Changeset 461 in MondoRescue
- Timestamp:
- Apr 4, 2006, 9:40:52 AM (19 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk
- Files:
- 1 deleted
- 12 edited
- 2 copied
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r322 r461 1 # Mindi-Linux's dependency list 07/10/20041 # Mindi-Linux's dependency list 2 2 # 3 3 # NB: … … 5 5 # 2. If you put 'libncurses' (w/o quotation marks) on an uncommented line then 6 6 # Mindi will find /lib/libncurses* and include all matching files. 7 # 3. You may give an absolute path if you think Mindi will have trouble finding 8 # the file on its own. 7 # 3. You have to give an absolute path 9 8 # 4. If you want to add something, just add it on its own line. K.I.S.S. 10 9 # 5. You must _not_ put a semicolon & comment after an entry. e.g. 'foo; #bar'. 11 # 6. All these worlds are yours except Europa. Attempt no landing there.10 # 6. you can add also entries in a file inside the deplist.d subdirectory 12 11 13 #------------------------- STUFF ADDED BY THE USER ---------------------------- 14 #---vvvv vvvv vvvv list your stuff here! vvvv vvvv vvvv 15 # 16 # bar 17 # foo 18 # 19 #---^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ list your stuff here! ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ 20 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21 22 #----- Covers a multitude of sins, including XFS, JFS, ReiserFS, and RAID ----- 23 mkfs mkswap mkswapfs mkfs.swap mkfs.ext2 mke2fs mkfs.vfat mkfs.dos mkdosfs mkvfatfs mkfatfs mkreiserfs mkfs.reiserfs mkfs.reiser mkfs.ext3 mke3fs mkfs.jfs mkfs.xfs mkxfs mkjfs mkxfsfs mkjfsfs logdump logredo xchkdmp xchklog xpeek mkpv mkraid raid0run raidhotadd raidhotremove raidsetfaulty raidstart raidstop e2label tune2fs e2fsadm mdadm 24 fsck fsck.ext2 fsck.reiserfs fsck.reiser fsck.xfs fsck.ext3 fsck.jfs badblocks 12 #----- Kept for compatibility ----- 13 mkswapfs mkfs.swap mkfs.dos mkvfatfs mkfatfs mkfs.reiser mke3fs mkxfs mkjfs mkxfsfs mkjfsfs logdump logredo xchkdmp xchklog xpeek e2fsadm fsck.reiser 25 14 26 15 #-------------------------------- ESSENTIAL ----------------------------------- 27 fstab raidtab modules.conf conf.modules mondorestore mt modules.conf.local 28 afio star ntfsclone parted ms-sys file getfattr setfattr getfacl setfacl 29 buffer 30 awk gawk 31 bzip2 bunzip2 lzop 32 date ctrlaltdel 33 dd 34 eject 35 grep 36 hosts host.conf resolv.conf hosts.allow hosts.deny 37 wc 38 xargs 39 gzip gunzip 40 klogd sysklogd 41 fdisk hdparm parted arch 42 less less.bin less.dummy less.dupe 43 loadkeys 44 mount 45 ping devfsd burnBX burnK6 burnK7 burnMMX burnP5 burnP6 lucifer tiobench tiotest bonnie++ mprime ide-smart 16 conf.modules modules.conf.local ms-sys 17 less.bin less.dummy less.dupe 18 burnBX burnK6 burnK7 burnMMX burnP5 burnP6 lucifer tiobench tiotest bonnie++ mprime ide-smart 46 19 47 # ------------------------------- for X (Hugo) -------------------------------- 48 #tar 49 #ldd lddlibc4 50 #libXmu 51 #libz 52 #X 53 #startx 54 #xinitrc 55 #xinit 56 #/etc/X11/XF86Config 57 #xauth 58 #libXext 59 # --- end of X stuff --- 60 61 insmod insmod.static insmod.static.old lsmod 62 63 #-------------------------- For mounting NFS volumes -------------------------- 64 ifconfig route /sbin/start-nfs 65 #ifconfig host.conf resolv.conf ping ip portmap rpc.statd 66 #rpc.lockd rpc.statd nfsstat rpc.nfsd rpc.mountd rpc.exportfs exportfs hosts exports hosts.allow hosts.deny showmount /etc/sysconfig/network /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts service usernetctl services protocols inetd inetd.conf /etc/rc.d ifup ifdown 67 68 20 insmod.static insmod.static.old 69 21 70 22 #------------------------ Added for Stuart D. Gathman ------------------------- 71 23 #lc l lf netstat inetd tcpd in.telnetd route ldconfig ldd telnet rsh rcp services protocols rpc inetd.conf nsswitch.conf localtime security libresolv libutil libcrypt lbnss_compat libnss_files libnss_dns libpwdb libncurses 72 24 73 74 75 #------------------------- Part of the Cuckoo Project -------------------------76 #mkisofs77 #cdrecord78 #losetup79 #fdformat80 #lilo grub81 #/usr/local/share/mondo82 #mondoarchive83 #mindi84 #/usr/local/share/mindi85 86 25 #----------------- For all you LVM users out there, much love ----------------- 87 26 LVMFILES: 88 lvmiopversion lvchange lvcreate lvdisplay lvextend lvmchange lvmcreate_initrd lvmdiskscan lvmsadc lvmsar lvreduce lvremove lvrename lvscan pvchange pvcreate pvdata pvdisplay pvmove pvscan vgcfgbackup vgcfgrestore vgchange vgck vgcreate vgdisplay vgexport vgextend vgimport vgmerge vgmknodes vgreduce vgremove vgrename vgscan vgsplit liblvm lvm lvm-10 /etc/lvm/lvm.conf27 lvmiopversion lvmcreate_initrd pvdata 89 28 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -
r426 r461 21 21 BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version} 22 22 Requires: %{addreq} 23 Epoch: %(echo EEE | cut -d- -f1 | sed "s~M~~") 23 24 # Not on all systems 24 25 #Conflicts: bonnie++ … … 60 61 %files 61 62 %defattr(644,root,root,755) 62 %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/mindi/deplist.txt 63 %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/mindi/deplist.txt 64 %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/mindi/deplist.d/* 65 %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/mindi/mindi.conf 63 66 %doc ChangeLog INSTALL COPYING README TODO README.ia64 README.pxe README.busybox svn.log 64 67 %{_mandir}/man8/* 65 68 %{_libdir}/mindi 69 %attr(755,root,root) %{_sysconfdir}/mindi/mindi.conf 66 70 %attr(755,root,root) %{_sbindir}/* 67 71 %attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/mindi/aux-tools/sbin/* -
r317 r461 41 41 42 42 echo "Creating target directories ..." 43 install -m 755 -d $conf $ locallib/mindi $MANDIR $local/sbin $DOCDIR43 install -m 755 -d $conf $conf/deplist.d $locallib/mindi $MANDIR $local/sbin $DOCDIR 44 44 45 45 echo "Copying files ..." 46 46 install -m 644 isolinux.cfg msg-txt sys-disk.raw.gz isolinux-H.cfg syslinux.cfg syslinux-H.cfg dev.tgz $locallib/mindi 47 47 install -m 644 deplist.txt $conf 48 install -m 644 distributions/conf/deplist.d/* $conf/deplist.d 49 install -m 755 distributions/conf/mindi.conf $conf 48 50 49 51 cp -af rootfs aux-tools $locallib/mindi … … 51 53 chmod 755 $locallib/mindi/rootfs/sbin/* 52 54 chmod 755 $locallib/mindi/aux-tools/sbin/* 55 chmod 755 $conf/mindi.conf 53 56 54 57 if [ "$RPMBUILDMINDI" = "true" ]; then … … 109 112 fi 110 113 114 # Special case for SuSE family wher doc is put elsewhere in the RPM 115 if [ _"$dfam" != _"suse" ] then; 116 rm -rf $DOCDIR 117 fi 118 111 119 exit 0 -
r448 r461 36 36 MINDI_SBIN=${MINDI_PREFIX}/sbin 37 37 38 39 38 if [ "$ARCH" = "x86_64" ] ; then 40 39 MINDI_LIB=${MINDI_PREFIX}/lib64/mindi … … 43 42 fi 44 43 45 EXTRA_SPACE=24576 ; # increase if you run out of ramdisk space 46 IA64_BOOT_SIZE=8192 ; # size of the ia64 boot disk 47 TMP_ROOT=/tmp 48 WRITE_BOOT_FLOPPIES="yes" ; # do you want to be prompted to write floppy images 44 MINDI_CONFIG="$MINDI_CONF/mindi.conf" 45 if [ ! -f $MINDI_CONFIG ]; then 46 echo "No $MINDI_CONFIG file found using sensible values" 47 else 48 . $MINDI_CONFIG 49 fi 50 51 # 52 # Manages defaults coming from conf files 53 # 54 if [ "$mindi_extra_space" == "" ]; then 55 EXTRA_SPACE=24576 56 else 57 EXTRA_SPACE=$mindi_extra_space 58 fi 59 if [ "$mindi_ia64_boot_size" == "" ]; then 60 IA64_BOOT_SIZE=8192 61 else 62 IA64_BOOT_SIZE=$mindi_ia64_boot_size 63 fi 64 65 if [ "$mindi_deplist_dir" == "" ]; then 66 DEPLIST_DIR="$MINDI_CONF/deplist.d" 67 else 68 DEPLIST_DIR="$mindi_deplist_dir" 69 fi 70 if [ "$mindi_write_boot_floppy" == "" ]; then 71 WRITE_BOOT_FLOPPIES="yes" 72 else 73 WRITE_BOOT_FLOPPIES="$mindi_write_boot_floppy" 74 fi 75 if [ "$mindi_write_mindi_cd" == "" ]; then 76 WRITE_BOOT_FLOPPIES="yes" 77 else 78 WRITE_BOOT_FLOPPIES="$mindi_write_boot_floppy" 79 fi 80 if [ "$mindi_images_dir" == "" ]; then 81 CACHE_LOC="/var/cache/mindi" 82 else 83 CACHE_LOC="$mindi_images_dir" 84 fi 85 if [ "$mindi_dual_floppies" == "" ]; then 86 FORCE_DUAL_FLOPPIES="/var/cache/mindi" 87 else 88 FORCE_DUAL_FLOPPIES="$mindi_dual_floppies" 89 fi 90 if [ "$mindi_tmp_dir" == "" ]; then 91 TMP_ROOT="/tmp" 92 else 93 TMP_ROOT="$mindi_tmp_dir" 94 fi 95 if [ "$mindi_fd_device" == "" ]; then 96 FDDEVICE="/dev/fd0" 97 else 98 FDDEVICE="$mindi_fd_device" 99 fi 100 101 # Other parameters 102 # Useless ?? 49 103 PROMPT_WRITE_BOOT_FLOPPIES="yes" 50 104 # do you want to be prompted to write … … 60 114 # you want to use your own kernel, or the supplied default. 61 115 # If "yes" mindi will automatically use your own kernel. 62 MINDI_CONFIG="$MINDI_CONF/mindi.conf" 63 if [ -f $MINDI_CONFIG ]; then 64 . $MINDI_CONFIG 65 fi 116 66 117 MY_FSTAB=/etc/fstab 67 118 FLOPPY_MODS="ide-floppy floppy" … … 77 128 EXTRA_MODS="$CDROM_MODS vfat fat loop linear raid0 raid1 raid5 lvm-mod dm-mod jfs xfs xfs_support pagebuf reiserfs ext2 ext3 minix nfs nfs_acl nfsd lockd sunrpc jbd" 78 129 LOGFILE=/var/log/mindi.log 79 FDDEVICE=/dev/fd0 ; # 1.44MB floppy #080 CACHE_LOC=/var/cache/mondo-archive81 FORCE_DUAL_FLOPPIES=no82 130 83 131 BOOT_MEDIA_MESSAGE="\ … … 280 328 biggienumber=$4 281 329 282 [ -d "$filename" ] && Die "Cannot chop up $filename: it's a directory. Please amend deplist .txtaccordingly."330 [ -d "$filename" ] && Die "Cannot chop up $filename: it's a directory. Please amend deplist file accordingly." 283 331 mkdir -p $outdir 284 332 … … 490 538 my_partitions=`mount | fgrep $$ | cut -f1 -d' '` 491 539 [ "$my_partitions" != "" ] && umount $my_partitions 492 [ "$TMP_ROOT" != "/tmp" ] && rm -Rf $TMP_ROOT 540 # BCO : Too Dangerous !!! 541 #[ "$TMP_ROOT" != "/tmp" ] && rm -Rf $TMP_ROOT 493 542 cd /tmp 494 543 mkdir -p mindi.err … … 826 875 echo "$fname" >> $outfile.pre 827 876 cat $tempdepfile >> $outfile.pre 828 # echo "$fname ----> dependencies:-" >> $LOGFILE829 # cat $tempdepfile | tr -s '/' '/' | sort -u >> $LOGFILE830 # echo -en "(end of deplist of $fname)\n\n" >> $LOGFILE831 877 rm -f $tempdepfile 832 878 progress=$(($progress+1)) … … 1315 1361 if [ -d "/proc/lvm" ] || [ -d "/dev/mapper" ]; then 1316 1362 echo -en "\rAnalyzing LVM...\r" 1317 all_partitions=`$MINDI_ LIB/analyze-my-lvm | fgrep ">>>" | cut -d' ' -f2-32`1363 all_partitions=`$MINDI_SBIN/analyze-my-lvm | fgrep ">>>" | cut -d' ' -f2-32` 1318 1364 fi 1319 1365 all_partitions="$all_partitions `ListAllPartitions 2> /dev/null`" … … 2120 2166 tardir=$TMP_ROOT/tardir 2121 2167 2122 lines=`grep -vx " *#.*" $MINDI_CONF/deplist.txt | grep -vx "" | wc -l`2123 cat $MINDI_CONF/deplist.txt | GenerateGiantDependencyList $needlist $lines2168 lines=`grep -vx " *#.*" $MINDI_CONF/deplist.txt $DEPLIST_DIR/* | grep -vx "" | wc -l` 2169 cat $MINDI_CONF/deplist.txt $DEPLIST_DIR/* | GenerateGiantDependencyList $needlist $lines 2124 2170 res=$? 2125 2171 if [ "$YOUR_KERNEL_SUCKS" ]; then … … 2221 2267 cp -f $TMP_ROOT/mountlist.txt $CACHE_LOC 2222 2268 [ "`DidMondoCallMe`" ] && cp -f $minidir_root/$noof_disks/tmp/mountlist.txt $MONDO_TMP/. 2223 [ -d "/proc/lvm" ] && $MINDI_ LIB/analyze-my-lvm > $minidir_root/$noof_disks/tmp/i-want-my-lvm2224 [ -d "/dev/mapper" ] && $MINDI_ LIB/analyze-my-lvm > $minidir_root/$noof_disks/tmp/i-want-my-lvm2269 [ -d "/proc/lvm" ] && $MINDI_SBIN/analyze-my-lvm > $minidir_root/$noof_disks/tmp/i-want-my-lvm 2270 [ -d "/dev/mapper" ] && $MINDI_SBIN/analyze-my-lvm > $minidir_root/$noof_disks/tmp/i-want-my-lvm 2225 2271 cat $minidir_root/$noof_disks/tmp/mountlist.txt >> $LOGFILE 2226 2272 ZipMinidirsIntoTarballs $minidir_root $tardir $noof_disks … … 2905 2951 #----------------------------------- main -----------------------------------# 2906 2952 ############################################################################## 2907 2908 2909 #AWK=`which gawk`2910 #LocateDeps $12911 #MakeModuleLoadingScript /tmp/load-modules.sh2912 #exit 02913 2914 2915 #cat /etc/mindi/deplist.txt | GenerateGiantDependencyList /tmp/deplist.old 2002916 #exit 02917 2918 2953 2919 2954 -
r388 r461 7 7 dnl GRP is replaced by the RPM group of apps 8 8 define(`GRP', `Archiving/Backup')dnl 9 dnl OBS is replaced vy what is being obsoleted 10 define(`OBS', Obsoletes: libmondo <= 2.04)dnl -
r388 r461 7 7 dnl GRP is replaced by the RPM group of apps 8 8 define(`GRP', Archiving/Archiving)dnl 9 dnl OBS is replaced vy what is being obsoleted 10 define(`OBS', )dnl -
r448 r461 14 14 15 15 Summary: A program which a Linux user can utilize to create a rescue/restore CD/tape 16 Summary(fr): Un programme pour les utilisateurs de Linux pour cr �r un CD/tape de sauvegarde/restauration16 Summary(fr): Un programme pour les utilisateurs de Linux pour créer un CD/tape de sauvegarde/restauration 17 17 Summary(it): Un programma per utenti Linux per creare un CD/tape di rescue 18 18 Summary(sp): Un programa para los usuarios de Linux por crear una CD/cinta de restoracion/rescate … … 27 27 BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version} 28 28 BuildRequires: newt-devel >= 0.50, slang-devel >= 1.4.1, gcc 29 Epoch: %(echo EEE | cut -d- -f1 | sed "s~M~~") 30 OBS 29 31 %ifarch ia64 30 32 Requires: %{addreq}, elilo, parted … … 65 67 66 68 %build 67 %configure 69 %configure --program-prefix=%{?_program_prefix} 68 70 %{__make} VERSION=%{version} 69 71 -
r403 r461 7 7 dnl GRP is replaced by the RPM group of apps 8 8 define(`GRP', Productivity/Archiving/Backup)dnl 9 dnl OBS is replaced vy what is being obsoleted 10 define(`OBS', )dnl -
r448 r461 48 48 49 49 ipvm= 50 sp=222251 50 52 51 for m in $SVN_VM; do 52 sp=22`host $ | cut -d. -f7` 53 53 vmp=0 54 54 if [ ! -f /users/vmplayer/$m.qemu ]; then -
r448 r461 25 25 cat >> /tmp/ << EOF 26 26 define(\`RRR', ${REVISION}${suf})dnl 27 define(\`EEE', ${REVISION})dnl 27 28 define(\`VVV', ${1})dnl 28 29 EOF -
r422 r461 1 <p><B>2006-03-20 </B>Mondo 2.0.7 / Mindi 1.0.7 are out</p> 2 <p> 3 I'm happy to announce the availability of the latest and greatest 4 version of mondo 2.0.7 / mindi 1.0.7. Version numbers have changed of 5 format to be more in line with what is done generally (x.y.z) 6 </p> 7 <p> 8 Now available at : 9 </p> 10 11 <p> 12 mandrake/10.1/mindi-1.0.7-447.101mdk.i386.rpm<br> 13 mandrake/10.1/mondo-2.0.7-447.101mdk.i386.rpm<br> 14 mandrake/10.2/mindi-1.0.7-447.102mdk.i386.rpm<br> 15 mandrake/10.2/mondo-2.0.7-447.102mdk.i386.rpm<br> 16 mandriva/2006.0/mindi-1.0.7-447.20060mdk.i386.rpm<br> 17 mandriva/2006.0/mondo-2.0.7-447.20060mdk.i386.rpm<br> 18 src/mindi-1.0.7-r447.tgz<br> 19 src/mondo-2.0.7-r447.tgz<br> 20 </p> 21 22 <p> 23 Other distributions will follow asap (should be able to produce soon 24 redhat 7.3, fedora core 4, and only after rhel3/4 and sles9) due to the 25 change in the virtual machines I have to do (now using qemu + more tools 26 to generate RPMs) 27 </p> 28 29 <p> 30 The focus on this version has been more around the new website and 31 documentation, and a bit less on code. So some persistant bugs are still 32 not corrected (some dvd burning issues and dm/lvm2 support mainly) and 33 will be hopefully in 2.0.8. 34 </p> 35 36 <p> 37 MONDO CHANGES 38 </p> 39 40 <p> 41 v2.07 (2006-02-23)<br> 42 - useless cat, sort|uniq commands removed (Bruno Cornec/Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni)<br> 43 - Doc cleanup (Andree Leidenfrost)<br> 44 - Add the actual format to messages after calls to function is_this_a_valid_disk_format() about unsupported formats. (Andree Leidenfrost)<br> 45 - Abort|Warn when one of the include|exclude dirs (-I|-E) does not exist (Bruno Cornec/Jeffs)<br> 46 - Replaced partimagehack with ntfsclone from ntfsprogs package. (Andree Leidenfrost)<br> 47 - use df -P everywhere (Bruno Cornec)<br> 48 - Paypal incitations removed (Andree Leidenfrost)<br> 49 - mondo now uses /usr/share for the restore-scripts (Bruno Cornec)<br> 50 - rpmlint cleanups (Bruno Cornec)<br> 51 - no shared librairies and no X11 anymore (were useless) (Bruno Cornec)<br> 52 - files > 2GB are now really supported (Andree Leidenfrost)<br> 53 - new SGML based Mondo Rescue documentation + new Web site (Bruno Cornec/Andree Leidenfrost)<br> 54 - mondoarchive aborts when 'mindi --findkernel' gives a fatal error (See also Debian bug #352323.) (Andree Leidenfrost)<br> 55 - /tmp not excluded anymore from backup (Bruno Cornec)<br> 56 - New RPM Build environement (Bruno Cornec)<br> 57 </p> 58 59 <p> 60 MINDI CHANGES 61 </p> 62 63 <p> 64 1.07 (2006-02-23)<br> 65 - stop creating further size of floppy disks if the smaller one succeeds (Bruno Cornec)<br> 66 - init revamped (removed unnecessary second general module loading phase, start NFS appropriately depending on PXE or simple NFS) (Andree Leidenfrost)<br> 67 - Changed module 'nfsacl' to 'nfs_acl' (Andree Leidenfrost)<br> 68 - Mindi/DiskSize is gone (Bruno Cornec)<br> 69 - useless cat, sort|uniq commands removed (Bruno Cornec/Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni)<br> 70 - Doc cleanup (Andree Leidenfrost)<br> 71 - Bug fix for chown in (JeffS)<br> 72 - CHANGES renamed also in now (Bruno Cornec)<br> 73 - rpmlint cleanups<br> 74 - Get mindi to look for analyze-my-lvm in it's library directory MINDI_LIB (See also Debian bug #351446.)<br> 75 - mindi only deletes freshly created 1440kb images in case of error (See also Debian Bug #348966.) (Andree Leidenfrost)<br> 76 - try standard grub-install in grub-MR restore script before trying anything fancy (Andree Leidenfrost)<br> 77 - busybox mount should be called with -o ro for PXE (Make RHEL 3 works in PXE with a 2.6 failsafe kernel now available) (Bruno Cornec)<br> 78 - Fix mindi for 2.6 Failsafe support (Bruno Cornec)<br> 79 - mindi now depends on grep >= 2.5 (for -m option) (Marco Puggelli/Bruno Cornec)<br> 80 - Fix a bug in LVM context for RHEL4 in GetValueFromField (Rémi Bondoin/Bruno Cornec)<br> 81 - New RPM Build environement (Bruno Cornec)<br> 82 - mindi now supports x86_64 natively (Bruno Cornec)<br> 83 - stop creating further size of floppy disks if the smaller one succeeds (Bruno Cornec)<br> 84 </p> 85 1 86 <p><B>2006-02-21 </B>Mondo Rescue has a new Web site</p> 2 87 <p>Thanks to <a href="">Ayo</a>'s authorization, and after 2 weeks of hard work, we are proud to announce that we now have a new and updated Web site. We hope it will be useful and wait for your feedback.</p> … … 10 95 11 96 Try rsync</p> 12 <p><B>2006-02-01 </B>Mondo Rescue ftp server available</p>13 <p>Things are progressing. I've gathered all the packages that were originally on <a href=""></a> and also added Mike's SuSE RPMs14 + all the latest packages I've produced and put them on a new ftp server15 accessible at <a href=""></a>16 </p><p>17 You may have issues to access to it yet, as I've done a DNS refresh this18 night and propagation could not be made everywhere now.19 97 20 FYI:21 22 </p><p>23 $ host<br>24 has address </p><p>26 27 The tree is:28 </p><p>29 level one distribution<br>30 level two version number<br>31 level three the packages32 33 </p><p>34 Feel free to send me (by private mail) packages that you have and that35 are not in the repository, so that I can add them.36 37 </p><p>38 Thanks to HP and especially the HP/Intel Solution Center to help me39 hosting the project.40 41 Next step will be the Web site.</p> -
r397 r461 14 14 </div> 15 15 <!--#include virtual="/latest-news.html" --> 16 <p><B>2006-02-01 </B>Mondo Rescue ftp server available</p> 17 <p>Things are progressing. I've gathered all the packages that were originally on <a href=""></a> and also added Mike's SuSE RPMs 18 + all the latest packages I've produced and put them on a new ftp server 19 accessible at <a href=""></a> 20 </p><p> 21 You may have issues to access to it yet, as I've done a DNS refresh this 22 night and propagation could not be made everywhere now. 23 24 FYI: 25 26 </p><p> 27 $ host<br> 28 has address 29 </p><p> 30 31 The tree is: 32 </p><p> 33 level one distribution<br> 34 level two version number<br> 35 level three the packages 36 37 </p><p> 38 Feel free to send me (by private mail) packages that you have and that 39 are not in the repository, so that I can add them. 40 41 </p><p> 42 Thanks to HP and especially the HP/Intel Solution Center to help me 43 hosting the project. 44 45 Next step will be the Web site.</p> 46 47 <div class="h2-2"> 48 <h2>Older News</h2> 49 </div> 50 16 51 <p><B>2005-12-24</B> 17 52 I think that it's time to promote our revisions to a newer version, as a … … 121 156 </p> 122 157 123 <div class="h2-2">124 <h2>Older News</h2>125 </div>126 127 158 <p><B>2005-11-22</B> 128 159
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