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Results (220 - 222 of 684)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#288 Bruno Cornec bwiberg fixed mindi --makemountlist fails on /etc/fstab with multiple (identical device) entries

Multiple entries in /etc/fstab, where the device name (e.g. server/share) is identical, although the mount points for the two mounts differ, yield an error when calculating the partition size in SizeOfPartition() of mindi.

Multiple entries may occur e.g. for CIFS if mounting the same share as different users on different mount points.

Attaching suggested patch which assumes that all mounts of a device share a common amount of free space (however, is this true in the case of quotas on shares?).

sprinkle:~# /usr/sbin/mondoarchive -O -9 -d "/mnt/backup/bwiberg/bwiberg/mondorescue" -E "/home /mnt /mnt/backup/bwiberg/bwiberg/mondorescue" -F -i -N -p "sprinkle" -s 4700m -S "/tmp" -T "/tmp" -V
See /var/log/mondoarchive.log for details of backup run.
Checking sanity of your Linux distribution
mindi --makemountlist //mondo.tmp.8b5Lv8/mountlist.txt.test failed for some reas
Please run that command by hand and examine /var/log/mindi.log
for more information. Perhaps your /etc/fstab file is insane.
Perhaps Mindi's MakeMountlist() subroutine has a bug. We'll see.
Fatal error... Pre-param initialization phase failed. Please review the error messages above, make the specified changes, then try again. Exiting...
---FATALERROR--- Pre-param initialization phase failed. Please review the error messages above, make the specified changes, then try again. Exiting...
If you require technical support, please contact the mailing list.
See for details.
The list's members can help you, if you attach that file to your e-mail.
Log file: /var/log/mondoarchive.log
FYI, I have gzipped the log and saved it to /var/cache/mondo/MA.log.gz.
Mondo has aborted.
Execution run ended; result=254
Type 'less /var/log/mondoarchive.log' to see the output log

So, running mindi manually:

sprinkle:~# mindi --makemountlist /tmp/a.txt
Your mountlist will look like this:
Analyzing LVM...
        DEVICE          MOUNTPOINT      FORMAT          SIZE (MB)       LABEL/UUID
        /dev/sda1       /               ext3              15390
        // /home/bwib      cifs             472785
        // /home/bwiberg   cifs             472785
/usr/sbin/mindi: line 1199: 484131936 484131936/1024: syntaxfel i uttryck (error token is "484131936/1024")

(Translation: "syntax error in expression")

Mindi Linux mini-distro generator v2.0.4-r2045
Latest Mindi is available from
BusyBox sources are available from
Mindi-BusyBox v1.7.3-r2045 (2008-10-13 00:08:43 CEST) multi-call binary
Do you want to use your own kernel to build the boot disk ([y]/n) ?^CFATAL ERROR. Program is terminating in response to signal received from OS/user
Please e-mail a copy of /var/log/mindi.log to the mailing list.
See for more information.
WE CANNOT HELP unless you enclose that file.

sprinkle:~# cat /tmp/a.txt
/dev/sda1 / ext3 15759733
// /home/bwib cifs 484131936
// /home/bwiberg cifs 484131936

(Note how only the two first CIFS entries appear above!)

sprinkle:~# apt-show-versions | grep mondo
^[[Amondo/unknown uptodate 2.2.7
sprinkle:~# apt-show-versions | grep mindi
mindi/unknown uptodate 2.0.4
mindi-busybox/unknown uptodate 1.7.3-1

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>
proc            /proc           proc    defaults        0       0
/dev/sda1       /               ext3    errors=remount-ro 0       1
//      /home/bwib              cifs    iocharset=utf8,nobrl,uid=bwib,gid=bwib,file_mode=0660,dir_mode=0770,username=bwib,password=SECRET             0       0
//   /home/bwiberg           cifs    iocharset=utf8,nobrl,uid=bwiberg,gid=bwiberg,file_mode=0660,dir_mode=0770,username=bwiberg,password=SECRET    0       0
//    /mnt/backup/bwib        cifs    iocharset=utf8,nobrl,uid=bwib,gid=bwib,file_mode=0600,dir_mode=0700,username=bwib,password=SECRET             0       0
//    /mnt/backup/bwiberg     cifs    iocharset=utf8,nobrl,uid=bwiberg,gid=bwiberg,file_mode=0600,dir_mode=0700,username=bwiberg,password=SECRET    0       0
//     /mnt/media              cifs    iocharset=utf8,nobrl,uid=bwiberg,gid=bwiberg,file_mode=0664,dir_mode=0775,username=bwiberg,password=SECRET    0       0

sprinkle:~# df -k
Filsystem             1K-block    Använt Tillgängl Anv% Monterat på
/dev/sda1             15512328   1454092  13270252  10% /
tmpfs                   513760         0    513760   0% /lib/init/rw
udev                     10240        72     10168   1% /dev
tmpfs                   513760         0    513760   0% /dev/shm
//   484131936 239106592 245025344  50% /home/bwib
                     484131936 239106592 245025344  50% /home/bwiberg
// 484131936 239106592 245025344  50% /mnt/backup/bwib
//  484131936 239106592 245025344  50% /mnt/media
// 484131936 239106592 245025344  50% /mnt/backup/bwiberg
#289 Bruno Cornec kaplan71 worksforme Version 2.2.7 Failing due to Mindi Failing to Create boot+data disks

Hi there --

I have version 2.2.7 running on a Fedora Core 2 system, and I am trying to do an NFS backup to a remote system. The command syntax that I enter to accomplish this task is the following:

/usr/sbin/mondoarchive -9 -N -O -s 650m -p mondorescue -n

The initial creation of the catalog appears to work without a problem. However, the following error message appears shortly thereafter:

Your backup will occupy one meeeeellion media! (maybe 14)
Copying Mondo's core files to the scratch directory
Calling MINDI to create boot+data disks
Your boot loader is GRUB and it boots from /dev/sda
Waiting for external binary to start
Mindi failed to create your boot+data disks.
Fatal error... Failed to generate boot+data disks
---FATALERROR--- Failed to generate boot+data disks
If you require technical support, please contact the mailing list.
See for details.
The list's members can help you, if you attach that file to your e-mail.
Log file: /var/log/mondoarchive.log
FYI, I have gzipped the log and saved it to /var/cache/mondo/MA.log.gz.
Mondo has aborted.
Execution run ended; result=254
Type 'less /var/log/mondoarchive.log' to see the output log
======= 11/11/08 11:20:56  END make_net_recovery Session

As far as I know, version 2.2.7 does not use the -F option, so there should not be any reason for boot+data media to be created. Does anyone have any idea as to what the cause for this is, and how it can be corrected? Thanks.

#290 Bruno Cornec marcopugge duplicate mondoarchive gui, only 50 characters available for inclusion/exclusion lists

the textfields of the gui accept only 50 characters, this is a way too short limit, please make it larger at least for the exclusion list

many thanks for the good work

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