Changeset 3753 in MondoRescue

Nov 30, 2019, 1:45:07 AM (5 years ago)
Bruno Cornec

Remove floppy support

11 edited


  • branches/3.3/contrib/backup-kungfu/backup-kungfu

    r541 r3753  
    104104    # rm -rf ${backup_dir}/${comp_name}*
    106     # Create the new folder and move all the iso and floppy images to it
     106    # Create the new folder and move all the iso images to it
    107107    echo -e "Creating the new backup directory and moving the files there...\n"
    108108    mkdir -p ${backup_dir}/${comp_name}_${date}/images
  • branches/3.3/mindi/INSTALL

    r30 r3753  
    1919- locate your kernel and modules
    2020- put together a package of all the tools you are likely to need
    21 - generate some floppy disk images
     21- generate some boot disk images
    2222- offer to write the images to disks for you
  • branches/3.3/mindi/mindi

    r3748 r3753  
    7070# ide-probe-mod
    71 IDE_MODS="ide ide-floppy floppy ide-generic ide-detect ide-mod ide-disk ide_disk ide-cd ide_cd ide_cd_mod ide-cd_mod ide-cs edd paride ata_generic ata_piix dock via82cxxx generic nvidia ahci sata_nv cmd64x pata_via pata_amd pata_marvell pata_serverworks pata_sis pata_sil680 pata_jmicron pata_atiixp pata_acpi amd74xx sis5513 jmicron sata_promise sata_via serverworks sata_svw virtio virtio_blk virtio_pci hv_storvsc raid0 raid1 raid456 drbd"
     71IDE_MODS="ide ide-floppy ide-generic ide-detect ide-mod ide-disk ide_disk ide-cd ide_cd ide_cd_mod ide-cd_mod ide-cs edd paride ata_generic ata_piix dock via82cxxx generic nvidia ahci sata_nv cmd64x pata_via pata_amd pata_marvell pata_serverworks pata_sis pata_sil680 pata_jmicron pata_atiixp pata_acpi amd74xx sis5513 jmicron sata_promise sata_via serverworks sata_svw virtio virtio_blk virtio_pci hv_storvsc raid0 raid1 raid456 drbd"
    7272PCMCIA_MODS="pcmcia_core ds yenta_socket"
    7373USB_MODS="usb-storage usb_storage usb-ohci usb-uhci input hid hid_generic hid-generic hid_microsoft hid-microsoft uhci_hcd uhci-hcd ehci-hcd ehci-pci ohci-hcd ohci_hcd ohci-pci xhci xhci-hcd xhci-pci usbkbd usbhid keybdev mousedev scsi_mod ff-memless ums_cypress ums-cypress cp210x usbserial cdc_eem"
  • branches/3.3/mindi/rootfs/etc/fstab

    r30 r3753  
    44#/dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom iso9660 noauto,owner,ro,exec 0 0
    55/dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom iso9660 noauto 0 0
    6 /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy ext2 owner,rw,exec 0 0
     6#/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy ext2 owner,rw,exec 0 0
  • branches/3.3/mondo/src/common/libmondo-filelist.c

    r3728 r3753  
    15671567        mr_free(tmp1);
    1569         mr_asprintf(exclude_paths, MONDO_CACHE"|%s|%s|%s|.|..|"MNT_CDROM"|"MNT_FLOPPY"|/media|/tmp|/selinux|/proc|/sys|/run|/dev/shm|"MINDI_CACHE, tmp2, (tmpdir[0] == '/' && tmpdir[1] == '/') ? (tmpdir + 1) : tmpdir, (scratchdir[0] == '/' && scratchdir[1] == '/') ? (scratchdir + 1) : scratchdir);
     1569        mr_asprintf(exclude_paths, MONDO_CACHE"|%s|%s|%s|.|..|"MNT_CDROM"|/media|/tmp|/selinux|/proc|/sys|/run|/dev/shm|"MINDI_CACHE, tmp2, (tmpdir[0] == '/' && tmpdir[1] == '/') ? (tmpdir + 1) : tmpdir, (scratchdir[0] == '/' && scratchdir[1] == '/') ? (scratchdir + 1) : scratchdir);
    15701570        if (excp != NULL) {
    15711571            mr_strcat(exclude_paths,"|%s",excp);
  • branches/3.3/mondo/src/common/libmondo-tools.c

    r3665 r3753  
    4444 */
    4545bool g_remount_cdrom_at_end,    ///< TRUE if we unmounted the CD-ROM and should remount it when done with the backup.
    46  g_remount_floppy_at_end;       ///< TRUE if we unmounted the floppy and should remount it when done with the backup.
    4746bool g_cd_recovery = FALSE;             ///< TRUE if we're making an "autonuke" backup.
    4847double g_kernel_version;
    11001099        run_program_and_log_output("mount " MNT_CDROM, FALSE);
    11011100    }
    1102     if (g_remount_floppy_at_end) {
    1103         run_program_and_log_output("mount " MNT_FLOPPY, FALSE);
    1104     }
    11141110        g_remount_cdrom_at_end = TRUE;
    11151111        run_program_and_log_output("umount " MNT_CDROM, FALSE);
    1116     }
    1117     if (run_program_and_log_output
    1118         ("mount | grep floppy | grep super", FALSE) == 0) {
    1119         g_remount_floppy_at_end = TRUE;
    1120         run_program_and_log_output("umount " MNT_FLOPPY, FALSE);
    11211112    }
  • branches/3.3/mondo/src/include/my-stuff.h

    r3549 r3753  
    370370#define MNT_CDROM "/mnt/cdrom"
    371 #define MNT_FLOPPY "/mnt/floppy"
    373372#define DEFAULT_MR_LOGLEVEL 4
  • branches/3.3/mondo/src/mondo.dox

    r30 r3753  
    177177 * @defgroup verifyGroup Verification Functions
    178178 * Functions for verifying data while booted from the hard drive (as opposed
    179  * to a "compare", which is done while booted from CD/floppy).
     179 * to a "compare", which is done while booted from CD/Tape).
    180180 */
    187187 * @defgroup compareGroup Compare Functions
    188  * Functions for comparing data while booted from CD/floppy (as opposed
     188 * Functions for comparing data while booted from CD/Tape (as opposed
    189189 * to a "verify", which is done while booted from the hard drive).
    190190 */
  • branches/3.3/mondo/src/mondoarchive/mondoarchive.c

    r3629 r3753  
    2727extern bool g_text_mode;
    2828extern char *g_boot_mountpt;
    29 extern bool g_remount_floppy_at_end;
    3029extern char *g_cdrw_drive_is_here;
    3130static char *g_cdrom_drive_is_here = NULL;
  • branches/3.3/mondo/src/mondorestore/mondo-rstr-tools.c

    r3746 r3753  
    2094  * Get the configuration file from the floppy, tape, or CD.
     2094 * Get the configuration file from the tape, or CD.
    20952095 * @param bkpinfo The backup information structure. Fields used:
    20962096 * - @c bkpinfo->backup_media_type
  • branches/3.3/tools/myval

    r2899 r3753  
    33# Call valgrind to test mondo
    5 sudo valgrind --log-file=/tmp/val.log --show-reachable=yes --leak-check=full /bruno/pb/projects/mondorescue/build/BUILD/mondo-3.0/src/mondoarchive/mondoarchive -K 99 -Oi -I /etc -d /home
    6 sudo valgrind --log-file=/tmp/valg.log --show-reachable=yes --leak-check=full /bruno/pb/projects/mondorescue/build/BUILD/mondo-3.0/src/mondoarchive/mondoarchive -g -K 99 -Oi -I /etc -d /home
     5m=`ls -tr /users/bruno/pb/projects/mondorescue/pbbuild/BUILD/ | grep mondo-3.3 | tail -1`
     6sudo valgrind --log-file=/tmp/val.log --show-reachable=yes --leak-check=full /users/bruno/pb/projects/mondorescue/pbbuild/BUILD/$m/src/mondoarchive/mondoarchive -K 99 -Oi -I /etc -d /home
     7sudo valgrind --log-file=/tmp/valg.log --show-reachable=yes --leak-check=full /users/bruno/pb/projects/mondorescue/pbbuild/BUILD/$m/src/mondoarchive/mondoarchive -g -K 99 -Oi -I /etc -d /home
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