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Results (82 - 84 of 684)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#78 Bruno Cornec Tadej Janež duplicate NFS backup option produces unusable bakcup isos

Using CentOS 4.4 on x86_64 hardware and self-compiled mindi and mondo packages version 2.0.9-2:

Backup to Hard disk images produces "normal" backup isos (command:

mondoarchive -O -i -d /mnt/nfsbackup -p isotest-20060929 -N -I "/etc" -F -s 700m


Backup to Nfs disk produces unusable backup isos (command:

mondoarchive -O -n -d / -p nfstest-20060929 -N -I "/etc" -F -s 700m

If you burn and boot isos created with Nfs method, the boot menu lacks 'interactive', 'nuke', 'verify' and 'expert' boot descriptions and only the 'expert' boot option is recognised. Furthermore, booting to expert mode, the system is unusable, because every command (except the ones from busybox) returns the 'command not found error'. Example:

# mondorestore
/bin/sh: mondorestore: not found
# which mondorestore
# sh /usr/bin/mondorestore
/usr/bin/mondorestore: /usr/bin/mondorestore: 1: Syntax error: ")" expected

I don't know how to get any log file out of that machine, because mount and all other commands aren't found.

#79 Bruno Cornec Tadej Janež fixed tools/svn2build fails on CentOS 4.4 x86_64

I wanted to build mondorescue stable branch from svn today, but it failed with the following messages:

[rpmbuilder@samson mondorescue]$ svn checkout svn://
Checked out revision 866.
[rpmbuilder@samson mondorescue]$ stable/tools/svn2build
cat: /home/rpmbuilder/mondo/svn/branches/stable/mondo/VERSION: No such file or directory
stable/tools/svn2build: line 35: cd: /home/rpmbuilder/mondo/svn: No such file or directory
cat: branches/stable/mondo-doc/VERSION: No such file or directory
Management of mondo-doc -1 (rev 866)
svn: 'branches/stable' is not a working copy
stable/tools/svn2build: line 43: mondo-doc-/REVISION: No such file or directory
Generating SVN log file ...
stable/tools/svn2build: line 45: mondo-doc-/svn.log: No such file or directory
Generating build files for mandrake (10.1)
Unable to build the RPM specfile for this distro. Please report to authors
[rpmbuilder@samson mondorescue]$

I know CentOS 4.4 isn't directly supported, however, it is just a respin of RHEL 4, so I think it should work with RHEL 4 specfiles.

I'm really eager to test new versions of mondorescue leading up to the 2.2.0 release.

#81 Bruno Cornec mdp3214 fixed Failed dependencies

When I do rpm -Uvh mondo-2.04-1sus91.x86_64.rpm I get: error: Failed dependencies:

buffer is needed by mond-2.04-1sus91

What is buffer? Is it a product?

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