- Timestamp:
- Dec 23, 2005, 5:25:52 PM (19 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk
- Files:
- 1 deleted
- 10 edited
- 1 copied
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r236 r262 7 7 8 8 Add the following line to your default file: 9 mondo9 label mondo 10 10 kernel vmlinuz-mondo 11 initrdinitrd-mondo load_ramdisk=1 prompt_ramdisk=0 ramdisk_size=36864 rw root=/dev/ram iso_mode acpi=off apm=off devfs=nomount exec-shield=0 pxe [prefix="machine"] [ipconf=(ipadr:netmask:broadcast:gateway|dhcp)] [ping=#] ...11 append initrd=initrd-mondo load_ramdisk=1 prompt_ramdisk=0 ramdisk_size=36864 rw root=/dev/ram iso_mode acpi=off apm=off devfs=nomount exec-shield=0 pxe [prefix="machine"] [ipconf=(ipadr:netmask:broadcast:gateway|dhcp)] [ping=#] ... 12 12 13 13 The initrd and kernel file come rom the first bootable media -
r244 r262 129 129 if which awk &> /dev/null ; then 130 130 if ! which gawk &> /dev/null ; then 131 LogIt "You have awk but not gawk. Please note that mindi works fine with a _sane_ awk binary. If your awk binary misbehaves then please contact your vendor or distribution's mailing list for technical support."131 LogIt "You have awk but not gawk.\nPlease note that mindi works fine with a _sane_ awk binary.\nIf your awk binary misbehaves then please contact your vendor\nor distribution's mailing list for technical support.\n" 132 132 fi 133 133 fi … … 138 138 FDISKLOG=/tmp/parted2fdisk.log 139 139 touch $FDISKLOG 140 # if [ "`cat /etc/issue.net 2> /dev/null | fgrep -i "debian"`" ] ; then141 # LogIt "Warning - You are a Debian user. If mindi doesn't generate a good mountlist, it's because of a bug in YOUR awk binary. Don't tell me about it. Tell awk.deb's maintainer about it."142 # fi143 140 [ ! -e "$FDISK" ] && Die "Cannot find (s)fdisk" 144 141 } … … 235 232 mappath=`find $KEYDIR/keymaps | grep "i[3-8]86" | grep "$locale[^r][^/]" | grep -vx " *#.*"` 236 233 if [ ! -e "$mappath" ] ; then 237 LogIt "Cannot add $mappath: kbd map file not found "234 LogIt "Cannot add $mappath: kbd map file not found\n" 238 235 return 239 236 fi … … 243 240 244 241 mkdir -p $bigdir/etc 245 cp --parents -pRdf $mappath $bigdir || LogIt "AKMF -- Could not copy $mappath to $bigdir "242 cp --parents -pRdf $mappath $bigdir || LogIt "AKMF -- Could not copy $mappath to $bigdir\n" 246 243 if [ "`echo $mappath | fgrep ".gz"`" ] ; then 247 244 included_list=`gzip -dc $mappath | fgrep -i include | sed s/'"'// | sed s/'"'// | cut -d' ' -f2` … … 285 282 if [ "`echo "$filename" | fgrep "lib/modules/" | grep "\.*o\.gz"`" != "" ] ; then 286 283 mv $scratchfile $scratchfile.gz 287 gunzip -f $scratchfile || LogIt "Cannot gunzip $scratchfile.gz "284 gunzip -f $scratchfile || LogIt "Cannot gunzip $scratchfile.gz\n" 288 285 filename=`echo "$filename" | tr '.' '#' | sed s/#o#gz/#o/ | sed s/#ko#gz/#ko/ | tr '#' '.'` 289 286 fi … … 309 306 if [ $liloc ]; then 310 307 if ! [ `strings $liloc | grep "boot\.b"` ]; then 311 LogIt "boot.b files built into lilo; I'll create a dummy. "308 LogIt "boot.b files built into lilo; I'll create a dummy.\n" 312 309 > $copy_to 313 310 return 0 … … 315 312 fi 316 313 if [ ! -f "$copy_from" ] ; then 317 LogIt "OK, you don't have a /boot/boot.b file, which is odd because most _good_ Linux distributions come with one, even if it's only a softlink"314 LogIt "OK, you don't have a /boot/boot.b file, which is odd because\n most _good_ Linux distributions come with one, even if it's only a softlink" 318 315 copy_from=`cat /etc/lilo.conf | grep install= | grep "\.b" | cut -d'=' -f2` 319 316 if [ ! -f "$copy_from" ] ; then 320 LogIt "Nor can I find it from your /etc/lilo.conf file. This is very odd. "317 LogIt "Nor can I find it from your /etc/lilo.conf file. This is very odd.\n" 321 318 copy_from=`FindSensibleBootBFile` 322 LogIt "I'm going to use '$copy_from' "323 fi 324 fi 325 cp -f $copy_from $copy_to || LogIt "CBBF -- warning -- cannot find your boot.b file. That's it, I quit... (j/k) "319 LogIt "I'm going to use '$copy_from'\n" 320 fi 321 fi 322 cp -f $copy_from $copy_to || LogIt "CBBF -- warning -- cannot find your boot.b file. That's it, I quit... (j/k)\n" 326 323 } 327 324 … … 346 343 cp --parents -Rdf $incoming $outdir || Die "Cannot copy $incoming to $outdir - did you run out of disk space?" 347 344 if [ "`echo "$incoming" | grep "lib/modules/.*\..*o\.gz"`" != "" ] ; then 348 gunzip -f $outdir/$incoming || LogIt "Cannot gunzip $outdir/$incoming "345 gunzip -f $outdir/$incoming || LogIt "Cannot gunzip $outdir/$incoming\n" 349 346 fi 350 347 [ -x "$outdir" ] && StripExecutable $outdir "-$filename-" … … 391 388 done 392 389 echo -e "$DONE" 393 LogIt "$comment has been written. "390 LogIt "$comment has been written.\n" 394 391 } 395 392 … … 423 420 while [ "$diskno" -le "$noof_disks" ] ; do 424 421 echo -en "#$diskno..." 425 cp -f $tardir/$diskno.tar.gz $outdir || LogIt "[line 424] Cannot copy $tardir/$diskno.tar.gz to $outdir "422 cp -f $tardir/$diskno.tar.gz $outdir || LogIt "[line 424] Cannot copy $tardir/$diskno.tar.gz to $outdir\n" 426 423 CreateOneDataDiskImage $tardir/$diskno.tar.gz $outdir/mindi-data-$diskno.img $diskno $noof_disks 427 424 diskno=$(($diskno+1)) … … 494 491 tar -cf - mindi.err | gzip -9 > mindi.err.$$.tgz 495 492 rm -Rf mindi.err /tmp/mountlist.txt.$$ mindilinux $FDISKLOG 496 LogIt "Please e-mail a copy of /tmp/mindi.err.$$.tgz to the mailing list. "497 LogIt "See http://www.mondorescue.org for more information. "498 LogIt "WE CANNOT HELP unless you enclose that file. "493 LogIt "Please e-mail a copy of /tmp/mindi.err.$$.tgz to the mailing list.\n" 494 LogIt "See http://www.mondorescue.org for more information.\n" 495 LogIt "WE CANNOT HELP unless you enclose that file.\n" 499 496 exit 1 500 497 } … … 544 541 FindAndAddUserKeyboardMappingFile() { 545 542 local r res mapfile mappath included_item included_list keyfile mp locale 546 LogIt "Analyzing your keyboard's configuration. "543 LogIt "Analyzing your keyboard's configuration.\n" 547 544 KEYDIR=/lib/kbd 548 545 [ ! -e "$KEYDIR" ] && KEYDIR=/usr/share/kbd # Slackware … … 550 547 [ ! -e "$KEYDIR" ] && KEYDIR=/usr/share 551 548 if [ ! -e "$KEYDIR" ] ; then 552 LogIt "Keyboard mapping directory not found. I shall use default map at boot-time. "549 LogIt "Keyboard mapping directory not found. I shall use default map at boot-time.\n" 553 550 return 0 554 551 fi … … 576 573 keyfile=`find /etc -name rc.config | head -n1` 577 574 if [ "$keyfile" = "" ] || [ ! -e "$keyfile" ] ; then 578 LogIt "Unknown config detected. Default keyboard map will be used. "575 LogIt "Unknown config detected. Default keyboard map will be used.\n" 579 576 return 580 577 else … … 583 580 fi 584 581 if [ ! -e "$KEYDIR/keymaps" ] ; then 585 LogIt "Keyboard mapping directory not found. Default keyboard map will be used. "582 LogIt "Keyboard mapping directory not found. Default keyboard map will be used.\n" 586 583 return 587 584 fi … … 601 598 echo "mappath = $mappath" >> $LOGFILE 602 599 if [ ! -e "$mappath" ] || [ -d "$mappath" ] ; then 603 LogIt "Keyboard mapping file not found. Default keyboard map will be used. "600 LogIt "Keyboard mapping file not found. Default keyboard map will be used.\n" 604 601 return 605 602 fi … … 618 615 619 616 FindHomeOfMindiAndMondo() { 620 # nice patch from Martin Fürstenau621 for mh in /usr/lib /usr/opt /usr/share /usr/local /usr/local/share /usr/share/local /opt /opt/share /usr /ramdisk/usr/local/share /ramdisk/usr/share ; do622 if [ ! -L $mh ] ; then623 MH_PATH=$mh624 SYMLINK=0625 while [ $MH_PATH != "/" ] ; do626 MH_PATH=`dirname $MH_PATH`627 if [ -L $MH_PATH ] ; then628 SYMLINK=1629 fi630 done631 632 if [ $SYMLINK -ne 1 ] ; then633 if [ -d "$mh/mondo" ] && [ -e "$mh/mondo/restore-scripts" ] ; then634 [ "$MONDO_HOME" ] && Die "You have multiple instances of Mondo - one at $MONDO_HOME and one at $mh/mondo"635 MONDO_HOME=$mh/mondo636 fi637 fi638 fi639 done640 # end patch641 642 617 [ "$MINDI_PREFIX" = "XXX" ] && Die "Mindi has not been installed correctly." 643 618 echo "MINDI_LIB = $MINDI_LIB" >> $LOGFILE … … 645 620 [ "$MINDI_CONF" = "YYY" ] && Die "Mindi has not been installed correctly." 646 621 echo "MINDI_CONF = $MINDI_CONF" >> $LOGFILE 647 echo "MONDO_ HOME = $MONDO_HOME" >> $LOGFILE622 echo "MONDO_LIB = $MONDO_LIB" >> $LOGFILE 648 623 mkdir -p $CACHE_LOC 649 624 } … … 669 644 if which lilo.real > /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then 670 645 LILO_EXE=lilo.real 671 LogIt "lilo.real found; will be used instead of lilo (*grumble* *mutter*) "646 LogIt "lilo.real found; will be used instead of lilo (*grumble* *mutter*)\n" 672 647 else 673 648 LILO_EXE=lilo … … 724 699 fi 725 700 if [ ! -e "$1" ] ; then 726 LogIt "Warning - cannot search specific path '$1' "701 LogIt "Warning - cannot search specific path '$1'\n" 727 702 return 1 728 703 fi … … 864 839 mkdir -p $bigdir/bin 865 840 if [ -e "$MONDO_TMP/post-nuke.tgz" ] ; then 866 LogIt "\nIncorporating post-nuke tarball "841 LogIt "\nIncorporating post-nuke tarball\n" 867 842 old_pwd=`pwd` 868 843 cd $bigdir 869 tar -zxf $MONDO_TMP/post-nuke.tgz || LogIt "Error occurred when untarring post-nuke tarball "844 tar -zxf $MONDO_TMP/post-nuke.tgz || LogIt "Error occurred when untarring post-nuke tarball\n" 870 845 cd $old_pwd 871 846 fi … … 873 848 LocateDeps $bigdir/usr/bin/mondo*restore >> $outfile.pre 874 849 else 875 LogIt "Cannot find mondo*restore in mondo's tempdir, $MONDO_TMP "876 LogIt "I bet you've got a spare copy of Mondo or Mindi floating around on your system. "877 LogIt "If Mindi was called by Mondo then send me a bug report. It not, type 'ps ax' to see which Mondo-related process is still running; then kill it. :-)Finally, run Mindi again."850 LogIt "Cannot find mondo*restore in mondo's tempdir, $MONDO_TMP\n" 851 LogIt "I bet you've got a spare copy of Mondo or Mindi floating around on your system.\n" 852 LogIt "If Mindi was called by Mondo then send me a bug report.\n It not, type 'ps ax' to see which Mondo-related process is still running;\n then kill it. :-)\n Finally, run Mindi again." 878 853 Die "Odd." 879 854 fi 880 cp -f $MONDO_TMP/BOOTLOADER.* $bigdir 2> /dev/null || LogIt "\nMondo v1.2x defaults to LILO as the bootloader, BTW. "855 cp -f $MONDO_TMP/BOOTLOADER.* $bigdir 2> /dev/null || LogIt "\nMondo v1.2x defaults to LILO as the bootloader, BTW.\n" 881 856 if [ -e "$MONDO_TMP/start-nfs" ] ; then 882 LogIt "Incorporating NFS-related settings "857 LogIt "Incorporating NFS-related settings\n" 883 858 cp -f $MONDO_TMP/start-nfs $bigdir/sbin || Die "Cannot find start-nfs" 884 859 for r in NFS-SERVER-MOUNT NFS-SERVER-PATH NFS-DEV NFS-CLIENT-IPADDR NFS-SERVER-IPADDR ; do … … 1440 1415 partition_format="compaq" 1441 1416 elif [ ! "`fgrep device /etc/raidtab 2> /dev/null | grep -w $current_partition`" ] ; then 1442 LogIt "Unable to find mountpoint of $current_partition - ignoring "1417 LogIt "Unable to find mountpoint of $current_partition - ignoring\n" 1443 1418 continue 1444 1419 fi … … 1592 1567 fi 1593 1568 if [ ! "$MONDO_TMP" ] ; then 1594 LogIt "NB: Mindi's bootable CD always uses isolinux. "1595 LogIt "For a bootable CD w/LILO, please use Mondo. "1569 LogIt "NB: Mindi's bootable CD always uses isolinux.\n" 1570 LogIt "For a bootable CD w/LILO, please use Mondo.\n" 1596 1571 fi 1597 1572 rm -Rf $TMP_ROOT/iso … … 1607 1582 k=$TMP_ROOT/iso/isolinux 1608 1583 if [ -e "$j" ] ; then 1609 LogIt "Copying $j to $k "1584 LogIt "Copying $j to $k\n" 1610 1585 cp -f $j $k || Die "Failed to copy $j to $k" 1611 1586 cp -f $j $TMP_ROOT || Die "Failed to copy $j to $k" … … 1631 1606 cp -f $TMP_ROOT/iso/isolinux/{isolinux.cfg,initrd.img,vmlinuz,isolinux.bin,message.txt} $MONDO_ROOT || Die "Cannot copy core files to ramdisk for boot disk. Did you run out of disk space?" 1632 1607 fi 1633 [ "$MONDO_ HOME" ] && cp -f $MONDO_HOME/autorun .1608 [ "$MONDO_LIB" ] && cp -f $MONDO_LIB/autorun . 1634 1609 if [ -d "/home/MondoCD" ] ; then 1635 1610 cp -pRdu /home/MondoCD/* . … … 1713 1688 cp -f $1 vmlinuz 1714 1689 if [ "$?" -ne "0" ] ; then 1715 LogIt "Failed to copy $1 to ramdisk "1690 LogIt "Failed to copy $1 to ramdisk\n" 1716 1691 cd $old_pwd 1717 1692 umount $mtpt … … 1907 1882 LogIt "Please unload some of your modules and try again.\n" 1908 1883 rm -f $TMP_ROOT/mtpt.$$ 1909 LogIt "Cannot incorporate mindi.rdz in bootdisk (kernel / modules too big?) "1884 LogIt "Cannot incorporate mindi.rdz in bootdisk (kernel / modules too big?)\n" 1910 1885 retval=$(($retval+1)) 1911 1886 fi … … 1945 1920 res=$(($res+$?)) 1946 1921 rm -f $imagefile 1947 [ "$res" -ne "0" ] && LogIt "Warning - failed to create 1.44MB boot/root floppies "1922 [ "$res" -ne "0" ] && LogIt "Warning - failed to create 1.44MB boot/root floppies\n" 1948 1923 rm -f $imagesdir/mindi-*.1440.img 1949 1924 return $res … … 2053 2028 LogIt "Please unload some of your modules and try again.\n" 2054 2029 rm -f $TMP_ROOT/mtpt.$$ 2055 LogIt "Cannot incorporate mindi.rdz in bootdisk (kernel / modules too big?) "2030 LogIt "Cannot incorporate mindi.rdz in bootdisk (kernel / modules too big?)\n" 2056 2031 retval=$(($retval+1)) 2057 2032 fi … … 2083 2058 res=$(($res+$?)) 2084 2059 rm -f $imagefile 2085 [ "$res" -ne "0" ] && LogIt "Warning - failed to create 1.44MB boot/root floppies "2060 [ "$res" -ne "0" ] && LogIt "Warning - failed to create 1.44MB boot/root floppies\n" 2086 2061 return $res 2087 2062 fi … … 2185 2160 i=`cat $MONDO_TMP/BOOTLOADER.DEVICE 2> /dev/null` 2186 2161 if [ "$i" ] ; then 2187 LogIt "Backing up $i's MBR "2162 LogIt "Backing up $i's MBR\n" 2188 2163 dd if=$i of=$bigdir/BOOTLOADER.MBR bs=446 count=1 >> $LOGFILE 2>> $LOGFILE 2189 2164 # < < E O F … … 2193 2168 j=$i 2194 2169 [ -h "$j" ] && j=`ResolveSoftlink $j` 2195 LogIt "Creating /dev/boot_device ($j) "2170 LogIt "Creating /dev/boot_device ($j)\n" 2196 2171 mkdir -p $bigdir/dev 2197 2172 cp -pRdf $j $bigdir/dev/boot_device || Die "Unable to create /dev/boot_device on ramdisk" … … 2208 2183 tar -zxf $MINDI_LIB/x11-tools.tgz 2>> $LOGFILE || LogIt "Warning - error occurred while unzipping x11-tools.tgz\n" 2209 2184 fi 2210 if [ -e "$MONDO_ HOME/restore-scripts" ] ; then2211 cp -Rdf $MONDO_ HOME/restore-scripts/* . 2>> $LOGFILE2212 [ "$?" -ne "0" ] && [ "`DidMondoCallMe`" ] && Die "Cannot find/install $MONDO_ HOME/restore-scripts"2185 if [ -e "$MONDO_LIB/restore-scripts" ] ; then 2186 cp -Rdf $MONDO_LIB/restore-scripts/* . 2>> $LOGFILE 2187 [ "$?" -ne "0" ] && [ "`DidMondoCallMe`" ] && Die "Cannot find/install $MONDO_LIB/restore-scripts" 2213 2188 fi 2214 2189 [ -d "/lib/dev-state" ] && cp --parents -pRdf /lib/dev-state . … … 2575 2550 else 2576 2551 if [ "`strings $fname 2> /dev/null | fgrep "$kdate"`" = "" ] ; then 2577 LogIt "Have you recompiled your kernel \"$fname\" w/o rebooting? Naughty but I'll allow it...\n"2552 LogIt "Have you recompiled your kernel \"$fname\" w/o rebooting?\n Naughty but I'll allow it...\n" 2578 2553 duff_kernels="$fname $duff_kernels" 2579 2554 else … … 2587 2562 fi 2588 2563 if [ ! "$possible_kernels" ] ; then 2589 LogIt "No kernel matches exactly. Are there any duff kernels? "2564 LogIt "No kernel matches exactly. Are there any duff kernels?\n" 2590 2565 possible_kernels="$duff_kernels" 2591 2566 if [ ! "$possible_kernels" ] ; then 2592 LogIt "Sorry, no duff kernels either "2567 LogIt "Sorry, no duff kernels either\n" 2593 2568 else 2594 LogIt "I bet you're running Debian or Gentoo, aren't you? "2595 LogIt "Your kernel doesn't have a sane builddate. Oh well... "2569 LogIt "I bet you're running Debian or Gentoo, aren't you?\n" 2570 LogIt "Your kernel doesn't have a sane builddate. Oh well...\n" 2596 2571 fi 2597 2572 fi … … 2614 2589 if echo $i | grep "`uname -r`" ; then 2615 2590 LogIt "OK, I used my initiative and found that " 2616 LogIt "$i is probably your kernel. "2591 LogIt "$i is probably your kernel.\n " 2617 2592 output="$i" 2618 2593 return … … 2786 2761 rm -f $mountpoint/bin/busybox.net 2787 2762 fi 2788 [ -e "$floppy_modules_path" ] || LogIt "path $floppy_modules_path does not exist. If you're not using a modular kernel then you're NUTS."2763 [ -e "$floppy_modules_path" ] || LogIt "path $floppy_modules_path does not exist.\n If you're not using a modular kernel then you're NUTS.\n" 2789 2764 for i in $list_of_groovy_mods ; do 2790 2765 floppy_modules="$floppy_modules `FindSpecificModuleInPath $floppy_modules_path $i`" … … 2794 2769 [ "$YOUR_KERNEL_SUCKS" ] && i=$TMP_ROOT/$i 2795 2770 echo "Adding $i ($s KB) to the rootfs" >> $LOGFILE 2796 cp -df $i $mountpoint/ || LogIt "Unable to copy $i to $mountpoint "2771 cp -df $i $mountpoint/ || LogIt "Unable to copy $i to $mountpoint\n" 2797 2772 [ "`echo "$i" | fgrep ".gz"`" ] && gunzip -f $mountpoint/`basename $i` 2798 2773 done … … 2866 2841 diskno=1 2867 2842 while [ "$diskno" -le "$noof_disks" ] ; do 2868 cd $minidir_root/$diskno || LogIt "Warning - cannot cd to $minidir_root/$diskno "2843 cd $minidir_root/$diskno || LogIt "Warning - cannot cd to $minidir_root/$diskno\n" 2869 2844 tar -cf - . 2>> $LOGFILE | gzip -9 > $tardir/$diskno.tar.gz || Die "Can't tar/gzip disk#$diskno; please tell Hugo -exactly- what the errors where." 2870 2845 diskno=$(($diskno+1)) … … 2941 2916 2942 2917 if [ -e "/etc/conf.modules" ] && [ ! -e "/etc/modules.conf" ] ; then 2943 LogIt "Warning - Ancient distro detected. " 12918 LogIt "Warning - Ancient distro detected.\n" 1 2944 2919 ln -sf /etc/conf.modules /etc/modules.conf 2945 2920 fi … … 2975 2950 FindLiloBinary 2976 2951 fi 2977 cat /proc/mounts | fgrep " $TMP_ROOT " | fgrep tmpfs > /dev/null 2> /dev/null && TMP_ROOT=/home && LogIt "Changing TMP_ROOT to $TMP_ROOT because you're using tmpfs for /tmp " ; # tmpfs doesn't like Mindi and /tmp, for some reason2952 cat /proc/mounts | fgrep " $TMP_ROOT " | fgrep tmpfs > /dev/null 2> /dev/null && TMP_ROOT=/home && LogIt "Changing TMP_ROOT to $TMP_ROOT because you're using tmpfs for /tmp\n" ; # tmpfs doesn't like Mindi and /tmp, for some reason 2978 2953 rm -f /tmp/mindi_lo 2979 2954 trap "Aborted" SIGTERM … … 3031 3006 ### 3032 3007 kernelname=`echo $kernelpath | cut -d'-' -f2-` 3033 LogIt "kernelname = $kernelname "3034 LogIt "kernelpath = $kernelpath "3008 LogIt "kernelname = $kernelname\n" 3009 LogIt "kernelpath = $kernelpath\n" 3035 3010 if [ ! -d "/lib/modules/$kernelname" ] && [ "$kernelpath" != "FAILSAFE" ] 3036 3011 then … … 3069 3044 [ "$USE_COMP" = "" ] && USE_COMP=yes 3070 3045 [ "$NOT_BOOT" = "" ] && NOT_BOOT=no 3071 [ "$TAPEDEV" ] && LogIt "This is a tape-based backup. Fine. "3046 [ "$TAPEDEV" ] && LogIt "This is a tape-based backup. Fine.\n" 3072 3047 [ "$kernelpath" = "" ] && kernelpath=`TryToFindKernelPath` 3073 3048 kernelname=`echo $kernelpath | cut -d'-' -f2-` … … 3117 3092 mkdir -p $imagesdir 3118 3093 if [ ! "`DidMondoCallMe`" ] ; then 3119 LogIt "Mindi Linux mini-distro generator v$MINDI_VERSION "3120 LogIt "Latest Mindi is available from http://mondorescue.berlios.de "3121 LogIt "BusyBox sources are available from http://www.busybox.net "3094 LogIt "Mindi Linux mini-distro generator v$MINDI_VERSION\n" 3095 LogIt "Latest Mindi is available from http://mondorescue.berlios.de\n" 3096 LogIt "BusyBox sources are available from http://www.busybox.net\n" 3122 3097 LogIt "------------------------------------------------------------------------------" 3123 3098 else … … 3138 3113 echo "NOT_BOOT = '$NOT_BOOT'" >> $LOGFILE 3139 3114 if [ "$NOT_BOOT" != "" ] && [ "$NOT_BOOT" != "0" ] && [ "$NOT_BOOT" != "no" ] ; then 3140 LogIt "Just creating mondo-restore.cfg and a small all.tar.gz for Mondo. Nothing else. "3115 LogIt "Just creating mondo-restore.cfg and a small all.tar.gz for Mondo. Nothing else.\n" 3141 3116 MakeMondoConfigFile $MONDO_TMP/mondo-restore.cfg 3142 3117 MakeMountlist $MONDO_TMP/mountlist.txt … … 3181 3156 if [ "$YOUR_KERNEL_SUCKS" != "" ] || [ "$kernelpath" = "" ] || [ "$kernelpath" = "SUCKS" ] || [ "$kernelpath" = "FAILSAFE" ] ; then 3182 3157 kernelpath=$MINDI_LIB/vmlinuz 3183 LogIt "I shall include Mindi's failsafe kernel, not your kernel, in the boot disks. "3184 LogIt "However, you are still running your kernel. If Mindi fails to create your "3185 LogIt "disks then it may still be a result of a problem with your kernel. "3158 LogIt "I shall include Mindi's failsafe kernel, not your kernel, in the boot disks.\n" 3159 LogIt "However, you are still running your kernel. If Mindi fails to create your\n" 3160 LogIt "disks then it may still be a result of a problem with your kernel.\n" 3186 3161 pwd=`pwd` 3187 3162 cd $TMP_ROOT … … 3191 3166 fi 3192 3167 echo -e "Mindi's temp dir = $TMP_ROOT \nMindi's output dir=$imagesdir" >> $LOGFILE 3193 [ "$(($RANDOM%64))" -eq "0" ] && LogIt "Dude, I've looked inside your computer and it's really dusty... "3168 [ "$(($RANDOM%64))" -eq "0" ] && LogIt "Dude, I've looked inside your computer and it's really dusty...\n" 3194 3169 rm -f /tmp/mindi.err.*.tgz 3195 3170 … … 3210 3185 else 3211 3186 if ! PrepareBootDiskImage_LILO $imagesdir 1722 $kernelpath $ramdisk_size ; then 3212 LogIt "Warning - failed to create 1.72MB boot image. Please reduce your kernel's size "3213 LogIt "if you want to make a 1.72MB floppy disk. "3187 LogIt "Warning - failed to create 1.72MB boot image. Please reduce your kernel's size\n" 3188 LogIt "if you want to make a 1.72MB floppy disk.\n" 3214 3189 fi 3215 3190 PrepareBootDiskImage_LILO $imagesdir 2880 $kernelpath $ramdisk_size || Die "Failed to create 2.88MB floppy disk image." … … 3217 3192 else 3218 3193 if ! PrepareBootDiskImage_SYSLINUX $imagesdir 1722 $kernelpath $ramdisk_size ; then 3219 LogIt "Warning - failed to create 1.72MB boot image. Please reduce your kernel's size "3220 LogIt "if you want to make a 1.72MB floppy disk. "3194 LogIt "Warning - failed to create 1.72MB boot image. Please reduce your kernel's size\n" 3195 LogIt "if you want to make a 1.72MB floppy disk.\n" 3221 3196 fi 3222 3197 if ! PrepareBootDiskImage_SYSLINUX $imagesdir 2880 $kernelpath $ramdisk_size ; then 3223 LogIt "Warning - failed to create 2.88MB floppy disk image. "3224 LogIt "Please reduce your kernel's size "3225 LogIt "if you want to make a 2.88MB floppy disk. "3198 LogIt "Warning - failed to create 2.88MB floppy disk image.\n" 3199 LogIt "Please reduce your kernel's size\n" 3200 LogIt "if you want to make a 2.88MB floppy disk.\n" 3226 3201 fi 3227 3202 PrepareBootDiskImage_SYSLINUX $imagesdir 5760 $kernelpath $ramdisk_size || Die "Failed to create 5.76MB floppy disk image." … … 3259 3234 if [ "$imagesdir" != "/root/images/mindi" ] ; then 3260 3235 for i in `find $imagesdir -maxdepth 1 -name "*.iso" -o -name "*.img"` ; do 3261 cp -f $i /root/images/mindi || LogIt "[line 3260] Cannot copy $i to /root/images/mindi "3236 cp -f $i /root/images/mindi || LogIt "[line 3260] Cannot copy $i to /root/images/mindi\n" 3262 3237 done 3263 3238 fi … … 3265 3240 # cleanup 3266 3241 rm -f /tmp/mountlist.txt.$$ $FDISKLOG /tmp/mindilinux 3267 LogIt "$FRIENDLY_OUTSTRING "3242 LogIt "$FRIENDLY_OUTSTRING\n" 3268 3243 ListUnsavedKernelModules 3269 3244 for mtpt in $FLOPPY_WAS_MOUNTED ; do -
r250 r262 93 93 %defattr(644,root,root,755) 94 94 %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/mindi/deplist.txt 95 %doc C HANGESINSTALL COPYING README TODO README.ia64 README.pxe README.busybox95 %doc ChangeLog INSTALL COPYING README TODO README.ia64 README.pxe README.busybox 96 96 %{_mandir} 97 97 %{_libdir}/mindi -
r197 r262 1 # $Id$ 2 1 3 MONDO CHANGES 2 4 … … 7 9 needed + remove memory leaks) 8 10 9 v2.06 ( xxx)11 v2.06 (2005-12-23) 10 12 - better error handling of failed commands/mindi (Andree Leidenfrost) 11 13 - fix compiler warnings (Andree Leidenfrost) … … 30 32 - remove sbminst (Bruno Cornec/Andree Leidenfrost) 31 33 - use parted2fdisk everywhere (Bruno Cornec) 34 - exports MONDO_LIB (Bruno Cornec) 35 - RPM build for fedora core 4, sles9, redhat 7.3, rhel 3/4, mandriva 2006.0, 36 mandrake 10.2 (Bruno Cornec/Gary Granger) 37 - interactive mode now asks for image size and prefix in NFS mode 38 (Gallig Renaud/Bruno Cornec) 39 - iso-prefix should be read in iso mode even when -H not given (Stan Benoit) 40 - VERSION/RELEASE Tag added (Bruno Cornec) 41 - many code cleanup, small fixes, PXE/NFS code improvements 42 (Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni/Bruno Cornec) 32 43 33 44 v2.05 (2005-11-19) … … 464 475 """""""""" 465 476 v1.40-6 (STABLE) 466 - incorporated new config.guess, config.sub (H �tor Garc� �varez)477 - incorporated new config.guess, config.sub (H�tor Garc� �varez) 467 478 - updated manual to explain tmpfs needs to be in kernel (Mikael Hultgren) 468 479 - don't let non-root users run mondoarchive -
r59 r262 41 41 char *filelist, char *fname, 42 42 int setno); 43 extern void setenv_mondo_lib(void); -
r171 r262 3741 3741 3742 3742 /* @} - end of utilityGroup */ 3743 3744 void setenv_mondo_lib(void) { 3745 3746 setenv("MONDO_LIB", MONDO_LIB, 1); 3747 } -
r59 r262 42 42 int archive_this_fileset_with_star(struct s_bkpinfo *bkpinfo, 43 43 char *filelist, char *fname, int setno); 44 void setenv_mondo_lib(void); -
r252 r262 1697 1697 call_program_and_get_last_line_of_output(command)); 1698 1698 paranoid_free(command); 1699 1700 asprintf(&comment, 1701 "How much data (in Megabytes) will each media store?"); 1702 if (!popup_and_get_string("Size", comment, sz_size, 5)) { 1703 log_to_screen("User has chosen not to backup the PC"); 1704 finish(1); 1705 } 1706 for (i = 0; i <= MAX_NOOF_MEDIA; i++) { 1707 bkpinfo->media_size[i] = atoi(sz_size); 1708 } 1709 if (bkpinfo->media_size[0] <= 0) { 1710 log_to_screen("User has chosen not to backup the PC"); 1711 finish(1); 1712 } 1713 paranoid_free(comment); 1699 1714 } 1700 1715 if (bkpinfo->disaster_recovery) { -
r252 r262 172 172 setenv("ARCH", get_architecture(), 1); 173 173 174 /* Add MONDO_LIB environment variable for mindi */ 175 setenv_mondo_lib(); 176 174 177 unlink(MONDO_LOGFILE); 175 178 -
r238 r262 46 46 export ddir="rhel" 47 47 export dver=`cat /etc/redhat-release | awk '{print $7}'` 48 elif grep -q Fedora /etc/redhat-release ; then 49 export ddir="fedora" 50 export dver=`cat /etc/redhat-release | awk '{print $4}'` 51 export suf="fc${dver}" 48 52 else 49 53 export ddir="redhat" 50 export dver=`cat /etc/redhat-release | awk '{print $5}' `51 export suf=" ${dver}rh"54 export dver=`cat /etc/redhat-release | awk '{print $5}' | sed "s/\.//"` 55 export suf="rh${dver}" 52 56 fi 53 57 elif [ -e /etc/SuSE-release ]; then
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for help on using the changeset viewer.