Changeset 24 in MondoRescue for trunk/mondo

Sep 16, 2005, 6:43:22 PM (20 years ago)

Correct [ Bug #4991 ] -H option of mondoarchive is not completely automatic

Not tested yet.

1 edited


  • trunk/mondo/mondo/mondorestore/mondo-rstr-tools.c

    r1 r24  
    21552155  malloc_string(tmp);
    2156   if (ask_me_yes_or_no("Have you contributed to the Mondo project financially or in some other way, yet?"))
    2157     {
    2158       log_to_screen("Thank you for supporting Mondo. It goes from strength to strength,");
    2159       log_to_screen("thanks to the support of users like you.");
    2160     }
    2161   else
    2162     {
    2163       if (ask_me_yes_or_no("Are you or your company willing to consider contributing to Mondo in some way?"))
    2164         {
    2165           popup_and_OK("To support the project which has just performed a valuable service for you, please visit; click on 'Download' and then 'PayPal'.");
    2166         }
    2167       else
    2168         {
    2169           log_to_screen("Free Software, like freedom itself, must be supported or it will be lost.");
    2170           log_msg(1, "To your credit, you were honest: you said no, you wouldn't be contributing");
    2171           log_msg(1, "to this project, ever. However, that makes you a freeloader. I bet you're");
    2172           log_msg(1, "the sort of person who likes to sneak into movie theatres...");
    2173           popup_and_OK("If you ever change your mind, you may support this product by going to and clicking on 'Download', followed by 'PalPal'.");
    2174         }
    2175     }
     2156  if (strstr(call_program_and_get_last_line_of_output("cat /proc/cmdline"), "restore") == NULL) {
     2157      if (ask_me_yes_or_no("Have you contributed to the Mondo project financially or in some other way, yet?")) {
     2158          log_to_screen("Thank you for supporting Mondo. It goes from strength to strength,");
     2159          log_to_screen("thanks to the support of users like you.");
     2160          }
     2161      else {
     2162          if (ask_me_yes_or_no("Are you or your company willing to consider contributing to Mondo in some way?")) {
     2163              popup_and_OK("To support the project which has just performed a valuable service for you, please visit; click on 'Download' and then 'PayPal'.");
     2164              }
     2165          else {
     2166              log_to_screen("Free Software, like freedom itself, must be supported or it will be lost.");
     2167              log_msg(1, "To your credit, you were honest: you said no, you wouldn't be contributing");
     2168              log_msg(1, "to this project, ever. However, that makes you a freeloader. I bet you're");
     2169              log_msg(1, "the sort of person who likes to sneak into movie theatres...");
     2170              popup_and_OK("If you ever change your mind, you may support this product by going to and clicking on 'Download', followed by 'PalPal'.");
     2171              }
     2172           }
     2173  }
    21772175#ifdef FREELOADER
    21892187      strcpy(tmp,"M0nd0 h45 r3570r3d j00r 5y573m. P13453 r3m0v3 7h3 b4ckup m3d14 4nd r3b007.");
    21902188    }
    2191   popup_and_OK(tmp);
     2189  if (strstr(call_program_and_get_last_line_of_output("cat /proc/cmdline"), "restore") == NULL) {
     2190      popup_and_OK(tmp);
     2191      }
    21922192  log_to_screen(tmp);
    21932193  paranoid_free(tmp);
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