Custom Query (684 matches)


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Results (124 - 126 of 684)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#155 Bruno Cornec Bruno Cornec fixed Even with exclude list,full scan of system is done

I can get exclude lists working for not backing up specific directories. But when it is building the backup list it still scans all directories, including ones in my exclude list, even though it doesn't back them up.

#156 Bruno Cornec Scott Cummings fixed Bad TMPDIR in mindi.conf causes 'mv /* mondo_tmp'

I got a chance to appreciate having a mondo backup (and some practice using it) this way. :)

First, I might have assumed from 'man mindi' that putting a 'TMPDIR' in mindi.conf would be used in mondo, so maybe it should note that mondo supplies it's own tmpdir. I was just looking around for all ways to put temp files on my bigger disk and not overflow my small disk. Now, I realize mindi probably doesn't put that many files out there, but wasn't as smart at first. (maybe include an indication in man mindi of the rough size of stuff put in TMPDIR?).

Anyhow, I moved some mountpoints around and forgot to update TMPDIR in mindi.conf. Then when I ran mondo it reached the running mindi part and things all stopped since /bin and so on were all moved to mondo_tmp.

I have a screen capture of the qemu session where I reproduced this (haven't set up moving files from qemu to main, yet) that I'll see if I can add.

I also wrote a patch - please modify as you see fit. (I see as I was thinking about it the many ways unintended consequences can creep in here.)

#157 Bruno Cornec Gregg Cranshaw worksforme Nuke restore fails on Fedora Core 5 using LVM

I have a fedora core 5 with the latest updates running as a mail server using LVM. I downloaded and installed the latest FC5 packages from Mondo's website and installed them. I create an ISO backup of the server using the mondoarchive command. Burn the ISO's to CD's and boot off them to do a restore. At first it would halt with a kernel panic error each time I tried to boot off the CD's, but I then used the ramdisk_blocksize=1024 setting with nuke at boot and it loaded fine. After it wiped the hard drive and partitioned it, it crashed during the formating showing garbage on the screen and stating it needed a reboot to fix the problem. I did so, but had the same results. Are there any issues with Fedora Core 5, LVM and Mondo? I just want to be able to script a backup using mondo for disaster recovery purposes. I can provide whatever info you need.

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