Changeset 2787 in MondoRescue

Apr 29, 2011, 3:37:00 PM (14 years ago)
Bruno Cornec

r2157@localhost (orig r2156): bruno | 2009-02-19 23:46:33 +0100
Better support of EMC array (try to fix #301)

1 edited


  • branches/2.2.8/mindi/mindi

    r2784 r2787  
    4949TAPE_MODS="ht st osst ide-tape ide_tape"
    50 SCSI_MODS="3w-xxxx 3w_xxxx 3w_9xxx 3w-9xxx 53c7,8xx a100u2w a320raid aacraid adpahci advansys aha152x aha1542 aha1740 aic79xx aic79xx_mod aic7xxx aic7xxx_mod aic7xxx_old AM53C974 atp870u BusLogic cciss cpqfc dmx3191d dpt_i2o dtc eata eata_dma eata_pio fdomain gdth g_NCR5380 i2o_block i2o_core ide-scsi ieee1394 imm in2000 initio ips iscsi iscsi_tcp libiscsi scsi_transport_iscsi isp megaraid megaraid_mm megaraid_mbox megaraid_sas mptbase mptscsih mptsas mptspi mptfc mptscsi mptctl NCR53c406a ncr53c8xx nsp32 pas16 pci2000 pci2220i pcmcia ppa psi240i qla1280 qla2200 qla2300 qla2400 qla2xxx qla2xxx_conf qlogicfas qlogicfc qlogicisp qlogicfas qlogicfas408 raw1394 scsi_mod scsi_transport_sas scsi_transport_spi scsi_transport_fc sd_mod crc_t10dif crc-t10dif seagate sg sim710 sr_mod sym53c416 sym53c8xx sym53c8xx_2 t128 tmscsim u14-34f ultrastor wd7000 vmhgfs intermodule scsi_dh scsi_tgt"
     50SCSI_MODS="3w-xxxx 3w_xxxx 3w_9xxx 3w-9xxx 53c7,8xx a100u2w a320raid aacraid adpahci advansys aha152x aha1542 aha1740 aic79xx aic79xx_mod aic7xxx aic7xxx_mod aic7xxx_old AM53C974 atp870u BusLogic cciss cpqfc dmx3191d dpt_i2o dtc eata eata_dma eata_pio fdomain gdth g_NCR5380 i2o_block i2o_core ide-scsi ieee1394 imm in2000 initio ips iscsi iscsi_tcp libiscsi scsi_transport_iscsi isp megaraid megaraid_mm megaraid_mbox megaraid_sas mptbase mptscsih mptsas mptspi mptfc mptscsi mptctl NCR53c406a ncr53c8xx nsp32 pas16 pci2000 pci2220i pcmcia ppa psi240i qla1280 qla2200 qla2300 qla2400 qla2xxx qla2xxx_conf qlogicfas qlogicfc qlogicisp qlogicfas qlogicfas408 raw1394 scsi_mod scsi_transport_sas scsi_transport_spi scsi_transport_fc sd_mod crc_t10dif crc-t10dif seagate sg sim710 sr_mod sym53c416 sym53c8xx sym53c8xx_2 t128 tmscsim u14-34f ultrastor wd7000 vmhgfs intermodule scsi_dh scsi_tgt emcpdm emcpgpx emcpmpx emcp"
    5252# ide-probe-mod
    153153    mkdir -p $bigdir/etc
    154     tar cf - $mappath 2>> $LOGFILE | (cd $bigdir ; tar xf -) || LogIt "AKMF -- Could not copy $mappath to $bigdir"
     154    tar cf - -C / $mappath 2>> $LOGFILE | (cd $bigdir ; tar xf -) || LogIt "AKMF -- Could not copy $mappath to $bigdir"
    155155    if [ "`echo $mappath | grep -F ".gz"`" ] ; then
    156156        included_list=`gzip -dc $mappath | grep -Fi include | sed s/'"'// | sed s/'"'// | cut -d' ' -f2`
    195195            find $incoming/* -maxdepth 0 2> /dev/null | CopyDependenciesToDirectory $outdir
    196196        elif [ -e "$incoming" ] && [ $found = "false" ]; then
    197             tar cf - $incoming 2>> $LOGFILE | (cd $outdir ; tar xf -) || Die "Cannot copy $incoming to $outdir - did you run out of disk space?"
     197            tar cf - -C / $incoming 2>> $LOGFILE | (cd $outdir ; tar xf -) || Die "Cannot copy $incoming to $outdir - did you run out of disk space?"
    199199            # Only uncompress modules if not using udevd
    18891889        [ "$?" -ne "0" ] && [ _"$MONDO_SHARE" != _"" ] && Die "Cannot find/install $MONDO_SHARE/restore-scripts"
    18901890    fi
    1891     [ -d "/lib/dev-state" ] && tar cf - /lib/dev-state 2>> $LOGFILE | tar xf -
     1891    [ -d "/lib/dev-state" ] && tar cf - -C / /lib/dev-state 2>> $LOGFILE | tar xf -
    18921892    cd $old_pwd
    18931893    echo -e "$DONE"
    21822182        s=`which $w 2> /dev/null`
    21832183        if [ -e "$s" ] ; then
    2184             tar cf - $s 2> /dev/null | tar xf -
     2184            tar cf - -C / $s 2> /dev/null | tar xf -
    21852185        fi
    21862186    done
    22122212        echo "udev device manager found" > $mountpoint/tmp/USE-UDEV
    22132213        LogIt "udev device manager found"
    2214         tar cf - /etc/udev 2>> $LOGFILE | tar xf -
     2214        tar cf - -C / /etc/udev 2>> $LOGFILE | tar xf -
    22152215        # This avoids NIC remapping if on another machine at restore time on Debian at least
    22162216        rm -f ./etc/udev/rules.d/z[0-9][0-9]_persistent-net.rules
    22172217        # This avoids NIC remapping if on another machine at restore time on Ubuntu at least
    22182218        rm -f ./etc/udev/rules.d/[0-9][0-9]-persistent-net.rules
    2219         tar cf - /lib*/udev 2>> $LOGFILE | tar xf -
     2219        tar cf - -C / /lib*/udev 2>> $LOGFILE | tar xf -
    22202220        if [ -x /sbin/udevd ]; then
    22212221            lis2=`grep -Ev '^#' $MINDI_CONF/udev.files`
    22432243                fi
    22442244            done
    2245             tar cf - $lis `sort -u $MINDI_TMP/udev.lis` 2>> $LOGFILE | tar xf -
     2245            tar cf - -C / $lis `sort -u $MINDI_TMP/udev.lis` 2>> $LOGFILE | tar xf -
    22462246            rm -f $MINDI_TMP/udev.lis
    22472247        else
    22742274    done
    2276     tar cf - /dev/fd0*[1,2][4,7,8]* 2>> $LOGFILE | tar xf -
     2276    tar cf - -C / /dev/fd0*[1,2][4,7,8]* 2>> $LOGFILE | tar xf -
    22782278    cd $old_pwd
    23162316        [ "$YOUR_KERNEL_SUCKS" ] && i=$MINDI_TMP/$i
    23172317        echo "Adding $i ($s KB) to the rootfs" >> $LOGFILE
    2318         tar cf - $i 2>> $LOGFILE | (cd $mountpoint ; tar xf -) || LogIt "Unable to copy $i to $mountpoint"
     2318        tar cf - -C / $i 2>> $LOGFILE | (cd $mountpoint ; tar xf -) || LogIt "Unable to copy $i to $mountpoint"
    23192319        # Uncompress modules if not using udev and native modprobe
    23202320        if [ ! -f $mountpoint/tmp/USE-UDEV ]; then
    23282328    # Also copy modules.dep in case of udev so that normal modprobe works
    2329     tar cf - /$needed_modules_path/modules.dep 2>> $LOGFILE | (cd $mountpoint ; tar xf -) || LogIt "Unable to copy modules.dep to $mountpoint"
     2329    tar cf - -C / /$needed_modules_path/modules.dep 2>> $LOGFILE | (cd $mountpoint ; tar xf -) || LogIt "Unable to copy modules.dep to $mountpoint"
    23312331    if [ ! -e "/sbin/devfsd" ] || [ "$kernelpath" = "$MINDI_LIB/vmlinuz" ] ; then
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