Version 38 (modified by 15 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
Welcome to Mondo Rescue devel pages
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The Mondo Rescue Dev Team
Starting Points
- Mondorescue Web site
- online hold'em
- Its documentation
- Credit Card Processing
- TracGuide -- Built-in Documentation
This knowledge base contains information that is still too much in flux or immature to be put into the proper documentation. Some like the Roadmap will (hopefully!) always be that way.
Marketing / Feedbacks
- Communications around Mondorescue
- Customer Experience and Feedbacks with Mondorescue
- Customer references and architectures with Mondorescue
- Roadmap
- Boot Process Unraveled
- Distribution Packaging
- Standards Compliance
- Contributiing to MondoRescue
- Tools
- Using Virtualisation Tools With Mondorescue
- TroubleShooting Mondorescue
- Tape Support in Mondorescue
- Ideas for
FTP Setup
The repository on the ftp server is organized in the following way:
| |---- src (contains the .tar.gz files required for the mondorescue project) | |---- distro-a | | | |---- 1.0 (contains all packages made for that release of distro-a) | |---- 2.0 | |---- distro-b | |---- 1.1 (contains all packages made for that release of distro-b) |---- 2.3
Those directories also contain information files for your package manager. Typically a project.repo for Fedora|RHEL's yum, a project.urpmi for Mandriva, a project.sources.list for Debian|Ubuntu.
Development hints
There are 3 mondorescue versions managed under SVN.
The first one is called 'stable'. From it we derive the official mondorescue releases. Currently the latest official releases are in the branches/2.2.7 tree. Old 2.0x names are there for historical reasons. The published releases now use the classical schema:
x.y.z with
x for major versions and rewrite of the code. y for minor versions (even numbers for stable ones, and odd numbers for unstable ones) z for incremental releases inside a minor version.
The second one is called 'trunk' and is currently dedicated to a rewrite of the memory management in mondorescue, including first the removal of sprintf/strcat/strcpy functions in the code. It's NOT stable. It may even NOT compile. As of today, no further effort will be put on it;
Another tree called 'devel' is a rewrite of mondo with perl. Once it is in a better shape, it will probably lead to a 3.0.x version.
Development evolution is shown by this diagram:
devel ------------------------------------------------------>>> | | | 3.0.0 3.0.1 3.0.2 r10xx r11xx r12xx ........ | | | \_______>> \_______>> \________________ \ stable -----------------------------------------------|------>>> | | | | 2.06 2.0.7 2.0.8 2.0.n r266 r5xx r6xx ........ r5xx | | | | \_______>> \_______>> \_______>> \_______>>
If you have any ideas on what needs to be done, please use the enhancement feature of our Trac system... For improvements around ntfsclone look at
Andree's Stuff - mixed bag of things I'm just jotting down for now...
BrunoSandBox - same for me :-)
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