Changeset 324 in MondoRescue

Jan 16, 2006, 6:31:54 PM (19 years ago)

Rewrite of the documentation under SGML/Docbook.
5 pages done.

1 added
5 deleted
1 edited


  • branches/2.06/documentation/mondorescue-howto.sgml

    r323 r324  
     1<!DOCTYPE BOOK PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.1//EN" [
     2<!ENTITY curdate "DDD">
     3<!ENTITY curver "VVV">
     5   <!ENTITY WWWB "">
     6   <!ENTITY WWW '<ulink url="">MondoRescue</ulink>'>
     7   <!ENTITY gfdl SYSTEM "fdl.sgml">
     11<title>MondoRescue HOWTO</title>
     13Utilisation and Configuration of Mondo and Mindi under Linux (Version &curver;)
     15<graphic fileref="images/protected-by-mondo.png" align="center">
     19in its latest version the
     23This document describes the use of mondo and mindi tools to realize disaster recovery backup of your systems. It provides information on installation, backup and restore modes, hardware and software requirements, and answers to some frequently asked questions.
     24The goals are to offer a general view of the functions and their best usages.
     25Mondo Rescue is a Disaster Recovery Solution which allows you
     26to effortlessly backup and interactively restore Linux, Windows and
     27other supported filesystem partitions to/from CD/DVD-+R/RW media, tape,
     28NFS, ... and Mindi Linux provides the bootable emergency restore
     29CD/floppy set which Mondo uses at boot-time.
     36<orgname>MondoRescue Project</orgname>
     41Hugo Rabson
     42Mikael Hultgren
     43Stan Benoit
     44Randy Delfs
     46Bryan J. Smith
     50<holder role="">Bruno Cornec</holder>
     57This HOWTO is a free documentation. you may copy, redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the
     58<Link LinkEnd="gfdl">
     59GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1
     62or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invarian
     63t Sections, Front-Cover Texts or Back-Cover Texts. This document is distributed
     64hoping it will be useful, but <emphasis>without any guaranty</emphasis>; you're
     65completely responsible of its use, and coulnd't complain in case it doesn't work
     66, or even if it breaks the hardware. All the software included in it, if not alr
     67eady copyrighted is released under the GPL.
     74<authorinitials>Bruno Cornec</authorinitials>
     77First SGML version publically available, remade from the HTML docs of the project.
     88<chapter id="about">
     89<title>About this Guide</title>
     91<sect1 id="purpose">
     92<title>Purpose / Scope of this Guide</title>
     95This HOWTO serves to help people get started with using
     96mondo/mindi as way to backup/restore their system. This is a work
     97constantly evolving. It was started by Hugo Rabson and has
     98since been worked upon by a number of people. See the
     99'<ulink url="&WWWB;about.html#devteam">About</ulink>' web
     100page for a list of members of the development team.</para>
     102<para>There are many ways to contribute to the Linux movement
     103without actually writing code. One of the most important is writing
     104documentation, allowing each person to share their knowledge with
     105thousands of others around the world. This HOWTO is designed to
     106help you get familiar with how Mondo/Mindi works.</para>
     109Opinions expressed here are those of the authors.
     110Informations are provided in the aim to be useful to the readers.
     111However, there can't be, through this document, any warranty of any kind
     112on the way it works on your systems, nor the author could be responsible for any problem caused by the use of these informations.
     113However, software editors don't garantee you a lot either (re-read the contracts).
     116<sect2 id="newversion"><title>New versions of this document</title>
     118<para>The newest version of this document can always be found on
     119MondoRescue's homepage &WWW;.</para>
     121If you make a translation of this document into another language, please let meknow so that I can include a reference to it here.
     124<sect2><title>Suggestions / Feedback</title>
     126I rely on you, the reader, to make this HOWTO useful. THis HOWTO is probably incomplete even if it tries to be accurate to the best of our knowledge.
     127If you have any suggestions, corrections, recommandations or congratulations :-) don't hesitate to send them to me
     129and I will try to incorporate them in a next revision or to the mondorescue mailling list at <ulink url="">
     131e-mail the list at
     132<ulink url=""></ulink>;
     133tell us what is wrong and how it should be fixed.
     134Include the section title and recommended changes. Whenever possible, include
     135the exact, spell-checked, grammar-checked text that you think would
     136improve the document.
     138<para>See Mondo's
     139<ulink url="../../feedback/feedback.html">Feedback</ulink> page for
     140more information.
     143Please note that we do our best to help everyone but it is
     144difficult for us to help you if you do not attach a log file to
     145your e-mail. Let me say that again - attach your log file to your
     146e-mail! Thank you. Without it we can't offer
     147any tangible help because you aren't either. That's what the log
     148file is for. It is located at <filename>/var/log/mondo-archive.log</filename>; and <filename>/var/log/miindi.log</filename> or at <filename>/var/log/mondo-restore.log</filename>
     150This document was originaly written by native english speakers, but is maintained by a non-native english speaker so help me correct mistaques instead of rumbling that I've done one :-)
     153I am also willing to answer general questions on MondoRescue, the best I can.
     154Before doing so, please read all of the information in this HOWTO, and then send me detailed information about the problem, especially including the logs generated by the tools, or traces obtained (Did I say that already :-].
     157If you publish this document on a CD-ROM or in hardcopy form, a complimentary copy would be appreciated; mail me for my postal address. Also consider making a donation to the Linux Documentation Project to help support free documentation for Linux. Contact the Linux HOWTO coordinator,
     158Guylhem AZNAR <email></email>.
     162<sect2 id=thanks><title>Aknowledgements</title>
     164<para>Thanks goes to these people for helping and adding to this
     167<para>Document maintainer:</para>
     168<itemizedlist mark="bullet" spacing="Compact">
     170<para>Bruno Cornec</para>
     173<para>Original Design Assistance by:</para>
     179<para>Original Document Assistance by:</para>
     188<para>Randy Delfs</para>
     191<para>Mikael Hultgren</para>
     194<para>Original LinuxDoc and LaTeX Reformat by:</para>
     197<para>Bryan J. Smith</para>
     200<para>Original DocBook Reformat by:</para>
     203<para>Mikael Hultgren</para>
     206<para>Original author; 1.6x material:</para>
     209<para>Hugo Rabson</para>
     215<sect1 id="quickstart"><title>QuickStart</title>
     216<itemizedlist mark="bullet" spacing="Compact">
     218<para>We recommend that you read this complete
     219HOWTO. However, if you are too busy or impatient, then
     220please use this QuickStart guide to stay out of trouble.</para>
     223<para>Install the tarball, RPM, or DEB mindi and mondo
     224packages. (see <xref linkend="installation">Installation</xref>
     225for more details)</para>
     228<para>Execute as root (type 'su -' to become root if you are not
     229logged in as root)</para>
     232<informaltable><tgroup cols="1"><tbody>
     236bash# mondoarchive
     246<informaltable><tgroup cols="2"><tbody>
     249<ulink url="images/mamain.png"><inlinemediaobject><imageobject>
     250<imagedata fileref="images/mamain-mini.png">
     255Choose from the list of supported backup media types. The media you
     256will use most often are CD/DVD-+R, CD/DVD-+RW, tape, NFS and hard disk. If
     257you want to backup/restore over a network, choose 'NFS'. If you
     258want to backup/restore to/from a local partition or if you simply
     259want to store the ISO images in a local directory until you have
     260time or facilities to burn them to CD's, choose 'hard disk'. If you
     261choose 'CD/DVD-R[W]' or 'tape' then in general your hardware will be
     262detected and configured for you.
     267<ulink url="images/maburnproof.png"><inlinemediaobject><imageobject>
     268<imagedata fileref="images/maburnproof-mini.png">
     273        If you are backing up to CD/DVD-+R[W] then Mondo will ask you if your CD
     274burner has BurnProof technology, is inside a laptop, or is
     275otherwise eccentric. If you are backing up to a tape streamer then
     276you will not see this message.
     281<ulink url="images/macompression.png"><inlinemediaobject><imageobject>
     282<imagedata fileref="images/macompression-mini.png">
     287How much compression do you want? None, if your tape streamer has
     288built-in hardware compression. Maximum, if your CPU is blazingly
     289fast. Average should do just fine for most situations.
     294<ulink url="images/mainclude.png"><inlinemediaobject><imageobject>
     295<imagedata fileref="images/mainclude-mini.png">
     300If you want to backup the whole computer (excluding /tmp and /proc,
     301naturally) then leave this as / which is the default. Otherwise,
     302specify subsets, (e.g. /usr/local /home ) being sure to put a space
     303in between each path.
     308<ulink url="images/maexclude.png"><inlinemediaobject><imageobject>
     309<imagedata fileref="images/maexclude-mini.png">
     314If you are backing up your whole computer then you might want to
     315exclude certain directories, e.g. /shared/MP3. Please specify them
     316in the 'exclude directories' dialog box. Please put a space in
     317between each path, e.g. /shared/private /scratch /nfs /windows
     322<ulink url="images/makernel.png"><inlinemediaobject><imageobject>
     323<imagedata fileref="images/makernel-mini.png">
     328Is your kernel sane? Red Hat, Mandrake, SuSE, Debian and Slackware users
     329should in general say 'yes' because these vendors are good at
     330producing reliable kernels. If you are using Gentoo or LFS
     331then your kernel might be non-standard, in which case say 'no' to
     332use Mondo's failsafe kernel.
     337<ulink url="images/maverifyq.png"><inlinemediaobject><imageobject>
     338<imagedata fileref="images/maverifyq-mini.png">
     343If you want to verify the archives after writing them to media, say
     344'yes' here. If you have absolute faith in your hardware and your
     345Linux distribution, say 'no'... and a little prayer.
     350<ulink url="images/maproceedq.png"><inlinemediaobject><imageobject>
     351<imagedata fileref="images/maproceedq-mini.png">
     356If you are sure you want to go ahead, say 'yes' and find something
     357else to do while Mondo backs up your computer. If you say 'no' then
     358you will be unceremoniously dumped at the shell prompt. :-)
     363<ulink url="images/1.png"><inlinemediaobject><imageobject>
     364<imagedata fileref="images/1-mini.png">
     369The backup process will now commence. There are some pre-backup
     370tasks to be carried out first but the backup is essentially
     371underway. To simplify the backup process, you were asked a series
     372of questions. Next time, if you like, you could call mondoarchive
     373with various command-line switches to control its behavior, instead
     374of answering a series of questions. See the man page for details.
     379<ulink url="images/3.png"><inlinemediaobject><imageobject>
     380<imagedata fileref="images/3-mini.png">
     385Mondo will make a catalog of all files to be backed up. This may
     386take up to five minutes. The list of files will be divided into
     387sets, approximately 4 MB (before compression) of files per set.
     388This typically takes one minute.
     393<ulink url="images/4.png"><inlinemediaobject><imageobject>
     394<imagedata fileref="images/1-mini.png">
     399Mondo calls Mindi. Mindi generates bootable floppy disk images and
     400auxiliary data disk images which are based on your existing Linux
     401distribution and filesystem. That way, you can be sure Mondo's
     402tools will be compatible with your existing filesystems and
     403binaries: Mondo's tools are your tools. Mindi takes up to five
     404minutes to run.
     409<ulink url="images/5tape.png"><inlinemediaobject><imageobject>
     410<imagedata fileref="images/5tape-mini.png">
     415Finally, Mondo begins backing up your computer. This process may
     416take a few minutes or a few hours, depending on how much data you
     417are archiving, how fast your CPU is, how much RAM you have, and so
     418on. It will backup your regular files and then your large files
     419(files larger than approximately 32MB). If you have opted to verify
     420your backups, Mondo will do that too.
     425<ulink url="images/10cd.png"><inlinemediaobject><imageobject>
     426<imagedata fileref="images/10cd-mini.png">
     431Do you want to create a boot floppy at the end? Yes, if you're a
     432tape or NFS user. No, if you are using CD/DVD-R[W]'s and your computer
     433supports bootable CD's. Tape users only need one floppy but other
     434users may need more. Mondo will advise accordingly.
     441<para>Try to boot from the first CD of the backup (or the first
     442floppy, if you made floppies). Choose 'Compare Mode' by typing
     443compare at the boot screen.</para>
     446<para>If you can boot, fine. If not, make a Mindi "Test" CD to
     447checkout the compatibility of your system. (see
     448<xref linkend="testingmindi">Testing Mindi</xref> for more
     449details). Remove the CD/floppy; boot your computer as usual;
     450execute as root</para>
     452<informaltable><tgroup cols="1"><tbody>
     456        bash# mindi
     457        bash# cd /root/images/mindi
     463<para>(for CD-R)</para>
     465<informaltable><tgroup cols="1"><tbody>
     469bash# cdrecord dev=0,0,0 speed=4 -eject -v mindi.iso
     475<para>(for CD-RW)</para>
     477<informaltable><tgroup cols="1"><tbody>
     481bash# cdrecord dev=0,0,0 speed=4 blank=fast -eject -v mindi.iso
     487<para>Reboot your system with the created Mindi CD, with the BIOS
     488set to boot from CD. If the result is a command line in 'Expert'
     489mode, your system checks out. Remove the CD and reboot your
     493<para>If you still cannot boot from Mindi's CD then please e-mail
     494the <xref linkend="feedback">mailing list</xref> for help.
     498<para>When making a backup on a live system, there will always be
     499processes running that will write out data on the system after you
     500have made the backup and before you have made the compare, this
     501will result in difference showing up when comparing your backup.
     502For a full explanation and what can be done to avoid this, please
     503read this section.</para>
     506        <listitem>
     507<para>This QuickStart covers the ideal case. Upon receiving any
     508system feedback/errors, read each related HOWTO section.</para>
     509<para>Example 2-1. A test backup of your /home directory to CD-Rs
     510using the command line</para>
     512<informaltable><tgroup cols="1"><tbody>
     516bash# mondoarchive -OVc 4 -I /home -gF
     522<para>The 'c' means you must be writing to CD-Rs, not CD-RWs (the
     523latter would require 'w' instead of 'c'). The '4' is the speed of
     524your CD writer. The string after -I is the path to be backed up.
     525The '-gF' means you are going to see the pretty yellow-on-blue
     526screen instead of the boring white-on-black screen. :) It also
     527means Mondo will not offer to create physical boot floppies for
     528you. It is assumed that you are able to boot from the CD which
     529Mondo has generated.</para>
     530<para>Example 2-2. A backup of your whole filesystem to NFS using
     531the command line</para>
     533<informaltable><tgroup cols="1"><tbody>
     537        bash# mkdir -p /mnt/nfs
     538        bash# mount /mnt/nfs
     539        bash# mondoarchive -OVn -gF[...]
     540        bash# umount /mnt/nfs
     541        bash# cdrecord dev=0,0,0 speed=4 -eject -v /root/images/mindi/mindi.iso
     547<para>Note that you have to mount the NFS partition, backup to it,
     548unmount it, and create a boot CD to allow you to restore from
     549scratch if necessary. To reassure yourself that you will be able to
     550restore from the NFS share even if your PC is wiped, please boot
     551from the Mindi CD and type 'compare'. The on-screen instructions
     552from that point on should be sufficient.</para>
     553<para>Example 2-3. A backup of your whole
     554filesystem to tape using the command line</para>
     556<informaltable><tgroup cols="1"><tbody>
     560bash# mondoarchive -OVt -d /dev/st0 -9 -L -g
     566<para>In this case, we assume Syslinux is incompatible with your
     567boot media. For some reason, some BIOSes just don't like Syslinux.
     568If you find this to be the case for your computer, please use '-L'
     569to force Mondo to use LILO instead of Syslinux as the boot loader
     570for its CD/floppies. (NB: This has nothing to do with which boot
     571loader your hard drive uses.) Also, it is a good habit to specify
     572your tape streamer with '-d &lt;device&gt;'. You don't usually need
     573to but it's good to be on the safe side. Some computers call your
     574tape streamer /dev/osst0, some call it /dev/ftape, ...</para>
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