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r2647 r2648 14 14 mrmini: tool to create MondoRescue mini distribution 15 15 16 Mindi design:16 mrmini design: 17 17 18 18 Goal is to create a bootable env contaning everything suited for DR/Cloning from the running system -
r2541 r2648 7 7 # DO NOT CHANGE THAT FILE IN ANYWAY AS ITS MD5 SUM IS USED AS A CHECK !! 8 8 # Anyway changing some values in your own configuration file may render 9 # m indi instable or cause failures. Use with care.9 # mrmini instable or cause failures. Use with care. 10 10 11 11 # Temporary directory 12 12 # Under it a temporary directory will be created to host all 13 # temporary files for m indi. That subdirectory is erased at the end of mindi13 # temporary files for mrmini. That subdirectory is erased at the end of mrmini 14 14 # 15 15 mr_tmp_dir default = /tmp -
r2647 r2648 1 1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w 2 2 # 3 # Mindi subroutines related to LVM brought by the MondoRescue project3 # Subroutines related to LVM brought by the MondoRescue project 4 4 # 5 5 # $Id$ -
r2540 r2648 38 38 39 39 echo "Copying files ..." 40 #cp -af rootfs $sublocallib/mindi41 #chmod 755 $sublocallib/mindi/rootfs/sbin/*42 #install -m 644 msg-txt dev.tgz $sublocallib/mindi43 #install -m 644 deplist.txt udev.files proliant.files $conf44 45 40 cp etc/PBPROJ.conf $conf 46 41 cat > $HEAD$PERLDIR/MondoRescue/DynConf.pm << EOF -
r2558 r2648 25 25 =head1 NAME 26 26 27 mranalyze-lvm - A M indiTool to analyze the LVM configuration and store it27 mranalyze-lvm - A MondoRescue Tool to analyze the LVM configuration and store it 28 28 29 29 =head1 DESCRIPTION … … 123 123 # Global variables 124 124 # 125 my $M INDI_VERSION = "PBVER-rPBREV";126 my $M INDI_PREFIX = "PBPREFIX";127 my $M INDI_CONF = "PBCONF";128 my $M INDI_LIB = "PBLIB";129 my $M INDI_SBIN = "$MINDI_PREFIX/sbin";125 my $MRMINI_VERSION = "PBVER-rPBREV"; 126 my $MRMINI_PREFIX = "PBPREFIX"; 127 my $MRMINI_CONF = "PBCONF"; 128 my $MRMINI_LIB = "PBLIB"; 129 my $MRMINI_SBIN = "$MRMINI_PREFIX/sbin"; 130 130 131 131 # Init -
r2541 r2648 25 25 =head1 NAME 26 26 27 mrcheck-lvm - A M indiTool to check the LVM basic info27 mrcheck-lvm - A MondoRescue Tool to check the LVM basic info 28 28 29 29 =head1 DESCRIPTION … … 123 123 # Global variables 124 124 # 125 my $M INDI_VERSION = "PBVER-rPBREV";126 my $M INDI_PREFIX = "PBPREFIX";127 my $M INDI_CONF = "PBCONF";128 my $M INDI_LIB = "PBLIB";129 my $M INDI_SBIN = "$MINDI_PREFIX/sbin";125 my $MRMINI_VERSION = "PBVER-rPBREV"; 126 my $MRMINI_PREFIX = "PBPREFIX"; 127 my $MRMINI_CONF = "PBCONF"; 128 my $MRMINI_LIB = "PBLIB"; 129 my $MRMINI_SBIN = "$MRMINI_PREFIX/sbin"; 130 130 131 131 # Init -
r2149 r2648 1 M INDI LINUX INSTALL 10/21/20021 MRMINI Installation instructions 2 2 3 To install, please download the tarball to /tmp and then type:- 4 # cd /tmp 5 # tar -zxvf mindi-0.6x.tgz 6 # cd mindi-0.6x 7 # ./install.sh 3 Run: 8 4 9 Or install the RPM:- 10 # rpm -i mindi-0.7x-y.i386.rpm 11 12 Replace 'x' with the last digit of the latest version (e.g. '0' of 0.70). 13 Replace 'y' with the revision# (e.g. '1' of '0.70-1.i386.rpm'). 14 15 To run the program, type:- 16 # mindi 17 18 Mindi will:- 19 - locate your kernel and modules 20 - put together a package of all the tools you are likely to need 21 - generate some floppy disk images 22 - offer to write the images to disks for you 23 24 To add files to the dependency list, you may edit 25 /etc/deplist.txt before running Mindi. 26 27 Problems? Questions? Comments? E-mail the mailing list. :) If you are reporting 28 a bug or a problem then please e-mail a copy of /var/log/mindi.log to the 29 mailing list or I shall be unable to help. PLEASE read the FAQ, the manual 30 and the mailing list before you e-mail me. Thanks. 31 32 Hugo Rabson 33 <hugo@firstlinux.net> 34 5 perl Makefile.PL 6 make 7 make install -
r2646 r2648 14 14 #Template => 0, 15 15 }, # e.g., Module::Name => 1.1 16 #ABSTRACT_FROM => 'sbin/mrmin di', # retrieve abstract from module16 #ABSTRACT_FROM => 'sbin/mrmini', # retrieve abstract from module 17 17 AUTHOR => 'Bruno Cornec <bruno#mondorescue.org>', 18 EXE_FILES => [ qw( sbin/mrmin di sbin/mrprepare-lvm ) ],18 EXE_FILES => [ qw( sbin/mrmini sbin/mrprepare-lvm ) ], 19 19 MAN1PODS => { 20 'sbin/mrmin di' => '$(INST_MAN1DIR)/mrmindi.$(MAN1EXT)',20 'sbin/mrmini' => '$(INST_MAN1DIR)/mrmini.$(MAN1EXT)', 21 21 'sbin/mrprepare-lvm' => '$(INST_MAN1DIR)/mrprepare-lvm.$(MAN1EXT)', 22 22 }, 23 23 #MAN3PODS => { 24 #'lib/MondoRescue/Min di/LVM.pm' => '$(INST_MAN3DIR)/MondoRescue::Mindi::LVM.$(MAN3EXT)',24 #'lib/MondoRescue/Mini/LVM.pm' => '$(INST_MAN3DIR)/MondoRescue::Mini::LVM.$(MAN3EXT)', 25 25 #}, 26 26 ); -
r2149 r2648 2 2 ============ 3 3 4 MondoRescue is the premier GPL disaster recoverysuite for Linux/FreeBSD.4 MondoRescue is a GPL disaster recovery and cloning suite for Linux/FreeBSD. 5 5 6 This is the Mindi part of MondoRescue. Mindi is responsible for creating boot6 This is the mrmini part of MondoRescue. mrmini is responsible for creating boot 7 7 media used by MondoRescue. The part of MondoReccue responsible carrying out the 8 actual backups and restores is called Mondoand available as a separate8 actual backups and restores is called mrarchive and available as a separate 9 9 package. 10 11 MondoRescue is reliable. It backs up your server or workstation to tape, CD-R,12 CD-RW, DVD, NFS or hard disk partition. In the event of catastrophic data loss,13 you will be able to restore all of your data [or as much as you want], from14 bare metal if necessary. MondoRescue is in use by numerous blue-chip15 enterprises and large organizations, dozens of smaller companies, and tens of16 thousands of users.17 18 MondoRescue is comprehensive. MondoRescue supports LVM, RAID, ext2, ext3, ext4,19 JFS, XFS, ReiserFS, VFAT, and can support additional file systems easily. It20 supports adjustments in disk geometry, including migration from non-RAID to21 RAID. MondoRescue runs on all major Linux distributions and FreeBSD and is22 getting better all the time. You may even use it to backup non-Linux23 partitions, such as NTFS.24 25 10 26 11 Installation … … 30 15 ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org 31 16 32 Please see file 'INSTALL' for instructions about how to build and install 33 Mindi. Note that your distribution may already contain MondoRescue, so all you 34 may have to do is install the mindi package and you are all set. 17 Please see file 'INSTALL' for instructions about how to build and install mrmini. 35 18 36 19 … … 40 23 Various documentation is available on the MondoRescue website at 41 24 http://www.mondorescue.org/docs/docs.html. This documentation may also be 42 available locally under /usr/share/doc/m ondo-<version> or similar (or under25 available locally under /usr/share/doc/mrmini-<version> or similar (or under 43 26 /usr/local). 44 27 45 Further to that, there is a manpage for m indi(8).28 Further to that, there is a manpage for mrmini(8). 46 29 47 30 -
r2149 r2648 1 README for mondo/m indi usage with tools to backup Hardware configuration1 README for mondo/mrmini usage with tools to backup Hardware configuration 2 2 3 3 Some Hardware Manufacturers such as HP provide tools to store the Hardware configuration of their systems, such as the BIOS setup, the RAID setup, ... 4 4 5 Mindi has a script able to store the Hardware configuration and those parameters may be restored before launching mondorestore during the boot phase computed by mindi, in order to re-setup the machine as the original one.5 mrmini has a script able to store the Hardware configuration and those parameters may be restored before launching mondorestore during the boot phase computed by mrmini, in order to re-setup the machine as the original one. 6 6 7 7 For the moment, only HP Proliant systems are supported. If you have tools to allow support for other type of machines, feel free to contribute patches to that script. 8 8 9 If you have a Proliant system you first need to get the Smart Start Scripting Toolkit. Due to licenses issues, m indi cannot provide those tools itself. You need to get them from http://www.hp.com/servers/sstoolkit9 If you have a Proliant system you first need to get the Smart Start Scripting Toolkit. Due to licenses issues, mrmini cannot provide those tools itself. You need to get them from http://www.hp.com/servers/sstoolkit 10 10 11 Mindi expects to find those tools under /usr/local/bin as described in the deplist.d/proliant.conf configuration file. Here are the steps to set it up correctly:11 mrmini expects to find those tools under /usr/local/bin as described in the deplist.d/proliant.conf configuration file. Here are the steps to set it up correctly: 12 12 13 13 Older URL: … … 30 30 31 31 You're now ready to check your configuration by running: 32 m indi-bkphw /var/cache/mindi /etc/mindi32 mrmini-bkphw /var/cache/mrmini /etc/mrmini 33 33 [First parameter is the directory where files will be generated, 34 34 Second parameter is the directory of the file proliant.files is located] -
r2149 r2648 1 README for mondo/mindi usage on ia64 1 $Id$ 2 2 3 Linux distributions on ia64 uses a different file table format than on i386, called GPT instead of MBR. The fdisk command used by mindi/mondo to determine all aspects related to the disc hasn't been adapted yet to handle GPT. Only the parted command is able to do it. 3 README for mondo/mrmini usage on ia64 4 4 5 So a perl script called parted2fdisk.pl was written that will take as input all the order that mindi/mondo pass to fdisk, translate them to be given to parted and print the result in fdisk format. So this is a filter allowing fdisk replacement. It's only used on ia64. On other archs, parted2fdisk is a link to fdisk.5 Linux distributions on ia64 uses a different file table format than on i386, called GPT instead of MBR. The fdisk command used by mrmini/mondo to determine all aspects related to the disc hasn't been adapted yet to handle GPT. Only the parted command is able to do it. 6 6 7 Thus mindi/mondo launched by root will pass all their call to parted2fdisk instead of the real fdisk, and be able to support the GPT format. It will call fdisk and parted for its work. 7 So a perl script called parted2fdisk.pl was written that will take as input all the order that mrmini/mondo pass to fdisk, translate them to be given to parted and print the result in fdisk format. So this is a filter allowing fdisk replacement. It's only used on ia64. On other archs, parted2fdisk is a link to fdisk. 8 9 Thus mrmini/mondo launched by root will pass all their call to parted2fdisk instead of the real fdisk, and be able to support the GPT format. It will call fdisk and parted for its work. 8 10 9 11 To get it on the system to restore, please do the following as root: … … 19 21 Note that parted2fdisk.pl supports currently only the -l and -s options as well as the commands p,n,d,w,t,a,q 20 22 21 On Itanium systems you won't generally find an installed isolinux.bin file which is required by m indi to create the bootable images. You'll generally have to take an i386 package for your distribution and install it on your itanium system so that you provide the required missing file.23 On Itanium systems you won't generally find an installed isolinux.bin file which is required by mrmini to create the bootable images. You'll generally have to take an i386 package for your distribution and install it on your itanium system so that you provide the required missing file. 22 24 23 25 On SLES 10, fdisk is nor provided anymore. You'll have to rebuild the util-linux package by desactivating fdisk removal in the spec file. -
r2149 r2648 1 1 $Id$ 2 2 3 README for mondo/m indi usage with PXE3 README for mondo/mrmini usage with PXE 4 4 5 5 mondorescue now supports the possibility to deploy mondo-images using the Pre eXecution Environment (PXE) standard. -
r2540 r2648 7 7 # DO NOT CHANGE THAT FILE IN ANYWAY AS ITS MD5 SUM IS USED AS A CHECK !! 8 8 # Anyway changing some values in your own configuration file may render 9 # m indi instable or cause failures. Use with care.9 # mrmini instable or cause failures. Use with care. 10 10 11 11 # 12 12 # Extra space for Ram disk 13 13 # 14 mr_extra_space m indi = 2457614 mr_extra_space mrmini = 24576 15 15 16 16 # 17 17 # Size of the boot image 18 18 # 19 mr_boot_size m indi = 1638419 mr_boot_size mrmini = 16384 20 20 21 21 # 22 # deplist file name (stored in $M INDI_CONF)22 # deplist file name (stored in $MRMINI_CONF) 23 23 # 24 mr_deplist_file m indi = deplist.txt24 mr_deplist_file mrmini = deplist.txt 25 25 26 26 # 27 # Write m indi CD (true|false) ?27 # Write mrmini CD (true|false) ? 28 28 # 29 mr_boot_cd m indi = true29 mr_boot_cd mrmini = true 30 30 31 31 # 32 # Write m indi USB (true|false) ?32 # Write mrmini USB (true|false) ? 33 33 # 34 mr_boot_usb m indi = false34 mr_boot_usb mrmini = false 35 35 36 36 # 37 # Write m indi Tape (true|false) ?37 # Write mrmini Tape (true|false) ? 38 38 # 39 mr_boot_tape m indi = false39 mr_boot_tape mrmini = false 40 40 41 41 # … … 45 45 # what it needs to create it rescue media 46 46 # 47 mr_cache_dir m indi = /var/cache/mindi47 mr_cache_dir mrmini = /var/cache/mrmini 48 48 mr_cache_dir mondoarchive = /var/cache/mondo 49 49 … … 60 60 # 61 61 # Additional Boot Parameters 62 # You may want to remove acpi=off if you're unable to reboot on m indi's CD62 # You may want to remove acpi=off if you're unable to reboot on mrmini's CD 63 63 # You may want to add ramdisk_size=1024 if on Fedora Core 5/6 64 64 # 65 mr_boot_params m indi = acpi=off apm=off devfs=nomount exec-shield=0 noresume selinux=0 barrier mindi = off65 mr_boot_params mrmini = acpi=off apm=off devfs=nomount exec-shield=0 noresume selinux=0 barrier 66 66 67 67 # … … 69 69 # 70 70 mr_kernel default = NATIVE 71 #mr_kernel m indi = /boot/vmlinuz.special71 #mr_kernel mrmini = /boot/vmlinuz.special 72 72 73 73 # 74 # Modules supported by m indi and required at boot time74 # Modules supported by mrmini and required at boot time 75 75 # 76 mr_scsi_mods m indi = 3w-xxxx 3w_xxxx 53c7,8xx a100u2w a320raid aacraid advansys aha152x aha1542 aha1740 aic79xx aic79xx_mod aic7xxx aic7xxx_mod aic7xxx_old AM53C974 atp870u BusLogic cciss cpqfc dmx3191d dpt_i2o dtc eata eata_dma eata_pio fdomain gdth g_NCR5380 i2o_block i2o_core ide-scsi ieee1394 imm in2000 initio ips iscsi isp megaraid mptbase mptscsih mptsas mptspi mptfc mptscsi mptctl NCR53c406a ncr53c8xx nsp32 pas16 pci2000 pci2220i pcmcia ppa psi240i qla1280 qla2200 qla2300 qlogicfas qlogicfc qlogicisp raw1394 scsi_debug scsi_mod sd_mod seagate sg sim710 sr_mod sym53c416 sym53c8xx sym53c8xx_2 t128 tmscsim u14-34f ultrastor wd7000 vmhgfs77 mr_ide_mods m indi = ide ide-generic ide-detect ide-mod ide-disk ide-cd ide_cd ide-cs ide-core ide_core edd paride ata_piix libata via82cxxx generic nvidia ahci sata_nv cmd64x78 mr_usb_mods m indi = usb-storage usb-ohci usb-uhci usbcore usb_storage hid uhci_hcd ehci_hcd uhci-hcd ehci-hcd ohci-hcd ohci_hcd usbkbd usbhid79 mr_pcmcia_mods m indi = pcmcia_core ds yenta_socket80 mr_cdrom_mods m indi = cdrom isocd isofs inflate_fs nls_iso8859-1 nls_cp437 sg sr_mod zlib_inflate81 mr_tape_mods m indi = ht st osst ide-tape ide_tape82 mr_floppy_mods m indi = ide-floppy floppy83 mr_net_mods m indi = sunrpc nfs nfs_acl lockd loop mii 3c59x e100 bcm5700 bnx2 e1000 eepro100 ne2k-pci tg3 pcnet32 8139cp 8139too 8390 vmxnet vmnet84 mr_extra_mods m indi = vfat fat loop md-mod linear raid0 raid1 xor raid5 lvm-mod dm-mod dm-snapshot dm-zero dm-mirror jfs xfs xfs_support pagebuf reiserfs ext2 ext3 minix nfs nfs_acl nfsd lockd sunrpc jbd mbcache76 mr_scsi_mods mrmini = 3w-xxxx 3w_xxxx 53c7,8xx a100u2w a320raid aacraid advansys aha152x aha1542 aha1740 aic79xx aic79xx_mod aic7xxx aic7xxx_mod aic7xxx_old AM53C974 atp870u BusLogic cciss cpqfc dmx3191d dpt_i2o dtc eata eata_dma eata_pio fdomain gdth g_NCR5380 i2o_block i2o_core ide-scsi ieee1394 imm in2000 initio ips iscsi isp megaraid mptbase mptscsih mptsas mptspi mptfc mptscsi mptctl NCR53c406a ncr53c8xx nsp32 pas16 pci2000 pci2220i pcmcia ppa psi240i qla1280 qla2200 qla2300 qlogicfas qlogicfc qlogicisp raw1394 scsi_debug scsi_mod sd_mod seagate sg sim710 sr_mod sym53c416 sym53c8xx sym53c8xx_2 t128 tmscsim u14-34f ultrastor wd7000 vmhgfs 77 mr_ide_mods mrmini = ide ide-generic ide-detect ide-mod ide-disk ide-cd ide_cd ide-cs ide-core ide_core edd paride ata_piix libata via82cxxx generic nvidia ahci sata_nv cmd64x 78 mr_usb_mods mrmini = usb-storage usb-ohci usb-uhci usbcore usb_storage hid uhci_hcd ehci_hcd uhci-hcd ehci-hcd ohci-hcd ohci_hcd usbkbd usbhid 79 mr_pcmcia_mods mrmini = pcmcia_core ds yenta_socket 80 mr_cdrom_mods mrmini = cdrom isocd isofs inflate_fs nls_iso8859-1 nls_cp437 sg sr_mod zlib_inflate 81 mr_tape_mods mrmini = ht st osst ide-tape ide_tape 82 mr_floppy_mods mrmini = ide-floppy floppy 83 mr_net_mods mrmini = sunrpc nfs nfs_acl lockd loop mii 3c59x e100 bcm5700 bnx2 e1000 eepro100 ne2k-pci tg3 pcnet32 8139cp 8139too 8390 vmxnet vmnet 84 mr_extra_mods mrmini = vfat fat loop md-mod linear raid0 raid1 xor raid5 lvm-mod dm-mod dm-snapshot dm-zero dm-mirror jfs xfs xfs_support pagebuf reiserfs ext2 ext3 minix nfs nfs_acl nfsd lockd sunrpc jbd mbcache 85 85 # 86 86 # Additional modules to support 87 87 # (white space separated list of modules) 88 88 # 89 mr_force_mods m indi =90 mr deny_mods m indi =89 mr_force_mods mrmini = 90 mr deny_mods mrmini = 91 91 92 92 # … … 98 98 # Location of the logfile 99 99 # 100 mr_log_file m indi = /var/log/mindi.log100 mr_log_file mrmini = /var/log/mrmini.log 101 101 mr_log_file mondoarchive = /var/log/mondoarchive.log 102 102 mr_log_file mondorestore = /var/log/mondorestore.log … … 105 105 # Interactive mode (true|false) 106 106 # 107 mr_interactive m indi = true107 mr_interactive mrmini = true 108 108 109 109 # 110 110 # Boot message shown during media boot 111 111 # 112 mr_boot_msg m indi = \112 mr_boot_msg mrmini = \ 113 113 To format and restore all files automatically, type 'nuke' <enter>.\n\ 114 114 To restore some/all files interactively, type 'interactive' <enter>.\n\ -
r2540 r2648 29 29 sublocallib="$local/lib/PBPKG" 30 30 31 M INDIVER=PBVER32 M INDIREV=PBREV31 MRMINIVER=PBVER 32 MRMINIREV=PBREV 33 33 ARCH=`/bin/uname -m` 34 echo "PBPKG ${M INDIVER}-r${MINDIREV} will be installed under $local"34 echo "PBPKG ${MRMINIVER}-r${MRMINIREV} will be installed under $local" 35 35 36 36 echo "Creating target directories ..." … … 44 44 #install -m 644 deplist.txt udev.files proliant.files $conf 45 45 46 # Substitute variables for m indi47 sed -i -e "s~^M INDI_PREFIX=XXX~MINDI_PREFIX=$sublocal~" -e "s~^MINDI_CONF=YYY~MINDI_CONF=$subconf~" -e "s~^MINDI_LIB=LLL~MINDI_LIB=$sublocallib~" $local/bin/PBPKG48 #sed -i -e "s~= "YYY"~= "$subconf"~" $local/bin/m indi-bkphw46 # Substitute variables for mrmini 47 sed -i -e "s~^MRMINI_PREFIX=XXX~MRMINI_PREFIX=$sublocal~" -e "s~^MRMINI_CONF=YYY~MRMINI_CONF=$subconf~" -e "s~^MRMINI_LIB=LLL~MRMINI_LIB=$sublocallib~" $local/bin/PBPKG 48 #sed -i -e "s~= "YYY"~= "$subconf"~" $local/bin/mrmini-bkphw 49 49 50 if [ "$PKGBUILDM INDI" != "true" ]; then50 if [ "$PKGBUILDMRMINI" != "true" ]; then 51 51 chown -R root:root $sublocallib $conf 52 52 fi -
r2466 r2648 33 33 34 34 mkdir $bkpdir,0755 if (! -d $bkpdir) ; 35 open(SYSTEM,"$dmidecode->{$pbproj} -s 'system-product-name' 2> /dev/null |") || die "You need a functional $dmidecode->{$pbproj} for m indi hardware support";35 open(SYSTEM,"$dmidecode->{$pbproj} -s 'system-product-name' 2> /dev/null |") || die "You need a functional $dmidecode->{$pbproj} for mrmini hardware support"; 36 36 my $productname = <SYSTEM>; 37 37 close(SYSTEM); … … 42 42 if ($productname =~ /proliant/i) { 43 43 print "Detected a $productname. Nice. Continue to support my job :-)\n"; 44 print "Activating Proliant support for m indi\n";44 print "Activating Proliant support for mrmini\n"; 45 45 open(PROLIANT,"$confdir/proliant.files") || die "Unable to open $confdir/proliant.files"; 46 46 open(TOOLS,"> $bkpdir/../tools.files") || die "Unable to open $bkpdir/../tools.files"; 47 open(SCRIPT,"> $bkpdir/../m indi-rsthw") || die "Unable to open $bkpdir/../mindi-rsthw";47 open(SCRIPT,"> $bkpdir/../mrmini-rsthw") || die "Unable to open $bkpdir/../mrmini-rsthw"; 48 48 print SCRIPT << 'EOF'; 49 49 #!/bin/bash … … 65 65 $tooldir = dirname($tool); 66 66 if (! (-e $tool)) { 67 print "You should install the SmartStart Scripting toolkit tool $tool\nto benefit from m indi's enhanced hardware support\n";67 print "You should install the SmartStart Scripting toolkit tool $tool\nto benefit from mrmini's enhanced hardware support\n"; 68 68 print "Get it from http://www.hp.com/servers/sstoolkit\n"; 69 69 next; 70 70 } else { 71 print "Found $tool, activating enhanced HP Proliant support in m indi\n";71 print "Found $tool, activating enhanced HP Proliant support in mrmini\n"; 72 72 print TOOLS "$tool\n"; 73 73 } … … 100 100 } else { 101 101 print "\nWARNING: No Hardware support for $productname. Not a big issue, just less features and risks ;-)\n"; 102 print "You may ask your manufacturer to contribute to the m indi project\n";102 print "You may ask your manufacturer to contribute to the mrmini project\n"; 103 103 } 104 104 rmdir $bkpdir if (-d $bkpdir) ; -
r2646 r2648 1 1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w 2 2 # 3 # Mindi main application3 # mrmini main application 4 4 # Mini-distribution maker for the MondoRescue project 5 5 # … … 37 37 =head1 NAME 38 38 39 Mindi - Tool to create a boot environment from a distribution39 mrmini - Tool to create a boot environment from a distribution 40 40 41 41 =head1 DESCRIPTION 42 42 43 B<m indi> creates a bootable ISO/USB image using files from the system it runs on. B<mindi> will try hard to reproduce the environment of its host system including loaded modules to ensure that the system can be booted properly from the created rescue media. B<mindi> is used by monodarchive(8) to produce the required USB/ISO images but can also be used stand-alone.44 45 For stand-alone usage, B<m indi> may be called without any parameters or switches. It will then interactively ask the user for all information required to create a set of boot/root media. Options on the command line or a configuration file can also be used to alter the way B<mindi> is working46 47 The probably more frequent way of calling B<m indi> is non-interactively from mondoarchive(8) using a dedicated configuration file.43 B<mrmini> creates a bootable ISO/USB image using files from the system it runs on. B<mrmini> will try hard to reproduce the environment of its host system including loaded modules to ensure that the system can be booted properly from the created rescue media. B<mrmini> is used by monodarchive(8) to produce the required USB/ISO images but can also be used stand-alone. 44 45 For stand-alone usage, B<mrmini> may be called without any parameters or switches. It will then interactively ask the user for all information required to create a set of boot/root media. Options on the command line or a configuration file can also be used to alter the way B<mrmini> is working 46 47 The probably more frequent way of calling B<mrmini> is non-interactively from mondoarchive(8) using a dedicated configuration file. 48 48 49 49 =head1 SYNOPSIS 50 50 51 m indi [-v]|[-q]|[-h]|[--man]51 mrmini [-v]|[-q]|[-h]|[--man] 52 52 53 53 =head1 OPTIONS … … 122 122 =item B<-V|--version> 123 123 124 Display m indi version and exit124 Display mrmini version and exit 125 125 126 126 =cut … … 159 159 160 160 # mrcachedir points to the directory where the tool will store generated content 161 # If not defined, mrcachedir is under /var/cache/m indi162 mrcachedir m indi = /var/cache/mindi163 164 Also look at man m indi.conf161 # If not defined, mrcachedir is under /var/cache/mrmini 162 mrcachedir mrmini = /var/cache/mrmini 163 164 Also look at man mrmini.conf 165 165 166 166 =head1 AUTHORS … … 170 170 =head1 COPYRIGHT 171 171 172 Mindi is distributed under the GPL v2.0 license172 mrmini is distributed under the GPL v2.0 license 173 173 described in the file C<COPYING> included with the distribution. 174 174 … … 179 179 # Initialize the syntax string 180 180 181 pb_syntax_init("m indi Version PBVER-rPBREV\n");181 pb_syntax_init("mrmini Version PBVER-rPBREV\n"); 182 182 pb_display_init("text",""); 183 183 … … 215 215 # Global variables 216 216 # 217 my $M INDI_VERSION = "PBVER-rPBREV";218 my $M INDI_PREFIX = "XXX";219 my $M INDI_CONF = "YYY";220 my $M INDI_LIB = "LLL";221 my $M INDI_SBIN = "$MINDI_PREFIX/sbin";222 my $M INDI_FDISK = "$MINDI_SBIN/parted2fdik";223 my $M INDI_DEPLIST = "$MINDI_CONF/deplist.d";217 my $MRMINI_VERSION = "PBVER-rPBREV"; 218 my $MRMINI_PREFIX = "XXX"; 219 my $MRMINI_CONF = "YYY"; 220 my $MRMINI_LIB = "LLL"; 221 my $MRMINI_SBIN = "$MRMINI_PREFIX/sbin"; 222 my $MRMINI_FDISK = "$MRMINI_SBIN/parted2fdik"; 223 my $MRMINI_DEPLIST = "$MRMINI_CONF/deplist.d"; 224 224 # Better ? 225 225 my $ARCH = `uname -m`; … … 233 233 # 234 234 # Conf files Management 235 # the $M INDI_CONF/mondorescue.conf.dist is delivered as part of the project and235 # the $MRMINI_CONF/mondorescue.conf.dist is delivered as part of the project and 236 236 # its checksum is verified as we need good default values that we can trust 237 237 # 238 open(MD5,"$M INDI_CONF/mondorescue.conf.dist.md5") || die "Unable to read mandatory $MINDI_CONF/mondorescue.conf.dist.md5: $!";238 open(MD5,"$MRMINI_CONF/mondorescue.conf.dist.md5") || die "Unable to read mandatory $MRMINI_CONF/mondorescue.conf.dist.md5: $!"; 239 239 my $omd5 = <MD5>; 240 240 chop($omd5); 241 241 close(MD5); 242 open(CONF,"$M INDI_CONF/mondorescue.conf.dist") || die "Unable to read mandatory $MINDI_CONF/mondorescue.conf.dist: $!";242 open(CONF,"$MRMINI_CONF/mondorescue.conf.dist") || die "Unable to read mandatory $MRMINI_CONF/mondorescue.conf.dist: $!"; 243 243 my $md5 = Digest::MD5->new; 244 244 binmode(CONF); 245 245 $md5->addfile(CONF); 246 die "Invalid MD5 found sum for $M INDI_CONF/mondorescue.conf.dist: $md5->hexdigest" if ($omd5 ne $md5->hexdigest);246 die "Invalid MD5 found sum for $MRMINI_CONF/mondorescue.conf.dist: $md5->hexdigest" if ($omd5 ne $md5->hexdigest); 247 247 close(CONF); 248 248 249 249 # Adds conf files in order 250 pb_conf_add("$ENV{'HOME'}/.mondorescuerc","$M INDI_CONF/mondorescue.conf","$MINDI_CONF/mondorescue.conf.dist");250 pb_conf_add("$ENV{'HOME'}/.mondorescuerc","$MRMINI_CONF/mondorescue.conf","$MRMINI_CONF/mondorescue.conf.dist"); 251 251 252 252 # 253 253 # Configuration parameters 254 254 # 255 $ENV{'PBPROJ'} = "m indi";255 $ENV{'PBPROJ'} = "mrmini"; 256 256 my ($mr_boot_size,$mr_boot_cd,$mr_boot_usb,$mr_boot_tape,$mr_kernel,$mr_fstab) = pb_conf_get("mr_boot_size","mr_boot_cd","mr_boot_usb","mr_boot_tape","mr_kernel","mr_fstab"); 257 257 my ($mr_tape_mods,$mr_scsi_mods,$mr_ide_mods,$mr_pcmcia_mods,$mr_usb_mods,$mr_net_mods,$mr_cdrom_mods,$mr_deny_mods,$mr_force_mods) = pb_conf_get("mr_tape_mods","mr_scsi_mods","mr_ide_mods","mr_pcmcia_mods","mr_usb_mods","mr_net_mods","mr_cdrom_mods","mr_extra_mods","mr_deny_mods","mr_force_mods"); … … 271 271 pb_log_init($pbdebug, $pbLOG); 272 272 273 pb_log(0,"m indi start date: $mr_date");273 pb_log(0,"mrmini start date: $mr_date"); 274 274 pb_log(0,"-------------------------------------"); 275 pb_log(0,"m indi v$MINDI_VERSION");275 pb_log(0,"mrmini v$MRMINI_VERSION"); 276 276 pb_log(0,"$ARCH architecture detected"); 277 pb_log(0,"m indi called with the following arguments: ".join(" ",@ARGV));277 pb_log(0,"mrmini called with the following arguments: ".join(" ",@ARGV)); 278 278 pb_log(0,"-------------------------------------"); 279 279 pb_log(0,"MONDO_CACHE: $ENV{'MONDO_CACHE'}") if (defined $ENV{'MONDO_CACHE'}); 280 pb_log(0,"M INDI_LIB: $MINDI_LIB");281 pb_log(0,"M INDI_CONF: $MINDI_CONF");282 pb_log(0,"M INDI_SBIN: $MINDI_SBIN");280 pb_log(0,"MRMINI_LIB: $MRMINI_LIB"); 281 pb_log(0,"MRMINI_CONF: $MRMINI_CONF"); 282 pb_log(0,"MRMINI_SBIN: $MRMINI_SBIN"); 283 283 if (-r "$ENV{'HOME'}/.mondorescuerc") { 284 284 pb_log(0,"-------------------------------------"); … … 286 286 pb_display_file("$ENV{'HOME'}/.mondorescuerc"); 287 287 } 288 if (-r "$M INDI_CONF/mondorescue.conf") {288 if (-r "$MRMINI_CONF/mondorescue.conf") { 289 289 pb_log(0,"-------------------------------------"); 290 pb_log(0,"Conf file $M INDI_CONF/mondorescue.conf");291 pb_display_file("$M INDI_CONF/mondorescue.conf");290 pb_log(0,"Conf file $MRMINI_CONF/mondorescue.conf"); 291 pb_display_file("$MRMINI_CONF/mondorescue.conf"); 292 292 } 293 293 pb_log(0,"-------------------------------------"); -
r2540 r2648 25 25 =head1 NAME 26 26 27 mrprepare-lvm - A M indiTool to restore the LVM configuration and apply it27 mrprepare-lvm - A MondoRescue Tool to restore the LVM configuration and apply it 28 28 29 29 =head1 DESCRIPTION … … 135 135 # Global variables 136 136 # 137 my $M INDI_VERSION = "PBVER-rPBREV";138 my $M INDI_PREFIX = "PBPREFIX";139 my $M INDI_CONF = "PBCONF";140 my $M INDI_LIB = "PBLIB";141 my $M INDI_SBIN = "$MINDI_PREFIX/sbin";137 my $MRMINI_VERSION = "PBVER-rPBREV"; 138 my $MRMINI_PREFIX = "PBPREFIX"; 139 my $MRMINI_CONF = "PBCONF"; 140 my $MRMINI_LIB = "PBLIB"; 141 my $MRMINI_SBIN = "$MRMINI_PREFIX/sbin"; 142 142 # 143 143 # Temp dir
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