Changeset 2309 in MondoRescue

Jul 28, 2009, 2:14:23 AM (16 years ago)
Bruno Cornec

Cosmetic changes to allow for quality to not giv false positive

3 edited


  • branches/2.2.9/mondo/src/common/libmondo-archive.c

    r2290 r2309  
    867867    log_msg(1, "lines_in_filelist = %ld", lines_in_filelist);
    869     mr_asprintf(&command,
    870869/*     "mindi --custom 2=%s 3=%s/images 4=\"%s\" 5=\"%s\" \
    8718706=\"%s\" 7=%ld 8=\"%s\" 9=\"%s\" 10=\"%s\" \
    87287111=\"%s\" 12=%s 13=%ld 14=\"%s\" 15=\"%s\" 16=\"%s\" 17=\"%s\" 18=%ld 19=%d",*/
    873             "mindi %s --custom %s %s/images '%s' '%s' \
     872    mr_asprintf(&command, "mindi %s --custom %s %s/images '%s' '%s' \
    874873'%s' %ld '%s' '%s' '%s' \
    875874'%s' %s %ld '%s' '%s' '%s' '%s' %ld %d '%s'", tmp2, bkpinfo->tmpdir,    // parameter #2
  • branches/2.2.9/mondo/src/common/libmondo-cli.c

    r2290 r2309  
    11761176    if (flag_set['b']) {
    1177         mr_asprintf(&psz, flag_val['b']);
     1177        mr_asprintf(&psz, "%s", flag_val['b']);
    11781178        log_msg(1, "psz = '%s'", psz);
    11791179        if (psz[strlen(psz) - 1] == 'k') {
    15731573    case SIGKILL:
    15741574        mr_asprintf(&tmp, "SIGKILL");
    1575         mr_asprintf(&tmp2,
    1576                "I seriously have no clue how this signal even got to me. Something's wrong with your system.");
     1575        mr_asprintf(&tmp2, "I seriously have no clue how this signal even got to me. Something's wrong with your system.");
    15771576        break;
    15781577    case SIGTERM:
    15861585    case SIGSEGV:
    15871586        mr_asprintf(&tmp, "SIGSEGV");
    1588         mr_asprintf(&tmp2,
    1589                "Internal programming error. Please send a backtrace as well as your log.");
     1587        mr_asprintf(&tmp2, "Internal programming error. Please send a backtrace as well as your log.");
    15901588        break;
    15911589    case SIGPIPE:
  • branches/2.2.9/tools/quality

    r2213 r2309  
    2929# How many sprintf/strcat/strcpy vs asprintf are they
    30 for s in asprintf mr_asprintf sprintf strcat strcpy strncpy fgets malloc mr_malloc malloc_string getline mr_getline MAX_STR_LEN getcwd goto free mr_free paranoid_free; do
    31     echo "monodrescue $s usage : "
     30for s in asprintf mr_asprintf sprintf snprintf strcat strcpy strncpy fgets malloc mr_malloc malloc_string getline mr_getline MAX_STR_LEN getcwd goto free mr_free paranoid_free paranoid_system mr_system assert; do
     31    echo "mondorescue $s usage : "
    3232    tot=0
    3333    for i in `find . -name '*.c' -o -name '*.h' |  egrep -v '\.svn|/\*|monitas|mindi-busybox' | xargs grep -r -c -w $s | egrep -v ":0$"`; do
    4040echo " "
    4141echo "Qualimetry: "
    42 find . -name '*.c' -o -name '*.h' |  egrep -v '\.svn|/\*|monitas|/\*|mindi-busybox' | xargs grep -rw asprintf | egrep -v '/\*' | egrep -v 'asprintf\(&' > /tmp/mondo.quality
     42pbg -w asprintf | grep -vE 'monitas|mindi-busybox|quality|/\*|asprintf\(&' > /tmp/mondo.quality
    4343cat /tmp/mondo.quality
    44 echo "monodrescue uses : `cat /tmp/mondo.quality | wc -l` asprintf without &"
    45 find . -name '*.c' -o -name '*.h' |  egrep -v '\.svn|/\*|monitas|/\*|mindi-busybox' | xargs grep -rw getline | egrep -v '/\*' | egrep -v 'getline\(&' > /tmp/mondo.quality
     44echo "mondorescue uses : `cat /tmp/mondo.quality | wc -l` asprintf without &"
     45pbg -w getline | grep -vE 'monitas|mindi-busybox|quality|/\*|getline\(&' > /tmp/mondo.quality
    4646cat /tmp/mondo.quality
    47 echo "monodrescue uses : `cat /tmp/mondo.quality | wc -l` getline without &"
     47echo "mondorescue uses : `cat /tmp/mondo.quality | wc -l` getline without &"
     48pbg mr_asprintf | grep -vE '"|FNAME|ISOFS|syscall_sprintf|mr_mem|quality' > /tmp/mondo.quality
     49cat /tmp/mondo.quality
     50echo "mondorescue uses : `cat /tmp/mondo.quality | wc -l` mr_asprintf without \""
    4951echo " "
    5052echo "Splint: "
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