- Timestamp:
- May 13, 2006, 8:52:38 PM (19 years ago)
- Location:
- branches/stable
- Files:
- 30 edited
- 12 copied
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r541 r543 369 369 Backup PC using DVD Media: 370 370 .br 371 .I "mondoarchive -OVr 2-d /dev/scd0 -gF -s 4200m"371 .I "mondoarchive -OVr -d /dev/scd0 -gF -s 4200m" 372 372 373 373 .BI TAPE: -
r541 r543 2458 2458 </qandaentry> 2459 2459 <qandaentry> 2460 <question><para>Q: Where is my CD burner, in SCSI 2461 terms?</para></question> 2460 <question><para>Q: Where is my CD burner, in SCSI terms?</para></question> 2462 2461 <answer> 2463 2462 <para>A: Type:</para> … … 2485 2484 long as your kernel and modules support it, Mindi will support it 2486 2485 and therefore so will Mondo.</para> 2486 </answer> 2487 </qandaentry> 2488 <qandaentry> 2489 <question><para>Q: Why doesn't cdrecord -scanbus work ?</para></question> 2490 <answer> 2491 <para>A: If you have a 2.4.x kernel (typical example are fedora legacy kernels for redhat 7.X/8/9) and an IDE CDRW device, and the drive is not 2492 listed when you run 2493 2494 <informaltable><tgroup cols="1"><tbody> 2495 <row> 2496 <entry> 2497 bash# cdrecord -scanbus 2498 </entry> 2499 </row> 2500 </tbody></tgroup></informaltable> 2501 2502 try adding the following kernel option to your boot script to enable 2503 SCSI emulation: hdx=ide-scsi, where "hdx" should be replaced with the 2504 appropriate drive letter of the CDRW device, e.g., "hdc". 2505 (Answer provided by Christopher Moriarity cdm7_at_cdc.gov) 2506 </para> 2487 2507 </answer> 2488 2508 </qandaentry> -
r542 r543 1 1.0. 71 1.0.8 -
r541 r543 1 1 # Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation 2 2 # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 3 # $ Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-apps/mindi/mindi-1.04.ebuild,v 1.1 2005/01/22 10:29:25 wschlich Exp$3 # $Id$ 4 4 5 5 DESCRIPTION="A program that creates emergency boot disks/CDs using your kernel, tools and modules." 6 6 HOMEPAGE="http://www.mondorescue.org" 7 SRC_URI="ftp://ftp. berlios.de/pub/mondorescue/src/${P}.tgz"7 SRC_URI="ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org/src/${P}.tgz" 8 8 9 9 LICENSE="GPL-2" … … 15 15 RDEPEND=">=app-arch/bzip2-0.9 16 16 >=sys-apps/mindi-kernel-1.0-r1 17 app-cdr/cdrtools18 17 sys-libs/ncurses 19 18 sys-devel/binutils … … 23 22 src_unpack() { 24 23 unpack ${A} || die "Failed to unpack ${A}" 25 cd ${S}/rootfs || die26 tar xzf symlinks.tgz || die "Failed to unpack symlinks.tgz"27 28 # This will need to change when IA64 is tested. Obviously.29 rm -f bin/busybox-ia64 sbin/parted2fdisk-ia6430 mv bin/busybox-i386 bin/busybox31 24 } 32 25 33 26 src_install() { 27 export PREFIX="/usr" 28 export CONFDIR="/etc" 29 export RPMBUILDMINDI="true" 34 30 ./install.sh 35 31 } -
r542 r543 58 58 fi 59 59 chmod 755 $local/sbin/mindi 60 install -m 755 analyze-my-lvm parted2fdisk.pl $local/sbin 60 install -m 755 parted2fdisk.pl $local/sbin 61 install -m 755 analyze-my-lvm $locallib/mindi 61 62 62 63 install -m 644 mindi.8 $MANDIR … … 103 104 if [ "$RPMBUILDMINDI" != "true" ]; then 104 105 chown -R root:root $locallib/mindi $conf $DOCDIR 105 chown root:root $local/sbin/mindi $MANDIR/mindi.8 $local /sbin/analyze-my-lvm $local/sbin/parted2fdisk.pl106 chown root:root $local/sbin/mindi $MANDIR/mindi.8 $locallib/mindi/analyze-my-lvm $local/sbin/parted2fdisk.pl 106 107 if [ "$ARCH" = "ia64" ] ; then 107 108 chown root:root $local/sbin/parted2fdisk -
r542 r543 67 67 FLOPPY_MODS="ide-floppy floppy" 68 68 TAPE_MODS="ht st osst ide-tape ide_tape" 69 SCSI_MODS="3 c59x 3w-xxxx 53c7,8xx a100u2w a320raid aacraid advansys aha152x aha1542 aha1740 aic79xx aic79xx_mod aic7xxx aic7xxx_mod aic7xxx_old AM53C974 atp870u BusLogic cciss cpqfc dmx3191d dpt_i2o dtc eata eata_dma eata_pio fdomain gdth g_NCR5380 ide-scsi ieee1394 imm in2000 initio ips iscsi isp megaraid mptbase mptscsih NCR53c406a ncr53c8xx nsp32 pas16 pci2000 pci2220i pcmcia ppa psi240i qla1280 qlogicfas qlogicfc qlogicisp raw1394 scsi_debug scsi_mod sd_mod seagate sg sim710 sr_mod sym53c416 sym53c8xx sym53c8xx_2 t128 tmscsim u14-34f ultrastor wd7000 vmhgfs"69 SCSI_MODS="3w-xxxx 53c7,8xx a100u2w a320raid aacraid advansys aha152x aha1542 aha1740 aic79xx aic79xx_mod aic7xxx aic7xxx_mod aic7xxx_old AM53C974 atp870u BusLogic cciss cpqfc dmx3191d dpt_i2o dtc eata eata_dma eata_pio fdomain gdth g_NCR5380 ide-scsi ieee1394 imm in2000 initio ips iscsi isp megaraid mptbase mptscsih NCR53c406a ncr53c8xx nsp32 pas16 pci2000 pci2220i pcmcia ppa psi240i qla1280 qlogicfas qlogicfc qlogicisp raw1394 scsi_debug scsi_mod sd_mod seagate sg sim710 sr_mod sym53c416 sym53c8xx sym53c8xx_2 t128 tmscsim u14-34f ultrastor wd7000 vmhgfs" 70 70 71 71 # ide-probe-mod … … 74 74 USB_MODS="usb-storage usb-ohci usb-uhci usbcore usb_storage hid uhci_hcd ehci_hcd uhci-hcd ehci-hcd usbkbd" 75 75 CDROM_MODS="$TAPE_MODS $FLOPPY_MODS $IDE_MODS af_packet cdrom isocd isofs inflate_fs nls_iso8859-1 nls_cp437 sg sr_mod zlib_inflate $USB_MODS $PCMCIA_MODS" 76 NET_MODS="sunrpc nfs nfs_acl lockd loop mii e100 bcm5700 e1000 eepro100 tg3 pcnet32vmxnet"77 EXTRA_MODS="$CDROM_MODS vfat fat loop linear raid0 raid1raid5 lvm-mod dm-mod jfs xfs xfs_support pagebuf reiserfs ext2 ext3 minix nfs nfs_acl nfsd lockd sunrpc jbd"76 NET_MODS="sunrpc nfs nfs_acl lockd loop mii 3c59x e100 bcm5700 e1000 eepro100 ne2k-pci tg3 pcnet32 8139cp 8139too 8390 vmxnet" 77 EXTRA_MODS="$CDROM_MODS vfat fat loop md-mod linear raid0 raid1 xor raid5 lvm-mod dm-mod jfs xfs xfs_support pagebuf reiserfs ext2 ext3 minix nfs nfs_acl nfsd lockd sunrpc jbd" 78 78 LOGFILE=/var/log/mindi.log 79 79 FDDEVICE=/dev/fd0 ; # 1.44MB floppy #0 … … 452 452 [ "$?" -ne "0" ] && cat /tmp/mke2fs.$$ 453 453 rm -f /tmp/mke2fs.$$ 454 mount -t ext2 -o loop $imagefile $mountpoint || Die "Can't loopmount $ mountpoint; does your kernel support loopfs? If not, please recompile your kernel. Your Linux distro is broken."454 mount -t ext2 -o loop $imagefile $mountpoint || Die "Can't loopmount $imagefile to $mountpoint! The reason may be missing support for loopfs or ext2 (or both) in the running kernel." 455 455 mv $tarball $mountpoint/ 456 456 if [ "$?" -ne "0" ] ; then … … 1315 1315 if [ -d "/proc/lvm" ] || [ -d "/dev/mapper" ]; then 1316 1316 echo -en "\rAnalyzing LVM...\r" 1317 all_partitions=`$MINDI_ SBIN/analyze-my-lvm | fgrep ">>>" | cut -d' ' -f2-32`1317 all_partitions=`$MINDI_LIB/analyze-my-lvm | fgrep ">>>" | cut -d' ' -f2-32` 1318 1318 fi 1319 1319 all_partitions="$all_partitions `ListAllPartitions 2> /dev/null`" … … 1330 1330 [ "`echo "$c_p" | grep -x "/dev/cdroms.*"`" ] && continue 1331 1331 if [ -h "$c_p" ] && [ "`echo "$c_p" | fgrep "/dev/hd"`" = "" ] && [ "`echo "$c_p" | fgrep "/dev/sd"`" = "" ] && [ "`echo "$c_p" | fgrep "/dev/md"`" = "" ] ; then 1332 1332 current_partition=`ResolveSoftlink $c_p` 1333 1333 [ "`echo "$current_partition" | fgrep "/dev/mapper"`" != "" ] && current_partition="$c_p" 1334 1334 [ "`echo "/dev/scd0 /dev/scd1 /dev/sr0 /dev/sr1 /dev/cdrom /dev/cdrom1" | fgrep "$current_partition"`" ] && continue 1335 1335 else 1336 1336 current_partition="$c_p" 1337 1337 fi 1338 1338 [ "$c_p" = "none" ] && continue 1339 absolute_partition=`ResolveSoftlink $c_p` 1340 partition_mountpt=`tr -s '\t' ' ' < $MY_FSTAB | grep -w "$current_partition" | grep -vx " *#.*" | $AWK '{print $2}' | head -n1` 1341 redhat_label="" 1342 if [ "`echo "$current_partition" | fgrep -i "LABEL="`" != "" ] ; then 1339 absolute_partition=`ResolveSoftlink $c_p` 1340 partition_mountpt=`tr -s '\t' ' ' < $MY_FSTAB | /bin/grep -w "$current_partition" | /bin/grep -vx " *#.*" | $AWK '{print $2}' | head -n1` 1341 1342 # This part tries to retrieve the correct device from a LABEL line in /etc/fstab 1343 # current_partition contains only first column of /etc/fstab 1344 if [ "`echo "$current_partition" | /bin/grep -f -i "LABEL="`" != "" ] ; then 1343 1345 str_to_find_fmt_with=$current_partition 1344 redhat_label=`echo "$current_partition" | cut -d'=' -f2` 1345 actual_dev=`mount -l | fgrep " [$redhat_label]" | cut -d' ' -f1` 1346 # partition_mountpt=$redhat_label 1347 current_partition=$actual_dev 1346 redhat_label=`echo "$current_partition" | /bin/cut -d'=' -f2` 1347 actual_dev="" 1348 1349 # 1st try : blkid, the good way 1350 if [ -x "/sbin/blkid" ] ; then 1351 actual_dev=`/sbin/blkid | /bin/grep "$current_partition" | /bin/cut -d':' -f1` 1352 fi 1353 1354 # 2nd try, which works on a standard partition (ext2/3), but not on swap 1355 if [ "x$actual_dev" = "x" ] ; then 1356 actual_dev=`/bin/mount -l | /bin/grep " [$redhat_label]" | /bin/cut -d' ' -f1` 1357 fi 1358 1359 # 3rd try, with vol_id (which works with swap) 1360 if [ "x$actual_dev" = "x" -a -x "/sbin/vol_id" ] ; then 1361 list_swaps=`cat /proc/swaps | /bin/grep "/dev/" | /bin/awk '{ print $1 }' ` 1362 for dev_swap in $list_swaps ; do 1363 dev_exists=`/sbin/vol_id $dev_swap | /bin/grep "$redhat_label"` 1364 if [ "x$dev_exists" != "x" ] ; then 1365 actual_dev=$dev_swap 1366 break; 1367 fi 1368 done 1369 fi 1370 1371 # 4th try : pre-formated LABEL. Format is : LABEL=SWAP-mydevice. e.g. : LABEL=SWAP-hda5 1372 if [ "x$actual_dev" = "x" -a "`echo "$current_partition" | /bin/grep -i "LABEL=SWAP"`" != ""] ; then 1373 try_dev="`echo "$redhat_label" | /bin/cut -d '-' -f2`" 1374 present_dev="`/bin/cat /proc/swaps | /bin/grep -w /dev/$try_dev`" 1375 if [ "x$present_dev" != "x" ] ; then 1376 actual_dev="/dev/$try_dev" 1377 fi 1378 fi 1379 1380 # Check if one of all those tries has known success 1381 if [ "x$actual_dev" != "x" ] ; then 1382 current_partition=$actual_dev 1383 else 1384 Die "Your system uses a labelled swap partition, but you lack the tool to support it.\nPlease replace swap labels with their correct devices in /etc/fstab\n" 1385 fi 1348 1386 else 1349 1387 str_to_find_fmt_with=$current_partition 1350 1388 fi 1389 1351 1390 partition_format=`$AWK '$1 == "'"$str_to_find_fmt_with"'" {print $3}' $MY_FSTAB` 1352 1391 if [ -d "/proc/lvm" ] && [ "`lvdisplay $current_partition 2> /dev/null`" ] ; then … … 2217 2256 cp -f $TMP_ROOT/mountlist.txt $CACHE_LOC 2218 2257 [ "`DidMondoCallMe`" ] && cp -f $minidir_root/$noof_disks/tmp/mountlist.txt $MONDO_TMP/. 2219 [ -d "/proc/lvm" ] && $MINDI_ SBIN/analyze-my-lvm > $minidir_root/$noof_disks/tmp/i-want-my-lvm2220 [ -d "/dev/mapper" ] && $MINDI_ SBIN/analyze-my-lvm > $minidir_root/$noof_disks/tmp/i-want-my-lvm2258 [ -d "/proc/lvm" ] && $MINDI_LIB/analyze-my-lvm > $minidir_root/$noof_disks/tmp/i-want-my-lvm 2259 [ -d "/dev/mapper" ] && $MINDI_LIB/analyze-my-lvm > $minidir_root/$noof_disks/tmp/i-want-my-lvm 2221 2260 cat $minidir_root/$noof_disks/tmp/mountlist.txt >> $LOGFILE 2222 2261 ZipMinidirsIntoTarballs $minidir_root $tardir $noof_disks … … 2535 2574 root="/" 2536 2575 fi 2537 for fname in `find $root -maxdepth 2 -type f | fgrep lin | fgrep -v /proc/` ; do2576 for fname in `find $root -maxdepth 2 -type f | fgrep lin | egrep -v '^/proc/|^/net/'` ; do 2538 2577 [ ! -e "$fname" ] && continue 2539 2578 [ "$fname" = "/boot/vmlinuz.shipped" ] && [ -f "/boot/vmlinuz" ] && continue; # ignore SuSE's extra kernel … … 2695 2734 echo -en "..." 2696 2735 mkdir -p $mountpoint 2697 mount -t ext2 -o loop $tempfile $mountpoint || Die "Cannot loopmount $tempfile to $mountpoint "2736 mount -t ext2 -o loop $tempfile $mountpoint || Die "Cannot loopmount $tempfile to $mountpoint! The reason may be missing support for loopfs or ext2 (or both) in the running kernel." 2698 2737 echo -en "..." 2699 2738 old_pwd=`pwd` … … 3195 3234 else 3196 3235 if ! PrepareBootDiskImage_LILO $imagesdir 1722 $kernelpath $ramdisk_size ; then 3197 LogIt "Warning - failed to create 1.72MB boot image. Please reduce your kernel's size\n" 3198 LogIt "if you want to make a 1.72MB floppy disk.\n" 3199 fi 3200 PrepareBootDiskImage_LILO $imagesdir 2880 $kernelpath $ramdisk_size || Die "Failed to create 2.88MB floppy disk image." 3236 LogIt "Warning - failed to create 1.72MB boot image. Please reduce your kernel's size\n" 3237 LogIt "if you want to make a 1.72MB floppy disk.\n" 3238 fi 3239 if ! PrepareBootDiskImage_LILO $imagesdir 2880 $kernelpath $ramdisk_size ; then 3240 LogIt "Warning - failed to create 2.88MB floppy disk image.\n" 3241 LogIt "Please reduce your kernel's size\n" 3242 LogIt "if you want to make a 2.88MB floppy disk.\n" 3243 PrepareBootDiskImage_LILO $imagesdir 5760 $kernelpath $ramdisk_size || Die "Failed to create 2.88MB floppy disk image." 3244 fi 3201 3245 fi 3202 3246 else -
r542 r543 1 2.0. 71 2.0.8 -
r541 r543 72 72 AC_CHECK_LIB(pthread, pthread_create, true, [echo "*** Cannot find -lpthread."; echo "*** Please make sure you have the linuxthreads glibc add-on installed."; exit 1]) 73 73 PTHREAD="-lpthread" 74 CFLAGS="$CFLAGS - D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT"74 CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -Wall -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT" 75 75 ;; 76 76 *) -
r541 r543 7 7 DESCRIPTION="The premier GPL disaster recovery solution." 8 8 HOMEPAGE="http://www.mondorescue.org" 9 SRC_URI="ftp://ftp. berlios.de/pub/mondorescue/src/${PN/-rescue/}-${PV}.tgz"9 SRC_URI="ftp://ftp.mondorecue.org/src/${PN/-rescue/}-${PV}.tgz" 10 10 11 11 LICENSE="GPL-2" … … 22 22 >=app-arch/bzip2-0.9 23 23 app-cdr/cdrtools 24 >=sys-apps/mindi-1.0 624 >=sys-apps/mindi-1.0.7 25 25 >=dev-libs/newt-0.50 26 26 >=sys-libs/slang-1.4.1 -
r542 r543 8 8 define(`GRP', `Archiving/Backup')dnl 9 9 dnl OBS is replaced vy what is being obsoleted 10 define(`OBS', Obsoletes: libmondo <= 2.04)dnl 10 define(`OBS', `Obsoletes: libmondo <= 2.04 11 Provides: libmondo')dnl -
r542 r543 2 2 dnl 3 3 dnl SSS is replaced by the source package format 4 define(`SSS', %{name}-%{version}.tgz)dnl4 define(`SSS', ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org/src/%{name}-%{version}.tgz)dnl 5 5 dnl DDD is replaced by the list of dependencies specific to that distro 6 6 define(`DDD', %{addreqb})dnl 7 7 dnl GRP is replaced by the RPM group of apps 8 define(`GRP', A rchiving/Archiving)dnl8 define(`GRP', Applications/Archiving)dnl 9 9 dnl OBS is replaced vy what is being obsoleted 10 10 define(`OBS', )dnl -
r542 r543 24 24 License: GPL 25 25 Group: %{grp} 26 Url: http:// mondorescue.berlios.de26 Url: http://www.mondorescue.org 27 27 Source: %{src} 28 BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version} 28 BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(id -u -n) 29 29 BuildRequires: newt-devel >= 0.50, slang-devel >= 1.4.1, gcc 30 30 Epoch: %(echo EEE | cut -d- -f1 | sed "s~M~~") -
r541 r543 41 41 char *filelist, char *fname, 42 42 int setno); 43 extern void setenv_mondo_ lib(void);43 extern void setenv_mondo_share(void); -
r541 r543 42 42 int archive_this_fileset_with_star(struct s_bkpinfo *bkpinfo, 43 43 char *filelist, char *fname, int setno); 44 void setenv_mondo_ lib(void);44 void setenv_mondo_share(void); -
r541 r543 1020 1020 1021 1021 sprintf(mountpoint, "%s/cdrom", bkpinfo->tmpdir); 1022 sprintf(fname, "%s/%s/%s-%d.iso", bkpinfo-> nfs_remote_dir,1023 bkpinfo-> isodir, bkpinfo->prefix, g_current_media_number);1022 sprintf(fname, "%s/%s/%s-%d.iso", bkpinfo->isodir, bkpinfo->nfs_remote_dir, 1023 bkpinfo->prefix, g_current_media_number); 1024 1024 1025 1025 mkdir(mountpoint, 1777); -
r541 r543 477 477 * If you do nothing, "/" will be used. 478 478 */ 479 char include_paths[MAX_STR_LEN ];479 char include_paths[MAX_STR_LEN*4]; 480 480 481 481 /** … … 484 484 * the scratchdir, and the tempdir are automatically excluded. 485 485 */ 486 char exclude_paths[MAX_STR_LEN ];486 char exclude_paths[MAX_STR_LEN*4]; 487 487 488 488 /** -
r542 r543 469 469 strncpy(bkpinfo->include_paths + strlen(bkpinfo->include_paths), 470 470 flag_val['I'], 471 MAX_STR_LEN - strlen(bkpinfo->include_paths));471 4*MAX_STR_LEN - strlen(bkpinfo->include_paths)); 472 472 log_msg(1, "include_paths is now '%s'", bkpinfo->include_paths); 473 473 if (bkpinfo->include_paths[0] == '-') { … … 704 704 strncpy(bkpinfo->exclude_paths + strlen(bkpinfo->exclude_paths), 705 705 flag_val['E'], 706 MAX_STR_LEN - strlen(bkpinfo->exclude_paths));706 4*MAX_STR_LEN - strlen(bkpinfo->exclude_paths)); 707 707 } 708 708 if (flag_set['e']) { … … 918 918 && 919 919 !run_program_and_log_output 920 (" grep -i suse /etc/issue.net| grep 64", TRUE)) {920 ("egrep -i suse /etc/issue.net | egrep '9.0' | grep 64", TRUE)) { 921 921 bkpinfo->make_cd_use_lilo = TRUE; 922 922 log_to_screen -
r541 r543 1977 1977 filelist_name); 1978 1978 log_msg(2, 1979 "This is a bit silly (ask Hugoto fix mondo-makefilelist, please)");1979 "This is a bit silly (ask dev-team to fix mondo-makefilelist, please)"); 1980 1980 log_msg(2, 1981 1981 "but it's non-critical. It's cosmetic. Don't worry about it."); … … 2054 2054 if (filelist_subset_fname[0] != '\0') { 2055 2055 sprintf(command, 2056 "afio -i -M 8m -b %ld -c %ld %s -w %s%s",2056 "afio -i -M 8m -b %ld -c %ld %s -w '%s' %s", 2057 2057 TAPE_BLOCK_SIZE, 2058 2058 BUFSIZE, executable, filelist_subset_fname, -
r541 r543 19 19 dname=`dirname $0` 20 20 21 21 22 # TBD 22 23 export TOPDIR=${BASE}/debs 23 24 mkdir -p ${TOPDIR} 25 export opt="" 26 export pkg="" 27 export ARCH="" 24 28 25 29 if [ -e /etc/debian-release ]; then 30 export dfam="debian" 26 31 export ddir="debian" 27 32 export dver=`awk '{print $4}' /etc/debian-release` -
r541 r543 16 16 TESTDIR=/mondo/www/html/test 17 17 18 force= 018 force=1 19 19 nodoc=0 20 20 21 if [ "$1" = "- f" ]; then22 force= 121 if [ "$1" = "--keep" ]; then 22 force=0 23 23 optsvn="" 24 24 shift … … 35 35 DESTMACH=mondo.hpintelco.org 36 36 else 37 DESTMACH=www 1.mondorescue.org37 DESTMACH=www.mondorescue.org 38 38 fi 39 39 -
r541 r543 2 2 # 3 3 # Prepare build env common for all packages build process from SVN repository 4 # Also prepare the documentation which is common 4 5 # 5 6 # $Id$ … … 8 9 umask 022 9 10 11 cd $TOOLHOME/.. 10 12 echo "Generating SVN log file ..." 11 cd $TOOLHOME/..12 13 svn log -v > /tmp/mondorescue-svn.log 13 14 14 15 if [ "$1" = "" ]; then 15 c="mindi mondo"16 c="mondo-doc mindi mondo" 16 17 else 17 c=$1 18 if [ "$1" = "all" ]; then 19 c="mindi-kernel mondo-doc mindi mondo" 20 else 21 c=$1 22 fi 18 23 fi 19 24 if [ "`echo $c | grep mindi-kernel`" != "" ]; then … … 28 33 tar cvfhj ${TOPDIR}/SOURCES/mindi-kernel-${MINDI_VER}.tar.bz2 mindi-kernel-${MINDI_VER} 29 34 fi 35 36 # 37 # Should be done before mindi 38 # 39 if [ "`echo $c | grep mondo-doc`" != "" ]; then 40 cd ${BASE}/svn 41 echo "Management of mondo-doc ${MONDO_VER}-$REVISION" 42 rm -rf mondo-doc-${MONDO_VER} 43 svn export ${VER}/documentation mondo-doc-${MONDO_VER} 44 svn log -v ${VER}/documentation > mondo-doc-${MONDO_VER}/svn.log 45 echo "$REVISION" > mondo-doc-${MONDO_VER}/REVISION 46 cd mondo-doc-${MONDO_VER} 47 $TOOLHOME/expandver mondorescue-howto.sgml *8 48 make -f Makefile.howto install INSTALLDIR=../mondo-docgen-${MONDO_VER}/docs/en 49 if [ $? != 0 ]; then 50 exit -1 51 fi 52 make -f Makefile.man install-mondo INSTALLDIR=../mondo-docgen-${MONDO_VER}/docs/man 53 if [ $? != 0 ]; then 54 exit -1 55 fi 56 cd .. 57 58 echo "Creating mondo-doc tar files" 59 tar cfhz ${TOPDIR}/SOURCES/mondo-doc-${MONDO_VER}.tgz mondo-doc-${MONDO_VER} 60 tar cfhj ${TOPDIR}/SOURCES/mondo-doc-${MONDO_VER}.tar.bz2 mondo-doc-${MONDO_VER} 61 fi 30 62 if [ "`echo $c | grep -v kernel | grep mindi`" != "" ]; then 31 63 cd ${BASE}/svn … … 34 66 svn export ${VER}/mindi mindi-${MINDI_VER} 35 67 cp -a /tmp/mondorescue-svn.log mindi-${MINDI_VER}/svn.log 36 cp -a ${VER}/documentation/mindi.8 mindi-${MINDI_VER} 37 rm -rf documentation-${MONDO_VER} 38 svn export ${VER}/documentation documentation-${MONDO_VER} 39 cd documentation-${MONDO_VER} 40 $TOOLHOME/expandver mindi*8 41 make -f Makefile.man install-mindi INSTALLDIR=../mindi-${MINDI_VER} 42 cd .. 68 (cd mondo-doc-${MONDO_VER} ; make -f Makefile.man install-mindi INSTALLDIR=../mindi-${MINDI_VER}) 43 69 echo "$REVISION" > mindi-${MINDI_VER}/REVISION 44 70 rm -f mindi-${MINDI_VER}/rootfs/sbin/parted2fdisk-ia64 … … 49 75 rm -f ${TMP}/mindi-*-root 50 76 fi 51 if [ "`echo $c | grep mondo`" != "" ]; then77 if [ "`echo $c | grep -v doc | grep mondo`" != "" ]; then 52 78 cd ${BASE}/svn 53 79 echo "Management of mondo ${MONDO_VER}-$REVISION" … … 56 82 cp -a /tmp/mondorescue-svn.log mondo-${MONDO_VER}/svn.log 57 83 echo "$REVISION" > mondo-${MONDO_VER}/REVISION 58 rm -rf documentation-${MONDO_VER} 59 svn export ${VER}/documentation documentation-${MONDO_VER} 60 cd documentation-${MONDO_VER} 61 $TOOLHOME/expandver mondorescue-howto.sgml mondo*8 62 make -f Makefile.howto install INSTALLDIR=../mondo-${MONDO_VER}/docs/en 63 if [ $? != 0 ]; then 64 exit -1 65 fi 66 make -f Makefile.man install-mondo INSTALLDIR=../mondo-${MONDO_VER}/docs/man 67 if [ $? != 0 ]; then 68 exit -1 69 fi 70 cd ../mondo-${MONDO_VER} 71 echo "Bootstraping mondo ... " 72 ./bootstrap 73 cd .. 84 (cd mondo-doc-${MONDO_VER} ; make -f Makefile.howto install INSTALLDIR=../mondo-${MONDO_VER}/docs/en ; make -f Makefile.man install-mondo INSTALLDIR=../mondo-${MONDO_VER}/docs/man) 85 (cd mondo-${MONDO_VER} ; echo "Bootstraping mondo ... " ; ./bootstrap) 74 86 75 87 echo "Creating mondo tar files" -
r541 r543 28 28 cd ${BASE}/svn 29 29 mkdir -p ${TOPDIR}/SOURCES 30 sed "s/^%define mrel..*RRR/%define mrel ${REVISION}${suf}/" mindi-kernel-${MINDI_VER}/mindi-kernel.spec > ${TOPDIR}/SPECS/mindi-kernel.spec 31 pkg="$pkg ${TOPDIR}/RPMS/${ARCH}/mindi-kernel-${MINDI_VER}-${REVISION}${suf}.${ARCH}.rpm" 30 $TOOLHOME/mkspec ${MINDI_VER} mindi-kernel-${MINDI_VER}/mindi-kernel.spec > ${TOPDIR}/SPECS/mindi-kernel.spec 31 chmod 644 ${TOPDIR}/SPECS/mindi-kernel.spec 32 pkg1="${TOPDIR}/RPMS/${ARCH}/mindi-kernel-${MINDI_VER}-${REVISION}${suf}.${ARCH}.rpm" 33 pkg="$pkg $pkg1" 34 rm -f $pkg1 32 35 fi 33 36 if [ "`echo $c | grep -v kernel | grep mindi`" != "" ]; then 34 37 cd ${BASE}/svn 35 if [ -f mindi-${MINDI_VER}/distributions/${ddir}/mindi.spec ]; then 36 specfile=mindi-${MINDI_VER}/distributions/${ddir}/mindi.spec 37 else 38 specfile=mindi-${MINDI_VER}/distributions/common/mindi.spec 39 fi 40 sed -e "s/^%define mrel..*RRR/%define mrel ${REVISION}${suf}/" -e "s/VVV/${MINDI_VER}/" $specfile > ${TOPDIR}/SPECS/mindi.spec 38 $TOOLHOME/mkspec ${MINDI_VER} mindi-${MINDI_VER}/distributions/rpm/mindi.spec > ${TOPDIR}/SPECS/mindi.spec 39 cat mindi-${MINDI_VER}/distributions/$dfam/changelog >> ${TOPDIR}/SPECS/mindi.spec 40 chmod 644 ${TOPDIR}/SPECS/mindi.spec 41 41 rm -rf mindi-${MINDI_VER}/distributions 42 42 mkdir -p ${TOPDIR}/SOURCES 43 43 44 pkg ="$pkg${TOPDIR}/RPMS/${ARCH}/mindi-${MINDI_VER}-${REVISION}${suf}.${ARCH}.rpm"45 # ATTENTION: This could be dangerous for your setup46 opt="rm -rf /usr/lib/mindi ;"44 pkg1="${TOPDIR}/RPMS/${ARCH}/mindi-${MINDI_VER}-${REVISION}${suf}.${ARCH}.rpm" 45 pkg="$pkg $pkg1" 46 rm -f $pkg1 47 47 fi 48 48 if [ "`echo $c | grep mondo`" != "" ]; then 49 49 cd ${BASE}/svn 50 if [ -f mondo-${MONDO_VER}/distributions/${ddir}/mondo.spec ]; then 51 specfile=mondo-${MONDO_VER}/distributions/${ddir}/mondo.spec 52 else 53 specfile=mondo-${MONDO_VER}/distributions/common/mondo.spec 54 fi 55 sed -e "s/^%define mrel..*RRR/%define mrel ${REVISION}${suf}/" -e "s/VVV/${MONDO_VER}/" $specfile > ${TOPDIR}/SPECS/mondo.spec 50 $TOOLHOME/mkspec ${MONDO_VER} mondo-${MONDO_VER}/distributions/rpm/mondo.spec > ${TOPDIR}/SPECS/mondo.spec 51 cat mondo-${MONDO_VER}/distributions/$dfam/changelog >> ${TOPDIR}/SPECS/mondo.spec 52 chmod 644 ${TOPDIR}/SPECS/mondo.spec 56 53 rm -rf mondo-${MONDO_VER}/distributions 57 54 58 pkg="$pkg ${TOPDIR}/RPMS/${ARCH}/mondo-${MONDO_VER}-${REVISION}${suf}.${ARCH}.rpm" 55 pkg1="${TOPDIR}/RPMS/${ARCH}/mondo-${MONDO_VER}-${REVISION}${suf}.${ARCH}.rpm" 56 pkg="$pkg $pkg1" 57 rm -f $pkg1 59 58 fi 60 59 61 60 cd ${TOPDIR}/SPECS 62 61 status=0 63 if [ "`echo $c | grep kernel`" != "" ]; then 64 echo "Generating mindi-kernel RPMS" 65 log=/tmp/mindi-kernel-rpm.log 66 rpmbuild -ba mindi-kernel.spec 2> $log 1> $log 67 if [ $? != 0 ]; then 68 cat $log 69 status=-1 70 fi 71 fi 72 if [ "`echo $c | grep -v kernel | grep mindi`" != "" ]; then 73 echo "Generating mindi RPMS" 74 log=/tmp/mindi-rpm.log 75 rpmbuild -ba mindi.spec 2> $log 1> $log 76 if [ $? != 0 ]; then 77 cat $log 78 status=-1 79 fi 80 fi 81 if [ "`echo $c | grep mondo`" != "" ]; then 82 echo "Generating mondo RPMS" 83 log=/tmp/mondo-rpm.log 84 rpmbuild -ba mondo.spec 2> $log 1> $log 62 for p in "$c"; do 63 echo "Generating $p deb" 64 log=/tmp/$p-deb.log 65 #rpmbuild -ba $p.spec 2> $log 1> $log 85 66 if [ $? != 0 ]; then 86 67 cat $log … … 89 70 fi 90 71 if [ $status = 0 ]; then 91 echo "Installing RPMSas root ($pkg)"72 echo "Installing deb as root ($pkg)" 92 73 su - -c "$opt rpm -Uvh --force $pkg" 93 74 fi -
r542 r543 28 28 29 29 if [ "$1" = "" ]; then 30 c="mindi mondo"30 c="mondo-doc mindi mondo" 31 31 else 32 32 c=$1 … … 39 39 srpms="$srpms ${TOPDIR}/SRPMS/mindi-${MINDI_VER}-${rev}${suf}.src.rpm" 40 40 fi 41 if [ "`echo $c | grep mondo`" != "" ]; then 41 if [ "`echo $c | grep mondo-doc`" != "" ]; then 42 cp -a ${TOPDIR}/SOURCES/mondo-doc-${MONDO_VER}.tgz ${TOPDIR}/SOURCES/mondo-doc-${MONDO_VER}-r${rev}.tgz 43 cp -a ${TOPDIR}/SOURCES/mondo-doc-${MONDO_VER}.tar.bz2 ${TOPDIR}/SOURCES/mondo-doc-${MONDO_VER}-r${rev}.tar.bz2 44 tgz="$tgz ${TOPDIR}/SOURCES/mondo-doc-${MONDO_VER}-r${rev}.tgz ${TOPDIR}/SOURCES/mondo-doc-${MONDO_VER}-r${rev}.tar.bz2" 45 rpms="$rpms ${TOPDIR}/RPMS/${ARCH}/mondo-doc-${MONDO_VER}-${rev}${suf}.${ARCH}.rpm" 46 srpms="$srpms ${TOPDIR}/SRPMS/mondo-${MONDO_VER}-${rev}${suf}.src.rpm" 47 fi 48 if [ "`echo $c | grep -v doc | grep mondo`" != "" ]; then 42 49 cp -a ${TOPDIR}/SOURCES/mondo-${MONDO_VER}.tgz ${TOPDIR}/SOURCES/mondo-${MONDO_VER}-r${rev}.tgz 43 50 cp -a ${TOPDIR}/SOURCES/mondo-${MONDO_VER}.tar.bz2 ${TOPDIR}/SOURCES/mondo-${MONDO_VER}-r${rev}.tar.bz2 -
r541 r543 18 18 19 19 if [ "$1" = "" ]; then 20 c="m indi mondo"20 c="mondo-doc mindi mondo" 21 21 else 22 c=$1 22 if [ "$1" = "all" ]; then 23 c="mindi-kernel mondo-doc mindi mondo" 24 else 25 c=$1 26 fi 23 27 fi 24 28 … … 48 52 opt="rm -rf /usr/lib/mindi ;" 49 53 fi 50 if [ "`echo $c | grep mondo`" != "" ]; then 54 if [ "`echo $c | grep mondo-doc`" != "" ]; then 55 cd ${BASE}/svn 56 $TOOLHOME/mkspec ${MONDO_VER} mondo-${MONDO_VER}/distributions/rpm/mondo-doc.spec > ${TOPDIR}/SPECS/mondo-doc.spec 57 cat mondo-${MONDO_VER}/distributions/$dfam/changelog >> ${TOPDIR}/SPECS/mondo-doc.spec 58 chmod 644 ${TOPDIR}/SPECS/mondo-doc.spec 59 60 pkg1="${TOPDIR}/RPMS/${ARCH}/mondo-doc-${MONDO_VER}-${REVISION}${suf}.${ARCH}.rpm" 61 pkg="$pkg $pkg1" 62 rm -f $pkg1 63 fi 64 65 if [ "`echo $c | grep -v doc | grep mondo`" != "" ]; then 51 66 cd ${BASE}/svn 52 67 $TOOLHOME/mkspec ${MONDO_VER} mondo-${MONDO_VER}/distributions/rpm/mondo.spec > ${TOPDIR}/SPECS/mondo.spec … … 62 77 cd ${TOPDIR}/SPECS 63 78 status=0 64 if [ "`echo $c | grep kernel`" != "" ]; then 65 echo "Generating mindi-kernel RPMS" 66 log=/tmp/mindi-kernel-rpm.log 67 rpmbuild -ba mindi-kernel.spec 2> $log 1> $log 79 80 for p in $c; do 81 echo "Generating $p RPMS" 82 log=/tmp/$p-rpm.log 83 rpmbuild -ba $p.spec 2> $log 1> $log 68 84 if [ $? != 0 ]; then 69 85 cat $log 70 86 status=-1 71 87 fi 72 fi 73 if [ "`echo $c | grep -v kernel | grep mindi`" != "" ]; then 74 echo "Generating mindi RPMS" 75 log=/tmp/mindi-rpm.log 76 rpmbuild -ba mindi.spec 2> $log 1> $log 77 if [ $? != 0 ]; then 78 cat $log 79 status=-1 80 fi 81 fi 82 if [ "`echo $c | grep mondo`" != "" ]; then 83 echo "Generating mondo RPMS" 84 log=/tmp/mondo-rpm.log 85 rpmbuild -ba mondo.spec 2> $log 1> $log 86 if [ $? != 0 ]; then 87 cat $log 88 status=-1 89 fi 90 fi 88 done 91 89 if [ $status = 0 ]; then 92 90 echo "Installing RPMS as root ($pkg)" -
r542 r543 9 9 prem=`echo $dname |cut -c1` 10 10 if [ ${prem} == "/" ]; then 11 11 export TOOLHOME=$dname 12 12 else 13 13 export TOOLHOME=${PWD}/$dname -
r541 r543 90 90 <P ALIGN=CENTER> 91 91 <I>Michael Clark</I><BR> 92 original DPF docs</P>92 original PDF docs</P> 93 93 <div class="h2-5"> 94 94 <h2>The Mondo Rescue Community</h2> -
r541 r543 63 63 <p>Most of the time, you'll be able to download directly the packages suited for your distribution. Currently we provide packages for : 64 64 <ul> 65 <li>RedHat <a href="ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org/redhat/7.3">7.3</a> .</li>66 <li>Fedora <a href="ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org/fedora/4">Core 4</a> .</li>65 <li>RedHat <a href="ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org/redhat/7.3">7.3</a> and <a href="ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org/redhat/9">9</a>.</li> 66 <li>Fedora <a href="ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org/fedora/4">Core 4</a> and <a href="ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org/fedora/5">Core 5</a>.</li> 67 67 <li>RedHat Enterprise Linux <!--<a href="ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org/rhel/2.1">2.1</a>, --><a href="ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org/rhel/3">3</a>, <a href="ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org/rhel/4">4</a>.</li> 68 68 <li>OpenSuSE <a href="ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org/suse/9.3">9.3</a>, <a href="ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org/suse/10.0">10.0</a>. Look also at <a href="http://www.mikenjane.net/~mike/">this</a> web page for SuSE details. … … 76 76 <h3>Mondo Rescue CD</h3> 77 77 78 <p>In order to make it as easy as possible for you to use Mondo Rescue, you may want to download the latest <a href="ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org/iso/mondorescue.iso">Mondo Rescue CD</a> which contains all the packages with its dependancies available on the ftp site. It is updated daily. 79 78 <p>In order to make it as easy as possible for you to use Mondo Rescue, you may want to download the latest <a href="ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org/iso/mondorescue.iso">Mondo Rescue CD</a> which contains all the packages with its dependancies available on the ftp site. It is updated daily (Currently un-available for bandwidth issues) 80 79 <!-- 81 80 <div class="h2-5"> -
r541 r543 1 <p><B>2006-02-21 </B>Mondo Rescue has a new Web site</p> 2 <p>Thanks to <a href="http://www.73lab.com">Ayo</a>'s authorization, and after 2 weeks of hard work, we are proud to announce that we now have a new and updated Web site. We hope it will be useful and wait for your feedback.</p> 3 <p>You may find it at <a href="http://www.mondorescue.org">http://www.mondorescue.org</a> (IP:</p> 4 <p><B>2006-02-05 </B>Mondo Rescue referenced by HP</p> 5 <p>Mondorescue has been officially referenced by the HP OpenSource Portal: 6 <a href="http://opensource.hp.com/index.php">http://opensource.hp.com/index.php</a> (look in the "Recently released" area)</p> 7 <p><B>2006-02-02 </B>Mondo Rescue rsync server available</p> 8 <p>In our always increasing set of services :-) I'd like to announce the 9 availability of an rsync mirror service for mondo-rescue. 1 <p><B>2006-04-08 </B>Mondo 2.0.7 / Mindi 1.0.7 updated to r460</p> 2 <p> 3 I'm happy to announce the availability of a newest version of 4 mondo 2.0.7 / mindi 1.0.7 aka r460 5 </p> 10 6 11 Try rsync rsync.mondorescue.org::</p> 12 <p><B>2006-02-01 </B>Mondo Rescue ftp server available</p> 13 <p>Things are progressing. I've gathered all the packages that were originally on <a href="http://www.mondorescue.org">http://www.mondorescue.org</a> and also added Mike's SuSE RPMs 14 + all the latest packages I've produced and put them on a new ftp server 15 accessible at <a href="ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org">ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org</a> 16 </p><p> 17 You may have issues to access to it yet, as I've done a DNS refresh this 18 night and propagation could not be made everywhere now. 7 <p> 8 Now available at ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org/ 9 </p> 19 10 20 FYI: 11 <p> 12 fedora/4/mindi-1.0.7-460.fc4.i386.rpm 13 fedora/4/mondo-2.0.7-460.fc4.i386.rpm 14 fedora/5/mindi-1.0.7-460.fc5.i386.rpm 15 fedora/5/mondo-2.0.7-460.fc5.i386.rpm 16 mandrake/10.1/mindi-1.0.7-460.101mdk.i386.rpm 17 mandrake/10.1/mondo-2.0.7-460.101mdk.i386.rpm 18 mandrake/10.2/mindi-1.0.7-460.102mdk.i386.rpm 19 mandrake/10.2/mondo-2.0.7-460.102mdk.i386.rpm 20 mandriva/2006.0/mindi-1.0.7-460.20060mdk.i586.rpm 21 mandriva/2006.0/mondo-2.0.7-460.20060mdk.i586.rpm 22 redhat/73/mindi-1.0.7-460.rh73.i386.rpm 23 redhat/73/mondo-2.0.7-460.rh73.i386.rpm 24 redhat/9/mindi-1.0.7-460.rh9.i386.rpm 25 redhat/9/mondo-2.0.7-460.rh9.i386.rpm 26 rhel/3/mindi-1.0.7-460.rhel3.i386.rpm 27 rhel/3/mondo-2.0.7-460.rhel3.i386.rpm 28 rhel/4/mindi-1.0.7-460.rhel4.i386.rpm 29 rhel/4/mondo-2.0.7-460.rhel4.i386.rpm 30 sles/9/mindi-1.0.7-460.sles9.i386.rpm 31 sles/9/mondo-2.0.7-460.sles9.i386.rpm 32 suse/10.0/mindi-1.0.7-464.suse10.0.i386.rpm 33 suse/10.0/mondo-2.0.7-464.suse10.0.i386.rpm 34 </p> 21 35 22 </p><p>23 $ host ftp.mondorescue.org<br>24 ftp.mondorescue.org has address </p><p>26 36 27 The tree is: 28 </p><p> 29 level one distribution<br> 30 level two version number<br> 31 level three the packages 37 <p> 38 Changes are few: 39 </p> 32 40 33 < /p><p>34 Feel free to send me (by private mail) packages that you have and that 35 are not in the repository, so that I can add them. 41 <p> 42 MONDO: 43 </p> 36 44 37 </p><p> 38 Thanks to HP and especially the HP/Intel Solution Center to help me 39 hosting the project. 45 <p> 46 Remove speed=1 for growisofs (better version expected for 2.0.8) 47 Usage of Epoch for RPMs to ease update 48 </p> 40 49 41 Next step will be the Web site.</p> 50 <p> 51 MINDI: 52 </p> 53 54 <p> 55 analyze-my-lvm is under $MINDI_SBIN (not _LIB) 56 Usage of Epoch for RPMs to ease update 57 </p> 58 59 <p><B>2006-03-20 </B>Mondo 2.0.7 / Mindi 1.0.7 are out</p> 60 <p> 61 I'm happy to announce the availability of the latest and greatest 62 version of mondo 2.0.7 / mindi 1.0.7. Version numbers have changed of 63 format to be more in line with what is done generally (x.y.z) 64 </p> 65 <p> 66 Now available at ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org : 67 </p> 68 69 <p> 70 mandrake/10.1/mindi-1.0.7-447.101mdk.i386.rpm<br> 71 mandrake/10.1/mondo-2.0.7-447.101mdk.i386.rpm<br> 72 mandrake/10.2/mindi-1.0.7-447.102mdk.i386.rpm<br> 73 mandrake/10.2/mondo-2.0.7-447.102mdk.i386.rpm<br> 74 mandriva/2006.0/mindi-1.0.7-447.20060mdk.i386.rpm<br> 75 mandriva/2006.0/mondo-2.0.7-447.20060mdk.i386.rpm<br> 76 src/mindi-1.0.7-r447.tgz<br> 77 src/mondo-2.0.7-r447.tgz<br> 78 </p> 79 80 <p> 81 Other distributions will follow asap (should be able to produce soon 82 redhat 7.3, fedora core 4, and only after rhel3/4 and sles9) due to the 83 change in the virtual machines I have to do (now using qemu + more tools 84 to generate RPMs) 85 </p> 86 87 <p> 88 The focus on this version has been more around the new website and 89 documentation, and a bit less on code. So some persistant bugs are still 90 not corrected (some dvd burning issues and dm/lvm2 support mainly) and 91 will be hopefully in 2.0.8. 92 </p> 93 94 <p> 95 MONDO CHANGES 96 </p> 97 98 <p> 99 v2.07 (2006-02-23)<br> 100 - useless cat, sort|uniq commands removed (Bruno Cornec/Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni)<br> 101 - Doc cleanup (Andree Leidenfrost)<br> 102 - Add the actual format to messages after calls to function is_this_a_valid_disk_format() about unsupported formats. (Andree Leidenfrost)<br> 103 - Abort|Warn when one of the include|exclude dirs (-I|-E) does not exist (Bruno Cornec/Jeffs)<br> 104 - Replaced partimagehack with ntfsclone from ntfsprogs package. (Andree Leidenfrost)<br> 105 - use df -P everywhere (Bruno Cornec)<br> 106 - Paypal incitations removed (Andree Leidenfrost)<br> 107 - mondo now uses /usr/share for the restore-scripts (Bruno Cornec)<br> 108 - rpmlint cleanups (Bruno Cornec)<br> 109 - no shared librairies and no X11 anymore (were useless) (Bruno Cornec)<br> 110 - files > 2GB are now really supported (Andree Leidenfrost)<br> 111 - new SGML based Mondo Rescue documentation + new Web site (Bruno Cornec/Andree Leidenfrost)<br> 112 - mondoarchive aborts when 'mindi --findkernel' gives a fatal error (See also Debian bug #352323.) (Andree Leidenfrost)<br> 113 - /tmp not excluded anymore from backup (Bruno Cornec)<br> 114 - New RPM Build environement (Bruno Cornec)<br> 115 </p> 116 117 <p> 118 MINDI CHANGES 119 </p> 120 121 <p> 122 1.07 (2006-02-23)<br> 123 - stop creating further size of floppy disks if the smaller one succeeds (Bruno Cornec)<br> 124 - init revamped (removed unnecessary second general module loading phase, start NFS appropriately depending on PXE or simple NFS) (Andree Leidenfrost)<br> 125 - Changed module 'nfsacl' to 'nfs_acl' (Andree Leidenfrost)<br> 126 - Mindi/DiskSize is gone (Bruno Cornec)<br> 127 - useless cat, sort|uniq commands removed (Bruno Cornec/Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni)<br> 128 - Doc cleanup (Andree Leidenfrost)<br> 129 - Bug fix for chown in install.sh (JeffS)<br> 130 - CHANGES renamed also in install.sh now (Bruno Cornec)<br> 131 - rpmlint cleanups<br> 132 - Get mindi to look for analyze-my-lvm in it's library directory MINDI_LIB (See also Debian bug #351446.)<br> 133 - mindi only deletes freshly created 1440kb images in case of error (See also Debian Bug #348966.) (Andree Leidenfrost)<br> 134 - try standard grub-install in grub-MR restore script before trying anything fancy (Andree Leidenfrost)<br> 135 - busybox mount should be called with -o ro for PXE (Make RHEL 3 works in PXE with a 2.6 failsafe kernel now available) (Bruno Cornec)<br> 136 - Fix mindi for 2.6 Failsafe support (Bruno Cornec)<br> 137 - mindi now depends on grep >= 2.5 (for -m option) (Marco Puggelli/Bruno Cornec)<br> 138 - Fix a bug in LVM context for RHEL4 in GetValueFromField (Rémi Bondoin/Bruno Cornec)<br> 139 - New RPM Build environement (Bruno Cornec)<br> 140 - mindi now supports x86_64 natively (Bruno Cornec)<br> 141 - stop creating further size of floppy disks if the smaller one succeeds (Bruno Cornec)<br> 142 </p> -
r541 r543 2 2 # Apache Virtual Host Configuration File 3 3 # 4 NameVirtualHost * :804 NameVirtualHost * 5 5 6 <VirtualHost * :80>6 <VirtualHost *> 7 7 ServerName www.mondorescue.org 8 #ServerAlias mondorescue.org 8 9 ServerAdmin webmaster@mondorescue.org 9 10 DocumentRoot /mondo/www/html/mondo 10 11 CustomLog /var/log/httpd/www.mondorescue.org/access_log combined 11 12 Errorlog /var/log/httpd/www.mondorescue.org/error_log 13 RewriteEngine On 14 RewriteRule ^/index\.html$ /index.shtml 15 RewriteRule ^/$ /index.shtml 12 16 <Directory "/mondo/www/html/mondo"> 17 DirectoryIndex index.shtml 13 18 Options -Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks +Includes 14 19 AllowOverride None … … 18 23 </VirtualHost> 19 24 20 <VirtualHost *:80> 25 <VirtualHost *> 26 ServerName oldwww.mondorescue.org 27 ServerAdmin webmaster@mondorescue.org 28 DocumentRoot /mondo/www/html/oldwww 29 CustomLog /var/log/httpd/oldwww.mondorescue.org/access_log combined 30 Errorlog /var/log/httpd/oldwww.mondorescue.org/error_log 31 <Directory "/mondo/www/html/oldwww"> 32 Options -Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks +Includes 33 AllowOverride None 34 Order allow,deny 35 Allow from all 36 </Directory> 37 </VirtualHost> 38 39 <VirtualHost *> 21 40 ServerName www1.mondorescue.org 22 41 ServerAdmin webmaster@mondorescue.org … … 31 50 </Directory> 32 51 </VirtualHost> 52 53 <VirtualHost *> 54 ServerName www.mondorescue.com 55 ServerAdmin webmaster@mondorescue.com 56 DocumentRoot /mondo/www/html/mondo 57 CustomLog /var/log/httpd/www.mondorescue.com/access_log combined 58 Errorlog /var/log/httpd/www.mondorescue.com/error_log 59 <Directory "/mondo/www/html/mondo"> 60 DirectoryIndex index.shtml 61 Options -Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks +Includes 62 AllowOverride None 63 Order allow,deny 64 Allow from all 65 </Directory> 66 </VirtualHost> -
r541 r543 14 14 </div> 15 15 <!--#include virtual="/latest-news.html" --> 16 <p><B>2006-02-02 </B>Mondo Rescue rsync server available</p> 17 <p>In our always increasing set of services :-) I'd like to announce the 18 availability of an rsync mirror service for mondo-rescue. 19 20 Try rsync rsync.mondorescue.org::</p> 21 22 <p><B>2006-02-01 </B>Mondo Rescue ftp server available</p> 23 <p>Things are progressing. I've gathered all the packages that were originally on <a href="http://www.mondorescue.org">http://www.mondorescue.org</a> and also added Mike's SuSE RPMs 24 + all the latest packages I've produced and put them on a new ftp server 25 accessible at <a href="ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org">ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org</a> 26 </p><p> 27 You may have issues to access to it yet, as I've done a DNS refresh this 28 night and propagation could not be made everywhere now. 29 30 FYI: 31 32 </p><p> 33 $ host ftp.mondorescue.org<br> 34 ftp.mondorescue.org has address 35 </p><p> 36 37 The tree is: 38 </p><p> 39 level one distribution<br> 40 level two version number<br> 41 level three the packages 42 43 </p><p> 44 Feel free to send me (by private mail) packages that you have and that 45 are not in the repository, so that I can add them. 46 47 </p><p> 48 Thanks to HP and especially the HP/Intel Solution Center to help me 49 hosting the project. 50 51 Next step will be the Web site.</p> 52 53 <div class="h2-2"> 54 <h2>Older News</h2> 55 </div> 56 16 57 <p><B>2005-12-24</B> 17 58 I think that it's time to promote our revisions to a newer version, as a
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