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Results (208 - 210 of 684)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#68 Bruno Cornec hanscees@… fixed LVM log. volumes are not resized using factor which creates problems when restoring

When mondorestore finds a new disk geometry:

[Main] libmondo-devices.c->get_phys_size_of_drive#1259: /dev/hda --> -1 or 8192 --> 8192
Expanding entries to suit drive /dev/hda (8192 MB)
[Main] mondo-prep.c->create_mountlist_for_drive#2777: Creating list of partitions for drive /dev/hda
Disk /dev/hda was 38162 MB; is now 8192 MB; factor = 0.214664
Changing /dev/hda2 from 38973690 KB to 8366240 KB
Changing /dev/hda1 from 104391 KB to 22408 KB

it computes a factor which is then applied to all physical partitions. But it's NOT applied to Logical volumes, which create a problem if disks are smaller only.

lvm vgchange -a y main --> 0
    lvcreate -L 36864m -r 0 -n root main --> 1280
    [Main] mondo-prep.c->do_my_funky_lvm_stuff#486: echo "lvm vgchange -a y main" >> /tmp/ so I'll get creative.
    lvcreate -L 36864m -r 0 -n root main --> 1
lvm lvcreate -L 960m -r 0 -n swap main --> 0
lvm vgscan --> 0
[Main] mondo-prep.c->do_my_funky_lvm_stuff#549: Closed i-want-my-lvm. Finished doing funky stuff.
#72 Bruno Cornec Brian McKee fixed Mondo restore doesn't recognise USB keyboard on system without ps/2 ports

Hardware I ran into problem was Dell GX280 - no ps/2 ports, just USB.

Install generic Kubuntu 6.06.1 system, ran mondo archive. Attempt to restore from mondorescue.iso created in previous step you get to How Should I Restore screen, and keyboard doesn't work... Any additional information required, please just ask...

#73 Bruno Cornec gmane@… fixed mondorestore segfault

Admittedly this is a little convoluted, but I can segfault mondorestore with the following procedure:

Make a mondoarchive CD of a system with mdadm raid 1, with hda and hdc drives.

Interactive restore to a system with only one drive hda and a CDrom on hdc.

In the screen to revise the partition layout, select one of the raid partitions md0-2 and click on the Edit button, then the Raid button. A segfault occurs.

This isn't very serious because I'm pretty sure I could still get a successful restore by just deleting the raid partitions, then deleting the physical partitions, then adding a new set for the one drive and continuing with the restore. Alternatively, I could probably manually edit the mountlist file in a second terminal before getting to the mountlist editor screen.

I wonder if mondo should recognize that one of the devs in the mountlist is actually the CDrom from which mondo is running and not display it. It generates a lot of errors like "the partition hdc does not contain a valid filesystem" or some such (from my memory, I didn't write it down).

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