlink240 - post_param_configuration() --- store iso-dev and isodir241 - added post-nuke-sample.tgz to package242 - Nuke Mode now checks mountlist against hardware; offer user243 opportunity to edit mountlist if insane; if user declines, abort244 - added lots of assert()'s and other checks245 - ran code thru Valgrind to catch & fix some memory leaks246 - made mondo-restore.c smaller by moving some subroutines to247 common/libmondo-raid.c and mondorestore/mondo-rstr-compare.c248 - added '-Q' to let user test mondoarchive's ability to find249 their boot loader and type250 - improved which_boot_loader()251 - when burning or comparing to a CD, defeat autorun if it is252 running, to avoid confusing mondoarchive and the user253 - if original backup media no longer available at boot-time254 then offer user chance to choose another media source255 - when booting, type 'nuke noresize' to nuke w/o resizing256 mountlist to fill your drives257 - add 'textonly' when booting, to avoid using Newt gui258 - run nice(20) to prioritize mondoarchive at start259 - don't pause and wait for next blank CD at backup-time260 unless necessary (e.g. previous CD has not been removed)261 - get_phys_size_of_drive() --- better support of older drives262 - don't eject if "donteject" is in kernel's command line263 - cleaned up segfault-handling264 - added Conor's strip_path() to improve file list display265 - added Herman Kuster's multi-level bkp patch266 - better boot-time screen/message267 - added Joshua Oreman's FreeBSD patches x3268 - fixed interactive/textonly support269 - fixed support for subdir-within-NFS-mount270 - fixed "Can't backup if ramdisk not mounted" bug271 - try to work around eccentricities of multi-CD drive PCs272 - misc clean-ups (Steve Hindle)273 274 * Tue Apr 08 2003 Hugo Rabson <hugorabson@msn.com> 1.72275 - LVM/RAID bugs fixed (Brian Borgeson)276 - major clean-up of code (Stan Benoit)277 - make-me-bootable fix (Juraj Ziegler)278 - fixed problem w/ multi-ISO verify cycle (Tom Mortell)279 - removed duplicate entry from makefile280 - if root is /dev/root then assume not a ramdisk281 - reject relative paths if -d flag (Alessandro Polverini)282 - fixed potentially infinite loop in log_to_screen (Tom Mortell)283 - add '/' to custom filelist as workaround for obscure bug284 - ask user speed of CDRW if writing to CD285 - find_cdrom_device() --- if nonexistent/not found then286 make sure to return '' as dev str and 1 as res287 - tweaked restore scripts tgz288 - cleaned up find_cdrom_device()289 - if user creates /usr/share/mondo/payload.tgz then untar290 payload to CD at backup-time291 - fixed insist_on_this_cd_number()292 - fixed am_i_in_disaster_recovery_mode()293 - misc clean-up (Tom Mortell)294 - made code more legible295 - fixed post-nuke support296 - added -e support297 - fixed nfs support298 - fixed iso support299 - at restore-time, only sort mountlist internally,300 in mount_all_devices() and unmount_all_devices()301 - fixed cosmetic bug in label-partitions-as-necessary302 - updated documentation303 - fixed fstab-hacking scripts304 305 * Wed Feb 12 2003 Hugo Rabson <hugorabson@msn.com> 1.71306 - log newt, slang, ncurses info307 - updated man page308 - handle %% chars in issue.net properly (Heiko Schlittermann)309 - fixed serious NFS restore bug310 - cleaned up spec file; it should cause fewer problems now (Jesse Keating)311 - changed various strcpy() calls to strncpy() calls312 - added mondo-makefilelist to makefile (Mikael Hultgren)313 - mount_cdrom() better at handling multiple CD drives314 - exclude /media/cdrom,cdrecorder,floppy315 - sensibly_set_tmpdir_and_scratchdir() --- exclude smb and smbfs316 - better logging by eval_call_to_make_ISO()317 - accept -J <fname> to let user provide their own fs catalog318 instead of -I <paths> to backup319 - if dir excluded with -E or included with -I and dir is actually320 a softlink then exclude/include the dir pointed to, as well321 - better location for manpage322 - adjusted block size of tarball at start of tape, to help323 users w/ broken tape driver firmware324 - sort -u fstab after modifying it325 - if backup type is nfs then don't estimate noof media326 - fixed Makefile (Mikael Hultgren)327 - updated manpage328 329 * Mon Dec 07 2002 Hugo Rabson <hugo@firstlinux.net> 1.70330 - new devel branch opened331 332 * Mon Dec 02 2002 Hugo Rabson <hugo@firstlinux.net> 1.52333 - fixed bug in multithreading334 - use new grub-MR instead of grub-install335 - wipe only the partition table (not the MBR) when partitioning drives336 - ignore lilo.conf.anaconda when looking for lilo.conf file337 - accepts '-l RAW' to backup/restore original boot sector instead338 of running grub or lilo to init it after restoring339 - fixed&updated stabgrub-me script; software RAID + GRUB work now340 - mount/unmount /boot partition for Gentoo 1.2 users341 - re-enabled extra tape checksums342 - disabled spurious warnings343 - unmount/remount supermounts at start/end of live restore, if nec.344 - cleaned up mondo's tape block handling (now, TAPE_BLOCK_SIZE=128K345 and I've added INTERNAL_TAPE_BLK_SIZE=32K variable for buffering)346 - added Makefile347 - added -l RAW, to backup and restore original MBR348 - cleaned up iso_mode() and nfs restoring349 - create /mnt/RESTORING/mnt/.boot.d for Gentoo users350 - made mondorestore CD bootable for ArkLinux users351 - if user runs as 'su' not 'su -' then work around352 353 * Sun Nov 17 2002 Hugo Rabson <hugo@firstlinux.net> 1.51354 - pop-up list of changed files, at end of verification phase355 - better handling of changed.files list at restore-time356 - lots of CD-related fixes357 - added '-N' flag --- to let user exclude all NFS-related mounts&devices358 - better handling of 'kill'359 - restructuring of code to ease integration of mondo w/XMondo360 - fixed obscure bug in find_and_mount_actual_cd()361 - if / or /root has <50MB free then abort & complain362 - fixed install.sh363 - fixed .spec file364 - updated documentation365 - commented code366 - updated man page367 - added -v / --version flag368 - replace convoluted grep with wc (KP)369 - fixed bug affecting restoration of bigfiles from CD's created w/0 compression370 - fixed BurnProof-related bug371 - better at figuring out which is the best partition for temp/scratchdir372 - added do-not-compress-these (text file) to RPM373 - do not compress files of types listed in do-not-compress-these374 - dropped -U from call to afio - saves 20-30% runtime (Cosgrove)375 - added Cosgrove's do-not-compress-these list376 - included various patches from KP377 - chmod tmpdir, scratchdir to 700 before using378 - restore from specified backup device, even if its own cfg file disagrees379 - fixed multi-tape bug380 - fixed "Can't find first ISO when verifying nonbootable ISO" bug381 - multithreaded make_afioballs_and_images()382 - tmpdir and scratchdir are set sensibly whether mondoarchive is called with383 command-line parameters or not384 - fixed bug in strip_spaces() which stopped it from handling385 small strings correctly - affected mountlist editor386 - create a repaired copy of grub-install which is RAID-friendly;387 use it when initializing boot sector with run_grub()388 - fixed bug in mondo-makefilelist389 390 * Sun Sep 08 2002 Hugo Rabson <hugo@firstlinux.net> 1.50391 - if restoring, don't try to find SCSI node of CD-ROM drive; find /dev entry392 - during selective restore, skip filesets which don't contain relevant archives393 - set /dev/null's perms to 777, just in case devfs-enabled kernel mangles it394 - remove /var/run/*.pid after restoring395 - move spurious lockfiles from /home/* to /home/*/.disabled396 - ask user to confirm the tape/CD device name397 - lots of multitape-related fixes398 - added code to autodetect the hardware of the user, if possible399 - if isodir does not exist then abort400 - more sanity-checking for -d flag401 - doubled 'biggiefile' threshold... to 32MB402 - exclude /root/images/mindi403 - fixed multi-imagedev bug (Emmanuel Druon)404 - unmount/remount /mnt/floppy before/after backing up, if Mandrake405 - restructured the source files406 - fixed serious bug in line 1546 - should have been !=, not ==; stopped407 mondorestore from correctly restoring big files408 - added '#include <signal.h>' to my-stuff.h409 - exclude "incheckentry xwait()" from changed.files410 - fixed minor bug in find_cdrom_device()411 - fixed bug in friendly_sizestr...412 - insist on tape #1 when start verifying413 - added internal buffering, replacing the external 'buffer' exe414 - if differential backup then don't permit formatting or fdisking,415 whether Interactive or Nuke mode416 - if mondorestore is run on live filesystem (or from ramdisk) without417 parameters then mondorestore will ask which backup media (tape, CD, etc.)418 was used; it will read the config file from the media and proceed from there419 - if tape streamer is softlink then resolve it first420 - incorporate post-nuke tarball421 - if user doesn't specify tape size, proceed anyway; behave intelligently422 in the event of end-of-tape423 - prefix bkpinfo->restore_path to biggiefile fname before generating424 checksum & comparing to archived biggiefile425 - if /etc/lilo.conf not found not /etc/lilo.conf.anaconda found426 then create a softlink from the former to the latter, to work427 around RH7.3's b0rken LILO support428 - LFS support (mharris, michele, hugo)429 - fixed verify bug --- CD#1 was being verified again & again & ...430 - differential mode fixed; supported again431 - ask user for boot loader + device if not detectible432 - list up to 512 files in file selection window at once (was 128)433 - better handling of bigfiles' checksums, perms and owns434 - delete final filelist if <=2 bytes long435 - if kernel not found and mondo in graphics mode then popup and ask436 for kernel path+filename437 438 * Sun Jul 14 2002 Hugo Rabson <hugo@firstlinux.net> 1.45-1439 - 1.5x branch forked off from 1.4x branch440 441 442 443 -
r342 r426 1 1 SUBDIRS = common mondoarchive mondorestore restore-scripts post-nuke.sample 2 DIST_SUBDIRS = common mondoarchive mondorestore restore-scripts post-nuke.sample2 DIST_SUBDIRS = ${SUBDIRS} 3 3 4 pkg lib_DATA = do-not-compress-these4 pkgdata_DATA = do-not-compress-these autorun -
r183 r426 2 2 ## Process this file with Automake to generate `Makefile.in' 3 3 ## 4 AM_CPPFLAGS = -DMONDO_SHARE=\"$(pkgdatadir)\" 4 5 5 AM_CPPFLAGS = -DMONDO_LIB=\"$(pkglibdir)\" 6 ## Headers 6 ## libmondo 7 noinst_LIBRARIES = libmondo.a 7 8 8 noinst_HEADERS = libmondo-archive.h libmondo-devices.h \ 9 libmondo_a_SOURCES = libmondo-archive.c libmondo-devices.c libmondo-fifo.c \ 10 libmondo-filelist.c libmondo-files.c libmondo-fork.c \ 11 libmondo-mountlist.c libmondo-raid.c \ 12 libmondo-stream.c libmondo-string.c libmondo-tools.c \ 13 libmondo-verify.c newt-specific.c \ 14 libmondo-archive.h libmondo-devices.h \ 9 15 libmondo-filelist.h libmondo-files.h libmondo-fork.h \ 10 16 libmondo-gui.h libmondo-mountlist.h libmondo-raid.h \ … … 12 18 libmondo-verify.h libmondo-fifo.h \ 13 19 libmondo-archive-EXT.h my-stuff.h mondostructures.h \ 14 libmondo-devices-EXT.h libmondo-fifo-EXT.h libmondo-filelist-EXT.h \ 15 libmondo-files-EXT.h libmondo-fork-EXT.h libmondo-gui-EXT.h \ 16 libmondo-mountlist-EXT.h libmondo-raid-EXT.h libmondo-stream-EXT.h \ 17 libmondo-string-EXT.h libmondo-tools-EXT.h libmondo-verify-EXT.h \ 20 libmondo-devices-EXT.h libmondo-fifo-EXT.h \ 21 libmondo-files-EXT.h libmondo-fork-EXT.h \ 22 libmondo-gui-EXT.h libmondo-filelist-EXT.h \ 23 libmondo-mountlist-EXT.h libmondo-raid-EXT.h \ 24 libmondo-string-EXT.h libmondo-tools-EXT.h \ 25 libmondo-verify-EXT.h libmondo-stream-EXT.h \ 18 26 newt-specific.h 19 20 ## Libraries21 lib_LTLIBRARIES = libmondo.la libmondo-newt.la22 23 ## libmondo24 libmondo_la_SOURCES = libmondo-archive.c libmondo-devices.c libmondo-fifo.c \25 libmondo-filelist.c libmondo-files.c libmondo-fork.c \26 libmondo-mountlist.c libmondo-raid.c \27 libmondo-stream.c libmondo-string.c libmondo-tools.c \28 libmondo-verify.c29 libmondo_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info 2:3:0 -shrext .so30 libmondo_la_LIBADD = @LIBS@31 32 ## libmondo-newt33 libmondo_newt_la_SOURCES = newt-specific.c34 libmondo_newt_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info 1:0:0 -shrext .so35 libmondo_newt_la_LIBADD = -lnewt -
r309 r426 3750 3750 /* @} - end of utilityGroup */ 3751 3751 3752 void setenv_mondo_ lib(void) {3753 3754 setenv("MONDO_ LIB", MONDO_LIB, 1);3752 void setenv_mondo_share(void) { 3753 3754 setenv("MONDO_SHARE", MONDO_SHARE, 1); 3755 3755 } -
r309 r426 190 190 char *home_sz = NULL; 191 191 192 asprintf(&home_sz, MONDO_ LIB);192 asprintf(&home_sz, MONDO_SHARE); 193 193 return (home_sz); 194 194 } -
r403 r426 395 395 #define MNT_FLOPPY "/mnt/floppy" 396 396 397 #define FREELOADER // You're not a paying customer398 397 #define DEFAULT_MR_LOGLEVEL 4 399 398 -
r30 r426 9 9 sbin_PROGRAMS = mondoarchive 10 10 mondoarchive_SOURCES = main.c mondo-cli.c 11 mondoarchive_LDADD = ../common/libmondo.la ../common/libmondo-newt.la 12 13 ### Man page 14 #man1_MANS = mondoarchive.1 11 mondoarchive_LDADD = ${top_builddir}/mondo/common/libmondo.a -
r300 r426 171 171 setenv("ARCH", get_architecture(), 1); 172 172 173 /* Add MONDO_ LIBenvironment variable for mindi */174 setenv_mondo_ lib();173 /* Add MONDO_SHARE environment variable for mindi */ 174 setenv_mondo_share(); 175 175 176 176 unlink(MONDO_LOGFILE); -
r30 r426 12 12 mondorestore_SOURCES = mondo-prep.c mondo-restore.c mondo-rstr-newt.c \ 13 13 mondo-rstr-compare.c mondo-rstr-tools.c 14 mondorestore_LDADD = ../common/libmondo.la ../common/libmondo-newt.la @MONDORESTORE_STATIC@14 mondorestore_LDADD = ${top_builddir}/mondo/common/libmondo.a @MONDORESTORE_STATIC@ -
r59 r426 72 72 extern void sort_mountlist_by_mountpoint(struct mountlist_itself *, bool); 73 73 extern void sort_mountlist_by_device(struct mountlist_itself *); 74 extern void success_message(void);75 74 extern void twenty_seconds_til_yikes(void); 76 75 extern int run_raw_mbr(bool offer_to_hack_scripts, char *bd); -
r300 r426 392 392 #endif 393 393 394 extern void success_message(void);395 394 extern void twenty_seconds_til_yikes(void); 396 395 … … 1226 1225 ("PC was restored successfully. Thank you for using Mondo Rescue."); 1227 1226 log_to_screen 1228 ("Please visit http://www.mondorescue.org and thank the dev team.");1227 ("Please visit our website at http://www.mondorescue.org for more information."); 1229 1228 } else { 1230 #ifdef FREELOADER 1231 success_message(); 1232 #else 1233 log_to_screen("PC was restored successfully!"); 1234 #endif 1229 strcpy(tmp," Mondo has restored your system. Please remove the backup media and reboot.\n\nPlease visit our website at http://www.mondorescue.org for more information."); 1230 if (strstr(call_program_and_get_last_line_of_output("cat /proc/cmdline"), "restore") == NULL) { 1231 popup_and_OK(tmp); 1232 } 1233 log_to_screen 1234 ("Mondo has restored your system. Please remove the backup media and reboot."); 1235 log_to_screen 1236 ("Please visit our website at http://www.mondorescue.org for more information."); 1235 1237 } 1236 1238 g_I_have_just_nuked = TRUE; -
r309 r426 2060 2060 2061 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 /**2067 * Prompt the user to support the Mondo project.2068 */2069 void success_message(void)2070 {2071 int i;2072 /* malloc and ptr */2073 char *tmp;2074 2075 malloc_string(tmp);2076 if (strstr2077 (call_program_and_get_last_line_of_output("cat /proc/cmdline"),2078 "restore") == NULL) {2079 if (ask_me_yes_or_no2080 ("Have you contributed to the Mondo project financially or in some other way, yet?"))2081 {2082 log_to_screen2083 ("Thank you for supporting Mondo. It goes from strength to strength,");2084 log_to_screen("thanks to the support of users like you.");2085 } else {2086 if (ask_me_yes_or_no2087 ("Are you or your company willing to consider contributing to Mondo in some way?"))2088 {2089 popup_and_OK2090 ("To support the project which has just performed a valuable service for you, please visit http://www.mondorescue.com; click on 'Download' and then 'PayPal'.");2091 } else {2092 log_to_screen2093 ("Free Software, like freedom itself, must be supported or it will be lost.");2094 log_msg(1,2095 "To your credit, you were honest: you said no, you wouldn't be contributing");2096 log_msg(1,2097 "to this project, ever. However, that makes you a freeloader. I bet you're");2098 log_msg(1,2099 "the sort of person who likes to sneak into movie theatres...");2100 popup_and_OK2101 ("If you ever change your mind, you may support this product by going to http://www.mondrescue.com and clicking on 'Download', followed by 'PalPal'.");2102 }2103 }2104 }2105 #ifdef FREELOADER2106 i = (int) (random()) % 32;2107 #else2108 i = 1;2109 #endif2110 2111 if (i != 25) {2112 strcpy(tmp,2113 "Mondo has restored your system. Please remove the backup media and reboot.");2114 } else {2115 strcpy(tmp,2116 "M0nd0 h45 r3570r3d j00r 5y573m. P13453 r3m0v3 7h3 b4ckup m3d14 4nd r3b007.");2117 }2118 if (strstr2119 (call_program_and_get_last_line_of_output("cat /proc/cmdline"),2120 "restore") == NULL) {2121 popup_and_OK(tmp);2122 }2123 log_to_screen(tmp);2124 paranoid_free(tmp);2125 }2126 2127 /**************************************************************************2128 *END_SUCCESS_MESSAGE *2129 **************************************************************************/2130 2131 2132 2133 2062 /** 2134 2063 * Exit due to a signal (normal cleanup). -
r59 r426 27 27 void setup_global_filenames(struct s_bkpinfo *bkpinfo); 28 28 //void setup_signals(int); 29 void success_message(void);30 29 void twenty_seconds_til_yikes(void); 31 30 int run_raw_mbr(bool offer_to_hack_scripts, char *bd); -
r250 r426 1 postnukeusrbindir = $(pkg libdir)/post-nuke.sample/usr/bin1 postnukeusrbindir = $(pkgdatadir)/post-nuke.sample/usr/bin 2 2 postnukeusrbin_SCRIPTS = post-nuke -
r181 r426 1 1 SUBDIRS = mondo usr 2 2 3 restoreetcdir = $(pkg libdir)/restore-scripts/etc3 restoreetcdir = $(pkgdatadir)/restore-scripts/etc 4 4 restoreetc_DATA = etc/multipath.conf.sample etc/raid0.conf.sample \ 5 5 etc/raid1.conf.sample etc/raid4.conf.sample \ -
r181 r426 1 restoremondodir = $(pkg libdir)/restore-scripts/mondo1 restoremondodir = $(pkgdatadir)/restore-scripts/mondo 2 2 restoremondo_SCRIPTS = ISO ask-me-a-question compare-me compare-subroutine-me \ 3 3 edit-mountlist grub-MR hack-fstab hack-grub hack-lilo hack-elilo \ -
r181 r426 1 restoreusrbindir = $(pkg libdir)/restore-scripts/usr/bin1 restoreusrbindir = $(pkgdatadir)/restore-scripts/usr/bin 2 2 #restoreusrbin_SCRIPTS = # petris pico nano -
r404 r426 55 55 svn export ${VER}/mondo mondo-${MONDO_VER} 56 56 cp -a /tmp/mondorescue-svn.log mondo-${MONDO_VER}/svn.log 57 mkdir -p mondo-${MONDO_VER}/docs/man58 cp -a ${VER}/documentation/mondo*.8 mondo-${MONDO_VER}/docs/man59 57 echo "$REVISION" > mondo-${MONDO_VER}/REVISION 60 58 rm -rf documentation-${MONDO_VER} -
r394 r426 29 29 mkdir -p ${TOPDIR}/SOURCES 30 30 $TOOLHOME/mkspec ${MINDI_VER} mindi-kernel-${MINDI_VER}/mindi-kernel.spec > ${TOPDIR}/SPECS/mindi-kernel.spec 31 pkg="$pkg ${TOPDIR}/RPMS/${ARCH}/mindi-kernel-${MINDI_VER}-${REVISION}${suf}.${ARCH}.rpm" 31 chmod 644 ${TOPDIR}/SPECS/mindi-kernel.spec 32 pkg1="${TOPDIR}/RPMS/${ARCH}/mindi-kernel-${MINDI_VER}-${REVISION}${suf}.${ARCH}.rpm" 33 pkg="$pkg $pkg1" 34 rm -f $pkg1 32 35 fi 33 36 if [ "`echo $c | grep -v kernel | grep mindi`" != "" ]; then 34 37 cd ${BASE}/svn 35 38 $TOOLHOME/mkspec ${MINDI_VER} mindi-${MINDI_VER}/distributions/rpm/mindi.spec > ${TOPDIR}/SPECS/mindi.spec 39 cat mindi-${MINDI_VER}/distributions/$dfam/changelog >> ${TOPDIR}/SPECS/mindi.spec 40 chmod 644 ${TOPDIR}/SPECS/mindi.spec 36 41 rm -rf mindi-${MINDI_VER}/distributions 37 42 mkdir -p ${TOPDIR}/SOURCES 38 43 39 pkg="$pkg ${TOPDIR}/RPMS/${ARCH}/mindi-${MINDI_VER}-${REVISION}${suf}.${ARCH}.rpm" 44 pkg1="${TOPDIR}/RPMS/${ARCH}/mindi-${MINDI_VER}-${REVISION}${suf}.${ARCH}.rpm" 45 pkg="$pkg $pkg1" 46 rm -f $pkg1 40 47 # ATTENTION: This could be dangerous for your setup 41 48 opt="rm -rf /usr/lib/mindi ;" … … 44 51 cd ${BASE}/svn 45 52 $TOOLHOME/mkspec ${MONDO_VER} mondo-${MONDO_VER}/distributions/rpm/mondo.spec > ${TOPDIR}/SPECS/mondo.spec 53 cat mondo-${MONDO_VER}/distributions/$dfam/changelog >> ${TOPDIR}/SPECS/mondo.spec 54 chmod 644 ${TOPDIR}/SPECS/mondo.spec 46 55 rm -rf mondo-${MONDO_VER}/distributions 47 56 48 pkg="$pkg ${TOPDIR}/RPMS/${ARCH}/mondo-${MONDO_VER}-${REVISION}${suf}.${ARCH}.rpm" 57 pkg1="${TOPDIR}/RPMS/${ARCH}/mondo-${MONDO_VER}-${REVISION}${suf}.${ARCH}.rpm" 58 pkg="$pkg $pkg1" 59 rm -f $pkg1 49 60 fi 50 61 -
r372 r426 1 <B><A HREF="isos/mondo-install-cd.iso">NEW! Installer CD</A></B> - if2 you have the time or bandwidth, please try this CD (image). It is3 updated on Sundays and Mondays.</P>4 <P ALIGN=JUSTIFY>5 1 <B><A HREF="isos/mindi.iso">Test CD</A></B> - if you think your 6 2 hardware is faulty, please download <A HREF="mindi.iso">this ISO</A>, -
r397 r426 50 50 <h2>Downloads</h2> 51 51 </div> 52 <p>Mondo's FTP site is available at <a href="ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org">ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org</a></p> 52 53 <h3>Source code</h3> 53 54 <ul> 54 <li>tarball available under <a href="ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org/src">ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org/src</a></li>55 <li>tarballs are available under <a href="ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org/src">ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org/src</a></li> 55 56 <li>Subversion browing available at <a href="http://svn.berlios.de/viewcvs/mondorescue">http://svn.berlios.de/viewcvs/mondorescue</a></li> 56 57 <li>Anonymous HTTP Subversion check out of the project available with the following instruction set: <pre><tt>svn checkout http://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/mondorescue/branches/stable</tt></pre></li>
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for help on using the changeset viewer.