Changeset 3664 in MondoRescue
- Timestamp:
- May 3, 2017, 11:27:15 AM (8 years ago)
- File:
- 1 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r3663 r3664 251 251 close(CMD); 252 252 # More than 1000 is a lot of disks so may triggers the issue 253 $use_parted = 1 if ($lines >= 1000); 254 255 # Check partition table type 253 my $maxhdd = 1; 254 $use_parted = 1 if ($lines >= $maxhdd); 255 256 $device = "" if ((not defined $device) || ($device =~ /^-/)); 257 pb_log(1,"Called with device: $device\n"); 258 259 # Check partition table type. Works also if no device 256 260 $type = mr_disk_type($device); 261 257 262 # Replacement code only for GPT disks 258 263 if (((($v == 1) || (($v == 2) && ($maj < 22))) && ($type ne "MBR")) || ($use_parted == 1)) { 259 pb_log(1,"This distribution uses an old fdisk, activating replacement code for GPT disk label...\n"); 264 if ($use_parted == 1) { 265 pb_log(1,"Using parted since we detected more than $maxhdd disks...\n"); 266 } else { 267 pb_log(1,"This distribution uses an old fdisk, activating replacement code for GPT disk label...\n"); 268 } 260 269 my $parted = pb_check_req("parted",0); 261 270 if (defined $opts{'l'}) { 262 fdisk_list ($device,undef,\%start,\%end, 1);271 fdisk_list_all($device,undef,\%start,\%end, 1); 263 272 } elsif (defined $opts{'s'}) { 264 273 fdisk_list($device,$wpart,\%start,\%end, 1); … … 467 476 open(PART,"/proc/partitions") || die "Unable to open /proc/partitions"; 468 477 while (<PART>) { 469 my ($maj,$min,$blocks,$dev) = split(/\s+/); 470 next if ($dev =~ /^fd|^sr/); 471 next if ($min != 0); 478 # Skip first cmt line if present or empty lines 479 next if (($_ =~ /^maj/) || ($_ =~ /^\s*$/)); 480 my ($void,$maj,$min,$blocks,$dev) = split(/\s+/); 481 next if ((not defined $dev) || ($dev =~ /^fd|^sr|^ram/)); 482 next if ((not defined $min) || ($min != 0)); 472 483 fdisk_list("/dev/$dev",$wpart,$start,$end,$verbose); 473 484 } … … 550 561 # so return in MB * 1MB / what represents 1 cyl in B 551 562 $mstart = sprintf("%d",$$start{$n}*$mega/$un); 563 pb_log(2,"mstart: $mstart\n"); 552 564 $mstart = 1 if ($mstart < 1); 553 565 $mstart = $endmax if ($mstart > $endmax); 554 566 $mend = sprintf("%d",$$end{$n}*$mega/$un - 1); 555 567 $mend = $endmax if ($mend > $endmax); 568 pb_log(2,"mend $mend\n"); 556 569 $mend = 1 if ($mend < 1); 557 570 # length is in 1K blocks … … 559 572 $pid = $pid{$type{$n}}; 560 573 $cmt = $cmt{$type{$n}}; 561 #print FLOG "$part - $mstart - $mend - $length\n";574 pb_log(2,"$part - $mstart - $mend - $length\n"); 562 575 563 576 if ($verbose == 1) { … … 612 625 } 613 626 } 627 if ($max == 0) { 628 close(FDISK); 629 # Try by forcing the cylinders display, not done by default on more recent fdisk 630 open (FDISK, "$fdisk -u=cylinders -l $device 2>/dev/null |") || die "Unable to read from $fdisk -u=cylinders"; 631 while (<FDISK>) { 632 if ($_ =~ /heads/) { 633 chomp; 634 $max = $_; 635 $max =~ s/.* ([0-9]+) cylinders/$1/; 636 } 637 } 638 } 614 639 close(FDISK); 615 640 pb_log(2,"get_max returns $max\n"); … … 659 684 my $size; 660 685 my $unit; 686 my $flag; 661 687 662 688 my $parted = pb_check_req("parted",0); … … 670 696 my ($v,$maj,$min) = split(/\./,$d); 671 697 # depending on parted version, information given change: 672 if ($v == 2) { 698 # parted >= 1.8.0 has support for -m option 699 # Cf: 700 if ($v >= 2) { 701 # RHEL 5 parted 1.8 673 702 # RHEL 6 parted 2.1 703 # SLES 11 1.8.8 674 704 $mode=2; 675 705 } elsif ($v == 1) { … … 678 708 # RHEL 4 parted 1.6.19 679 709 $mode=0; 710 } elsif ($maj >= 8) { 711 $mode=2; 680 712 } else { 681 713 # SLES 10 parted >= 1.6.25 … … 687 719 pb_log(2,"parted mode: $mode\n"); 688 720 689 open(PARTED, "$parted -s $device print |") || die "Unable to read from $parted"; 690 # Skip 3 first lines 691 $d = <PARTED>; 692 $d = <PARTED>; 693 $d = <PARTED>; 721 # Result of parted -m -s /dev/sda print 722 # 723 # On RHEL7: 724 #BYT; 725 #/dev/sda:500GB:scsi:512:512:gpt:HP LOGICAL VOLUME:; 726 #1:1049kB:211MB:210MB:fat16:EFI System Partition:boot; 727 #2:211MB:735MB:524MB:ext4::; 728 #3:735MB:500GB:499GB:::lvm; 729 # 730 # On RHEL6: 731 #BYT; 732 #/dev/sda:500GB:scsi:512:512:gpt:HP LOGICAL VOLUME; 733 #1:1049kB:211MB:210MB:fat16::boot; 734 #2:211MB:735MB:524MB:ext4::; 735 #3:735MB:500GB:499GB:::lvm; 736 # 737 # On Debian 8 738 # 739 #BYT; 740 #/dev/sda:500GB:scsi:512:512:gpt:HP LOGICAL VOLUME:; 741 #1:1049kB:538MB:537MB:fat32::boot, esp; 742 #2:538MB:7538MB:7000MB:ext4::; 743 #3:7538MB:10.5GB:3000MB:ext4::; 744 #4:10.5GB:44.6GB:34.1GB:linux-swap(v1)::; 745 #5:44.6GB:45.0GB:400MB:ext4::; 746 #6:45.0GB:500GB:455GB:ext4::; 694 747 695 748 if ($mode == 2) { 749 # Then use option -m which is available 750 open(PARTED, "$parted -m -s $device print |") || die "Unable to read from $parted"; 751 # Skip 2 first lines 752 $d = <PARTED>; 753 if ($d !~ /^BYT/) { 754 die "Your $parted command doesn't behave correctly in machine readable mode"; 755 } 756 # Skip device line for now 757 $d = <PARTED>; 758 pb_log(2,"Got from parted: \n"); 759 pb_log(2,"Minor Start End Filesystem\n"); 760 while (<PARTED>) { 761 ($n,$d) = split(/:/,$_,2); 762 ($$start{$n},$$end{$n},$size,$$type{$n},$void,$flag) = split(/:/,$d); 763 # Handles suffixes. Returns MB 764 $ret = decode_Bsuf($$start{$n},$mega); 765 $$start{$n} = $ret; 766 $ret = decode_Bsuf($$end{$n},$mega); 767 $$end{$n} = $ret; 768 $$type{$n} =~ s/\(..*\)$//; 769 pb_log(2,"$n $$start{$n} $$end{$n} $$type{$n}\n"); 770 } 771 } else { 772 # Maintaned for compatibility with very old distributions now 773 open(PARTED, "$parted -s $device print |") || die "Unable to read from $parted"; 774 # Skip 3 first lines 696 775 $d = <PARTED>; 697 776 $d = <PARTED>; 698 777 $d = <PARTED>; 699 } 700 pb_log(2,"Got from parted: \n"); 701 pb_log(2,"Minor Start End Filesystem\n"); 702 # Get info from each partition line 703 while (($n,$d) = split(/\s/, <PARTED>,2)) { 704 chomp($d); 705 # v2 of parted ends with empty line 706 next if (($mode == 2) && ($n eq "") && ($d eq "")); 707 # v2 of parted starts with space potentially 708 ($n,$d) = split(/\s/, $d,2) if (($mode == 2) && ($n eq "")); 709 next if ($n !~ /^[1-9]/); 710 $d =~ s/^\s*//; 711 $d =~ s/\s+/ /g; 712 if ($mode == 0) { 713 ($$start{$n},$$end{$n},$$type{$n},$void) = split(/ /,$d); 714 $unit = 1; 715 } elsif ($mode == 1) { 716 ($$start{$n},$$end{$n},$size,$$type{$n},$void) = split(/ /,$d); 717 $unit = $mega; 718 } elsif ($mode == 2) { 719 ($$start{$n},$$end{$n},$size,$$type{$n},$void) = split(/ /,$d); 720 $unit = $mega; 721 } else { 722 die "Undefined mode $mode"; 723 } 724 $$start{$n} = "" if (not defined $$start{$n}); 725 $$end{$n} = "" if (not defined $$end{$n}); 726 $$type{$n} = "" if (not defined $$type{$n}); 727 # Handles potential suffixes in latest parted version. Return MB 728 $ret = decode_Bsuf($$start{$n},$unit); 729 $$start{$n} = $ret; 730 $ret = decode_Bsuf($$end{$n},$unit); 731 $$end{$n} = $ret; 732 pb_log(2,"$n $$start{$n} $$end{$n} $$type{$n}\n"); 778 779 pb_log(2,"Got from parted: \n"); 780 pb_log(2,"Minor Start End Filesystem\n"); 781 # Get info from each partition line 782 while (($n,$d) = split(/\s/, <PARTED>,2)) { 783 chomp($d); 784 next if ($n !~ /^[1-9]/); 785 $d =~ s/^\s*//; 786 $d =~ s/\s+/ /g; 787 if ($mode == 0) { 788 ($$start{$n},$$end{$n},$$type{$n},$void) = split(/ /,$d); 789 $unit = 1; 790 } elsif ($mode == 1) { 791 ($$start{$n},$$end{$n},$size,$$type{$n},$void) = split(/ /,$d); 792 $unit = $mega; 793 } else { 794 die "Undefined mode $mode"; 795 } 796 $$start{$n} = "" if (not defined $$start{$n}); 797 $$end{$n} = "" if (not defined $$end{$n}); 798 $$type{$n} = "" if (not defined $$type{$n}); 799 # Handles potential suffixes in latest parted version. Return MB 800 $ret = decode_Bsuf($$start{$n},$unit); 801 $$start{$n} = $ret; 802 $ret = decode_Bsuf($$end{$n},$unit); 803 $$end{$n} = $ret; 804 pb_log(2,"$n $$start{$n} $$end{$n} $$type{$n}\n"); 805 } 733 806 } 734 807 close(PARTED); … … 740 813 my $unit = shift; 741 814 my $ret = 0; 815 my $kilo = 1024; 742 816 743 817 pb_log(2,"decode_Bsuf input: $size / $unit "); 744 818 if ($size =~ /K[B]*$/i) { 745 819 $size =~ s/K[B]*$//i; 746 $size *= 1024;820 $size *= $kilo; 747 821 } elsif ($size =~ /M[B]*$/i) { 748 822 $size =~ s/M[B]*$//i; 749 $size *= 1048576;823 $size *= $kilo*$kilo; 750 824 } elsif ($size =~ /G[B]*$/i) { 751 825 $size =~ s/G[B]*$//i; 752 $size *= 1073741824;826 $size *= $kilo*$kilo*$kilo; 753 827 } elsif ($size =~ /T[B]*$/i) { 754 828 $size =~ s/T[B]*$//i; 755 $size *= 1099511627776;829 $size *= $kilo*$kilo*$kilo*$kilo; 756 830 } else { 757 831 # Nothing to do
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