May 9, 2018:
- 6:33 PM Changeset in MondoRescue [3709] by
- mindi now logs the value of MINDI_TMP
Apr 30, 2018:
- 11:26 AM Ticket #840 (unable to restore iso image of centos 7) created by
- getting error of mondo restore alreday exist - retavl = 256
Apr 13, 2018:
- 12:29 PM Changeset in MondoRescue [3708] by
- daptation for gcc 5 (inline funcs mngt)
- 1:35 AM Changeset in MondoRescue [3707] by
- Update pbtest to latest version with SLES support
- 1:27 AM Changeset in MondoRescue [3706] by
- Adds bind mounting of virtual FS to ease debug when used manually
- 1:17 AM Changeset in MondoRescue [3705] by
- Check return status of mr-net-get-config to avoid errors due to …
Apr 11, 2018:
- 1:13 PM Changeset in MondoRescue [3704] by
- Remove the useless mr-unmount-subroutine-me script
- 2:08 AM Ticket #838 (mondorescue doesn't restore btrfs subvols) closed by
- fixed
- 2:07 AM Ticket #839 (mondorestore fail to restore a btrfs FS) closed by
- fixed: Fixed in [3703]
- 2:07 AM Changeset in MondoRescue [3703] by
- - Fix #839 by forcing the creation of BTRFS FS
- 2:07 AM Ticket #839 (mondorestore fail to restore a btrfs FS) created by
- If the disk on which we're restoring is already containing a BTRFS FS …
- 2:05 AM Changeset in MondoRescue [3702] by
- - Fix #838 by skipping subvol fstab lines for the mountlist
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