- Timestamp:
- Feb 13, 2006, 1:21:51 AM (19 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk
- Files:
- 1 deleted
- 10 edited
- 6 copied
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r372 r387 12 12 DESTUSER=apache 13 13 MONDODIR=/mondo/www/html/mondo 14 TESTDIR=/mondo/www/html/test 14 15 15 16 … … 29 30 find $DESTDIR -type d | xargs chmod 755 30 31 find $DESTDIR -type f | xargs chmod 644 31 if [ _"$1" == _"" ); then 32 cd $DESTDIR 33 if [ _"$1" == _"" ]; then 32 34 exit 0 35 else 36 if [ _"$1" == _"test" ]; then 37 DESTDIR=$TESTDIR 38 else 39 DESTDIR=$MONDODIR 40 fi 33 41 fi 34 cd $DESTDIR35 42 tar cfj /tmp/mondo-www.tz2 . 36 ssh ${DESTUSER}@${DESTMACH} "rm -rf ${ MONDODIR} ; mkdir ${MONDODIR}"43 ssh ${DESTUSER}@${DESTMACH} "rm -rf ${DESTDIR} ; mkdir ${DESTDIR}" 37 44 scp /tmp/mondo-www.tz2 ${DESTUSER}@${DESTMACH}:/tmp 38 ssh ${DESTUSER}@${DESTMACH} "cd ${ MONDODIR} ; tar xfj /tmp/mondo-www.tz2"45 ssh ${DESTUSER}@${DESTMACH} "cd ${DESTDIR} ; tar xfj /tmp/mondo-www.tz2" -
r372 r387 59 59 <P ALIGN=CENTER> 60 60 <I><B>Bruno Cornec</B></I><BR> 61 development, maintenance, documentation, web site, rpm packaging, Mandriva packaging</P>61 lead development, maintenance, documentation, web site, rpm packaging, Mandriva packaging</P> 62 62 <P ALIGN=CENTER> 63 63 <I><B>Andree Leidenfrost</B></I><BR> 64 development, maintenance, Debian packaging</P>64 co-development, maintenance, Official Debian packager</P> 65 65 <P ALIGN=CENTER> 66 66 <I><B>Lars Rupp</B></I><BR> 67 Offical SuSE packag ing</P>67 Offical SuSE packager</P> 68 68 <P ALIGN=CENTER> 69 69 <I><B>Mike Roark</B></I><BR> 70 Contributor SuSE packag ing</P>70 Contributor SuSE packager</P> 71 71 <p></p> 72 72 <div class="h2-4"> -
r358 r387 176 176 #main h1 { 177 177 color: #7395cd; 178 background:url("/images/h1.png") top left no-repeat; 179 padding:6px 0em 1em 40px; 178 background:url("/images/bird_world.png") top left no-repeat; 179 /* background:url("/images/h1.png") top left no-repeat; */ 180 padding:12px 0em 1em 80px; 180 181 margin:0.5em 0 0 0; 181 182 font-size: 160%; -
r372 r387 14 14 <p>The Mondo Rescue HOWTO is available under various formats:</p> 15 15 <ul> 16 <li>A <a href="/docs/mondorescue-howto.html" >single HTML</a> page.</li>17 <li>A <a href="/docs/mondorescue-howto.pdf" >PDF</a> document.</li>18 <li>A <a href="/docs/mondorescue-howto.rtf" >RTF</a> document.</li>19 <li>A <a href="/docs/mondorescue-howto.ps" >PostScript</a> document.</li>20 <li>A <a href="/docs/mondorescue-howto.txt" >Text</a> document.</li>21 <li><a href="/docs/mondorescue-howto/index.html" >online</a>.</li>16 <li>A <a href="/docs/mondorescue-howto.html" target="_blank">single HTML</a> page.</li> 17 <li>A <a href="/docs/mondorescue-howto.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> document.</li> 18 <li>A <a href="/docs/mondorescue-howto.rtf" target="_blank">RTF</a> document.</li> 19 <li>A <a href="/docs/mondorescue-howto.ps" target="_blank">PostScript</a> document.</li> 20 <li>A <a href="/docs/mondorescue-howto.txt" target="_blank">Text</a> document.</li> 21 <li><a href="/docs/mondorescue-howto/index.html" target="_blank">online</a>.</li> 22 22 </ul> 23 23 </p> … … 28 28 <p>Here are some other documents seaking of Mondo Rescue:</p> 29 29 <ul> 30 <li>A Mondo Rescue <a href="/docs/mondo-intro.pdf" >introduction</a> (in French) made by Gallig Renaud.31 <li>A Mondo Rescue <a href="/docs/mondo-presentation-v1.pdf ">presentation</a> made by Bruno Cornec.32 <li>A Mondo Rescue hardware migration <a href="/docs/HOWTO-_Deploy_Linux_from_SCSI_to_SATA.pdf ">guide</a> made by François-Xavier Horel.30 <li>A Mondo Rescue <a href="/docs/mondo-intro.pdf" target="_blank">introduction</a> (in French) made by Gallig Renaud. 31 <li>A Mondo Rescue <a href="/docs/mondo-presentation-v1.pdf target="_blank"">presentation</a> made by Bruno Cornec. 32 <li>A Mondo Rescue hardware migration <a href="/docs/HOWTO-_Deploy_Linux_from_SCSI_to_SATA.pdf target="_blank"">guide</a> made by François-Xavier Horel. 33 33 34 34 <!--#include virtual="/bottom.shtml" --> -
r372 r387 49 49 <h3>Source code</h3> 50 50 <ul> 51 <li>tarball available under <a href=" http://ftp.mondorescue.org/src">http://ftp.mondorescue.org/src</a></li>51 <li>tarball available under <a href="ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org/src">ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org/src</a></li> 52 52 <li>Subversion browing available at <a href="http://svn.berlios.de/viewcvs/mondorescue">http://svn.berlios.de/viewcvs/mondorescue</a></li> 53 53 <li>Anonymous HTTP Subversion check out of the project available with the following instruction set: <pre><tt>svn checkout http://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/mondorescue/branches/stable</tt></pre></li> -
r372 r387 9 9 10 10 <h1>Mondo Rescue Home Page</h1> 11 <div class="h2-5"> 12 <h2>Latest news</h2> 13 </div> 14 <!--#include virtual="/latest-news.html" --> 15 <p> For more news look <a href="/news.shtml">here</a></p> 16 11 17 <div class="h2-1"> 12 <h2>Mondo Rescue</h2>18 <h2>What is Mondo Rescue ?</h2> 13 19 </div> 14 20 <div class="c"> <img src="/images/screenshots.png" alt="Mondo Rescue screenshots" title="Mondo Rescue Screenshots" /></div> 15 21 <p class="c">Mondo Rescue is a GPL disaster recovery solution. It supports Linux (i386, x86_64, ia64) and FreeBSD (i386). It's packaged for multiple distributions (RedHat, RHEL, SuSE, SLES, Mandriva, Debian). </p> 16 <p >It supports tapes, disks, network and CD/DVD as backup media, multiple filesystems, LVM, software and hardware Raid.</p>22 <p class="c">It supports tapes, disks, network and CD/DVD as backup media, multiple filesystems, LVM, software and hardware Raid.</p> 17 23 <p class="c">You need it to be safe.</p> 18 24 … … 20 26 <h2>Authors</h2> 21 27 </div> 22 <p><a href="http://www.hyper-linux.org/">Bruno Cornec</a>: development, maintenance, rpm packaging, web site, documentation<br />23 <a href="http://www.desknow.com/desknow/directfiles/aleidenfrost/mr-debs-unofficial/index.html">Andree Leidenfrost</a>: development, maintenance, debian packaging<br />28 <p><a href="http://www.hyper-linux.org/">Bruno Cornec</a>: lead development, maintenance, rpm packaging, web site, documentation<br> 29 <a href="http://www.desknow.com/desknow/directfiles/aleidenfrost/mr-debs-unofficial/index.html">Andree Leidenfrost</a>: co-development, maintenance, Official Debian packager<br> 24 30 </p> 25 31 <p>Original Author</p> 26 32 <p> 27 <a href="mailto:hugo_at_mondorescue.org">Hugo Rabson</a>: Creator of Mondo Rescue<br />33 <a href="mailto:hugo_at_mondorescue.org">Hugo Rabson</a>: Creator of Mondo Rescue<br> 28 34 </p> 29 35 30 <p>Sponsored by <a href="http://www.hp.com/go/linux">HP</a> and the <a href="http://www.hpintelco.net">HP/Intel Solution Center</a>.</p>31 36 32 37 <div class="h2-4"> 33 38 <h2>Made with</h2> 34 39 </div> 35 <div class="c"><a href="http://www.73lab.com/"><img src="/images/icon-73lab.png" width="89" height="40" alt="73lab logo" title="Graphics by Ayo" /></a> 36 <a href="http://www.gnu.org"><img src="/images/gnubanner-2_114x40.png" width="114" height="40" alt="GNU logo" title="We run GNU" /></a> 40 <div class="c"><a href="http://www.gnu.org"><img src="/images/gnubanner-2_114x40.png" width="114" height="40" alt="GNU logo" title="We run GNU" /></a> 37 41 <a href="http://www.vim.org"><img src="/images/icon-vim.png" width="140" height="40" alt="Vim logo" title="Edited with Vim" /></a> 38 42 <a href="http://www.perl.org/"><img src="/images/icon-perl.png" width="100" height="40" alt="Perl" title="Made with Perl" /></a> 39 <a href="http://www.mandriva.com/"><img src="/images/icon-mandriva.png" width="160" height="40" alt="Mandriva" title="Hosted on Mandriva Linux" /></a> 40 </div> 43 </div> 41 44 42 45 <div class="h2-3"> 43 46 <h2>About this website</h2> 44 47 </div> 48 <div class="c"><a href="http://www.73lab.com/"><img src="/images/icon-73lab.png" width="89" height="40" alt="73lab logo" title="Graphics by Ayo" /></a> 49 <a href="http://www.mandriva.com/"><img src="/images/icon-mandriva.png" width="160" height="40" alt="Mandriva" title="Hosted on Mandriva Linux" /></a> 50 <a href="http://www.hpintelco.net"><img src="/images/hpisc.png" width="160" height="40" alt="HP/Intel Solution Center" title="Sponsored and hosted by the HP/Intel Solution Center" /></a> 51 <a href="http://www.hp.com/linux"><img src="/images/hp.png" width="120" height="40" alt="Linux at HP" title="Sponsored HP" /></a> 52 </div> 53 <div> 45 54 <p>This website has been designed according to the <a href="http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mondorescue.org">W3C standards</a> in order to be viewable by most standard compliant browsers. Since it uses some CSS techniques, it may not render correctly on some non-free (as in <i>freedom</i>) widely used browser. If this is the case with your browser, you may want to try the latest version of <a href="http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/">Firefox</a>, a standards compliant free software browser.</p> 46 55 <p>This site is best viewed with the free <a href="http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/ttf-bitstream-vera/1.10/">"Vera" True Type Font</a> from Bitstream.</p> 56 </div> 47 57 48 58 <!--#include virtual="/bottom.shtml" --> -
r372 r387 12 12 <h2>Latest News</h2> 13 13 </div> 14 <p><B>2006-02-05</B> Mondorescue has been officially referenced by the HP OpenSource Portal: 15 <a href="http://opensource.hp.com/index.php">http://opensource.hp.com/index.php</a> (look in the "Recently released" area)</p> 16 <p><B>2006-02-02</B> In our always increasing set of services :-) I'd like to announce the 17 availability of an rsync mirror service for mondo-rescue. 18 19 Try rsync rsync.mondorescue.org::</p> 20 <p><B>2006-02-01</B> Things are progressing. I've gathered all the packages that were 21 originally on <a href="http://www.mondorescue.org">http://www.mondorescue.org</a> and also added Mike's SuSE RPMs 22 + all the latest packages I've produced and put them on a new ftp server 23 accessible at <a href="ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org">ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org</a> 24 </p><p> 25 You may have issues to access to it yet, as I've done a DNS refresh this 26 night and propagation could not be made everywhere now. 27 28 FYI: 29 30 </p><p> 31 $ host ftp.mondorescue.org<br> 32 ftp.mondorescue.org has address 33 </p><p> 34 35 The tree is: 36 </p><p> 37 level one distribution<br> 38 level two version number<br> 39 level three the packages 40 41 </p><p> 42 Feel free to send me (by private mail) packages that you have and that 43 are not in the repository, so that I can add them. 44 45 </p><p> 46 Thanks to HP and especially the HP/Intel Solution Center to help me 47 hosting the project. 48 49 Next step will be the Web site.</p> 14 <!--#include virtual="/latest-news.html" --> 50 15 <p><B>2005-12-24</B> 51 16 I think that it's time to promote our revisions to a newer version, as a -
r372 r387 36 36 <h2>Professional support services</h2> 37 37 </div> 38 <p> If you're ready to pay for a support contract around Mondo Rescue, for your business, you may enter in contact with the following companies which have the structure to deliver it:38 <p>For commercial support contracts for Mondo Rescue please contact one of the following companies: 39 39 <ul> 40 40 <li><b><a href="http://www.linagora.com/en">Linagora</a></b> - Contact: <a href="mailto:support_at_linagora.com">Support Service</a></li> 41 41 </ul></p> 42 <p>If you're ready to pay for enhancement/consulting services around Mondo Rescue, for your business, you may enter in contact with the following companies which have the structure to deliver it: 42 <p>For commercial enhancement and consulting services around Mondo Rescue, 43 please contact one of the following companies: 43 44 <ul> 44 <li><b><a href="http://www.hp.com/linux">H P</a></b> - Contact: <a href="mailto:pingouin_at_hp.com">Free, Libre and Open Source Expertise Center</a></li>45 <li><b><a href="http://www.hp.com/linux">Hewlett-Packard</a></b> - Contact: <a href="mailto:pingouin_at_hp.com">Free, Libre and Open Source Expertise Center</a></li> 45 46 <li><b><a href="http://www.harmsconsulting.com/main.html">Harms Consulting</a></b> - Contact: <a href="mailto:info_at_harmsconsulting.com">Consulting Department</a></li> 46 47 </ul></p> -
r372 r387 41 41 Maurice Janssen, William Jennings, 42 42 Ted Kaczmarek, Merwan Kashouty, Jesse Keating, Roy Kimbrell, Thomas Klettke, Barry Kline, Herman Knief, Edward Konz, Aaron Kulbe, 43 Andrew Latham, Robert E. Laughlin, Scott Leerssen, Andree L iedenfrost, Mark Lindsay, David Looney,43 Andrew Latham, Robert E. Laughlin, Scott Leerssen, Andree Leidenfrost, Mark Lindsay, David Looney, 44 44 Scott Mace, Jonathan Manning, Andrew McDade, Norrie McKinley, Shannon McMurtrey, Sasha Mitelman, Bruce Martin, Chris Mason, Roy McBroom, Brian Moore, Dellae McKenzie, Douglas McIntosh, George McQuade, TJ Meadows, Bill Mixter, Mark Jed Murphy, 45 45 Mark Newman, Mark Nienberg, Zina Nieuwland, -
r372 r387 19 19 <div id="body"> 20 20 <div id="logo"> 21 <img src="/images/protected-button .png" alt="Mondo Rescue logo" title="This is the official Mondo Rescue Website !"/></div>21 <img src="/images/protected-button_trans.png" alt="Mondo Rescue logo" title="This is the official Mondo Rescue Website !"/></div> 22 22 <div id="navbar"> 23 23 <ul>
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