Changeset 723 in MondoRescue for branches

Jul 29, 2006, 2:33:04 AM (19 years ago)
Bruno Cornec

Build RPMS modified again for TAG

13 edited


  • branches/stable/mindi-kernel/distributions/mandriva/spec.m4

    r554 r723  
    33dnl SSS is replaced by the source package format
    4 define(`SSS', `{name}-%{version}-%{tag}.tar.bz2')dnl
     4define(`SSS', `{name}-%{version}-TTT.tar.bz2')dnl
    55dnl DDD is replaced by the list of dependencies specific to that distro
    66define(`DDD', `')dnl
  • branches/stable/mindi-kernel/distributions/redhat/spec.m4

    r554 r723  
    33dnl SSS is replaced by the source package format
    4 define(`SSS', `{name}-%{version}-%{tag}.tar.gz')dnl
     4define(`SSS', `{name}-%{version}-TTT.tar.gz')dnl
    55dnl DDD is replaced by the list of dependencies specific to that distro
    66define(`DDD', `')dnl
  • branches/stable/mindi-kernel/distributions/suse/spec.m4

    r554 r723  
    33dnl SSS is replaced by the source package format
    4 define(`SSS', `{name}-%{version}-%{tag}.tar.gz')dnl
     4define(`SSS', `{name}-%{version}-TTT.tar.gz')dnl
    55dnl DDD is replaced by the list of dependencies specific to that distro
    66define(`DDD', `, syslinux')dnl
  • branches/stable/mindi/distributions/mandriva/spec.m4

    r716 r723  
    33dnl SSS is replaced by the source package format
    4 define(`SSS', `{name}-%{version}-%{tag}.tar.bz2')dnl
     4define(`SSS', `{name}-%{version}-TTT.tar.bz2')dnl
    55dnl DDD is replaced by the list of dependencies specific to that distro
    66define(`DDD', `, which, grep >= 2.5')dnl
  • branches/stable/mindi/distributions/redhat/spec.m4

    r699 r723  
    33dnl SSS is replaced by the source package format
    4 define(`SSS', `{name}-%{version}-%{tag}.tar.gz')dnl
     4define(`SSS', `{name}-%{version}-TTT.tar.gz')dnl
    55dnl DDD is replaced by the list of dependencies specific to that distro
    66define(`DDD', `, which, grep >= 2.5')dnl
  • branches/stable/mindi/distributions/suse/spec.m4

    r716 r723  
    33dnl SSS is replaced by the source package format
    4 define(`SSS', `{name}-%{version}-%{tag}.tar.gz')dnl
     4define(`SSS', `{name}-%{version}-TTT.tar.gz')dnl
    55dnl DDD is replaced by the list of dependencies specific to that distro
    66define(`DDD', `, syslinux')dnl
  • branches/stable/mondo-doc/distributions/mandriva/spec.m4

    r554 r723  
    33dnl SSS is replaced by the source package format
    4 define(`SSS', `{name}-%{version}-%{tag}.tar.bz2')dnl
     4define(`SSS', `{name}-%{version}-TTT.tar.bz2')dnl
    55dnl DDD is replaced by the list of dependencies specific to that distro
    66define(`DDD', )dnl
  • branches/stable/mondo-doc/distributions/redhat/spec.m4

    r554 r723  
    33dnl SSS is replaced by the source package format
    4 define(`SSS', `{name}-%{version}-%{tag}.tar.gz')dnl
     4define(`SSS', `{name}-%{version}-TTT.tar.gz')dnl
    55dnl DDD is replaced by the list of dependencies specific to that distro
    66define(`DDD', )dnl
  • branches/stable/mondo-doc/distributions/suse/spec.m4

    r554 r723  
    33dnl SSS is replaced by the source package format
    4 define(`SSS', `{name}-%{version}-%{tag}.tar.gz')dnl
     4define(`SSS', `{name}-%{version}-TTT.tar.gz')dnl
    55dnl DDD is replaced by the list of dependencies specific to that distro
    66define(`DDD', `, buffer, cdrecord')dnl
  • branches/stable/mondo/distributions/mandriva/spec.m4

    r716 r723  
    33dnl SSS is replaced by the source package format
    4 define(`SSS', `{name}-%{version}-%{tag}.tar.bz2')dnl
     4define(`SSS', `{name}-%{version}-TTT.tar.bz2')dnl
    55dnl DDD is replaced by the list of dependencies specific to that distro
    66define(`DDD', )dnl
  • branches/stable/mondo/distributions/redhat/spec.m4

    r554 r723  
    33dnl SSS is replaced by the source package format
    4 define(`SSS', `{name}-%{version}-%{tag}.tar.gz')dnl
     4define(`SSS', `{name}-%{version}-TTT.tar.gz')dnl
    55dnl DDD is replaced by the list of dependencies specific to that distro
    66define(`DDD', )dnl
  • branches/stable/mondo/distributions/suse/spec.m4

    r697 r723  
    33dnl SSS is replaced by the source package format
    4 define(`SSS', `{name}-%{version}-%{tag}.tar.gz')dnl
     4define(`SSS', `{name}-%{version}-TTT.tar.gz')dnl
    55dnl DDD is replaced by the list of dependencies specific to that distro
    66define(`DDD', `, buffer, cdrecord')dnl
  • branches/stable/tools/build2pkg

    r721 r723  
    7777        echo "Generating $p RPMS"
    7878        cd SPECS
    79         tar xfz $src $pv/distributions/${ddir}-$dver/$p.spec
    80         mv $pv/distributions/${ddir}-$dver/$p.spec .
    81         rm -rf $pv
     79        tar xfz $src $p-${VER}/distributions/${ddir}-$dver/$p.spec
     80        mv $p-${VER}/distributions/${ddir}-$dver/$p.spec .
     81        rm -rf $p-${VER}
    8383        rpmbuild -ba $p.spec 2> $log 1> $log
    9494        log=$TMP/$p-gentoo.log
    9595        ln -sf $src .
    96         tar xfz $src $pv/distributions/${ddir}-$dver/$p-${VER}-r$TAG.ebuild
     96        tar xfz $src $p-${VER}/distributions/${ddir}-$dver/$p-${VER}.ebuild
    9797        if [ _"`grep $TOPBUILDDIR/portage /etc/make.conf`" = _"" ]; then
    9898            echo "Adding $TOPBUILDDIR/portage to /etc/make.conf"
    102102        mkdir -p ${TOPBUILDDIR}/portage/sys-apps/$p
    103         mv $pv/distributions/${ddir}-$dver/$p-${VER}-r$TAG.ebuild ${TOPBUILDDIR}/portage/sys-apps/$p
    104         rm -rf $pv
     103        mv $p-${VER}/distributions/${ddir}-$dver/$p-${VER}.ebuild ${TOPBUILDDIR}/portage/sys-apps/$p
     104        rm -rf $p-${VER}
    106106        cd ${TOPBUILDDIR}/portage/sys-apps/$p
    107         ebuild $p-${VER}-r$TAG.ebuild digest 2> $log 1> $log
     107        ebuild $p-${VER}.ebuild digest 2> $log 1> $log
    108108        if [ $? != 0 ]; then
    109109            cat $log
    110110            status=-1
    111111        fi
    112         ebuild $p-${VER}-r$TAG.ebuild unpack 2>> $log 1>> $log
     112        ebuild $p-${VER}.ebuild unpack 2>> $log 1>> $log
    113113        if [ $? != 0 ]; then
    114114            cat $log
    115115            status=-1
    116116        fi
    117         ebuild $p-${VER}-r$TAG.ebuild compile 2>> $log 1>> $log
     117        ebuild $p-${VER}.ebuild compile 2>> $log 1>> $log
    118118        if [ $? != 0 ]; then
    119119            cat $log
    120120            status=-1
    121121        fi
    122         #ebuild $p-${VER}-r$TAG.ebuild install 2>> $log 1>> $log
     122        #ebuild $p-${VER}.ebuild install 2>> $log 1>> $log
    123123        if [ $? != 0 ]; then
    124124            cat $log
    130130        cd $TOPBUILDDIR
    131131        tar xfz $src
    132         cd ${pv}
     132        cd ${p}-${VER}
    133133        # point to the right debian conf
    134134        ln -s distributions/${ddir}-$dver debian
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