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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#43 Bruno Cornec antjac.tux@… fixed Script mondobackup for Skolelinux


I'm a french developper for the Skole Linux distribution, i wish to use Mondobackup to backup the systems for school but it must be automatised.

So, i plan to create a script which use mondo, but i've a problem, that i need to show to the users if there are errors with the backup, so i need to have your error code if there is a problem during backup (disk full, no second drive, crc error, etc....) is it possible ?


Antoine ALEXANDRE (Skolelinux France)

#71 Bruno Cornec Bruno Cornec fixed mondo doesn't work on x86_64

At least 3 persons have reported issues with mondo on x86_64

#100 Bruno Cornec mnalis-ml@… fixed mindi did "rm -Rf /home" ?! (Debian)

The system in question has /tmp as tmpfs which might have been a problem-trigger (judging by suspicious mindi message "Changing TMP_ROOT to /home because you're using tmpfs for tmp"). The log also mentions that I'm using LABEL (which I do) without tools to support it (however, I do have /sbin/findfs (from e2fsprogs-1.37-2sarge1 package) and /sbin/blkid (from libblkid1-1.37-2sarge1 package). I do not have vol_id, though (but if I understand correctly, it only needs ONE of those programs).

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